1683951 Wilbur H. Duncan 18881 1955-06-17
United States, Georgia, Hall, Iln tufts of 6 inches in diameter, small boggy area in deciduous woods in small Cove. 5.8 Miles w 1 degree n of flowery branch., 308m
2807836 Ernest J. Palmer 2291 1909-06-20
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Neck City. Sandy soil., 37.25694 -94.44416
3545934 Julian A. Steyermark 74204 1952-08-10
United States, Missouri, Daviess, S of Packwood Lake, 4 1/2 mi W of Lock Springs wet meadow in valley of Old Grand River, 39.85166 -93.86222
272669 Alan E. Brant 2074 1990-07-02
United States, Illinois, Fayette, State route 23, ca. 1.0 miles W of US route 51; bottoms of the Kaskaskia River., 38.75 -89.25, 170m
2807529 Raymond John Taylor, Jr. 10359 1972-05-16
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Along the west fork of Glover River about 1/2 mile West of Battiest, Floodplain.
2808764 Ada Hayden 667 1936-06-28
United States, Iowa, Clay, Hardland Twp, Sec. 20. Swampy open woods 1 mi. e. of Cornell. Bayou of the Little Sioux River n.e. of bridge. Assoc: Carex laeviconica, C. rostrata, C. atherodes, C. retrorsa, & Cyperus esculentus and Carex cristatella.
1684117 John H. Kellogg 25004 1930-07-12
United States, Missouri, Butler, Swamps
2807670 Robert Kral 55956 1974-06-13
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, S.E. side Tracy City; abundante on coldwater muck.
3545894 Julian A. Steyermark 73779 1952-07-20
United States, Missouri, Holt, 3 3/4 mi SE of Craig swale and stretch of water in bottoms, 40.17277 -95.45611
1613393 Rebecca A. Haefner 3101 1980-06-11
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Desloge Pond. Upland sink-hole pond in loess soil of bluff overlooking MO River. Surrounded by maple-basswood forest. Ownde by Mrs. Jos. Desloge., 180m
2807540 David Castaner 2301 1972-06-01
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Murphysboro State Park; on shore of lake.
2808900 Ezra Brainerd s.n. 1846-07-06
United States, Vermont, Middlebury., 44.01528 -73.16778
1684045 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadow near dam
2807567 David Castaner 1737 1971-07-05
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Abt 6 M NW Messer on dirt road from # 93 junction; moist open roadside; sandy down from pond; 0% cover.
3545876 Julian A. Steyermark 73609 1952-06-14
United States, Missouri, Mercer, E-facing wooded slopes along Weldon River, 2 1/2-2 3/4 mi SW of Mill Grove alluvial bottoms at base of bluffs, 40.35944 -93.60361
1613330 Julian A. Steyermark 76283 1954-07-19
United States, Missouri, Andrew, Alluvial ground in valley and northwest-facing wooded slopes along with limestone outcrops along Hundred and Two River, T59N, R34W, sect. 25, 4 1/2 mi. southeast of Savannah. In valley swale.
2807584 Anonymous s.n.
United States
2808901 David Castaner 6572 1981-06-14
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, South of Framington; 1.8 miles south of St. Francis River near Knob Licking low woods.
1684214 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1903-00-00
United States, Missouri, Boone, Marsh meadow n of dam
2807401 David Castaner 7177 1982-06-19
United States, Missouri, Howell, T23N R8W Section 15 South of West Plains, Wet Drainage Area C. Decomposita Site of Steyermark.
3545401 Julian A. Steyermark 68489 1949-07-17
United States, Missouri, Grundy, On N side of Highway 65, in bottoms of Honey Creek, 10 1/2 mi S of Trenton around small pond, 40.0025 -93.43611
2807580 S.R. Ziegler 2054 1975-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Island20; Mississippi Rivermile #695; T15N R7W Sec 17. Age of dredge material-5 yr; Approx. Normal Pool elevation-631 ft. Small island E side of main channel; specimen growing in sandy, alluvial forest; central area of island., 194m
2808843 Clarence H. Knowlton s.n. 1914-07-16
United States, Maine, Swamp. Van Buren.
