Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Melampodium
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 19, records 1801-1900 of 9086

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037963Wendy C. Hodgson   70361993-03-25
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Pinal Mountains, east flanks, 13.3 miles south of Highway 70 off of Highway 77 and 0.6 miles west of Highway 77 along dirt road (first turnoff south of milepost 158)., 33.1862 -110.8186, 1146m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037826Wendy C. Hodgson   70011993-03-08
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Superstition Mountains and Wilderness Area, on ridge between Peralta Canyon and Barks Canyon, along Trail no. 233, ca 1/4 mi NW of Trail no. 235.., 33.405833 -111.345278, 1097m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00036051Wendy C. Hodgson   64961992-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Superstition Mountains, Superstition Wilderness Area, O'Grady Canyon, 1/2 mi S of Parker Pass and Dutchman's Trail., 33.4587 -111.4156, 883m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00063791Joni Ward   jbw-3492008-07-23
USA, Colorado, Pueblo County, From Pueblo and I-25 west on Hwy 50 to North Pueblo Blvd, south to 24th St, then east in an open field on the north side of the street; open area has probably been grazed but is scheduled for development; this plant growing on a white, shaly outcropping., 38.290833 -104.657972, 1475m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00064392G. Rink   83342008-09-13
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Sanup Plateau northwest of Diamond Peak., 35.805341 -113.392676, 1371m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00067109Steve Till   2007-05-21
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon National Park, Trail Canyon, river mile 219, 12S 289291 E, 3968723 N NAD 83/84., 35.862074 -113.31017, 466m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00065364Seeds of Success Team   AZ930-582005-04-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Sonoran. Maricopa - Yavapai County. Castle Hot Springs road. 14.9km from junction with 74 at the west entrance., 33.939567 -112.50045, 902m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00067515Marianne Jensen   352011-04-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, McDowell Sonoran Preserve. Tom's Thumb Trail., 33.67245 -111.82407, 767m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00069127Joni Ward   5002011-05-29
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, from Payson at about mile 6 on Houston Mesa Road traveling east in an ephemeral wash., 34.310767 -111.289067, 1490m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00069007M. Licher   26682010-04-24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Limekiln Trail about 1 mi from Dead Horse Ranch State Park in Verde Valley Botanical Area NE of Cottonwood, 34.759194 -112.002444, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00073118S. Hunkins & K. Smith   6402009-03-22
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Spur Cross Ranch Conservation Area. Elephant Mountain Trail, near "elephant's tusk"., 33.898133 -111.976783, 924m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00074290Wendy C. Hodgson   273452012-08-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Fossil Creek, ca. 0.3 miles north of Fossil Springs, border of Tonto and Coconino National Forests, Gila and Yavapai Counties., 34.429157 -111.571966, 1333m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00076034Liz Slauson   5052012-04-16
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, West of Tortilla Mountains, N of Freeman Rd. and Tortilla Mountains Trailhead along the Arizona Trail., 32.87109 -110.88256, 1209m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00075489M.K. Terry   6762009-04-04
USA, Texas, Presidio, Chinati Mountains State Natural Area: Creekbed S of Indian Springs, TPWD Parking Area, 29.88975 -104.564806, 1012m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00079294Wendy C. Hodgson   297292014-08-24
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Coconino and Prescott National Forests boundary S of Highway 260 along Fossil Creek Road., 34.475917 -111.723136, 1191m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00088680Wendy C. Hodgson   181732004-04-18
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Arizona Trail, Tiger Mine Trailhead to Freeman Road passage, north side of Freeman Road., 32.873056 -110.879444, 1211m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00081983Wendy C. Hodgson   113621999-04-07
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along highway 93 northwest of Date Creek and southeast of Santa Maria River, 0.4 miles east of milepost 170., 34.256633 -113.08535, 887m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00081908Steve Jones   18962014-09-19
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, Tonto National Forest, west side of wash south of Bartlett Dam Road, east of intersection with Horseshoe Dam Road at safety pullout., 33.8746 -111.73434, 973m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00085353Wendy C. Hodgson   298882014-09-09
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, North of Hawkins, along and just east of Date Creek Road (County Road 62)., 34.275186 -112.905019, 1015m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00083711Wendy C. Hodgson   309042016-07-20
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado National Forest, northwest end of Dragoon Mountains, west of Dragoon Peak, west of Wood Canyon, along FSR 689., 32.012125 -110.012166, 1484m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00088667Wendy C. Hodgson   181782004-04-18
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Arizona Trail, Tiger Mine Trailhead to Freeman Road passage, north side of Freeman Road., 32.873056 -110.879444, 1211m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00087630Wendy C. Hodgson   198612005-03-31
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest, Mazatzal Wildnerness, south flanks of Deadman Mesa, east of Fossil Creek, west of Hardscrabble Creek, along pack trail., 34.3395 -111.653283, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00084927Wendy C. Hodgson   199612005-04-03
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Tonto National Forest, Mazatzal Wilderness, south of Dry Creek, north of Sycamore Creek, east of Verde River., 34.09685 -111.702317, 641m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00083669Wendy C. Hodgson   30715B2016-03-29
USA, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest, Mazatzal Wilderness Area, east side of Verde River, north of Canyon Creek., 34.198401 -111.688708, 717m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00089124Wendy C. Hodgson   199832005-04-15
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Coconino National Forest, north of Verde River, west of FSR 618 (Bullpen Road), north of highway 260, southeast of Camp Verde., 34.538433 -111.7659, 975m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00087186Dawn Goldman   DG-8202017-04-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, White Tank Mountain Regional Park, at pass on Goat Camp Trail below towers., 33.571077 -112.547367, 951m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00089906Setaro, D.   AZ930-3482017-04-05
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Tonto National Forest, Seven Springs area, FR 285, 33.901355 -111.821172, 1115m

Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00091449A.M. Phillips   86-431986-04-07
USA, Arizona, Maricopa County, West side of Verde River, just below Horseshoe Dam, on white clay hills about one half mile from main road., 33.981949 -111.710629

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00099595Cole Larson-Whittaker   7802019-04-21
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Tonto National Forest, Dry canyons ~3/4 mile north of Canyon Creek., 34.19796 -111.68929

Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00091850Edward F. Anderson   50841982-05-20
USA, New Mexico, Sierra County, Turtle Back Mt. 2 mi. W. of Truth or Consequences. Rio Grande drainage., 33.126662 -107.230242, 1341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00097884Cole Larson-Whittaker   3722018-08-14
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Tonto National Forest, ~1/2 mile from road down main channel of wash that drains the flats north of Chalk Mountain, East side of Verde River., 34.044518 -111.71721

Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
DES00095843Cole Larson-Whittaker   7012019-03-18
United States, Arizona, Yavapai County, Bajada just south of Sheep's Bridge and just north of Ister Flat, along dry wash that drains the bajada. Linear alignments that run perpendicular to streambed present.., 34.06082 -111.71908

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00050431Shannon Doan   13312002-09-11
Mexico, Sonora, Santa Cruz; 7-8 km SSE of San Lazaro (=Miguel Hidalgo) on road to San Antonia (MEX 2, between Cananea & Imuris), 31.041 -110.6304

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047901Wendy C. Hodgson   125852000-09-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest, Ca 6 miles north of Patagonia, Santa Rita Mountains foothills, along Arizona Trail and FSR 72, in Temporal Gulch, at Temporal Gulch Trailhead., 31.60583 -110.783333, 1387m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047652Wendy C. Hodgson   12539A2000-09-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest, Within 1 mile north of Patagonia, Santa Rita Mountains foothills, just north of ''Gringo Gulch'' along Arizona Trail and FSR 72., 31.55435 -110.74875, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047035Wendy C. Hodgson   126232000-09-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest, Santa Rita Mountains, north of Temporal Gulch, along Forest Service Road 72, ca 4-5 miles north of trailhead and 10-11 miles north of Patagonia, going towards Walker Basin., 31.65287 -110.7948, 1650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00032122W. Hodgson   46441987-09-05
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Patagonia Mts. 1.1 mi W of Sycamore Canyon and Italian Canyon intersection along FSR 61, 31.365442 -110.781694, 1249m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00021045W. Hodgson   H-10171980-08-31
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Ca. 1/4 mi SE of Turkey Creek Ranger Sta, Chiricahua Peak 15' Quad, 31.867115 -109.3804, 1889m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00035290W. Hodgson   55881989-08-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Foothills of Santa Rita Mountains, off Proctor Road, 31.733333 -110.875, 1341m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00002874D. Pinkava   170361970-09-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, 2.8 miles E. Pena Blanca Lake at Walker Canyon (61 Ranch), 31.387439 -111.064825, 1249m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00068974Elizabeth Makings   3054a2008-08-26
USA, New Mexico, Hidalgo County, Peloncillo Mountains; near Rodeo NM; 0.5 miles northeast of the Bioresearch Ranch, 31.733817 -108.972017, 1920m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00098033Jack Dash   3042021-08-28
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Atascosa Highlands: Atascosa Mountains, Sycamore Canyon, parking lot at junction of Ruby Road (FR 39) and Sycamore Canyon, 31.4317 -111.1889, 1223m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00098712Jack Dash   3382021-08-25
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Atascosa Highlands: Tumacacori Mountains, Rock Corral Canyon, Tributary draw to the Northeast of Rock Corral Springs, 31.55531 -111.09682, 1189m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00048040Wendy C. Hodgson   151062001-09-22
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Coronado National Forest, Huachuca Mountains foothills, along Arizona Trail and Sunnyside Canyon Trail (117), Sunnyside Canyon, just west of Miller Peak Wilderness Boundary., 31.44352 -110.3999, 1845m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047881Wendy C. Hodgson   146132001-08-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, foothills of Huachuca Mountains, Coronado National Memorial, Joe's Canyon Trail, within 1/2 mile south of Montezuma Pass parking lot., 31.34908 -110.2851, 2032m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047755Wendy C. Hodgson   127772000-09-09
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest, Santa Rita Mountains foothills, along Arizona Trail just south of Kentucky Camp., 31.72663 -110.74865, 1596m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047648Wendy C. Hodgson   12539B2000-09-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest, Within 1 mile north of Patagonia, Santa Rita Mountains foothills, just north of ''Gringo Gulch'' along Arizona Trail and FSR 72., 31.55435 -110.74875, 1280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00029475W. Hodgson   38391985-09-10
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Calabasas Picnic Area, 6.9 miles West of Interstate 19, along Route 289., 31.386806 -111.051278

