ASU0107159 Rich Crawford 411 2012-05-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Little Colorado River Gorge, middle Blue Springs route, LCR river mile 11, East of BIA 6140, 8.5 Miles Northeast of Desert View point., 36.118773 -111.699821
ASU0112452 H.D. Harrington 8442 1956-08-13
USA, Colorado, Mesa, 7 1/2 mi W of Gateway, 38.6915 -109.11216, 1371m
Cazier et al. s.n. 1965-04-15
USA, Arizona, La Paz, 3 mi. southeast Parker, 34.1192 -114.251, 152m
ASU0024086 Jon Rebman 1505 1993-03-11
Mexico, Baja California, 13.4 mi east of San Matias & 2.7 mi south of Hwy 3, between Ensenada and San Felipe; & north of Laguna Diablo, 31.2667 -115.283
ASU0024087 Jon Rebman 1530 1993-03-12
Mexico, Baja California, 8 miles west of San Felipe and Rte 5 along the road to Santa Clara., 31.0667 -115.033, 350m
ASU0086246 Cazier 1965-04-15
United States, Arizona, La Paz, 3 miles southeast of Parker, 34.1192 -114.251, 152m
ASU0086247 D. J. Pinkava 2016 1965-04-15
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Route 80; 28.2 miles south of Maricopa County line, 32.716032 -113.780401
ASU0086248 Elinor Lehto 5686 1966-03-13
United States, Arizona, Yuma, 8 miles east of Yuma, AZ, 32.7252 -114.486
ASU0086249 T. H. Nash 312 1990-03-31
United States, Arizona, La Paz, Cactus Plain; ca. 7 miles east of Parker; ca. 1 mile south Black Mountain, 34.1499 -114.166, 305m
ASU0086250 M. Butterwick 7198 1981-04-01
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Near Antelope-Palomas Road; between Growler and Kofa; northwest of Texas Hill., 32.850394 -113.716073
ASU0086251 Wendy C. Hodgson 5664 1990-03-30
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Cactus Plain; Black Peak vicinity, near utility corridor, 34.1075 -114.192, 213m
ASU0024105 Robert A. Bye 10070 1980-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Batopilas. Quirire., 27.025457 -107.743268, 1960m
ASU0024106 M. Mittleman M-27 1979-06-25
Mexico, Coahuila, Puerto de Aguila, between Hacienda El Berrendo & Hacienda El Carrizaleja, 27.75 -102.133333
Elinor Lehto 17520 1973-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park. Bridge Canyon, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m
Shannon Doan 1445 2003-03-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sonoran Desert National Monument; White Hills area of Vekol Valley (ca. 4.5 miles south of Interstate 8 and 2 miles west of Vekol Wash), 32.7782 -112.273, 518m
P. C. Fischer 6067 1979-03-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Wickenburg 3 northwest 7.5' Quad.; Belmont Mountains, 33.6457 -112.928, 640m
D. Ducote 736 1980-04-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Wickenburg 3 southeast 7.5' Quad.; east end of the Belmont Mountains on steep, E-facing hillside, 33.6167 -112.842, 579m
D. Ducote 744 1980-04-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Wickenburg southeast 7.5' Quad.; Flatiron Mountain, 33.5732 -112.842, 427m
Kabetick GC 74-24 1974-03-09
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Canyon north Parker at Holliday Harbor, 34.15 -114.288
Gary MN s.n 1964-03-07
USA, Arizona, La Paz, LaPaz Rd, ca. 5 mi from Blythe, 33.6 -114.51, 93m
P. C. Fischer 6226 1979-04-11
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Little Harquahala Mountains northeast 7.5' Quad.; Little Harquahala Mountains, 33.7036 -113.603, 564m
D. J. Pinkava 20326 1965-04-15
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Rte. 60/70, 9.5 mi west of jct. w/ 72, 33.69 -113.86, 352m
Smith R s.n. 1975-04-29
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 1 miS McDowell Peak, 33.6593 -111.818
Elinor Lehto 601 1962-04-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, 4 miles south of McDowell Mountain; 1 mile west of Bush Highway, 33.68 -111.72, 457m
Crosswhite, F. S. 1724 1961-02-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Blue Point; ca. 25 miles northeast of Mesa, AZ; along Salt River, 33.5665 -111.536, 366m
Lucille Ellis 72 1962-05-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Near Cave Creek Dam, 33.726 -112.049, 411m
Elinor Lehto 11740 1968-04-05
