Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pennellia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1169

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0307297Liz Makings   59032018-08-07
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Madre Occidentale; Arroyo Aguaje del Macho; approximately 5 air miles southwest of Mesa Tres Rios, 29.78972 -108.78358, - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0302515Liz Makings   5432b2017-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Juriquipa; Rancho Zulema, 30.28313 -109.55989, 1680m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
L. R. Landrum   117472012-08-18
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Road to Hart Prairie, ca. 1.2 mi from Hwy 180, 35.389448 -111.7407, 2460m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
T. Reeves   9171974-08-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mountain Slopes above Rustler Park., 2653 - 2743m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
T. Reeves   R-45101975-09-06
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument , Bonita Park, 1890m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-39981975-08-01
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument, Pickett Canyon, lower portion, 1585 - 1631m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Edward Gilbert   9992002-09-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, canyon mouth located 9 miles north of Sedona. Just downstream from bridge where FS road 231 crosses West Fork., 35.0325 -111.856, 1982m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-39651975-07-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument , Sugarloaf Mountain , Along trail to summit., 2134 - 2195m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Liz Makings   64422019-08-06
Mexico, Sonora, San Filipe de Jesus, Sierra Los Locos; ~10 air miles west of San Filipe de Jesus, 29.85434 -110.40223, - 1690m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0305362Liz Makings   54762017-08-14
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Juriquipa; near Rancho San Filipe, 30.26643 -109.58067, 1460m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Elizabeth Makings   1824-b2004-09-10
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Parallel Canyon quad; about 14 miles north of Young on Hwy 512, 34.1754 -110.799, 2017m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0296351Tom Van Devender   2014-08-09
USA, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleno Mountains, Hospital Flat along Swift Trail in vicinity of Forest Service campground, ca 11 miles SW of Safford. 32.66944N,-109.87275W, 32.66944 -109.87275, 2761m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Edward Gilbert   8012001-08-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lower West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek; northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness. About 1/2 mile up stream from canyon mouth, along trail, on right in a small semi-open field of Bracken Ferns, 34.9902 -111.748, 1616m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0297010Walter Fertig   305922015-07-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau: canyon east of Big Ridge and E of junction of FS Road 3817 and FS Road 225, ca 1.2 air miles E of Jolly Sink Road Tank and ca 5 air miles SE of Jacob Lake. T38N R2E S26 SE4 of SW4 of NW4, 36.664585 -112.157708, 2545m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Elizabeth Makings   17892004-09-07
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Parallel Canyon quad, Globe RD; Colcord Mountain Lookout just below rim, ~1/4 mile northeast of tower just east of FR 231, 34.2519 -110.859, 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0294629Dustin Wolkis   3972013-08-31
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sharp Springs Cienega, San Rafael Valley, 31.352727 -110.576543, 1437m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Raul Gutierrez   8702004-08-07
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis, ca. 6 miles east of RM 166 along RM 118, at Lawrence Wood Rest Area in Madera Canyon, ca 15 miles northwest of Ft. Davis, 30.7063 -104.105, 1781m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0320262Sue Carnahan   SC 6042014-08-20
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Unit 5, NE corner of Grosvenor Hills, S of Salero Ranch HQ., 31.57407 -110.88258, 1333m

Pennellia Nieuwl.
Jana Fry   931997-09-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, West Turkey Creek, coal pit., 31.865 -109.389, 1738m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Charlotte M. Christy   19371993-09-08
USA, Arizona, Coconino, N Kaibab NF; side of FSR 610, ca. 4 rd-mi northeast Kaibab Lodge/AZ 67., 36.4139 -112.133, 2744m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-41341975-08-03
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument, Bonita Canyon, stream bed and vicinity from Organ Pipe to jct of Bonita Canyon Road with Natural Bridge Trail

