1092158 A. Tiehm 15349 2006-09-10
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Hot Creek Range, canyon just east of Morey Peak., 38.6263 -116.2744, 2774 - 2774m
1741408 E. D. Merrill 90 1901-07-01
United States of America, Wyoming, Sweetwater Co., North Pilot Butte
1092157 A. Tiehm 15356 2006-09-11
United States of America, Nevada, Mineral Co., Huntoon Mountains, southwest end of Truman Meadows., 37.9614 -118.4859, 2195 - 2195m
United States of America, Oregon, Steens Mtn.
1092156 A. Tiehm 14107 2002-08-22
United States of America, Nevada, Eureka Co., Roberts Mountains, 1.7 road miles north of Three Bars Ranch on the main road to Tonkin Summit., 39.831 -116.4668, 2012m
1092155 A. Tiehm 13010 1999-06-30
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Calico Mountains, McCarty Springs on the west side of the range, east of the Barley Road., 41.1174 -119.2742, 1929 - 1929m
1741481 P. M. Peterson 4511 1986-09-17
United States of America, Colorado, Pitkin Co., 13 mi S of Leadville, 4 mi N of Granite on Hwy 24, W side of Hwy in meadow, 39.062377 -106.292524
1092154 A. Tiehm 9078 1984-07-22
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Sierra Nevada, Carson Range, Dry Creek drainage north of Thomas Creek., 39.4103 -119.852, 2073 - 2073m
1092153 A. Tiehm 8713 1984-06-18
United States of America, Nevada, Lincoln Co., Fortification Range, Indian Springs Canyon on the northeast side of the range, about 1 mile west of the springs., 38.6548 -114.462, 1951 - 1951m
1758898 E. Bourgeau s.n. 1857-00-00
Canada, Saskatchewan
1741464 Collector unknown 3434 1899-08-10
United States of America, Colorado, Larimer Co., 40.899974 -106.308914
1741424 T. A. Williams 2252 1897-07-23
United States of America, Wyoming, Little Laramie River, 41.306255 -105.982223
1092129 D. H. Mansfield 99109 1999-07-02
United States of America, Oregon, Malheur Co., Little Spring Creek Reservoir about 2 miles above confluence with West Little Owyhee River., 42.326467 -117.209933, 1524m
1741350 J. H. Flodman 67 1896-07-20
United States of America, Montana, Spanish Basin, Madison Range, 1829m
1741379 J. H. Flodman 67 1896-07-20
United States of America, Montana, Spanish Basin, Madison Range, 1829m
1741430 E. Evert 10651 1986-08-01
United States of America, Wyoming, Park Co., N. central portion of Logan Mtn, ca. 2-3 mi. N of Hwy 14, 16, & 20, 44.5283 -109.3309, 2195m
1741330 S. M. Tracy s.n. 1891-08-06
United States of America, Mississippi, Starkville, 33.4504 -88.818387
1092125 E. Palmer 481 1877-00-00
United States of America, Utah, Southern Utah, northern Arizona, & c.
1092124 F. H. Ward 611 1875-08-18
United States of America, Utah, Rabbit Valley., 39.2858 -110.076258
1741442 E. F. Evert 2140 1980-07-21
United States of America, Wyoming, Park Co., Absaroka Mountains, N Fork Shoshone River Drainage, W of Wapiti Ranger Station. T52N R106W S21 NE1/4, 44.462566 -109.624382, 1798m
1092152 J. H. Christ 2925 1916-08-01
United States of America, Idaho, Clark Co., Spencer, Little Dry Creek., 44.384736 -112.188992
1741488 F. E. Clements s.n. 1900-00-00
United States of America, Colorado, Mountain View, Pike's Peak
1741391 C. L. Hitchcock 10995 1944-08-12
United States of America, Idaho, Custer Co., Meadow on Mahogany Creek 2 miles from junction with Pahsimeroi River, Lost River Mts, vicinity of Mt. Borah.
663073 N. D. Atwood 28628 2002-06-27
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., Lava Lake along Highway 20/26/93, northeast of Carey, Craters of the Moon National Monument, 43 -113, 1580m
1092076 N. D. Atwood 5894 1973-08-18
United States of America, Utah, Washington Co., Foothills south of Pinto on the north slope of the Pine Valley Mountains., 37.427354 -113.448935
1092093 A. S. Hitchcock 1335 1913-08-03
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Twenty four miles north of Elko.
