ASU0309679 Julia Fonseca 2017-759 2017-04-15
United States, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, near Pantano., 31.99485 -110.5768, 1077m
ASU0078635 Charlotte M. Christy 1148 1992-09-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest; below Sunset Crater National Monument; ca. 0.5 miles north of Leupp Road along Forest Service Road 244, 35.3053 -111.006, 1829m
ASU0087261 Laura Lee Marshall 347 2010-03-31
United States, Arizona, Maricopa County, North of Usery Mountain Regional Park in Tonto National Forest on SE side of Pass Mountain about 1/2 way up, 33.480581 -111.592013, 805 - 815m
ASU0024071 Wendy Hodgson 3096 1984-01-09
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Rancho El Coyote, Bahia de la Concepción, ca. 125 yards south of beach., 26.559376 -111.796144
R. W. Matthews 475 1965-07-31
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Outskirts of Tucson, 32.2217 -110.926
Charlotte M. Christy 1149 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino, Coronado National Forest; below Sunset Crater National Monument; ca. 1.5 road-miles. north of Leupp Road along Forest Service Road 244; powerline right-of-way, 35.3642 -111.503, 1829m
ASU0085879 J.M. Andre 30629 2012-04-27
United States, Nevada, Clark, Slot canyon northwest of Riverside, just north of Virgin River, 2.2 miles south of Interstate 15, about 9 mi. west of Mesquite, 36.734733 -114.229417, 441m
ASU0314502 Fonseca Julia 2018-853 2018-05-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Cienega Creek Natural Preserve, downstream of railroad trestle bridge, 32.03 -110.666
Marc A. Baker 21064 2023-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, 500m north of the Mojave River, 8km south of the Calico Mountains, 15km east of central Barstow, 34.8836 -116.8624, 595m
ASU0024072 Jon P. Rebman 955 1991-03-21
Mexico, Baja California, Approx. 3.3 miles south of the town at Bahia de los Angeles., 28.933333 -113.566667
Harry Tate 100-a 1966-07-19
USA, Arizona, Pima County, 9 miles north of Arivaca Ranch turnoff, Arivaca Road, 31.6915 -111.296
Charlotte M. Christy 1150 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino, Coronado National Forest; below Sunset Crater National Monument; ca. 1.5 road-cut north of Leupp Road; along Forest Service Road 244; powerline right-of-way, 35.3642 -111.503, 1829m
ASU0024073 T. F. Daniel 1898 1982-01-08
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Rocky hillsides above Playa El Coyote on W side of Bahia Concepción, 18.5 mi S of Mulegé., 26.890594 -111.981083
Elinor Lehto 9396 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Pima County, 6.1 miles north of Quijotoa, 32.2157 -112.137
Charlotte M. Christy 1151 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino, Coronado National Forest; below Sunset Crater National Monument; ca. 1.5 road-miles north of Leupp Road; along Forest Service Road 244; powerline right-of-way, 35.3642 -111.503, 1829m
ASU0086351 C. W. McLellan 312 1935-04-14
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Agua Fria, 33.605594 -112.314604, 342m
ASU0106612 M.A. Baker 19057 2017-06-09
USA, Nevada, Churchill, S end of Stillwater Range, 22 km SSW of Job Peak, 2.5 km SW of La Plata Canyon, 41 km ESE of Fallon, 1479m
Liz Makings 4183 2013-04-07
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Mountain Regional Park; north side of Usery Peak, 33.498896 -111.636895, 760m
ASU0024074 Jon P. Rebman 1656 1993-04-16
Mexico, Baja California Sur, 1.6 miles southeast of Rancho San Angel, near the road to Punta Abreojos., 27.1833 -113.133
Harry Tate 287 1966-07-27
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Betwen Sopori School and Arivaca, 31.7028 -111.186
Charlotte M. Christy 1157 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Coconino, NW of Flagstaff; roadcut of AZ Highway 64; ca. 8 road-miles south of junction with US Highway 180, 35.1981 -111.651, 1768m
Charlotte M. Christy 559 1991-05-17
USA, ARIZONA, Cochise County, Side of AZ Highway 90; ca. 0.25 miles north of Huachuca City, AZ, 31.6314 -110.333, 1341m
ASU0086240 Wendy C. Hodgson 8352 1994-06-11
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park; along Deer Creek Trail; Surprise Valley; ca. 0.75 miles west of Thunder River Trail intersection; near start of descent into Deer Creek Canyon, 36.394917 -112.481111, 1005m
ASU0086352 E. Sundell 93 1973-02-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Regional Park, 3 miles south of north entrance, 33.3712 -112.377, 305m
Marc A. Baker 21067 2023-05-01