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
J & A Leithliter   1261975-07-16
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Widerness Area, Chirichahua Mountains., 31.824538 -109.314507, 2853m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
J & A Leithliter   1641975-07-29
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Widerness Area, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.867341 -109.259756, 2414m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
J & A Leithliter   4811976-08-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Widerness Area, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.836325 -109.279302, 2719m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
J & A Leithliter   5751976-08-18
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Widerness Area, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.861727 -109.275151, 2560m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
Engard   H-10891980-09-06
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Ca. 1 mi S of Rustler Park, along trail towards Flys Peak. Chirichahua Mountains. T18S, R30E. Chiricahua Peak Quad. 15 inch series., 31.898538 -109.276823, 2743m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0082117John L. Anderson   2014-102014-08-08
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra de los Ajos, Hoya de Packard below Cerro Pelon, 30.92563 -109.98684, 2286m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Marc A. Baker   155122003-08-13
USA, NEW MEXICO, Otero, Lewis Canyon; 4km SSW of Sacramento; 42km ESE of Alamogordo; south-facing rocky limestone slope; Pseudotsuga menziesii/Abies concolor forest; Sacramento 7.5' USGS topographic Quadrangle, 32.7595 -105.585, 2350m

Thelypodium micranthum (Gray) S. Wats.
J. Jeremy Buegge   10081999-08-02
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Soda Water Spring Canyon. T5S,R20E,sec23,SW,SE., 32.9834 -110.266, 1798m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
Darrel Ward   1983-09-04
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mountains, Coronado National Forest, S base of barfoot Peak, Victoria Campground (center of Sec. 28 T17S R30E), 31.918085 -109.279296, 2499m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
Elinor Lehto   53831965-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Rustler's Park in Chiricahua Moutains, 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0311366Liz Makings   64422019-08-06
Mexico, Sonora, San Filipe de Jesus, Sierra Los Locos; ~10 air miles west of San Filipe de Jesus, 29.85434 -110.40223, 0 - 1690m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
Wendy C. Hodgson   H-15671981-08-21
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Ca. 1/2 mi S of Rustler Park, off trail, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.900178 -109.278176, 2652m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
Mont A Cazier   6491966-08-29
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Onion Saddle, 2316m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
Mont A Cazier   1941966-08-11
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mountains, Rustlers' park

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
C. T. Mason, Jr.   28611968-07-25
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Onion Saddle, Chiricahua Mountains, 31.9334 -109.2634, 2316m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
McGill   P-135671976-06-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Road past San Antonio, ca. 30 mi E of jct Rte 57., 25.278165 -100.563788, 2652m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Bill T. Johnson   114871984-08-02
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Clark Peak, 2743 - 2743m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Tom Van Devender   s.n.2014-08-09
USA, Arizona, Graham, Pinaleno Mountains, Hospital Flat along Swift Trail in vicinity of Forest Service campground, ca 11 miles SW of Safford, 32.66944 -109.87275, 2760m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Elinor Lehto   73401966-10-01
USA, Arizona, Gila, Christopher creek, 1829m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Butterwick   54321979-08-01
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Hualapai Peak, side canyon of Frees wash, north side of Dean Peak, Hualapais, 2195m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Elinor Lehto   72571966-08-14
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, U.S. 60 south of Show Low, 1 mile north of Forestdale

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
D. J. Pinkava   138761968-09-07
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, U.S 666, 4.9 miles south of Alpine

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
D. J. Pinkava, et al.   141181979-08-27
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, U.S. 70 , 2 miles northeast of Forestdale

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
S. Pilversack   1371998-08-21
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Ramsey Canyon , within the Huachuca Mountains; in small grassy meadow along Ramsey creek, about 600 ft fronm visitor center and directly between the trail and the creek., 1699m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Charlotte M. Christy   18671993-09-05
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino NF, S of Sunset Crater National Monument;black cedar slopes along FSR 244 ca. 2.5 rd-mi N Leupp Rd., 1951 - 2134m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
Bruce D. Parfitt   38521988-08-09
USA, Arizona, Apache, White Mountains : ca. 6 air miles E of Mt. Baldy peak; 0.3 miles west of Forest Service Road 116 on State Hwy.273. T6N R27E sec. 14 NE1/4., 2775m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Andrew Salywon   9422000-09-03
USA, Arizona, Apache, Mount Baldy Wilderness, ca. 1-3 mi. west of FS Rd. 113G, southeast of Lee Valley Reservoir, ca. 7 air mi. SSW of Greer, 33.9162 -109.505, 2896m

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
J.J. Thornber   2771
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Bear Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
J. S. Bricker   3451988-08-11
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mts, Gibson trail from High Peak Ciennaga to Round-the-Mountain trail., 32.6917 -109.85, 2926m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-43991975-08-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument , East Whitetail Canyon, 1768 - 1859m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Pinkava   7311971-08-25
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Greaterville Rd. 9.2 mi. W Hidden Springs Ranch Rd.