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park; ca. 2 miles north of dam on east shore, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m
Elinor Lehto 17520 1973-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park; Bridge Canyon, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m
Elinor Lehto 17523 1973-03-01
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Lake Pleasant Regional Park; 0.2 miles northeast of Cottonwood Creek crossing, 33.8776 -112.277, 477m
Welnick s.n. 1952-03-16
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Pinnacle Peak, 33.7269 -111.864, 381m
John Weber s.n. 1952-03-30
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Pinnacle Peak, 33.7269 -111.864, 762m
D. J. Pinkava 4649 1968-02-24
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Red Mountain, 33.785 -111.522
B. Wetzel s.n. 1955-03-25
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Mountains, 33.0011 -112.417, 457m
E. & M. Sundell 61 1973-02-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Sierra Estrella Regional Park; 3 miles south of north entrance, 33.3712 -112.377, 305 - 762m
Elinor Lehto 5722 1966-03-18
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Usery Pass; Usery Mountain Regional Park, 33.4992 -111.641
David J. Keil 6189 1970-03-23
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Ford Canyon; White Tank Mountains Regional Park, 33.5965 -112.557
Butterwick 4329 1979-03-07
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Artillery Peak southwest 7.5' Quad.; vicinity of Rawhide Mine, 34.33 -113.54, 594m
M. Butterwick 4633 1979-04-19
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Wickieup 7.5' Quad.; along road to Boner Canyon, 34.7278 -113.573, 671m
Smith EL s.n. 1976-02-27
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Sierra Estrella Mountains, canyon, 33.139 -112.17
M. Butterwick 7249 1981-04-11
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Table Top Mountains; between Indian Butte and Table Top; Indian Butte 7.5' Quad., 32.7749 -112.092, 732m
P. C. Fischer 6121 1979-04-04
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Date Creek southwest 7.5' Quad.; low ridgeline east of Bullard Pass and south of Bullard Wash, 34.0371 -113.148, 732m
Elinor Lehto 21260 1977-04-08
USA, Arizona, Yuma, AZ Highway 95; ca. 10 miles south of Stone Cabin, 33.13 -114.29, 310 - 310m
T. F. Daniel 2705 1983-03-13
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Cabeza Prieta Game Range; along El Camino Diablo; in Cabeza Prieta Mountains; 1.8 miles west of Tule Well, 32.2261 -113.779, 351m
Mary J. Russo 805 1986-03-31
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge; Castle Dome Mountains; in sandy, dry wash across King Road; ca. 3.5 miles east of Road 42, 33.2403 -114.26, 530m
Mary J. Russo 417 1986-02-02
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge; Castle Dome Mountains; on rock slope along dry wash/arroyo above west branch of Gray Tanks, 33.2111 -114.208, 549m
Mary J. Russo 767 1986-03-29
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge; Castle Dome Mountains; ca. 20 feet north of large, sandy dry wash above Horse Tanks, 33.2102 -114.207, 549m
Catherine Irwin 103 1977-03-27
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Game Range, 33.283837 -113.933304, 564m
Elinor Lehto 20892 1977-02-12
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains; King Valley, 33.2685 -113.984, 500m
Elinor Lehto 20914 1973-02-12
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains; King Valley; Yaqui Wash, 33.283 -113.932, 570m
Elinor Lehto L-20118 1976-05-19
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains; Palm Canyon, 33.33 -113.953
Elinor Lehto 23627 1979-04-22
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains; Palm Canyon, 33.33 -113.953
Elinor Lehto L-20062-a 1976-05-19
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains; Tunnel Springs Canyon from 0 to 3 miles from mouth, 33.33 -113.953
Elinor Lehto 19967 1976-05-19
USA, Arizona, Yuma, NW end Kofa Mountains; near Budweiser Spring, 33.33 -113.953
Barbara C. Hovatter s.n. 1969-04-08
USA, Arizona, Yuma, SW side of Littlehorns [Mountains], 32.9447 -113.503, 729m
Charlotte M. Christy 1055 1992-03-28
