CMC00007606 D. Valek s.n. 2004-08-13
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, [no precise location]
CMC00007607 [unspecified] s.n.
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Next to Botany Greenhouse.
CMC00007608 [unspecified] s.n. 1964-09-26
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Near Botany Greenhouse.
CMC00019009 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK960 2013-08-23
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Waterloo Long Lake Fen, 42.35483 -84.0653, 292m
CMC00019338 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK828 2013-05-31
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Liberty North Fen, 42.09049 -84.4472, 314m
CMC00019117 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK870 2013-06-24
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Park Lyndon Fen, 42.38677 -84.06546, 278m
CMC00019253 Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski RHHK901 2013-07-22
United States, Michigan, Lenawee, Ives Road Fen, 41.97961 -83.9415, 230m
CMC00019752 Clint Pogue CP366 2014-06-19
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Bayley's Fen, 42.12666 -84.23546, 287m
CMC00020184 G.E. Kouris 81 1977-07-26
United States, Oklahoma, Marshall, [no precise location]
CSCN-V-0021830 Steven P. Churchill 12372 1982-09-03
United States, Nebraska, Keya Paha, Niobrara Valley Preserve and peripheral areas. Ca 14.5 km W of Meadville., 42.788056 -100.025
CSCN-V-0021834 Brannon L. Sorensen 27 2006-09-13
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Hunter Ranch, 9 miles northeast of Hay Springs. House pasture, around pond., 42.780933 -102.6466
CSCN-V-0021822 Robert L. Montz s.n. 1963-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron State Park., 42.710152 -103.018973
CSCN-V-0021809 David B. Minnick 59 1972-09-16
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, 22 miles northeast of Alliance on 385. 3 miles north on dirt road., 42.427452 -102.786233
CSCN-V-0021807 Geri Morris 739 1998-06-07
United States, Nebraska, Blaine, Bus Iverson abandoned homestead., 41.99444 -100.162007
CSCN-V-0021813 Cherette O. Mastny 35 2001-08-08
United States, Nebraska, Butler, Bone Creek Township., 41.347347 -97.124785
CSCN-V-0021799 H.F. Barstow 739 1966-09-03
United States, Kansas, Kiowa, Miller Ranch., 37.463248 -99.057678
CSCN-V-0021814 Joyce Phillips Hardy 3798 1994-08-13
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, S of Merritt Reservoir., 42.593464 -100.937734
CSCN-V-0021801 Joyce Phillips Hardy 68 1977-09-25
United States, Nebraska, Banner, Ca 16 mi SW of Harrisburg. Bull Canyon Ranch., 41.530959 -103.994236
CSCN-V-0021818 Loren J. Giesler 104 1989-11-08
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, T32N R48W NW1/4 Sec. 16., 42.752621 -102.964747
CSCN-V-0021798 Caleb A. Morse 27246 2002-09-24
United States, Kansas, Franklin, 3 mi S, 1 mi E Homewood. Ottawa University Natural History Reservation ("Ferndells")., 38.472778 -95.358333, 293 - 311m
CSCN-V-0021819 Joyce Phillips Hardy 4381 1995-08-01
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Oglala National Grasslands badlands vegetational survey., 42.821823 -103.481183
CSCN-V-0021805 Geri Morris 511 1996-07-17
United States, Nebraska, Blaine, T24N R25W S21., 42.035084 -100.219092
CSCN-V-0021845 Ronald L. Hartman 16198 1983-07-15
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Black Hills, ca 2 air mi NE of Aladdin., 44.6567 -104.1592, 1097m
CSCN-V-0021803 Joyce Phillips Hardy 1820 1987-07-15
United States, Nebraska, Banner, Long Pine Precinct., 41.501 -103.539555
CSCN-V-0021827 Ronald R. Weedon 7563 1980-07-30
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Ca 22 mi S of Chadron on Hwy 385, then 0.2 mi E on private road. Pepper Creek Outdoor Learning Center., 42.541763 -102.966819
CSCN-V-0021802 Joyce Phillips Hardy 1353 1984-08-11
United States, Nebraska, Banner, N of Kimball. Harold C. Bowen Ranch. S of Bowen Ranch house., 41.497194 -103.568516
CSCN-V-0021838 Leslie Stewart-Phelps 298 2001-07-28
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Cherry Ranch. Harrison, 11 mi S, 2 3/4 mi W., 42.52444 -103.948441, 1439m
CSCN-V-0021806 Geri Morris 795 1998-06-14
United States, Nebraska, Blaine, T24N R24W S32., 42.006539 -100.121175
CSCN-V-0021844 Rudy G. Koch 12546 1980-09-22
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Along Mississippi River, Goose Island, ca 2 mi S La Crosse.