United States, California, San Bernardino, 3km south of the Mojave River, 12km SSW of the Calico Mountains, 8km ESE of central Barstow, 34.85281 -116.94977, 740m
ASU0024075 Jon P. Rebman 2261 1994-02-27
Mexico, Baja California, south of La Ventana at km marker 117 of MEX Rte 5; south of Mexicali and north of San Felipe., 31.6667 -115.067
Elinor Lehto 20257 1976-09-08
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Mineral Hill Road; 0.6 miles southwest of junction of Pima Mine Road and Interstate 19, 31.9933 -110.958
Charlotte M. Christy 560 1991-05-17
USA, ARIZONA, Pima County, 0.25 miles north of Avra Valley Road exit off Interstate 10; north of Tucson, 32.455 -111.323, 610m
ASU0086353 E. L. Smith S138 1976-03-23
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Sierra Estrella Mountains; 0.5 miles south of Estrella Peak, 33.265337 -112.281497, 1036m
Darin Jenke 9 2007-05-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Tres rios project area, near parking lot just east of 91 st Av. Sandy dry area by Salt River., 33.3888 -112.246, 226m
Shannon Doan 252 1999-07-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Next to Humboldt Mountain Rd, ca. 1 mile east of junction with Seven Springs rd., 33.9622 -111.831, 1189m
ASU0024076 Marc A. Baker 8649 1992-02-26
Mexico, Baja California, west of highway MEX 5; east base of Cerro Punta Estrella, 5.9 miles south of San Felipe, 30.9833 -114.817, 90m
T. Elias 8421 1984-05-26
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ca. 61 miles SSE of Tucson; The Research Ranch near Elgin; dry hilltop near O'Donnell Canyon, 31.6306 -110.469, 1463 - 1585m
Charlotte M. Christy 561 1991-05-17
USA, ARIZONA, Pinal County, Along AZ Highway 77; ca. 2.4 road-miles south of Gila River crossing at Winkelman, AZ, 32.9849 -110.769, 610m
ASU0086354 Meredith A. Lane 1907 1976-02-29
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, McDowell Mountains Regional Park; Ft. McDowell 15' Quad.; at South Tank, 33.6475 -111.691, 488m
ASU0299479 Liz Makings 5049 2017-04-02
United States, Arizona, La Paz County, Cactus Plain/Bouse Dunes; near CAP canal and Swansea Road, 34.02048 -113.94079, 370m
ASU0112621 C.M. Christy 364 1990-07-21
USA, New Mexico, Guadalupe, 0.6 mi S I-40 at Cuervo exit, 1524m
Elinor Lehto 8950 1967-06-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 10.4 miles north of Nogales, AZ; road to Patagonia, 31.4912 -110.934
Charlotte M. Christy 582 1991-05-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Side of AZ Highway 288; 2.5 road-miles south of Sierra Anchas Research Station; 0.3 miles north of Milepost 276, 33.83 -110.86, 1402m
ASU0086355 Mary J. Russo 594 1986-02-16
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge; Castle Dome Mountains; about 0.25 miles northeast of Little White Tanks, 33.1374 -114.104, 451m
Elinor Lehto 9174 1967-06-07
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 13 miles north of Nogales, 31.529 -110.934
Charlotte M. Christy 583 1991-05-19
USA, ARIZONA, Gila, Side of AZ Highway 288; 3.3 road-miles south of Sierra Anchas Research Station; 0.5 miles south of Milepost 276, 33.83 -110.86, 1372m
ASU0086241 Royal D. Suttkus 73-17-8 1973-05-21
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Colorado River; River Mile 110, 36.23 -112.42, 757 - 786m
ASU0086356 Elinor Lehto 11334 1968-03-22
United States, Arizona, Mohave, US Highway 93; 3.3 miles south of Burro Creek, 34.5452 -113.444
ASU0311201 M.A. Baker 20435 2020-05-06
USA, Nevada, Clark, 8 km NNW of the summit of Shenandoah Peak, 49 km SW of Central Las Vegas, Potosi 7.5' USGS topographic quadrangle Zone 11S, 35.8949 -115.5851, 1470m
T. Reeves 1134 1974-08-22
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Ted Knipe property; ca. 3 miles west of Sonoita on Highway 82; north end of Canelo Hills, 31.66465 -110.69511, 1372m
Charlotte M. Christy 584 1991-05-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Side of AZ Highway 288; 3.3 road-miles south of Sierra Anchas Research Station; 0.5 miles south of Milepost 276, 33.83 -110.86, 1372m
ASU0086357 Butterwick 6136 1980-04-19
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Utting 15' Quad.; ca. 9 miles north of Highway 72 on Calzona turnoff, 33.9213 -113.826, 396m
ASU0112512 J.P. Rebman 4952 1998-03-23
United States, California, Imperial, W of Picacho State Recreation Area; along Indian Pass Road c. 9.1 mi east of Ogilby Road, 33.02472 -114.76, 150m
ASU0086383 L. R. Landrum 9894 2001-03-10
