Rich Crawford 173 2011-05-06
USA, California, Inyo, Near Tecopa, CA, 35.98085 -115.914033, 790m
Marc A. Baker 19480 2018-04-24
United States, CALIFORNIA, San Bernardino County, 3km SE of Langford Well Lake, 10km NNE of the summit of Alvord Mountain, 13km SE of Fort Irwin, 50km NNE of Barstow, flats of coarse and fine sand, 35.1707 -116.5885, 700m
Marc A. Baker 19546 2018-05-01
United States, CALIFORNIA, San Bernardino County, 6km NNW of Bicycle Lake, 10km NNE of central Fort Irwin, 60km NNE of Barstow, broad, shallow wash of mostly coarse sand and gravel, 35.3431 -116.653, 850m
M. Licher 6822 2024-05-19
USA, California, San Bernardino County, Along I-15 west of Barstow at Outlet Center Drive exit., 34.811028 -117.092694, 796m
M. Licher 2354 2009-05-04
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Tent Rocks area SE of Camp Verde, along USFS RD# 500 , 100 ft down the road from first wash crossing, 34.49725 -111.755944
Rich Crawford 437 2012-05-24
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Moenkopi Wash, near the Little Colorado River Gorge, on unmarked rd, 1 mile west of highway 89, 3.5 miles north of Cameron, near a quarry., 35.922897 -111.424882
Rich Crawford 507 2012-06-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Hopi Trail Canyon, 2 miles up canyon from the confluence with the Little Colorado River Gorge, 6 miles west of Cameron., 35.934583 -111.49053
Sue Carnahan SC 48 2013-07-31
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Poorwill Canyon Ct, Unit 1, Salero Ranch; 8.5 mi E of Tubac, 31.59849 -110.90237, 1277m
G. Rink 13167 2015-05-08
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, White Hills, NW of Camp Verde, 34.676184 -111.879589, 1088m
C.M. Roll 234 2015-05-12
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Pat Hills, ca. 30 km (by air) SE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 32.015167 -109.628467, 1347m
M. Licher 4916 2015-05-22
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Red Rock State Park, east of entry gate., 34.818972 -111.836444, 1189m
G. Rink 13905 2016-06-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino, East of Meteor Crater, vicinity of Pitchfork Tank, 35.015382 -110.950731, 1652m
Lucas C. Majure 6189 2016-08-23
United States, Arizona, Yavapai, Bull Pen off of Hwy. 260 just E of I-17, ca. 10 km E of Camp Verde, 34.54553 -111.75008, 1089m
A. Hazelton 1878 2015-08-06
USA, New Mexico, Socorro County, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. Near Alamillo, along the road that goes up Canada Vivorosa., 34.249442 -106.93621, 1460m
Jim Verrier 1297 2017-08-26
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Santa Rita Mountins, Montosa Canyon, Devil's Cashbox, 31.67441 -110.94784, 1300m
Nathan C. Taylor 1700.2 2018-08-11
USA, Texas, Loving, Rest stop 0.4 mi SW of Mentone along Hwy 302., 31.700994 -103.60347, 817m
Sue Carnahan 3223 2018-07-22
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Unit 4, west side of Grosvenor Hills near Tejano Spring., 31.57652 -110.92367, 1240m
Ed Kuklinski 2017-08-22
United States, Arizona, Pima, Rancho Seco, 31.64533 -111.31219, 1130m
Jack Dash 114 2020-08-23
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Camino Ramanote on Wise Mesa between CCC Tank and the Corral, 31.4599 -111.06873, 1222m
Jack Dash 616 2019-08-25
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Atascosa Highlands: West of Tumacacori Mountains at Murphy Well, 31.5480833 -111.1689861, 1273m
Nathan Taylor 2668 2023-05-19
United States, Texas, Winkler, 11.9 mi S of Hwy 302 along Hwy 18., 31.682729 -103.024669
Glenn Rink 17440 2023-06-03
USA, Arizona, Coconino, About 10 kms north of Cameron and 2 kms west of Hwy 89., 35.97552 -111.42508, 1305m
1739 Jim Verrier 1739 2021-09-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sierrita Mountains, west side, south of the Gold Hill Mine and Britten Ranch, 31.88009 -111.26989, 1260m
Marc A. Baker 11978 1995-09-28
