John L Anderson 2023-49
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Alacran, Mina Alacran, 30.844 -110.198, 1490m
McLeod 867 1971-08-27
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, East Turkey Creek crossing Chiricahua Mountains, 31.8966 -109.276
Bruce D. Parfitt 4755 1990-09-16
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mountains. Lower half of Joe's Canyon., 31.3439 -110.265, 1646 - 1768m
ASU0038291 T. R. Van Devender 96-487 1996-09-08
Mexico, Sonora, Puerto de la Cruz, north base of Mesa del Campaner., 28.4806 -109.089, 1900m
ASU0038292 P. S. Martin 193535 1986-10-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, Candamena Barranca., 28.2111 -107.339, 1737m
ASU0038293 L. McGill 6632 1970-06-05
Mexico, Sonora, 20 mi E of jct road to Bacoachi (from Rte 2) on road to Esqueda., 30.761723 -110.050231, 1166m
M.B. Johnson 2012-10-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Forest Road 42, above creek past turnoff to Paradise (FR42B), Chiricahua Mts., 31.910387 -109.251137, 2025m
ASU0306920 Liz Makings 5902 2018-08-07
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Madre Occidentale; Arroyo Aguaje del Macho; approximately 5 air miles southwest of Mesa Tres Rios, 29.78972 -108.78358, - 2000m
ASU0311384 Liz Makings 6457 2019-08-06
Mexico, Sonora, San Filipe de Jesus, Sierra Los Locos; ~10 air miles west of San Filipe de Jesus, 29.83914 -110.38473, 1450m
ASU0338546 John L Anderson 2023-98 2023-09-12
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Alacran, mountaintop, 30.825 -110.223, 1713m
Marc Mittleman 582 1982-09-23
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Baboquivari Mountains, Virtud Tank area., 31.8769 -111.666, 1280m
ASU0038311 Leroy E. Detling 9534 1965-07-29
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of the Rio Santiago, 14 km N of Guadalajara. Near the falls viewpoint., 20.659649 -103.349625
ASU0038312 Lyle McGill 9255 1972-07-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Along Rte 45, just S of Saucillo., 28.027126 -105.288401
ASU0038313 Mark Fishbein 1456 1993-08-24
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo La Pirinola, above La Vinatería, ca. 35 km northeast of Alamos., 27.2917 -108.692, 1200m
ASU0038314 Mario Sousa 6389 1976-10-21
Mexico, Oaxaca, a 12 km. al W-NW de Puerto Es condido, Distrito de Juquila., 16.08966 -97.08117
ASU0345267 T. Embrey 475 2021-09-01
Arizona, Santa Cruz, South of Flux Canyon, Patagonia Mountains, 31.487127 -110.754563
Reeves, T. R-1247 1974-08-25
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 3/4 miles west of Chiricahua National Monument. Mouth of Pickett Canyon, 32.0044 -109.425, 1585 - 1585m
Marc Mittleman 467 1982-09-17
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Coyote Mountains, Mendoza Canyon., 31.988 -111.521, 1280m
Marc Mittleman 167 1982-07-28
USA, Arizona, Pima County, S of San Xavier, west of Helmet Peak, vicinity of Indian Kitchen, Twin Buttes 7.5' Quad., 31.9498 -111.105, 1128m
L. R. Landrum 9133 1997-10-06
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Ca. 4.7 mi east of Boulder Creek bridge at east end of Canyon Lake on Apache Trail., 33.5333 -111.35, 671m
Richard S. Felger 8160 1963-06-30
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, About 3 miles by road north of Tumacacori., 31.5686 -111.052
David J. Keil K-11104 1975-09-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Just west of I-19 on AZ Rte 289 (Rubr Rd)., 31.42 -110.98, 1036m
Lyle A. McGill LAM-1366 1977-05-31
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ca. 7 rd mi east of Tortilla Flat Post Office along AZ Hwy 88., 33.53767 -111.297
Elinor Lehto 14862 1968-10-12
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Southeast of Patagonia, just north of Boy Scout Camp., 31.5394 -110.756