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Phoenix, ca. 1/4 mile west of 19th Ave. and Chandler Blvd. Alluvial slope south of South Mountain Park., 33.3043 -112.104, 366m
ASU0294440 Walter Fertig 30114 2014-10-08
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Mountains, Mesquite Wash (Tonto National Forest), W of Hwy 87 ca 20 air miles N of Apache Junction., 33.729997 -111.512147, 610m
Elinor Lehto L-23482 1979-05-05
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Cabeza Prieta Game Range; Pinta Sands, 32.1205 -113.441
ASU0086358 Elinor Lehto 4766 1965-03-27
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant; 0.2 miles north of road to Water User's Cabin, 33.8533 -112.269
ASU0112444 D.J. Pinkava 12416 1968-04-11
United States, California, Inyo Co., 2.1 miles east of Salsbury Pass (west of Shoshone), 914 - 914m
D. Atwood 26365 2001-03-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Canyon Parashant NM, 36.3017 -113.924, 628m
John Phelps s.n. 1978-01-11
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Cabeza Prieta Game Range; Pinta Sands, 32.25 -113.45
Charlotte M. Christy 1164 1992-09-12
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Along old road between Ashfork and Seligman, 35.3256 -112.877, 1646m
ASU0112409 C.M. Christy 2314 1994-05-10
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis, Side of TX 17 ca. 7.5 road mi N jct with TX 118 ca. at Fort Davis., 30.748561 -103.767939, 1230m
ASU0086359 Elinor Lehto 10393 1968-02-22
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant; just west of High Dam; section 21, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m
ASU0112445 J. Turner 2013 1961-03-26
United States, California, Inyo Co., Along roadside 10 miles east of the summit of Salisberry Pass
ASU0112539 D. Keil 17445 1983-07-30
USA, California, San Bernardino, San Gabriel Mts. At base of ski lift at Mount Baldy Ski area, 1981m
L. Higgins 22152 2001-03-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Pigeon Wash; Lake Mead National Recreation Area boundary, 36.2871 -113.888, 620m
McLellan s.n 1941-05-11
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Mohawk, 32.7267 -113.754
Charlotte M. Christy 1165 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Along old road between Ashfork and Seligman, AZ, 35.3256 -112.877, 1646m
ASU0086360 Charlotte M. Christy 1058 1992-03-28
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Gila Bend Mountains; along Agua Caliente Road; 11 road-miles west of Southern Pacific Railroad crossing; vicinity of Fourth of July Butte, 33.2722 -113.114, 366m
M. F. Wojciechowski 1338 2005-03-14
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains, Kofa Queen Canyon, in gravel and sandy areas in wash near mouth of canyon., 33.385 -114.103, 693 - 693m
Andrew Salywon 1414 2003-04-28
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Palmeria Road near Date Creek; ca. 3 air-miles southeast of Alamo Lake, 34.2653 -113.44, 441m
S. L. Welsh 27893 2001-03-23
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grand Wash vicinity, 36.3059 -113.925, 631m
McLeod 1057 1972-01-20
USA, Arizona, Yuma, 5.3 miles east of Colorado River on AZ Highway 95, 32.4943 -114.814
ASU0086361 Elizabeth Makings 2015 2005-04-08
United States, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Greenback Creek Quad map; Twin Buttes in Tonto Basin, about 2 air miles north of the northern tip of Theodore Roosevelt Reservoir, east of Tonto Creek; about 1 mile southeast along A-Cross Rd. (also known as FR 60) after it crosses Tonto Creek. At base of the southeast side of the buttes, 33.7884 -111.228, 738m
ASU0112446 A. Tiehm 9373 1985-05-04
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda Co., East side of Mt. Jackson, Jackson Wash north of highway 3 to Lida, 1524 - 1524m
ASU0086377 Charlotte M. Christy 1112 1992-04-12
United States, Arizona, Gila, Salt Gulch area north of Lake Roosevelt; along road between AZ Highway 288 and AZ Highway 188; Punkin Center; ca. 20 road-miles east of AZ Highway 288 and 4 miles west of Tonto Creek, 33.7551 -111.237, 732m
Gail C. Kobetich 73-103-BW 1973-02-25
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Havasu National Wildlife Refuge; on low hills south of Bill Williams River; 1.8 miles east of AZ Highway 95, 34.2819 -114.054, 140m
Elinor Lehto 22475 1978-04-10
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Cabeza Prieta Game Range; 2.3 miles WNW of Border Monument 180, between Bench Marks 726 and 709; Pinta Sands, 32.165 -113.585, 219m
