19732 Roe, Gerald F. 721 1974-08-29
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, On Hone Quarry Ridge jeep trail. Hone Quarry, George Washington National Forest., 38.479549 -79.184555, 1067m
22115 Kirkman, Kay 760 1975-09-27
United States, Virginia, York, on Penniman Spit. Cheatham Annex Naval Supply Center. PO Williamsburg, 37.289581 -76.640909
22117 Kirkman, Kay 589 1975-08-26
United States, Virginia, York, Between Railroad tracks on river side off D street. Cheatham Annex, Naval Supply Center. P.O. Williamsburg, 37.280905 -76.626338
23074 Diggs Jr, George M 916 1975-09-12
United States, Virginia, Fluvanna, 0.75 mi South of Rt 696, 1 mi West of Rt 626, 37.926781 -78.161638
25950 Corcoran, Celeste M. 1328 1976-08-28
United States, Virginia, Powhatan, On the roadside of Rt. 711, 1/8 mile west of Norwood Creek., 37.581106 -77.740645
27952 Baumann, Chris 51 1975-07-17
United States, Virginia, Accomack, 3 miles from the southern end of Cedar Island., 37.610594 -75.618198
28321 Baumann, Chris 82 1975-09-12
United States, Virginia, Accomack, 3 miles from the southern end of Cedar Island, 37.610594 -75.618198
28337 Baumann, Chris 95 1975-10-02
United States, Virginia, Accomack, 3 miles from the southern end of Cedar Island., 37.610594 -75.618198
29199 Greaves, James M 647 1975-07-26
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, along Rt 616, at bridge over Beaverdam Swamp, North of Gloucester CH. G-7, 37.426289 -76.529442
31734 Wieboldt, T F 2651 1976-08-24
United States, Virginia, Greene, Lower West slope of Parker Mtn 2.5 mi Northeast of Dyke, VA, 38.279366 -78.507099, 198m
32723 Ware, Donna M E 5826 1974-08-19
United States, Virginia, Surry, West side of St Rt 650, about 0.2 mi South of outflow canal; VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station; East of Surry, 37.168291 -76.698585
33641 Train, Elizabeth 458 1977-08-08
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, at New Dragon Bridge, Rt 603, 37.63366 -76.69579
35378 Smith, Eddie 349 1978-08-20
United States, Virginia, Hanover, 0.7 mi. E of U.S. 201 at St. Rte. 649, 37.718914 -77.376962
35996 Greaves, James 769 1975-08-25
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, Rt 656 along road edge and ditch bank. 1.5 mi East of Ordinary PO, 37.314381 -76.490966
36461 Whitmarsh, Lynne L 503 1979-08-13
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, Intersection of Co. Rt. 702. and 676, W of Holly Point., 37.07772 -76.683012
36974 Redfearn, Paul L Jr 32508 1980-10-10
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Vicinity of Jam Up cave. Along Jack Fork River.
39431 Peake, Dwight E 471 1978-09-24
United States, Virginia, Scott, on Bark Camp Lake dam. 3.9 mi Northwest of Dungannon, 36.867309 -82.520046, 835m
41430 Harlow, James R 1079X 1949-10-22
United States, Virginia, Greene, from the Willot Estate of Willie and Lottie Harlow, 0.25 mi E of Quinque, 38.251451 -78.38905
41962 Watson, Frank 736 1976-08-26
United States, Virginia, Nelson, in the North old field in the Lesesne State Forest along Va Rt #680 South from Ramsey Gap, 37.847674 -78.96218
43676 North, Gretchen 790 1981-09-15
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, off North fork of gravel road in Mariners' Woods--1st right, then 1st right again, where road ends--West of VA Rt 3, ca 0.3 mi South of VA Rt 33, South of Hartfield, 37.547136 -76.44666
44737 Keyser, R L 532 1981-09-06
United States, Virginia, Prince William, At Condance Dr. and Rt. 1, Woodbridge., 38.659471 -77.251368
44759 Keyser, R L 494 1981-08-15
United States, Virginia, Prince William, Locust Shade Park, 50 yards N of Locust Shade Road, ca. 0.5 mi W of Rt. 1, and ca. 1 mi. S of Triangle., 38.538789 -77.348184
46342 Ware, Donna M E 8564 1983-08-16
United States, Virginia, King George, Near terminus of Caledon Road at Caledon Marsh., 38.343867 -77.167892
48110 Vascott, Anna 767 1983-08-25
United States, Virginia, King and Queen, on Rt. 605, 2.1 miles west of intersection with Rt. 648, 1.7 miles from Gressit., 37.483639 -76.684383
48115 Vascott, Anna 810a 1983-09-08
United States, Virginia, King and Queen, N off Rt. 613 1.5 mi. east of its intersection with Rt. 614. Near Little Plymouth., 37.641844 -76.766206
52192 Fleming, Gary P 1004 1984-08-26
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Eastern slope the Rappahannock Mountains, 5.4 miles S. of Marshall., 38.788845 -77.838699, 351m
54560 Fleming, Gary P 3746 1988-10-01
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Northern slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 3.7 miles S. of Marshall., 38.816144 -77.831553, 329m
56869 Bray, R s.n. 1989-10-07
United States, Virginia, Norfolk City, Gallbush Rd, just N of RR tracks, near Rt. 168. Mod.
59516 Hunsucker, Sally 5 1992-09-26
United States, Virginia, New Kent, At junction of St. Rt. 273 and St. Rt. 634; near barhamsville., 37.476587 -76.822179
59608 Dodds, Alicia A 16 1992-10-13
United States, Virginia, Newport News City, Newport News powerline filed just N. of Stiley Const. Co. and NE of Crossing of Shields Rd. and C&O R.R., 37.165253 -76.532175
83105 Wieboldt, Thomas F M-506 1980-08-28
United States, Virginia, Albemarle, powerline clearing adjacent to I-64 at the power facility 0.4 mi NW of the mansion, 38.014391 -78.461601, 128m
83905 Townsend, John F 6307 2018-08-08
United States, Virginia, Halifax, Difficult Creek Natural Area Preserve - located about 16 km northeast of South Boston and 2.5 km north of Dryburg. 1.5 km north of intersection of Allens Mill Road (VA 719) and VA rt 344, 36.755475 -78.73777222, 100 - 160m
United States, South Carolina, Chester
South Carolina, Lancaster
NEON05Z9S G. Cooper 7 2021-09-21
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), About 10-30 m East of NEON D08 distributed plot TALL_029_R., 32.90161 -87.43188, 123m
Johnnie B. Varner 7690 1973-08-20
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, Upland woods along logging road - N.E. of KY. 715, S.W. of entrance portal to D. Boone National Forest.
Johnnie B. Varner 7965 1972-09-28
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, Wooded floodplain above cliffy creek
Walter Fertig 31588 2016-10-30
United States, Indiana, Monroe, Indiana University cross country track/field north of North Range Road, ca 0.6 miles NNE of junction of IN Hwys 45 and 46. T9N R1W S26 SW4SW4, 39.17975 -86.49878, 259m
R.C. Clark 21963 1988-09-17
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, Xeric woods, vicinity of Sky Bridge.
Walter Fertig 1247 1989-08-23
USA, Connecticut, Hartford, North Granby, corner of East Street and Route 189 [east of Cossitt Library]., 41.995929 -72.829542, 152m
Garrett G. Billings
United States, Alabama, Jackson, detailed locality information protected