Elinor Lehto 9854-b 1967-10-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon., 31.406 -111.202, 1097m
Elinor Lehto 9321 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Pima County, 24.3 miles north of Sasabe., 31.8413 -111.541
Marc Mittleman 577 1982-09-23
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Baboquivari Mountains, Virtud Tank area., 31.8769 -111.666, 1280m
Steve Bingham 1845 1971-10-01
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Jacobson Canyon near Angle Orchard., 33.1786 -109.863, 1402m
Elinor Lehto 14862-b 1968-10-12
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 4.1 miles southeast of Patagonia on road to Parker Canyon Lake., 31.4974 -110.706
Elinor Lehto 9731 1967-10-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 2.5 miles west of Pena Blanca Lake., 31.4092 -111.127
McLeod 774 1971-08-26
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Calabasas Canyon Camp Gr., 31.4589 -110.985
Kathleen C. Rice 1513 1992-10-04
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. Fish Creek Canyon, 2 mi from Tortilla Trailhead on AZ. Hwy 88., 33.4928 -111.294, 853m
Kathleen C. Rice 823 1991-09-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest. Superstition Wilderness Area. Boulder Canyon Trailhead, across from Canyon Lake Marina, on AZ Hwy. 88. Trail 103., 33.5312 -111.433, 671m
Lyle A. McGill 6759 1996-08-21
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mountains, eastern drainage. west of Pearce, middle March Rd, southwest of junction W. Pearce Rd., 31.9394 -109.981
Steven P. McLaughlin 5395 1988-10-30
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Common in mesquite- grassland on north side of Middle Tank., 31.6882 -111.462, 1021m
T.Elias 9067 1984-09-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ca. 61 miles SSE of Tucson; The Research Ranch near Elgin; North end of Vaughn Canyon to northwest corner of Ranch., 31.6597 -110.525
T.F. Daniel 3001 1983-09-07
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mountains, Stronghold Canyon East along USFS Trail 279, Pearce 15' Quad., 31.9123 -109.957, 1524 - 1585m
T.Elias 9034 1984-09-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ca. 61 miles SSE of Tucson; The Research Ranch near Elgin; Lyle Canyon; near southern boundary of ranch., 31.6597 -110.525, 1463m
Charlotte M. Christy 2108 1993-10-04
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado NF, Huachuca Mountains; ca. 5 rd-mi west Montezuma Pass & Coronado Nat'l Memorial., 31.378 -110.36, 1646m
ASU0038287 T. R. Van Devender 2002-737 1987-01-02
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Nogales. Sierra Las Avispas, 10.5 km west of MEX 15 on SON 43 (to Saric)., 31.146389 -111.059444, 1445m
ASU0038286 Jon Rebman 4458 1997-10-19
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Sierra San Francisco: North of San Ignacio: Cañón San Crregorio: northeast of the ranch San Francisco de la Sierra., 27.6667 -112.983, 500 - 800m
ASU0038288 R. W. Matthews 489 1965-08-07
Mexico, Sonora, 6 miles south of Nogales. Open field along railroad tracks., 31.222454 -110.972161, 1219m
ASU0038290 Reid Moran 21384 1974-10-01
Mexico, Baja California Sur, North-base of Volcán las Tres Vírgenes., 27.4833 -112.6, 900m
Elizabeth Makings 3465
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado National Forest; N Texas Canyon Road, approx 7 miles from Hwy 80; upslope, 31.676903 -109.306353, 1666m
Liz Makings 3983 2012-09-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest; just west of Mesquite Wash/Sycamore Creek confluence, 33.733763 -111.523035, 617m
ASU0294746 Liz Makings 4775 2015-11-27
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest; tributary to Fish Creek; near junction of Apache Trail and Forest Service Road 213, 33.524255 -111.319985, 840m