CSCN-V-0021843 Brandon Rock 15 1994-09-03
United States, South Dakota, Jackson, SE1/4 SE 33 T41 R35., 43.483629 -101.490765
CSCN-V-0021820 Nick W. Kaczor 29 2004-08-22
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Nebraska National Forest 24B., 42.7091919 -103.0368698
CSCN-V-0021800 Ronald R. Weedon 5166 1968-10-21
United States, Kansas, Wilson, Upland prairie above Wilson County State Lake.
CSCN-V-0021808 Tracy Gray 28 1997-08-04
United States, Nebraska, Boone, Olson Nature Preserve., 41.798487 -98.106649
CSCN-V-0021812 Geri Morris 41 1995-07-28
United States, Nebraska, Brown, 1/2 mile east of Roberta Dunn house & 1/2 mile west of Diamond Lake., 42.226049 -100.04309
CSCN-V-0021816 Marianne Buskirk 110 1981-09-03
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Pepper Creek Outdoor Learning Center, 22 mi S of Chadron on Hwy #385, then 1/4 mi E., 42.547893 -102.965714
CSCN-V-0021821 Gary Mason 479 1973-09-15
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, 5.5 mi S of Chadron on Hwy 385, then 0.2 mi E., 42.742412 -103.004071
CSCN-V-0021824 William A. More 147 1978-10-28
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron State Park, 7.7 mi S of Chadron on Hwy #385 then W of park entrance on scenic drive (State Park Road)., 42.708859 -103.017407
CSCN-V-0021825 Dave Spires 906 1973-09-19
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, 3 mi E of Chadron on Hwy 20, then right 8 mi on a dirt road to Kings Canyon., 42.722393 -102.928346
CSCN-V-0021826 Lowell E. Urbatsch 809 1971-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Along West Ash Road., 42.666626 -103.270503
CSCN-V-0021828 Steven P. Churchill 426 1972-09-10
United States, Nebraska, Holt, 1.5 mile south of Atkinson on Hwy 11; collected next to the Elkhorn bridge., 42.518183 -98.971524
CSCN-V-0021831 Monica Rohde 476 1977-08-10
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, 0.4 mi E of Wyoming-Nebraska line on hwy 30, 0.4 mi S of I-80 ramp, 1 mi S & E on gravel road, 0.2 mi E & N on dirt track, & ca 0.1 mi S of track, just S of pine trees., 41.174655 -104.030386
CSCN-V-0021832 Joyce Phillips Hardy 2042 1988-08-11
United States, Nebraska, McPherson, 8.9 mi S of junction #92 & #97 on Hwy #97., 41.404375 -100.880697
CSCN-V-0021833 Elray S. Nixon 172 1964-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Pine Ridge - 13 miles N of Hay Springs., 42.835449 -102.679359, 1067m
CSCN-V-0021835 Adedoyin (Sam) Oduye 678 1974-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Soldier Creek., 42.690062 -103.59257
CSCN-V-0021837 Dave Spires 1853 1974-08-08
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Hudson-Meng Paleo-Indian Bison Kill Site, ca 21 mi N of Crawford., 42.827061 -103.600671
CSCN-V-0021839 Jack E. Watson 63 1975-09-07
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, 4.0 miles W of Fort Robinson on 20, then 1.8 miles SSW by county road, then 1 mile W via the railroad tracks to land lowned by G.E. & M.E. Watson., 42.618597 -103.557402
CSCN-V-0021840 Monica C. Rohde 1783 1980-08-22
United States, North Dakota, Dunn, 3 mi N, 10 mi W Killdeer. Killdeer Mountains.
CSCN-V-0021841 Monica C. Rohde 1737 1980-08-21
United States, North Dakota, McKenzie, 13 mi S, 8 mi W Watford City, North Unit, Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Oxbow Bend Overlook.