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Pinkava   7841971-08-26
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 4 mi. SW Pategonia (Roadside rest area)

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Pinkava   171711970-09-19
USA, Arizona, Pena Blanch Lake

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-44281975-08-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument, East Whitetail Canyon, 1768 - 1859m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
J. J. Thornber   7492
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Ventana Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains.

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
J. J.Thornber   1910-07-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Rita Mountains, Stone Cabin Canyon (Florida Canyon)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia lasiocalycina (O.E. Schulz) Rollins
ASU0061624Donald J. Pinkava   P-13686-A1976-06-23
Mexico, Coahuila, Cuatro Ciénegas Basin. Cañón de la Hacienda, Sierra de la Madera, NW of Cuatro Ciénegas., 27.1000877015881 -102.48218536377

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Butterwick   55131979-08-15
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, along Yellow Flower creek, on the west side of the Hualapais, Hualapai Peak 7.5' Quad, 1951m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061625Robert A. Bye   47781973-08-24
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Bocoyna. Gonogochic., 27.752258 -107.634607, 2255m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061626D. J. Pinkava   P-135671976-06-21
Mexico, Coahuila, Road past San Antonio, ca. 30 mi E of jct Ret 57., 25.278165 -100.563788, 2651m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
J.Jeremy Buegge   10081999-08-02
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Coronado National Forest < Soda Water Spring Canyon. T5S, R20, sec23, SW, SE., 1798m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061627Elinor Lehto   L-219681977-08-02
Mexico, Puebla, 1.2 mi W of Texmalaquila. Just SE of Pico de Orizaba (Volcan Citlaltepetl), near E base of Sierra Negras., 18.96927 -97.364084, 3048 - 3352m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061628Elinor Lehto   L-219111977-08-01
Mexico, Puebla, 1.2 mi W of Texmalaquila. Just SE of Pico de Orizaba (Volcan Citlaltepetl), near E base of Sierra Negras., 18.96927 -97.364084, 3048 - 3352m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
David Keil   36571968-08-24
USA, Arizona, Gila, 0.9 miles north of Pioneer Pass Recreation Area, Pinal Mountains

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061629Elinor Lehto   L-219101977-08-01
Mexico, Puebla, 1.2 mi W of Texmalaquila. Just SE of Pico de Orizaba (Volcan Citlaltepetl), near E base of Sierra Negras., 18.96927 -97.364084, 3048 - 3352m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061630M. Medina Cota   37311988-09-21
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mpio. de Mineral del Chico. Cortinas de La Bruja; 2 km al SW de El Chico., 20.216667 -98.733333, 2850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061631T. R. Van Devender   98-10121998-08-17
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Yecora. Trigo Moreno (La Ciénega del Trigo), Sierra El Chuchupate, ca. 15 km (by air) southeast of Yecora., 28.29583 -108.7958, 1420 - 1480m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
S. Forbes   17671982-06-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Pinal Mountains, South-central Arizona, south of thetown of Globe. Pioneer Pass Recreation Area, off FS Road 112, 1707 - 1798m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061632T. R. Van Devender   98-10401998-08-17
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Yecora. Trigo Moreno (La Ciénega del Trigo), Sierra El Chuchupate, ca. 15 km (by air) southeast of Yecora., 28.29583 -108.7958, 1420 - 1480m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-42681975-08-06
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua National Monument, Hunt Canyon, 2103m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061633A. L. Reina G.   98-9561998-08-16
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Yecora. Microwave tower on north edge of Mesa del Campanero., 28.37167 -109.0319, 2240m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
T. Reeves   R-42061975-08-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, NW corner of Chiricahua National Monument, 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
ASU0061634A. L. Reina   2003-11072003-09-30
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Yecora. Rancho El Cuervo, Arroyo Escondido, near El Kipor, east of Maycoba., 28.42722 -108.5994, 1560m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
David Keil   36681968-08-24
USA, Arizona, Gila, 0.4 miles north of Pioneer Pass recreation Area, Pinal Mountains