1684274 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadow near dam
2808294 Louis H. Pammel s.n. 1888-03-06
United States, Illinois, Red Bud., 38.211 -89.994
3545397 Julian A. Steyermark 68456 1949-07-16
United States, Missouri, Livingston, 1 mi NE of Dawn around lake in bottoms of Shoal Creek, 39.67944 -93.62027
2807592 Thomas A. Priesendorf 47 1985-06-06
United States, Missouri, Linn, Locust Creek Floodplain Near Observation Tower, NW SW SE Sect14 T57N R21W.
2808970 David Castaner 5830 1979-06-25
United States, Missouri, Henry, About 4 miles southeast of Blairstown; Big Creek bottoms; "Herzog" prop.; woods.
1683874 Larry J. Harms 2306 1964-06-10
United States, Kansas, Linn, 1 mile n of barcourt, roadside ditch, common
2808274 Charles M. Ek s.n. 1941-07-09
United States, Indiana, Howard, Moist area, 3 miles west of Kokomo
3535445 G. Reese 1813 1983-07-27
United States, Missouri, Vernon, occasional in shrub swamp, 37.87527 -94.46305
1686732 Gilbert H. Hicks 20452 1890-07-21
United States, Michigan, Shiawassee
2807570 John H. Kellogg 565 1914-06-07
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Jerome., 37.92611 -91.9775
2808958 Nellie F. Flynn s.n. 1902-08-13
United States, Vermont, Brandon. Low ground.
1685431 Benjamin F. Bush 926 1888-06-17
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Sedge
2808380 Arthur J. Eames 9428 1918-07-22
United States, New York, Tompkins, Swampy shore of Dryden Lake.
100310779 Alan E. Brant 6871 2010-05-27
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Mingo National Wildlife Refuge. Wet forest along Bluff Road between the bluff and the road., 36.97 -90.1530556, 103m
2734454 Willard W. Eggleston 2492 1901-07-23
United States, Vermont, Rutland, Rutland
3545513 Julian A. Steyermark 69768 1950-05-20
United States, Missouri, Osage, 1 1/2 mi W of Chamois n-facing wooded slopes with limestone above bordering Missouri River, 38.67305 -91.79888
2807561 Anonymous s.n. 1995-06-18
United States, Missouri, Washington
2808906 Bill Summers 9280 1999-06-12
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Sunklands Natural History Area, Missouri Department of Conservation, 3-4 airmi S of Akers Ferry; Yuccapin Basin, a large open sinkhole pond/marsh with floating mats bordered by buttonbush; edge of fresh water marsh in bottom of sink basin; T30N R06W S01.
1685696 John H. Kellogg 25031 1929-06-30
United States, Missouri, Dent, Wet places
2808171 John Macoun s.n. 1884-07-22
Canada, Ontario, Nefrigon Ruer, Ont.
2734450 John Davis 7447 1913-07-23
United States, Illinois, Pike, Shepherd. Mississippi bottoms
2807440 Bill Summers 3368 1990-06-26
United States, Missouri, Howell, On South FOrk of Spring River at Hwy JJ bridge, T23N, R9W, NW 1/4 S31.
2808914 Jim Conrad 1650 1970-06-16
United States, Kentucky, Marshall, Open marshes area, 2 M. S. SW. from Ky. Dam Village State Park.
1685529 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadow near dam
2807003 Ernest J. Palmer 15593 1919-06-26
United States, Illinois, Richland, Low wet woods, Parkersburg.
100759895 Anonymous s.n.
2807414 Harry A. Allard 8844 1941-06-06
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Wet soil on highway into Powell's Fort Valley just w. of s. end of Short Mt.
2808924 Anonymous s.n. 1982-07-24
United States, Vermont, Peacham.
1685359 Michael S. Bebb s.n. 1880-00-00
United States, Illinois, Fountaindale, IL.
2807172 David Castaner C121b 1969-02-07
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Wet area, sandy soil City, Pertle, Warrensburg. ID: FMo BB FofInd.
2807415 David Castaner C121a 1969-02-07
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Wet area, sandy soil, City Pertle, Warrensburg id: FM, BB, FOInd
2808927 Charles T. Bryson 3910 1985-05-17
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, 9 mi. ene Cary. Delta National Forest. Along Howlett Bayou. Under low hardwood forest.