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, T17N R1E NE3 SW3 S12, NW of Jerome, east of Little Black Mesa, west of Munds Draw, 1.3k ESE of Black Mesa Tank No. 1, low rocky limestone ridge, 34.86 -112.21, 1268m
Julia Fonseca JF2013-182 2013-09-14
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, 32.000848 -110.649718
Jianshi Sun 10 2014-03-15
USA, Arizona, Pima, Linear Park at intersection of Speedway and N Greaswoood Rd., 32.23675 -111.020556, 731m
Kevin Gibson K17 2014-03-09
USA, Arizona, Pima, 32.284917 -110.906639, 774m
Matthew Jordan 2014-04-01
USA, Arizona, Pima, Pantano Wash, vicinity of Broadway/Tucson overpass., 32.2214 -110.8297, 780m
Josh Scholl 27 2014-04-10
USA, Arizona, Pima, Greasewood Park., 32.235517 -111.022458, 740m
Ries Lindley 580 2014-08-10
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Tortolita Mountains, BLM land NW, 32.5405 -111.1144, 867m
Deborah Bird 066 2014-09-26
USA, Arizona, Pima, Mt. Lemmon, Molino Canyon Overlook Trail, 32.32677 -110.70049, 1254m
Julia Fonseca 2014-435 2014-10-08
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, near Arizona Trail, west of trestle bridge, 32.0208 -110.64784, 1026m
Ed Kuklinski 2015-10-02
USA, Arizona, Pima, Saguaro National Park - Tucson Mountain District, 32.291186 -111.163676, 896m
J.A. Soule 8966 2014-11-02
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Ajo.
Walter Fertig 15518 1995-04-07
U.S.A., Arizona, Pima, Arizona Desert Section of Sonoran Desert: foothills S of the Little Ajo Mountains: ca 1 mi W of Black Mountain; ca 5 mi S of Ajo and ca 10 mi N of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument., 32.311662 -112.867498, 457m
Anthony Mendoza 121 2016-07-16
USA, Arizona, Pima, About 5 meters west of N Rancho Feliz Dr, North of Overton South of the parking lot for bikes off of Rancho Feliz, 32.377638 -110.99875, 738m
Walter Fertig 30106 2014-10-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Mountains: Mesquite Wash (Tonto National Forest), west of Hwy 87 ca 20 miles N of Apache Junction. T5N R8E S34 SE4, 33.729997 -111.512147, 610m
Walter Fertig 30391 2015-04-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Arizona Uplands: SW Supersition Mountains, Crosscut Trail, ca 0.5 miles NE of US 60/89 at Apache Junction. T2N R9E S31 E1/2 of SW4, 33.470725 -111.469311, 643m
Sue Carnahan 2185 2017-01-29
Mexico, Sonora, Guaymas, San Carlos, unbuilt section of San Carlos Country Club., 27.97124 -111.04005, 30m
Crawford 229 2011-05-19
USA, Nevada, Clark, East side of the McCullough Mts, below the pass, 35.755416 -115.139048, 914m
Lucas C. Majure 6925 2017-09-15
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Hualapai Mts, just off of Alamo Rd, N of junct. with Chicken Springs Rd., 34.725567 -113.9421, 905m
Zachery Berry 77 2017-03-19
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Hayden Butte Preserve/ "A Mountain", 33.42637 -111.93566
Sue Carnahan 3085 2018-05-19
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Unit 3, Alto Gulch, road to Bland Mine, 31.6102 -110.87436, 1406m
D. Gentilcore 1462 2018-05-12
United States, Nevada, Clark, Million Hills. Above Connoly Spring., 36.24068 -114.10519, 1022m
Anthony Mendoza 263 2019-08-25
USA, Arizona, Pima, Bear Canyon Pima County Nature Preserve, Santa Catalina Mountains, Bear Canyon Road || 32.30448 -110.8021, 32.30423 -110.7998, 817m
Zachery Berry 652 2020-06-21
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, 33.453229 -111.950499
Zachery Berry 392
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, Phoenix Zoo, 33.453229 -111.950525
Anthony Mendoza 322 2021-09-05
USA, Arizona, Pima, Bear Canyon Pima County Nature Preserve, Santa Catalina Mountains, Bear Canyon Road, 32.3055 -110.79908, 818m
1606 Jim Verrier 1606 2020-08-24
USA, AZ, Santa Cruz, Santa Rita Mountains, lower Agua Caliente Canyon, 31.69353 -110.95362, 1243m
1817 Jim Verrier 1817 2022-08-22
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sierrita Mountains, western foothils, south of Wildhorse Road, 31.89732 -111.32014, 1050m
M. Licher 6853 2024-06-16
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Hwy. 179 south of the Village of Oak Creek, near the intersection with the Beaverhead Flat Road., 34.737731 -111.773997, 1149m