USA, ARIZONA, Maricopa, Gila Bend Mountains; along Agua Caliente Road; 11 road-miles west of Southern Pacific Railroad crossing; vicinity of Fourth of July Butte, 33.2722 -113.114, 366m
Sergio Obregon 98-127-B 1998-03-04
USA, Arizona, Yuma, S of Pole Line Road and 9th Avenue East, 33.2999 -114.057, 207m
M. Butterwick 7930 1982-03-09
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Ajo northwest 7.5' Quad.; southeast end of Childs Mountains near Ajo; 0.5 miles north of Dunns Well, 32.4105 -112.91, 503m
Elinor Lehto L-20936 1977-02-12
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains; King Valley; Yaqui Wash at Kofa Dam, 33.283 -113.932, 582m
John L. Anderson 95-10 1995-05-09
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, Grayback Mountains Quad.; ca. 0.5 miles east of Six Mile Crossing of Burro Creek; upstream on south side of creek, 34.568 -113.346, 725m
McSene Russell 74-24-HHS 1974-03-09
USA, Arizona, La Paz, N of Parker at Holiday Harbor near Castle Rock; bottom and sides of small canyon, 34.26 -114.15, 164m
Charlotte M. Christy 1238 1993-03-07
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Gila Bend Mountains; roadcut bank at large wash; ca. 0.5 road-miles north and east of Yellow Medicine Butte, 33.296179 -112.907527, 366m
Martin N. Ganz s.n. 1964-03-07
USA, Arizona, La Paz, 5 miles from the state line at Blythe, CA; near bridge over pass on La Paz Road, 33.62 -114.43, 213m
L. R. Landrum 10994 2005-03-13
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, Haley Hills near corner of Quail Run and Bottlebrush roads in Maricopa., 32.9577 -112.161, 527m
200PS W211-2 2005-02-28
USA, Arizona, 33.2997 -111.984, 361m
Dixie Z. Damrel 604 1998-05-17
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, S San Tan Mtns, 1 km N of border with Gila River Indian Reservation, 33.1207 -111.661, 472m
Dixie Z. Damrel 570 1998-05-09
USA, Arizona, Pinal County, S of Olberg rd, S San Tan Mtns., 33.1207 -111.661, 472m
200PS I141-51 2005-04-28
USA, Arizona, 33.5368 -112.597, 537m
M. F. Wojciechowski 1321 2005-03-13
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Roadside in light colored rock along Pipeline Rd, West of New Water Mountains, ca. 8-10 mi East of junction with US highway 95, at point of several switchbacks leading down hill., 33.5167 -114, 610m
M. F. Wojciechowski 1346 2005-03-14
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains, Kofa Queen Canyon, in gravel and sandy areas in wash near mouth of canyon., 33.385 -114.103, 693 - 693m
Karen Reichhardt KR2002-29 2002-02-17
USA, Arizona, Yuma, at base of Sheep Mtn, Barry M. Goldwater Range
ASU0024103 Jon P. Rebman 1284 1992-03-14
Mexico, Baja California, Approximately 57 kilometers south of Mexicali at km marker 57 on highway 5 between Mexicali and San Felipe., 32.0333 -115.25
ASU0024107 Marc A. Baker 8645 1992-02-25
Mexico, Baja California, Just to the SW of the junction of highways MEX 3 with MEX 5; Llano de Chinero, to the NE of Sierra San Felipe, 31.4167 -115.05, 90m
Doug Newton 495 2008-03-21
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Bottom of large sandy wash in deep canyon running E/W north of Triple Eye arches., 33.5006 -113.433277, 552m
Doug Newton 583 2010-04-06
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Qpen bajada slope,road to Triple Eye catchment. West side of range., 33.494009 -113.468809, 543m
Jackie Betsch 2010-03-13
USA, Arizona, Mohave, Near Highway 95, North of Bill Williams River, 34.311959 -114.104276, 200 - 400m
ASU0112510 Marc A. Baker 17085 2010-05-07
USA, CALIFORNIA, San Bernardino, Cady Mountains, 57km east of Barstow, 9km north of Pisgah Crater, 34.82 -116.37, 768m
M. F. Wojciechowski 1321 2005-03-13
USA, Arizona, La Paz, Roadside in light-colored rock among Pipeline Rd, west of New Water Mtns, ca 8-10 mi east of junction with US highway 95, at the point of several switchbacks leading down the hill., 610m
M. F. Wojciechowski 1346 2005-03-14
USA, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa Mountains, Kofa Queen Canyon, on gravel and sandy areas in wash near mouth of canyon., 33.23098 -114.6148, 690m
ASU0061241 F. M. Irish 1901-04-27