1092092 A. S. Hitchcock 1333 1913-08-02
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Elko., 40.832421 -115.763123
1741532 J. L. Reveal 532 1963-08-11
United States of America, California, Mono Co., Above the small tarn lakes in the west fork of Warren Creek Canyon near the summit of the base of the talus slopes., 37.9613889 -119.2402778, 3018m
1092091 A. S. Hitchcock 1209 1926-07-13
United States of America, Utah, Wasatch National Forest., 40.726159 -111.190114
1092090 B. F. Harrison 12372 1954-08-06
United States of America, Utah, Wayne Co., 4 miles north of Cyclone Lake, 24 miles north of Escalante., 38.04123 -111.719019
1741483 J. Wolf s.n. 1875-00-00
United States of America, Colorado
1741331 K. M. Wiegand 739 1909-08-09
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., Valley of the Aroostook River. Fort Fairfield. River shore in gravel.
1741419 A. Nelson 7434 1900-07-04
United States of America, Wyoming, Albany Co., Halleck Canon [Canyon]
1741476 S. L. O'Kane, Jr. 15 1984-08-14
United States of America, Colorado, Park Co., Dulap Gulch, East of Confluence with Rock Creek., 39.3393 -105.6913, 2865m
1741423 A. Nelson 2883 1897-07-30
United States of America, Wyoming, Granger. Ham's Fork
1741500 P. C. Standley 13964 1916-08-29
United States of America, New Mexico, Colfax Co., Vicinity of Ute Park, 36.544291 -105.102239, 2200 - 2900m
1741429 D. Atwood 13471 1988-08-11
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., 1/2 mile W of Robertson., 41.185226 -110.422842, 2256m
1741472 G. Rink 3506 2004-07-13
United States of America, Colorado, La Plata Co., Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along watercourse., 37.316697 -107.788066, 2250m
1741536 R. S. Ferris 8868 1934-07-21
United States of America, California, Inyo Co., Sierra Nevada. Loch Leven Fork of Bishop Creek above north lake., 2880m
1741447 K. H. Dueholm 11689 1981-06-28
United States of America, Wyoming, Fremont Co., Wind River Basin: along East Fork of Dry Creek, ca 12 air mi NW of Lysite., 43.3644 -107.8839, 1585m
1741471 C. S. Crandall s.n. 1894-07-16
United States of America, Colorado, Routt Co., Elk River, 40.624744 -106.954582, 1981m
1741459 C. L. Shear 855 1896-07-18
United States of America, Colorado, Conejos Co., 37.469449 -105.86985, 2286m
1741462 R. C. Bunn 293 1938-07-12
United States of America, Colorado, Chaffee Co., Nathrop P. O., 38.745065 -106.082133
1741486 J. Murdoch 4788 1911-07-30
United States of America, Colorado, Mineral Co., Meadow, Goose Creek, 37.664301 -106.874475, 2743m
1092109 V. Duran 506 1930-06-20
United States of America, Nevada, Esmeralda Co., White Mountains, Chiatovitch Creek., 2286m
1741461 C. F. Baker s.n. 1896-07-26
United States of America, Colorado, On Grizzly Creek, 40.500327 -106.441795, 2591m
1741551 C. W. Sharsmith 2367 1936-09-18
United States of America, California, Tuolumne Co., Northwest plateau Mount Dana; Sierra Nevada, 3353m
1741528 A. A. Heller 7040 1903-07-28
United States of America, California, Nevada Co., Lower end of Donner Lake., 39.318086 -120.265222
1741414 R. D. Dorn 8076 1999-08-12
United States of America, Wyoming, Natrona Co., ca. 1 mi. SW of Natrona, 43.0191 -106.8219, 1707m
1741507 J. B. Leiberg 619 1894-08-03
United States of America, Oregon, Klamath Co., Beaver Run. Eastern Oregon., 1650m
1092136 D. S. Correll 34779 1967-08-15
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino Co., Little Pleasant Valley, south of Jacob's Lake, Kaibab National Forest.