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00050679Wendy C. Hodgson   155492002-08-23
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest, Foothills of Santa Rita Mountains, along Arizona Trail where it intersects FSR 62 (Box Canyon or Greaterville Road)., 31.7977 -110.7473, 1555m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00004078E. R. Blakley   B-19641955-09-05
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Sycamore Canyon, along creek, 31.430689 -111.189775, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037900W. Hodgson   74621993-09-22
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Rita Mountains, north-northeastern flanks, 1.8 miles north of Greaterville Road, and 0.25 mile west of State Route 83 (0.5 mile south of milemarker 43), 31.7956 -110.6977, 1767m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00002925D. Pinkava   171841970-09-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Pena Blanca Lake, 31.399167 -111.089444

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00030298R. D. Worthington   143521986-07-26
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis County, Davis Mts. Resort, along Limpia Creek at McGuire Ranch ruins and resort HQ., 30.625 -104.091667, 1737m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00030928R. D. Worthington   143521986-07-26
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis County, Davis Mts. Resort, along Limpia Creek at McGuire Ranch ruins and resort HQ., 30.625 -104.091667, 1737m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00082407M. Licher   46422014-09-06
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Bog Springs Campground, Madera Canyon, Santa Rita Mountains., 31.727028 -110.875639, 1536m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00094983Jack Dash   4542021-10-17
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Atascosa Highlands: Atascosa Mountains, Peck Canyon approximately 700 meters west of Hell's Gate, 31.4863 -111.1617, 1213m

DES00094983Jack Dash   4542021-10-17
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Atascosa Highlands: Atascosa Mountains, Peck Canyon approximately 700 meters west of Hell's Gate, 31.4863 -111.1617, 1213m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00057117Juan Arguelles   1091959-08-02
Mexico, Sonora, San Bernardino & vicinity, Rio Mayo watershed. Rancho Tetasuari., 27.383333 -108.833333, 400 - 1000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00060135Gentry   12000
Mexico, Guerrero, 3-4 miles N of Pachivia., 18.416667 -99.75, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00059865R. G. Engard   966a1975-08-08
Mexico, Chihuahua, Side canyon of Canyon de la Santa Clara 6 mi. west from Mexico Hwy. 45., 29.351351 -106.509492, 1696m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00032971W. Hodgson   51681988-09-01
Mexico, Sonora, 7.4 miles NE of Mazocahui, along road to Moctezuma, 29.583333 -110.083333, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00096389Liz Makings   64222019-08-05
Mexico, Sonora, San Filipe de Jesus, Sierra Los Locos; Rancho El Llano; ~10 air miles west of San Filipe de Jesus, 29.87844 -110.38786, 1290m

DES00091942A.L. Reina-G.   2011-4362011-08-05
Mexico, Sonora, 20.5 km (by air) SSE of Moctezuma., 29.64167 -109.57139, 692m