CSCN-V-0021842 John B. Nelson 21597 2000-09-29
United States, South Carolina, Georgetown, 1.5 km ESE of Laurel Plantation site; Brookgreen Gardens; 2.1 air miles SW of downtown Murrell Inlet., 33.535757 -79.079588
CSCN-V-0021804 Joyce Phillips Hardy 1820 1987-07-15
United States, Nebraska, Banner, Long Pine Precinct., 41.501 -103.539555
CSCN-V-0035838 Ronald R. Weedon 8329 1983-08-23
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, Scotts Bluff National Monument: Vegetation management unit #10., 41.836208 -103.700709
CSCN-V-0035660 Ronald R. Weedon 8247 1983-08-22
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Agate Fossil Beds National Monument: SE of Visitor Center., 42.424584 -103.7327
CSCN-V-0035837 Ronald R. Weedon 8605 1983-09-19
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, Scotts Bluff National Monument: vegetation management unit #2., 41.838821 -103.691149
CSCN-V-0035836 Ronald R. Weedon 8329 1983-08-23
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, Scotts Bluff National Monument: Vegetation management unit #10., 41.836208 -103.700709
CSCN-V-0035987 Ronald R. Weedon 7632 1980-08-30
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Ca 22 mi S of Chadron on Hwy #385 then 0.2 mi E on private road. Pepper Creek Outdoor Learning Center., 42.550963 -102.962313
CSCN-V-0021829 Steven P. Churchill 12372 1982-09-03
United States, Nebraska, Keya Paha, Niobrara Valley Preserve and peripheral areas. Ca 14.5 km W of Meadville., 42.788056 -100.025
CSCN-V-0021817 Marianne Buskirk 110 1981-09-03
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Pepper Creek Outdoor Learning Center, 22 mi S of Chadron on Hwy #385, then 1/4 mi E., 42.547893 -102.965714
CSCN-V-0021823 Robert L. Montz s.n. 1963-07-18
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron State Park., 42.710152 -103.018973
CSCN-V-0037220 Lawrence W. Young II 111b 1975-08-14
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Hudson Meng site N of Crawford., 42.828847 -103.599384
CSCN-V-0037209 Lawrence W. Young II 163 1975-09-10
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Peterson Special Use Area W of Fort Robinson., 42.61851 -103.558284
CSCN-V-0037208 Lawrence W. Young II 176 1975-09-13
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Little Elk Creek canyon 9 mi S of Sturgis., 44.236767 -103.452907
CSCN-V-0021846 B.E. Nelson 47223 1999-07-26
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Great Plains: along Wyo Hwy 215, ca 4-4.5 air mi N of Pine Bluffs, ca 12-12.5 air mi S of Albin., 41.23677 -104.07168, 1570 - 1591m
CSCN-V-0021849 B.E. Nelson 47806 1999-08-02
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Great Plains: N of Van Ortwick or County Road 158, N of Camp Creek, ca 13 air mi NW of Wheatland., 42.147081 -105.180427, 1478 - 1494m
CSCN-V-0021850 B.E. Nelson 55905 2001-08-16
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Great Plains: western edge of Slater Flats, ca 2 - 2.5 mi NE of Chimney Rock, ca 1.5 - 2 air mi NE of Slater; ca 9 air mi NNE of Chugwater., 1542 - 1585m
CSCN-V-0021836 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 18380 2006-07-25
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Crawford, 10 mi N, 10 mi W. Oglala National Grasslands: Hudson-Meng Bison Bonebed and vicinity: bonebed exclosure, just SSE of bonebed., 42.8280556 -103.6005556, 1256 - 1262m
CSCN-V-0021851 B.E. Nelson 12236 1984-09-23
United States, Wyoming, Weston, Southern Powder River Basin/Southeastern Plains: Southern Powder River Basin: MW Lake, ca 17 air mi SSE of Newcastle., 1189m
CSCN-V-0021847 B.E. Nelson 55780 2001-08-15
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Great Plains: along North Fork Muddy Creek, ca 3 air mi SE of Burns; ca 25.5 air mi E of Cheyenne., 1634m
CSCN-V-0021848 B.E. Nelson 44884 1998-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Platte, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Great Plains: between Bettelyoun Flats and Grayrocks Reservoir off South Guernsey or County Road 109, ca 6 air mi SSE of Guernsey; ca 16 air mi NE of Wheatland., 1359 - 1396m
CSCN-V-0021815 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 18889 2007-09-11
United States, Kansas, Washington, Washington, 7.5 mi N, 3.5 mi W. Smoky Hills: Washington County State Lake, S of lake 0.6 mi S of Gaskill Cemetery., 39.920861 -97.117056, 439 - 442m
CSCN-V-0021797 Paul O. Schallert 24562 1959-10-01
United States, Florida, Seminole, Florida Lake, near my home at Altamonte Springs.
187902 collectors: Jim Keller 1983-10-22
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Near milepost 336, State Highway 80 1.5 mi N of Bisbee.