1741508 J. B. Leiberg 339 1894-06-27
United States of America, Oregon, Crook Co., Camp at Dry Creek. Eastern Oregon., 1410m
1741410 E. Nelson 435 1901-07-27
United States of America, Wyoming, Albany Co., Laramie River, 41.524774 -105.699483
1092114 C. L. Hitchcock 5605 1939-08-01
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Toiyabe Range, ridge ca. 2 miles north of Toiyabe Dome., 38.8944 -117.3481, 3200 - 3200m
762287 N. D. Atwood 28561 2002-06-26
United States of America, Idaho, Butte Co., 1.3 miles west on Blizzard Road, 0.9 mile west of Highways 20/26/93 fence and 0.4 mile south on road; Craters of the Moon National Monument, 43.516961 -113.566944, 1730m
1741425 A. Nelson 3457 1897-07-31
United States of America, Wyoming, Albany Co., 41.311367 -105.591101
1092113 D. E. Breedlove 58665 1982-08-07
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., North edge Sweetwater Mountains, 2 miles southeast of Desert Creek., 2377m
1092112 B. Rogers 1012 1978-06-06
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, creek on west side of Swan Lake, 6.3 air miles west [actually east] of Refuge sub-HQ., 41.8339 -119.5088, 1993 - 1993m
1092108 I. W. Clokey 8289 1939-07-27
United States of America, Nevada, Clark Co., Charleston Mts, Lee Canyon, at McWilliam's Camp., 2670m
2578704 J. Looman 15449 1970-08-20
Canada, Saskatchewan, NW of Webb.
1092104 J. H. Robertson s.n. 1961-09-04
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Peavine Mt, Po Canyon on north side., 1981m
1741480 E. Hall s.n.
United States of America, Rocky Mts.
1092164 J. C. Beatley 9439 1969-08-09
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Cedar Pass area near saddle, so. Kawich Range., 2134m
1092150 A. M. DeBolt 1284 1989-07-24
United States of America, Idaho, Camas Co., Lava Creek, 2 miles west of Magic Reservoir, Macon Flat., 43.2935 -114.4373, 1676 - 1676m
1092163 A. Tiehm 7404 1982-07-24
United States of America, Nevada, Lyon Co., Pine Nut Mts, along road from Dayton to Como., 39.1638 -119.5195, 1890 - 1890m
1092165 J. C. Beatley 9652 1969-09-17
United States of America, Nevada, Nye Co., Columbine (So. Silent) Cyn, no. of Area 19 camp and w. of jnct of Pahute Mesa and 19-03 rds., 1951m
1092144 A. Nelson 3841 1897-07-27
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., Evanston., 41.1819 -104.0692, 2060 - 2060m
1741460 T. R. Dudley 1573 1936-08-27
United States of America, Colorado, Dolores Co., Open meadow 14 miles north of Dolores, 37.676885 -108.504536, 2438m
1741457 W. A. Weber 9152 1955-07-11
United States of America, Colorado, Gunnison Co., roadside embankment beside meadows along Tomichi Creek between Gunnison and Parlin
1092149 J. H. Christ 8034 1937-06-26
United States of America, Idaho, Twin Falls Co., On McCullen Creek, southwest of Murtaugh, Idaho.
1092141 M. Honer 527 2000-08-15
United States of America, California, Mono Co., Glass Mountain Region, Deadman Creek, between Crestview and Big Springss Campground, near 4WD road crossing creek north of Owens River Road., 37.759106 -118.965637, 2243 - 2243m
1741438 427
United States of America, Wheeler Expedition
1741439 F. Tweedy 28 1897-07-00
United States of America, Wyoming, Teton Forest Reserve. Buffalo Fork., 2134m
1741323 E. F. Williams 57 1901-08-14
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., Beach of Aroostook River, Fort Fairfield
1741385 T. A. Williams s.n. 1897-07-16
United States of America, Idaho, Montpelier, 42.321769 -111.300536
1741428 S. Welsh 19108 1979-07-19
United States of America, Wyoming, Sweetwater Co., Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, Hawley Ranch, 41.9 -109.81, 1913m
1741409 E. E. Nelson 435 1901-07-27
United States of America, Wyoming, Albany Co., Laramie River, 41.524774 -105.699483
1092123 L. Arnow 6167 1983-08-05
United States of America, Utah, Wasatch Co., Wasatch Range, 1 1/4 miles east of Guardsmans Pass Divide between Salt Lake and Wasatch Co., 40.6028 -111.4917, 2707m
431744 D. Douglas 241
Canada, Barren, sandy parts of the Columbia, from Menzies Island, upward
1741337 T. Meehan s.n. 1871-08-00
United States of America, Kansas
630061 Thomas Cramer 2671 1994-07-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: Green River Supply Canal, ca 7 air mi S of Daniel., 42.7586 -110.0564, 2165m