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Hieroglyphic Canyon., 33.3593 -112.043
ASU0112509 J. Andre 21073 2012-05-04
USA, California, Riverside, Joshua Tree National Park; Long Canyon, up side canyon approx 400 m west of main canyon drainage. Yucca Valley South Quad., 34.063517 -116.443033
ASU0086204 Doug Newton 258 2008-02-17
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Eagletail Mountains - BLM lands; along road to Frenchman mine, Granite mountains., 33.436367 -113.318968, 537m
ASU0086205 C. W. McLellan 1182 1937-04-15
United States, Arizona, Yuma, 30 miles S of Quartzsite, 33.228632 -114.229949, 343m
ASU0086206 Charlotte M. Christy 1088 1992-03-29
United States, Arizona, La Paz, S edge of Little Harquahala Mountains; vicinity of Martin Peak and Harquahala Mine, 33.665543 -113.590917, 549m
ASU0086207 D. J. Pinkava 10065 1973-02-03
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Interstate 8; summit of pass; 2.6 miles west of Liguerta [Telegraph Pass], 32.660185 -114.326772, 80m
ASU0086208 M. Butterwick 4362 1979-03-13
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Artillery Peak southeast 7.5' Quad. [Artillery Range, north of Alamo Lake], 34.340587 -113.585368, 671m
ASU0086209 Leslie Goodding s.n. 1940-03-06
United States, Arizona, Yuma County, Tule Well, 32.2261 -113.749
ASU0086210 P. C. Fischer 6067 1979-03-25
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Wickenburg northwest 7.5' Quad.; Belmont Mountains, 33.6457 -112.928, 640m
ASU0086211 Bruce D. Parfitt 2715 1979-03-17
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Signal Road; 8 miles south of Wikieup; ca. 4 miles southwest AZ Highway 93, 34.58517 -113.5625
ASU0086212 D. J. Pinkava 2032-b 1965-04-15
United States, Arizona, La Paz, 9.5 miles west of junction of Routes 60-70 and 72, on Route 60-70, 33.687782 -113.90625, 568m
ASU0086213 T. Reeves 6761 1978-04-10
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Cabeza Prieta Game Range; near Border Monument 180 along border road; south of Las Playas; small hill overlooking Las Playas; 0.1-0.2 miles north of Mexico, 32.07 -113.43, 213m
ASU0086214 Charlotte M. Christy 1371 1993-03-17
United States, Arizona, La Paz, Dome Rock Mountains; west of Quartzite; ca. 3 miles south of Interstate 10 exit 11, 33.6908 -114.336, 427m
ASU0086215 Betty Walden 1964-03-28
United States, Arizona, La Paz, Quartzite, 33.66 -114.23, 267m
ASU0086216 Mary J. Russo 452 1986-02-14
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge; Castle Dome Mountains; along Road 53; ca. 2 miles southwest of junction with Road 56, 33.1665 -114.121, 475m
ASU0086217 Elinor Lehto 21244 1977-04-09
United States, Arizona, La Paz, Eagletail Mountains; northwest of Courthouse Rock, 33.469318 -113.365583
ASU0086218 Charlotte M. Christy 1053-b 1992-03-28
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Gila Bend Mountains; along Aqua Caliente Road; 11 road-miles west of Southern Pacific Railroad; vicinity Fourth of July Butte, 33.27303 -113.10983, 366m
ASU0086219 Monica Brennan 11 2003-03-20
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Sonoran Desert National Monument; west side of Vekol Road in White Hills off of Interstate 8; ca. 25 miles east of Gila Bend, AZ, 32.778167 -112.273, 579 - 640m
ASU0086220 Charlotte M. Christy 1237a 1993-03-07
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Gila Bend Mountains; roadcut bank at large wash; ca. 5 road-miles north and east of Yellow Medicine Butte, 33.296179 -112.907527, 366m
ASU0086221 Charlotte M. Christy 1360 1993-03-16
United States, Arizona, Yuma, Gila Mountains just east Yuma; west side Telegraph Pass; north Interstate 8; first several canyons from end of frontage road, 32.66207 -114.35617, 61m
ASU0086222 Charlotte M. Christy 1055a 1992-03-28
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Gila Bend Mountains; along Agua Caliente Road; 11 road-miles west of Southern Pacific Railroad crossing; vicinity of Fourth of July Butte, 33.272483 -113.110371, 366m
ASU0086224 Elinor Lehto 17603 1973-03-27
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, SW Buckeye, section 31; along ridge north of Rainbow Valley, 33.291118 -112.597105