ASU0295700 C.M. Roll 443 2015-07-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 32.006117 -109.623833, 1350m
ASU0297311 Dustin Wolkis 812 2014-09-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise, Parker Canyon Cienega, down stream from Parker Canyon Lake dam, 31.42637 -110.458218, 1340m
ASU0298543 Sue Carnahan 1692 2016-03-15
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, Playa Santa Barbara, Bahia Concepcion, 26.70704 -111.89042, 13m
Frankie S. Coburn 2187 B 2014-09-29
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Leslie Canyon National Wildlife Refuge; hill south of Leslie Canyon Rd and east of south Leslie Creek wash., 31.58865 -109.50518, 1530m
ASU0038318 Linda Mankel s. n. 102399 1977-12-01
Mexico, Sinaloa, 60 km W of Concordia., 23.3371333576588 -105.97442150116, 1829 - 2134m
ASU0038285 T. R. Van Devender 94-976 1994-12-07
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Guirocoba, near El Sabino., 26.9583 -108.717, 340m
ASU0038289 Nash L-19648 1975-11-28
Mexico, Sonora, Ca. 1 km WNW of Huatabampito., 26.7 -109.55
ASU0038299 Mario Sousa 10397 1979-06-19
Mexico, Oaxaca, Acaquizapan, a 9 km al SW de San Francisco Huapa- napan, Mpio. de Tequixtepec. Distrito de Huajuapan de León., 18.1333 -97.6667, 1600m
ASU0038302 Sara Salter 95154 1977-07-06
Guatemala, Sacatepequez, Halfway between San Antonio and Antigua., 14.612745 -90.703995
ASU0038316 A. L. Reina G. 2004-1260 2004-10-09
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho El Flauta, Sierra de Mazatan; open oak woodland on Catalina gneiss. Mpio. de Ures., 29.1 -110.339, 1260m
ASU0038317 Mario Sousa 10502 1979-06-24
Mexico, Oaxaca, 10 km al SW de Sola de Vega.Distr. de Sola de., 16.441744 -97.032444, 1650m
ASU0038280 Mario Sousa 6321 1976-10-20
Mexico, Oaxaca, A 6 km al S de Juchatengo, Distrito de Juquila., 16.35 -97.1, 1110m
ASU0038279 T. R. Van Devender 2002-755 2002-09-12
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Las Avispas, 14.6 km west of MEX 15 on SON 43 (to Saric). Mpio. de Nogales., 31.1722 -111.094, 1305m
ASU0038281 LEROY E. DETLING 9599 1965-08-08
Mexico, Jalisco, Barranca of the Rio Santiago, 29 km N of Guadalajara., 20.659649 -103.349625, 1085m
ASU0038282 Jon Rebman 3579 1996-09-23
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Santa Marta: east coast of the Sierra de la Giganta; south of Agua Verde., 25.45 -111.017, 10 - 20m
ASU0038283 A. Valiente Banuet 607 1985-08-10
Mexico, Sonora, Isla Tiburón., 29.135476 -112.471041, 3m
ASU0038284 Jon Rebman 3490 1996-09-20
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Gulf of California: Isla San Jose., 25.0167 -110.683, 5 - 20m
ASU0038320 A. Schinini 29194 1995-03-09
Argentina, Corrientes, Goya; Ruta 12, 6 Km E de Goya., -29.144224 -59.264324
ASU0038306 R. D. Worthington 33171 2005-07-29
Puerto Rico, Mpio. de Guayama. Jct Hwys 1, 712 and 52 at small river (Rio Nigua)., 18.0722 -66.3056, 84m
ASU0038307 Andrew Salywon 1260 2001-08-14
Puerto Rico, Mpio. de Cabo Rojo. Barrio Llanos Costa, north slopes of Cerro Mariquita., 18.0035 -67.113833, 225m
ASU0038308 Neil A. Harriman 13867 1977-05-29
Netherlands Antilles, Bonaire, Near the entrance to Flamingo Beach Hotel, south edge of Kialendijk.
ASU0057966 G. Hatschbach 78728 2004-12-30
Brazil, Bahia, Palmas de Monte alto, arredores., -14.266691 -43.166691, 430m
ASU0085878 Laurel Richey 00-886 2000-07-22
Bahamas, Cat Island, Cat Island, Knowles settlement, just north of the derelict sea side public toilet, on the eastern side of the main road, 24.376111 -75.511944
Raul Gutierrez 1974 2008-04-28
USA, Texas, Atascosa, 0.6 mi S of Mathis Road on Priest Road in empty lot, 29.1744 -98.4181, 197m
V.H. Chase 14570 1957-06-21
United States, Illinois, Tazewell County, Spring Lake.