1685190 Gilbert H. Hicks s.n 1892-07-00
United States, Michigan, Ingham, Near Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) in a ditch.
2807152 Charles T. Bryson 3167 1981-05-16
United States, Alabama, Pickens, 1 mi. W. Pickensville, along the Tenn-Tom Waterway. Along water edge on sandy clay soil. Common mixed in with other Cyperaceae.
2807434 David Castaner 7706 1983-06-10
United States, Missouri, De Kalb, Just East of Andrew County Line Near 3rd Fork Of Platte River Sect 15 T58N R33W NW of Clarksdale Swale-Like Area.
2808928 Charles T. Bryson 3552 1983-05-24
United States, Mississippi, Tishomingo, 4 mi. E Iuka, S of Hwy 72. Under mixed hardwoods and a few pines. Steep ravine. Along and above a sandy-rocky stream.
1684767 Julian A. Steyermark 79834 1955-09-21
United States, Missouri, Linn, Low woods, along Lewis Lake. Valley of Locust Creek in vicinity of Harlow Fay Lakes and Lewis Lake south of Pershing State Park, T57 N, R 21W , sect 27, 6 1/2-7mi. southwest of Laclede.
2809980 Stanley D. Jones 2721 1989-05-08
United States, Texas, Liberty, 0.8 of a mile W on Hwy 105 from its jct. with the East fork of the Trinity River. Bald cypress swamp on the S side of the Hwy. Associates bald cypress, other caric-sedge, flat-sedge, spike-rush, beack-rush, Ludwigia, Lemna, Dichanthelium, Paspalum, Penstemon tenuis, Ranunculus and Polygala. Frequent.
2807409 Bill Summers 3321 1990-06-14
United States, Missouri, Howell, 8 miles west of West Plains, T24N, R10W SE 1/4 S12.
2808989 Jim Conrad 1302 1970-07-00
United States, Kentucky, Clay, In old wet pigpen in bottom hollow, 2 miles w. of Botto.
1684936 John H. Kellogg 25995 1932-07-07
United States, Missouri, Clark, Kahoka, Low grounds.
2810398 Sherry L. Holmes 691 1992-06-12
United States, Missouri, Mississippi, Bayouville Quad. T24N R16E, Sec. 14, SW4; 0.5 mi. E. of Hwy. VV on N. side of Co. Rd. #516 (E. of Ten Mile Pond W.A.); Wet-mesic bottomland forest.
2807400 Benjamin F. Bush 43 1898-06-27
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Atherton. Common in swales.
2809013 David Castaner 7219 1982-06-30
United States, Missouri, Cass, On Highway 58 Just East of Strasburg At East Branch of Crawford Creek Low Moist Field.
1685021 Julian A. Steyermark 13140 1934-07-06
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Low wooded slopes along Procter creek
103119690 Alan E. Brant 9091 2019-06-06
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory. South end Pool No. R9., 36.689019 -90.106173, 98m
2810690 Ernest J. Palmer 6057 1914-06-23
United States, Arkansas, Clay, Corning, Clay County.
2807417 David Castaner 2984 1973-06-08
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Just south of Oconaluftee area at border of Cherokee Reservation; wooded open area with water running thru.
2809015 Homer D. House 1343 1905-07-22
United States, New York, Onondaga, Carpenters Pond, Fabuis, Onondaga Co, N.Y.
1686153 Harry E. Ahles 85737 1978-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Low depression, hockanum road
101162125 Alan E. Brant 9091 2019-06-06
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory. South end Pool No. R9., 36.689019 -90.106173, 98m
2810687 Paul M. McKenzie 1443 1994-06-23
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Little Dixie Lake and Conservation Area, ca. .25 mi. ENE of the intersection of Rts. J and WW; T48N, R11W, NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Sec. 26. Millersburg 4.5' Quad.
2807518 Benjamin F. Bush 6820 1912-06-18
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Swales.
2809093 Benjamin F. Bush 2036 1904-06-14
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Courtney, Mo., 39.15556 -94.39333
1686309 Ernest J. Palmer 54374 1952-07-05
United States, Missouri, Barton, 1 mile W. of Nashville, Barton County.