Sue Carnahan SC 567 2014-08-15
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Lot 10, Unit 1; 8 mi E of Tubac, 31.61004 -110.90783, 1308m
Julia Fonseca 2016-733 2016-11-12
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tanque Verde Creek, upstream of Craycroft bridge, 32.2701 -110.87
Ries Lindley 957 2019-08-06
United States, Arizona, Pima, Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, 31.609 -111.5203, 1071m
Stephen Hale 6134 2019-08-07
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho El Llano, 8.97 mi. (14.43 km) (air) W San Felipe de Jesús., 29.87651 -110.38844, 1302m
Stephen Hale 2019-08-07
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra los Locos, Rancho Atrevesado, along Arroyo Atrevesado, 8.3 mi. (13.36 km) (air) W San Felipe de Jesús., 29.87583 -110.37787, 1247m
C.M. Roll 4164 2023-12-18
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, approx. 17 miles east of Douglas, Arizona, on Geronimo Trail., 31.350567 -109.260633, 1145m
C.M. Roll 4334 2024-08-09
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, approx. 17 miles east of Douglas on Geronimo Trail., 31.350567 -109.260633, 1158m
Raul Puente 6354 2021-04-12
USA, Texas, Presidio, Big Bend Ranch State Park. Near Tres Papalotes area, El Solitario. Hill east of El Papalote campground., 29.46892 -103.76911, 1269m
Frank Reichenbacher 220907-01 2022-09-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Dragoon Mts, Coronado Nat'l. Forest, Carlink Spring Canyon, about 0.9 km, by air, WNW of East Stonghold Cn confl., 31.952163 -109.961725, 1473m
Frank Reichenbacher 220915-06 2022-09-15
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho las Tierras de Jimenez, 14.2 km (by air) SW of Bacanora, Sierra de Murrieta. Ravine 0.3 km WSW of main campsite., 28.900262 -109.519399, 1384m
Sue Carnahan 5278 2022-09-14
Mexico, Sonora, Bacanora, Sierra Murrieta, Rancho Las Tierras, 14 km WSW of Bacanora, 5 km S of Carr. 20., 28.90303 -109.5207, 1413m
Anne Barber 155 2012-02-17
USA, Arizona, ASU Arboretum, 33.41845 -111.9336, 100m
Anne Barber 182 2012-03-16
USA, Arizona, ASU Arboretum, 33.4179 -111.931603, 110m
Rogers, Nicholas, Nathan Shelley 7 2016-04-23
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Mesa, Mesa Grande Archaeological Park, 33.43394 -111.84514
Zachery Berry 147 2017-05-09
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Hayden Butte Preserve/ "A Mountain", 33.42752 -111.93582
Zachery Berry 488 2019-02-01
United States, Arizona, 33.451817 -111.949948
T. Pereira 162 2020-05-12
United States, Nevada, Clark County, TUSK South Unit, 36.33605 -115.277267, 777m
Dan Beckman 107 2020-09-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, Rincon Mountains, Box Canyon, Saguaro National Park, 32.165677 -110.686216, 1329m
Ava Brinkley AMB0029 2023-03-11
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, Edge of first gravel opening on left side of Bumble Bee Rd after exiting I-17 S, 34.147022 -112.151371, 865m
Koppinger, Douglas 1923-04-17
United States, Arizona, Pima, Along 50 Year Trail, Catalina State Park, foothills along the base of the west slope of Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.44371 -110.90634, 960m
T. Ayers 1714 2003-03-19
MEXICO, BAJA CALIFORNIA, Bahia de los Angeles, first major sandy arrroyo W of town on road to Catavina and MEX 1. Parkinsonia-Bursera-Fouquieria shrubland, 28.97016907 -113.57099915, 68m
Anne Barber 159 2012-02-24
USA, Arizona, ASU Arboretum, 33.421811 -111.934997, 110m
Anne Barber 189 2012-03-16
USA, Arizona, ASU Arboretum, 33.418708 -111.935303, 110m
Benjamin T. Wilder 12-145 2012-10-25
México, Sonora, Foothills of Sonora; Rancho Aigame. Ca. 65 km E. of Hermosillo on Hwy 16., 28.7229 -110.4381, 430m
Benjamin T. Wilder 12-182 2012-11-03
México, Sonora, Islands of the Gulf of California; Isla Huivulai, vicinity of the pozo, north side of island., 27.0808 -110.0306, 2m
Garrett Billings
United States, Alabama, Jackson, detailed locality information protected