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0061635T. R. Van Devender   2004-9292004-08-17
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Nogales. Cañón Planchas de Plata, upstream from Rancho Esmeralda (Rancho Las Borregas), southeast end of Sierra La Esmeralda., 31.21417 -111.1225, 1090m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
E. Lehto   115051973-08-26
USA, Arizona, Apache, 4.8 miles S of jct Rte 60 on Green's Mountain Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0061636T. R. Van Devender   2002-7462002-09-12
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Nogales. Sierra Las Avispas, 14.6 km west of MEX 15 on SON 43 (to Saric)., 31.12222 -111.0694, 1305m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
ASU0061637D. J. Pinkava   P-132161976-06-07
Mexico, Chihuahua, Rte 10, ca. 25 mi SE of Nuevo Casas Grandes, 30.412596 -107.914033, 1463m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia patens (O.E. Schulz) Rollins
ASU0061638A. Ventura A.   42291984-08-11
Mexico, Mexico, Mpio. de Texcoco. Río Hondo., 19.516667 -98.883333, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia patens (O.E. Schulz) Rollins
ASU0061639D. J. Pinkava   94841972-07-26
Mexico, Durango, Along Rte 40, 5.3 mi W of Los Mimbres., 23.9048381868766 -105.038727521896

Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
Steven P. McLaughlin   95972001-08-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, San Rafael State Park., 31.349443 -110.597441, 1435m

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0061640Jon Rebman   56801998-09-27
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra Guadalupe; west of Mulege; along the Cumbra de San Pedro between the Ex-Mision de Guadalupe and San Juan de la Pila., 26.87944 -112.4425, 1160m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Elena Ortiz-Barney   4282000-09-09
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Audubon Society's Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, (Site-5) between main entrance and road to Finley Tank, on west side of road to dorm, 31.6056 -110.502, 1469 - 1481m

Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Nieuwl.
Elena Ortiz-Barney   4292000-07-26
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Audubon Society's Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, (Site-2) north of dorms, east of road from entrance to dorm, west of road to Finley Tank, 31.6033 -110.498, 1469 - 1481m

University of Arizona Herbarium

Pennellia longifolia (Benth.) Rollins
413928M. Joe   213B2009-09-11
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ejido 5 de mayo, Mesa de las Guacamayas, Mesa Prieta., 30.499622 -108.551033, 2281m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
247444J. E. Bowers   R-2661982-06-26
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Saguaro National Park, Rincon Mountain District; North Slope Trail., 32.2291 -110.53565, 2407m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
192593Reed C. Rollins   742011974-11-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Rustlers Park, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.9057 -109.2798, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
224566G. Yatskievych   80-4681980-08-30
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Southeast-facing slope below Bootlegger Saddle, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.892222 -109.283056, 2694m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
167566C. T. Mason, Jr.   28611968-07-25
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Onion Saddle, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.9334 -109.2634, 2316m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
200696Janice Urry   7931976-08-08
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, On trail from Rustler Park to Barfoot Lookout; Chiricahua Mountains., 31.9111 -109.273, 2499m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
48694J. C. Blumber   s.n.
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.9298 -109.3823

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
22446Kittie F. Parker   58341945-08-12
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Trail from Madera Canyon to Mountain Wrightson (Baldy), Santa Rita Mountains., 31.6947 -110.8616, 2133m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
217785Byron Berger   2121979-07-23
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Barfoot Peak, 8 miles W, 1/2 mile N. Portal., 31.9209 -109.2806, 2690m

Pennellia micrantha (A. Gray) Nieuwl.
414570Sara Fuentes Soriano   572001-07-29
Mexico, Chihuahua, Casas Grandes, 10 km al SE de Colonia Juarez. SE de Mesa de las Tablas.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
93613T. H. Kearney   140831938-08-02
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Huachuca Mountains., 31.489 -110.4081, 1981m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
163170R. J. Barr   61-1761961-07-21
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Long Park road, Rustler Park, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.9057 -109.2798, 2590m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
47276F. W. Gould & H. S. Haskell   46071947-10-05
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Rucker Canyon, Chiricahua Mountains., 31.776 -109.313, 1828m

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
182321Al Hesselberg   s.n.1966-08-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Ramsey Canyon, Huachuca Mountains., 31.4354 -110.32

Pennellia tricornuta (Rollins) R.A. Price, C.D. Bailey & Al-Shehbaz
9648L. M. Pultz   12281944-09-06
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Rustler Park; Chiricahua Mountains., 31.9057 -109.2798, 2484m

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