2810856 Susan A. Reznicek 7232 1983-07-31
United States, Michigan, Livingston, SW1/4 Sec.28, T2N R5E, NE side Chilson Rd, 4 miles W of Brighton. Sunny shores of small ponds in forested depressions, with Cornus spp, Salix spp, and Carex spp.
2807512 Bill Summers 8196 1997-06-24
United States, Missouri, Scott, Thomas W. Kelly High School on Highway 77, ca. 6 mi SE of Benton; low, seasonal wet area with scattered large oak and sweet gum trees; T028N R15E S35.
2809096 Robert Kral 43139 1971-06-09
United States, Alabama, Houston, Sandy clearing in hardwood bottoms, s.e. side Cottonwood.
1685852 Charles Wright s.n. 1885-07-11
United States, Connecticut, Hartford, Meadow, Hartford, CT.
2810833 Johann Andreas Kneucker 312 1899-00-00
United States, Nordamerikanische Pflanze. Kultiviert im Stadtgarten in Karlsruche., 117m
2807514 A. Wetzstein s.n. 1903-06-13
United States, Ohio, Am huge;ogem Ufer des westlichen Quellbaches des st. Marys-Flusses in Ohio, Nordamerika, auf Humusboden mit Lehmunterlaga.
2809113 Jeannie A. Moe 98 2001-05-03
United States, Illinois, Madison, Collected from the Watershed Nature Center 1591 Tower Avenue, Edwardsville., 38.816 -89.975
1685995 Ernest J. Palmer 55830 1953-06-10
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Low wet ground about artificial lake. Pertle springs
2810770 M.O. Malte 607/23 1923-08-15
Canada, Quebec, Buckingham.
2807501 Benjamin F. Bush 2044 1904-06-18
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Courtney, Mo., 39.15556 -94.39333
2809069 Heinrich K.D. Eggert s.n. 1893-05-31
United States, Louisville river.
101820941 Alan E. Brant 4293 1999-06-30
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. T29N, R8E, S2, SE4, Sec. 15. Wet to mesic depressions and spring branches above Pond Creek. Sophia Pruit Tract, Castor River Conservation Area., 37.1666667 -90.1333333, 114m
1686899 Francis P. Daniels s.n. 1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadows near dam
271842 Alan E. Brant 1887 1989-07-02
United States, Missouri, Scotland, T64N, R11W Sec. 33. Along gravel road ca. 1/2 mile S of state road M. Sand Hill Farm., 40.3 -92.1333333
2810979 Ira W. Clokey 961 1899-06-26
United States, Illinois, Decatur, Ill., 39.840315 -88.9548
2807487 David Castaner 2989 1973-06-08
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Just south of OConaluftee area at border with Cherokee Indian Reservation; in moist woods.
2809070 Frank C. Seymour 18648 1960-07-09
United States, Vermont, Caledonia, With Onoclea sensibilis L. In a thicket near Groton L, Groton.
1686467 Ernest J. Palmer 54059 1952-05-29
United States, Missouri, Chariton, Low woods, below high limestone bluff of shoal creek. 1.5 Miles s of galena
271905 Alan E. Brant 1892 1989-07-03
United States, Missouri, Shelby, T59N, R10W, W1/2 Sec. 33. Oxbow Lake just S of Bethel on the North River. Margin of forest along access road. Open canopy, mesic bottom land forest., 39.85 -92.0166667
2810919 George Yatskievych 95-64 1995-06-23
United States, Missouri, Saline, Van Meter State Park, on W side of State Highway 122 ca. 3 airmi W of state Highway 31, ca. 4 airmi SW of Miami; deep muck fens along margin of freshwater marsh to W of campground at base of low forested bluff; scattered; T52N R22W S25 NW4, 198m
2807476 Robert Kral 82597 1993-06-03
United States, Tennessee, Bedford, By Bunker Hill Rd, 1.25 mi. N of US 41A at Rover; marsh meadow and forest.
2809078 Charles T. Bryson 12337 1993-05-23
United States, Mississippi, Tunica, 2.6 mi N jct hwys US 49 7 US 61; along and above Muddy Bayou, T7S, R12W, S22. Open Area. Delta Region.