190214 collectors: Aro. 1959-00-00
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Molino Basin S. Arizona
140547 collectors: H Harrington 4190 1948-08-02
United States, Colorado, Baca County, Sand Ck Canyon 25 mi S of Pritchett, 37.02 -102.82, 1341m
140562 collectors: C W Stavely 1 1939-09-02
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, Cochetopa For Poncha Springs, 38.5 -106.07, 2438m
140548 collectors: H Harrington 3753 1947-09-06
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, along Arkansas River S of Buena Vista, 38.84 -106.08, 2286m
140553 collectors: D Wilken 14282 1984-09-17
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, along Clear Ck & US Hwy 6 near jct with St Hwy 119, 39.74 -105.39, 2109m
140561 collectors: J Christ 1445 1935-08-08
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, N Cheyenne Canyon, 38.79 -104.88
140563 collectors: G Kunkel & L Shultz 382 1973-08-24
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, 7 mi S of Boulder on Rocky Flats Pediment, E of E Gate guardhouse, 39.89 -105.19
140554 collectors: C Crandall 1890-07-19
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, La Porte, 40.62 -105.13
140546 collectors: C Crandall 1890-07-29
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, La Porte, 40.62 -105.13
140555 collectors: C Crandall 1890-07-19
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Miller's Ranch, La Porte, 40.62 -105.11
140556 collectors: C Crandall 1890-07-19
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Poudre Canon, 40.69 -105.57
140558 collectors: C B 1890-07-29
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Tobe Miller's Ranch, 40.62 -105.11
140550 collectors: B Neely 3836 1986-08-12
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Long Canyon ca 1 mi SW of Trinidad Lake, 37.11 -104.6, 1950m
140551 collectors: Christ & Austin 3394 1936-08-18
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Stonewall, 37.15 -105.01
140549 collectors: H Harrington 698 1944-08-15
United States, Colorado, Otero County, canon N of Delhi, 37.66 -104.01, 1524m
140557 collectors: W Klein 3308 1969-08-20
United States, Colorado, Weld County, Pawnee Natl Grassland, Central Plains Exp Range, N of Little Owl Ck, 40.83 -104.76, 1584m
140565 collectors: W Johnson 311 1972-08-07
United States, Colorado, Weld County, St Vrain Atomic Power Plant, all locations, 40.27 -104.76, 1463m
140560 collectors: GK 1998-10-06
United States, Kansas, Morton County, Cimerron River, in Kansas at Colorado border.
140545 collectors: Kittel and Zoellner GK 1998-06-10
United States, Kansas, Morton County, Cimerron River at Highway 27., 1036m
140559 collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield 1589 2003-09-21
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Behind Hughes Stadium, in the foothills west of Fort Collins at the top of the trail along the road., 40.56 -105.15, 1707m
140564 collectors: B. Koblitz 859 2001-08-15
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Roosevelt National Forest; ca. 1.5 mi along Greyrock trail from trailhead; ca. 7mi W on CO Hwy 14 from Ted's Place, ca. 9 mi N of Ft. Collins., 40.7 -105.29
166358 collectors: Peter Ebertowski 2784 2002-08-11
United States, Wyoming, Weston County, Weston County, WY Thunder Basin National Grassland: Kellog Reservoir on Forest Road 914, ca 9.5 mi ESE of Upton, ca 18 mi NW of Newcastle, 44.04 -104.47, 1301m
167229 collectors: B.E. Nelson 47163 1999-07-23
United States, Wyoming, Laramie County, Laramie County, Wy Laramie Plains near County Road 206 crossing of Pine Bluffs, ca 1-1.5 mi W of Nebraska, ca 6.5 mi S of Pine Bluffs, 41.09 -104.09, 1594m
167228 collectors: B. E. Nelson 47522 1999-07-29
United States, Wyoming, Platte County, Platte County, Wy Laramie Plains along County Road 10 and Chugwater Creek, ca 12 mi SW of Chugwater; ca 27.5 mi S. of Wheatland., 41.66 -105, 1737m
140544 collectors: N. E. Hastings C. Bern 268 2005-09-14
United States, Colorado, Arapahoe County, Arapahoe County, CO Buckley Air Force Base N end of transect 870 m N of SW corner of the installation, 1703m
140552 collectors: E Neese 16120 1984-08-18
United States, Colorado, Weld County, along RR near Lone Tree Ck, 1.5 mi S of WY border, 40.99 -104.89, 1838m
172110 collectors: Caleb A. Morse 4005 1999-09-22
United States, Kansas, Chase County, .5 mi S, 3.O mi W jct of 240th Rd and Hwy 177 in Cottonwood Falls. W end of Chase CO state Lake., 38.36 -96.59, 390m
173676 collectors: Craig C. Freeman Caleb A. Morse 17596 2001-07-23
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills County, Cheyenne, 3.5 mi S, 4 mi W. Thurmond Ranch., 35.54 -99.74, 689m
173710 collectors: P. Cornelisse 932 2004-09-24
United States, Colorado, Douglas County, Ecoregion 20. Douglas County. From Sedalia take right on 67 along side of road in Pike National Forest., 39.29 -105.15, 2107m