Howard S. Gentry   1200
Mexico, Guerrero, Guerrero, Mexico. 3-4 miles N of Pachivia., 18.408549 -99.787586, 1524m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00033483Wendy C. Hodgson   52331988-11-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Along Rio Grande, near Rooney's, raiver mileage 822., 29.091667 -103.066667, 579m

East Central University

Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
C. Fisher   251970-05-18
United States, Oklahoma, Texas, Goodwell; 2 mi N of Goodwell, 36.7479085297699 -101.490016109212

East Tennessee State University, John C. Warden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
ETSU012677Jane Miller   81966-06-08
United States, Texas, Brown, Four miles southwest of Brownwood

Image Associated With the Occurence
ETSU012678Margie Silva   231965-04-07
United States, Texas, Webb, 4 miles north of Laredo, Texas, Moran's Ranch.

Eastern New Mexico University Herbarium

3576Luke Shelby   LS-81-421981-10-25
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 1/2 mi S and 1/4 mi W of 18th and S Ave D, Portlaes

3577Melissa Cates   MC-11982-09-01
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 3 mi E of Portales

3578Irene Cates   IC-221982-09-07
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 3 mi E of Portales

3579Gail Carter   GC511982-09-11
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Delphose, 10 mi W of Portales on Portales/Roswell Hwy

3580James Hurley   201982-09-05
USA, New Mexico, Curry, Running Water Draw

3581Dorothy Sanchez   21982-09-08
USA, New Mexico, Guadalupe, Newkirk Rest Area

3582James S Martin   8191945-08-22
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, ca 2 miles north of Portales

3583Randy Martin   RM-81-311981-09-27
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 5 mi north of Portales

3584Herbert Holen   HH-81-151981-09-12
USA, New Mexico, DeBaca, 1 mi N of Ft Sumner

3585William Anderson   WJA-81-41981-05-13
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, T22S R31E, NE1/4 S21 WIPP site, Carlsbad

3586Michael Porter   MP-81-541981-09-12
USA, New Mexico, DeBaca, 1 mi N of Ft Sumner

3587Phillip G Johnson   PGJ-81-461981-09-17
USA, New Mexico, Quay, 1/4 mi N of Ragland

3588Ron Moore   RWM-81-441981-09-15
USA, New Mexico, DeBaca, T3N R26E Sec 7 Ft Sumner, 1 mi N of Hwy 84

3589Kristy Yerkes   KY-81-31981-08-30
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 7 miles north of Portales

3590Bryan Nygren   BEN-81-451981-09-10
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 1 mi S of Portales

3591Lisa Jetter   LJ-81-621981-07-04
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, T1S R34E 4.5 mi E Portales

3592J Secor   1978-08-11
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, Sandia Carlsbad Study Site

3593Paul J Polechla   211977-05-21
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, Sec 20, R31E, T22S 24.5 mi E and 3 mi S of Carlsbad

3594Floyd Weckerly   1981-04-19
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, T22S R31E, NE1/4 S21

3595Floyd Weckerly   1981-04-19
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, T22S R31E, NE1/4 S21

3596Floyd Weckerly   1981-03-15
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, T22S R31E, NE1/4 S21

3597J Secor   1978-08-11
USA, New Mexico, Eddy, Sandia Carlsbad Study Site

3598Chuck Schultz   1990-10-01
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, 10 mi West of Portales

3600J Secor   701967-08-29
USA, New Mexico, 4.3 mi north of Taiban

3601Edwin E Tucker   ET861982-05-23
USA, New Mexico, Bernalillo, 5 mi N and 6 mi W Albuq

Emory University Herbarium

GEO:Southern Appalachian Botanical Club
Image Associated With the Occurence
Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray
14654Delzie Demaree   1958-05-23
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino County, Sedona

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

130885R. B. Ledin   1948-01-25
Cuba, Aikins Botanical Garden, Soledad, Santa Clara Province, Cuba, 20.0181 -75.7094

135743J. F. Morton   17641977-02-15
Mexico, Yucatán, roadside near Barracuda, hotel Cozumel Island offshore Yucatan, 20.75 -88.8333

135744J. F. Morton   176321977-02-15
Mexico, Yucatán, roadside near Barracuda, hotel Cozumel Island offshore Yucatan, 20.75 -88.8333

Field Museum of Natural History

Image Associated With the Occurence
A. J. Cavanilles   

M. Sessé & J. M. Mociño   2800

M. Sessé & J. M. Mociño   3984

Page 19, records 1801-1900 of 9086


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