Charlotte M. Christy 1167 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Roadcut of US Highway 89; ca. 6 road-miles south of Interstate 40 and 20 miles north of Paulden, 35.1757 -112.467, 1585m
200PS W211-2 2005-02-28
USA, Arizona, 33.2997 -111.984, 361m
ASU0299191 Joni Ward jbw-481 2011-03-19
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, I-17 N to Carefree Road, then W continuing on Lake Pleasant Road to Castle Hot Springs Road then N to Garfias Wash., 33.953817 -112.39875, 740m
ASU0086197 Elinor Lehto 7037 1966-08-06
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Pipe Springs [Pipe Spring National Monument], 36.863054 -112.740788, 1604m
ASU0086242 J. A. McCleary s.n. 1954-10-28
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Clear Creek in Grand Canyon, 36.08212 -112.03566, 762m
ASU0086362 R. L. Mays 17 1983-04-15
United States, Arizona, Pima, Coronado National Forest; Santa Rita Experimental Range; north of Forest Service Road 505 and east of Forest Service Road 424, 31.8544 -110.815, 1219m
ASU0300514 Ahles, Harry E. 9525 1955-07-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, sandy desert, House Rock Valley, 17 miles east of Jacob Lake, Coconino County, Arizona
ASU0112447 N.H. Holmgren 7662 1974-04-07
United States, California, Kern, Mohave Desert, California City land development, 8 airline miles east-northeast of the town's center., 35.1479 -117.8548, 792m
ASU0086378 Larry C. Higgins 6525 1973-04-17
United States, Arizona, Mohave, 60 miles north of Kingman on Highway 93, 36.0598 -114.052
ASU0112458 C.M. Christy 366 1990-07-21
USA, New Mexico, Guadalupe, 0.3 mi S I-40 at Cuervo exit, 1524m
ASU0112556 A.M. Powell 3026 1976-08-16
United States, Texas, Brewster, ca. 9 mi. by paved road S of the main road to Panther Junction, on road to Castalon, W of Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park.
Gail C. Kobetich 73-87-BW 1973-02-10
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Havasu National Wildlife Refuge; on low hills south of Bill Williams river; 1.8 miles east of AZ Highway 95, 34.2819 -114.054, 140m
Barbara C. Hovatter 258 1967-03-04
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Yuma Fairgrounds; botanical garden fence, 32.7253 -114.624
Charlotte M. Christy 1168 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Roadcut of US Highway 89; ca. 10 road-miles south of Interstate 40 and 16 miles north of Paulden, AZ; just north Little Hell Canyon, 34.825 -111.788, 1463m
ASU0112416 B.J. Cox 452 1968-06-22
United States, California, Inyo Co., Inyo National Forest: At Westgard Pass, 12.5 miles southeast of Junction State 168 (State 3) and US 395 and 15.8 miles southwest of Deep Springs (24.2 miles southwest of Mono-Inyo County line)
ASU0086363 Mary J. Russo 450 1986-02-03
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge; Castle Dome Mountains; in large, sandy, dry wash; off road 42 ca. 1.2 miles south of King Road, 33.2248 -114.207, 530m
ASU0086379 Elinor Lehto 11661 1968-03-30
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Thunderbird Park; 0.5 miles north of entrance, 33.6925 -112.185
ASU0313186 Rich Crawford 63 2010-04-19
USA, California, Kern, El Paso Mountains, upper alluvial fan, east side of mountains on south end., 35.347948 -117.948472, 707m
Marc A. Baker 13966 2001-04-20
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Littlefield Quad.; 12km NNE of Littlefield, 36.991 -113.898, 247m
Elinor Lehto 22424 1978-03-24
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Frontage rd north of I-8, ca. 2 mi east of Fortuna exit, 32.6906 -114.418
Charlotte M. Christy 1169 1992-09-12
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, Edge of Hell Canyon, ca. 1 mile east US Highway 89 along road to Drake, AZ, 34.825 -111.788, 1341m
Charlotte M. Christy 660 1991-07-10
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, east of Portal, AZ; ca. 0.5 miles west of New Mexico, 31.916 -109.049, 122m
ASU0086364 Larry C. Higgins 6279 1973-03-24
United States, Arizona, Pima, Along Highway 86; 91 miles east of Ajo, AZ, 32.362 -111.296
ASU0086380 Elinor Lehto L-23393 1979-03-28
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Palo Verde Nuclear Plant; south of Wintersburg; south of plant; south of water storage reservoir, 33.4244 -112.867
ASU0112606 D.J. Pinkava Y-12 1961-09-03
USA, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Near Sant Fe; Rte 10
Marc A. Baker 12403 1997-04-26
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Mesquite Quad.; southeast of Mesquite; just south of the Virgin River, 36.8 -114.04, 600m