G.W. Ramsey 10764 1968-08-01
United States, Virginia, Fluvanna County, on the east side of Hwy. 15 approx. 1 mi. north of the James H. Cocke Bridge over the James River
D. Keil 5260 1969-07-04
United States, Illinois, Ogle, 3.5 miles east of Rock River Bridge on Illinois Route 64.
L.C. Higgins 4506 1971-06-26
United States, Texas, Collingsworth Co., Ca. 5 miles west of Quail along hwy 203
D. Demaree 35589 1954-06-18
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Bauxite mines., 91m
D. Keil 6466 1970-06-21
USA, Illinois, Lake, Volo Bog, ca 2 miles NW of Volo, 42.347717 -88.183063
C.R. Bell 7853 1957-05-26
United States, South Carolina, Marion County, ca 10mi S of Hwy on Co Rt 49 (S of Britton Neck).
L.C. Higgins 7242 1973-06-13
United States, Texas, Childress, Ca. 8 mi E of Memphis along Hwy 256; area near Jonah & Salt Creek
C.M. Allen 7842 1977-05-13
United States, Louisiana, Winn, along Gum Springs Rd (For. Ser. Rd 560) ca 5.5 mi S of Calvin
T.G. Lammers 5164 1983-07-07
USA, Illinois, Henderson, Oquawka, N of 8th and Fulton Sts
W.R. Faircloth 937 1964-05-07
United States, Georgia, Turner County, alongside US 75, 4.5 mi NE of Ashburn, alongside West Fork Creek.
M.L. Roberts 10053 1974-06-12
USA, Arkansas, Carroll, ca 3 mi NW of Eureka Springs
D. Demaree 22172 1941-06-15
United States, Arkansas, Prairie, Grand Prairie; p.o. Devalls bluff, 55m
A.M. Keefe 1939-06-27
USA, Wisconsin, Juneau, Camp Douglas
W.R. Faircloth 7538 1974-05-16
United States, Georgia, Taylor County, alongside hwy Ga-96, 3.0 mi W of Butler
C.M. Allen 7893 1977-05-14
United States, Louisiana, Bienville, Along branch of Fause Bayou on Forest Service Rd 554 ca. 2.5 miles E of Saline; Goldonna Quadrangle
S.D. Glenn 11378 2008-07-02
USA, New York, Suffolk, Islip, Holbrook, elec. R.o.w S of Furrows Rd, E of Singingwood Dr., 24m
W.R. Faircloth 1867 1965-06-25
United States, Georgia, Brooks County, at Bethlehem P.B. Church, 5.4 mi SSW of Quitman
K.A. Vincent 209 1976-08-11
United States, Louisiana, Winn, ca. 3 mi. n.w. of Atlanta in S21, T10N, R4W.
V. Mosely 9 1976-05-14
USA, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Beaver Bend State Park
W.R. Faircloth 7253 1973-05-03
USA, Georgia, Lowndes, off Snake Nation Rd, 5.5 mi NW of Valdosta
C.M. Christy 1044b 1992-06-04
USA, Arkansas, Garland, just below highest point of Mt Riante (= Trap Mtn) just SW of Lake Hamilton, 305m
T.C. Rosson 1985 1972-05-20
United States, Texas, Hemphill, Gene Howe Wilderness Management Study Area, 6 miles east of Canadian.
P.M. Mazzeo 1428 1966-06-18
USA, Virginia, Shenandoah Nat'l Park, along the Skyline Drive , 100 ft. N. of Sawmill Ridge Overlook
W.H. Witte
USA, New Jersey, Burlington, Roadsides near Atrion
L.C. Higgins 4534 1971-06-26
USA, Texas, Wheeler, Breaks of Red River below Shamrock and Twitty
K. Cormier 781 1978-05-25
USA, Louisiana, Evangeline, Beside La. 13, 0.1 mi N of jct of La 1172.
L.C. Higgins 4518 1971-06-26
United States, Texas, Collingsworth, Ca. 5 miles west of Quail along Hwy 203.; 0
C.M. Allen 9105 1979-06-23
United States, Louisiana, Sabine, along LA 475 ca. 3.5 miles south of Zwolle
L.C. Higgins 6111 1972-08-21
United States, Texas, Motley, Near the middle Fork of the Pease River, 5 miles north of Matador.