227931 E. Hall, J. P. Harbour 660 1862-00-00
U.S.A., Colorado, no county
10966 Aven Nelson 3883 1897-07-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Granger, Hams Fork.
357367 Erwin F. Evert 4704 1982-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: along S side of U.S. Hwy 14, along North Fork Shoshone River, ca 1/4 mi W of Moss Creek., 1875m
Ronald L. Hartman 41440 1993-07-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Wyoming/Salt River Ranges: Salt River Range: ca 6 air mi N of Kemmerer., 41.8864 -110.5536, 2195 - 2226m
608549 Thomas Cramer 4046 1994-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Green River Basin: Slate Creek, ca 7 air mi W of Fontenelle., 41.9742 -110.1969, 1997 - 2058m
157487 Aven Nelson 7434 1900-07-04
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Halleck Canyon.
28818 Aven Nelson 7434 1900-07-04
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Halleck Canyon.
Peter J. Ebertowski 1460 2002-07-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Campbell, Thunder Basin National Grassland and Vicinity: head of Nicholson Draw on Wyo Hwy 59, ca 5.5 air mi SSE of Wright; ca 33 air mi NNW of Bill., 43.6859 -105.4689, 1503 - 1546m
750109 Melanie Arnett 6419 1999-08-05
U.S.A., Colorado, Saguache, Southern Gunnison Basin: Cochetopa Park: ash beds along Los Creek between County roads 17-FF and 17-GG, ca 3.4 air mi SSE of Cochetopa Dome., 38.1711 -106.6818, 2799 - 2811m
292213 John R. Reeder, Charlotte G. Reeder 5134 1969-07-19
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Near N entrance of Chimney Rock Ranch., 2256m
423082 Philip V. Woodhead W-78 1930-07-20
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Routt National Forest: Grizzly Creek Ranger Station: pasture., 2591m
823424 Bonnie Heidel 2979 2007-07-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Northern Absaroka Mountains: Clarks Fork Valley: Swamp Lake wetland at base of the Cathedral Cliffs, ca 34 air mi NW of Cody., 2012m
728988 C. Lynn Kinter, Will Conley 2279 1996-08-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: Caldwell Basin: ca 20 air mi NNE of Dubois; trail to Caldwell Basin, cross creek, angle across meadow toward "rock sentinel", 2509m
199158 C. L. Porter 3752 1945-08-12
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Near Red Buttes 10 mi S of Laramie., 41.182 -105.5947, 2226m
388230 June Haines, Georgia Haines 5688 1985-08-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Sage Hen Creek, ca 9.5 air mi NE of Jeffrey City., 42.5258 -107.6517, 1890m
792098 B. E. Nelson 38998 1996-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, South-central Wyoming: Washakie Basin: J O Spring and vicinity between Delaney Rim and Laney Wash, ca 7.5 air mi S of Tipton; ca 46.5 air mi E of Rock Springs; ca 19 air mi WSW of Wamsutter., 41.5239 -108.2838, 2180 - 2186m
292219 John R. Reeder, Charlotte G. Reeder 5156 1969-08-03
U.S.A., Colorado, Grand, 10 mi N of junction of U. S. Hwy 40 and CO Hwy 125., 2591m
630064 Thomas Cramer 101 1994-06-07
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: along Long Draw W of Elk Mountain, ca 1.5 air mi W of Elkhorn Junction., 42.4389 -109.2911, 2149m
179812 C. L. Porter 175 1938-07-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Near Laramie., 41.3132 -105.581