Ellen K. Bledsoe 1 2016-03-20
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, ca. 6-7km NE of Portal, 31.93908097 -109.08305, 1315m
Mark Hovezak s.n. 1987-00-00
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, West side of Black Mountains, Bighorn Cave area, 15 miles east of Kingman, AZ, 35.105778 -114.377222
G. Rink 14453 2016-09-22
USA, Arizona, Mohave, south of the freeway at Desert Springs east of Littlefield, 36.89483 -113.91155, 550m
G. Rink 10975 2011-09-11
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon in the Atascosa Mountains, 31.417441 -111.196165, 1190m
G. Rink 10979 2011-09-11
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon in the Atascosa Mountains, 31.392512 -111.212963, 1100m
Steve Buckley 2009-09-18
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Tumacacori National Historic Park, on west side of Santa Cruz, 20 m east of D'Anza Trail., 31.575331 -111.048858
Walter Fertig 29966 2014-08-10
USA, Arizona, Cochise, North side of Interstate 10 on frontage road off Sybill exit, 6.5 miles E of Benson, 3 miles W of Texas Canyon, 31.993692 -110.174949, 1280m
Sue Carnahan 2574 2017-08-05
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Southern Santa Rita Mts, Coronado Natl Forest, drainage below San Ramon Mine; 8.5 km S and 2 km W (map distances) of Mt Wrightson peak., 31.61644 -110.87172, 1442m
C.M. Roll 2129 2016-06-28
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Turkey Creek below Hwy 181, ca. 50 km (by air) ESE of Willcox, Sulphur Springs Valley., 31.88865 -109.491417, 1472m
Dan Beckman 2019-09-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, Rincon Creek just upstream of Wyss property, Saguaro National Park (Rincon Mountain District), 32.1269363 -110.65129162, 940m
Sue Carnahan 4384 2020-08-06
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, George Wise Spring, 3.25 km N of west end of Patagonia Lake; AZGFD Coal Mine Canyon property., 31.52442 -110.86915, 1203m
2282 Jim Verrier 2282 2022-09-03
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sierrita Mountains, east side, near Ranch Tank, trail to upper Ash Creek, 31.89248 -111.18863, 1484m
5808-d J. Douglas Ripley 5808-d 2017-08-07
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Dragoon Mountains, Middlemarch Pass, 31.85526 -109.96673, 1674m
CFO2016-12 M. McClure 2016-08-22
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, From Artesia, head West on the Hope highway (Hwy 82). Continue through the town of Hope. Once through Hope, continue for 27.5 miles. Turn left onto Pinion Dunken Road, and continue for about 15 miles. Turn left onto Russel Gap Road. Drive along Russel Gap Road until the first patch of BLM land, about 2.75 miles. Population found on both sides of the road., 32.6725 -105.1981, 1837m
Nathan C. Taylor 1046 2017-04-14
USA, Texas, Andrews, 2.1 mi. E of Plant Rd. on Hwy 115., 32.443342 -102.33168
Marc A. Baker 19735 2018-08-28
United States, NEW MEXICO, Guadalupe County, 2.5km south of the confluence of the Pecos River and Rattlesnake Canyon, 1km north of Santa Rosa, fine-grained tan sandstone outcroppings and associated soils, 34.95 -104.6863, 1418m
Anne Barber 161 2012-02-24
USA, Arizona, ASU Arboretum - in the Secret Garden, 33.419139 -111.936097, 110m
Stephen Hale 5385 2015-03-17
Mexico, Sonora, La Aduana, Sierra de Alamos, 4.5 miles (air) WNW Alamos., 27.03611 -109.014203, 566m
Stephen Hale 2021-08-02
Mexico, Sonora, City of Alamos, Parque la Colorada., 27.02004 -108.94551, 405m
Stephen Hale 5885 2019-01-22
Mexico, Sonora, Parque Colorado within city of Alamos., 27.00923 -108.9536, 546m
Benjamin T. Wilder 12-141 2012-10-25
México, Sonora, Foothills of Sonora; Rancho Aigame. Ca. 65 km E. of Hermosillo on Hwy 16., 28.7229 -110.4381, 430m
Stephen Hale 6652 2021-05-16
Mexico, Sonora, Along Arroyo el Cobre, vicinity of Choquincahue., 26.9808 -108.68063, 527m
Sue Carnahan 5291 2022-09-14
Mexico, Sonora, Bacanora, Sierra Murrieta, Rancho Las Tierras, 14 km WSW of Bacanora, 5 km S of Carr. 20., 28.90218 -109.51927, 1412m