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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Carex tribuloides (Carex lagopodioides, Carex tribuloides var. reducta), Carex tribuloides var. sangamonensis (Carex sangamonensis), Carex tribuloides var. tribuloides (Carex tribuloides var. turbata, Carex lagopodioides var. moniliformis, Carex lagopodioides var. glomerata), Carex tribuloides tribu... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 8306

Missouri Botanical Garden

1683951Wilbur H. Duncan   188811955-06-17
United States, Georgia, Hall, Iln tufts of 6 inches in diameter, small boggy area in deciduous woods in small Cove. 5.8 Miles w 1 degree n of flowery branch., 308m

2807836Ernest J. Palmer   22911909-06-20
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Neck City. Sandy soil., 37.25694 -94.44416

3545934Julian A. Steyermark   742041952-08-10
United States, Missouri, Daviess, S of Packwood Lake, 4 1/2 mi W of Lock Springs wet meadow in valley of Old Grand River, 39.85166 -93.86222

272669Alan E. Brant   20741990-07-02
United States, Illinois, Fayette, State route 23, ca. 1.0 miles W of US route 51; bottoms of the Kaskaskia River., 38.75 -89.25, 170m

2807529Raymond John Taylor, Jr.   103591972-05-16
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain, Along the west fork of Glover River about 1/2 mile West of Battiest, Floodplain.

2808764Ada Hayden   6671936-06-28
United States, Iowa, Clay, Hardland Twp, Sec. 20. Swampy open woods 1 mi. e. of Cornell. Bayou of the Little Sioux River n.e. of bridge. Assoc: Carex laeviconica, C. rostrata, C. atherodes, C. retrorsa, & Cyperus esculentus and Carex cristatella.

1684117John H. Kellogg   250041930-07-12
United States, Missouri, Butler, Swamps

2807670Robert Kral   559561974-06-13
United States, Tennessee, Grundy, S.E. side Tracy City; abundante on coldwater muck.

3545894Julian A. Steyermark   737791952-07-20
United States, Missouri, Holt, 3 3/4 mi SE of Craig swale and stretch of water in bottoms, 40.17277 -95.45611

1613393Rebecca A. Haefner   31011980-06-11
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Desloge Pond. Upland sink-hole pond in loess soil of bluff overlooking MO River. Surrounded by maple-basswood forest. Ownde by Mrs. Jos. Desloge., 180m

2807540David Castaner   23011972-06-01
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Murphysboro State Park; on shore of lake.

2808900Ezra Brainerd   s.n.1846-07-06
United States, Vermont, Middlebury., 44.01528 -73.16778

1684045Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadow near dam

2807567David Castaner   17371971-07-05
United States, Oklahoma, Choctaw, Abt 6 M NW Messer on dirt road from # 93 junction; moist open roadside; sandy down from pond; 0% cover.

3545876Julian A. Steyermark   736091952-06-14
United States, Missouri, Mercer, E-facing wooded slopes along Weldon River, 2 1/2-2 3/4 mi SW of Mill Grove alluvial bottoms at base of bluffs, 40.35944 -93.60361

1613330Julian A. Steyermark   762831954-07-19
United States, Missouri, Andrew, Alluvial ground in valley and northwest-facing wooded slopes along with limestone outcrops along Hundred and Two River, T59N, R34W, sect. 25, 4 1/2 mi. southeast of Savannah. In valley swale.

2807584Anonymous   s.n.
United States

2808901David Castaner   65721981-06-14
United States, Missouri, Saint Francois, South of Framington; 1.8 miles south of St. Francis River near Knob Licking low woods.

1684214Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1903-00-00
United States, Missouri, Boone, Marsh meadow n of dam

2807401David Castaner   71771982-06-19
United States, Missouri, Howell, T23N R8W Section 15 South of West Plains, Wet Drainage Area C. Decomposita Site of Steyermark.

3545401Julian A. Steyermark   684891949-07-17
United States, Missouri, Grundy, On N side of Highway 65, in bottoms of Honey Creek, 10 1/2 mi S of Trenton around small pond, 40.0025 -93.43611

2807580S.R. Ziegler   20541975-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Island20; Mississippi Rivermile #695; T15N R7W Sec 17. Age of dredge material-5 yr; Approx. Normal Pool elevation-631 ft. Small island E side of main channel; specimen growing in sandy, alluvial forest; central area of island., 194m

2808843Clarence H. Knowlton   s.n.1914-07-16
United States, Maine, Swamp. Van Buren.

1684274Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadow near dam

2808294Louis H. Pammel   s.n.1888-03-06
United States, Illinois, Red Bud., 38.211 -89.994

3545397Julian A. Steyermark   684561949-07-16
United States, Missouri, Livingston, 1 mi NE of Dawn around lake in bottoms of Shoal Creek, 39.67944 -93.62027

2807592Thomas A. Priesendorf   471985-06-06
United States, Missouri, Linn, Locust Creek Floodplain Near Observation Tower, NW SW SE Sect14 T57N R21W.

2808970David Castaner   58301979-06-25
United States, Missouri, Henry, About 4 miles southeast of Blairstown; Big Creek bottoms; "Herzog" prop.; woods.

1683874Larry J. Harms   23061964-06-10
United States, Kansas, Linn, 1 mile n of barcourt, roadside ditch, common

2808274Charles M. Ek   s.n.1941-07-09
United States, Indiana, Howard, Moist area, 3 miles west of Kokomo

3535445G. Reese   18131983-07-27
United States, Missouri, Vernon, occasional in shrub swamp, 37.87527 -94.46305

1686732Gilbert H. Hicks   204521890-07-21
United States, Michigan, Shiawassee

2807570John H. Kellogg   5651914-06-07
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Jerome., 37.92611 -91.9775

2808958Nellie F. Flynn   s.n.1902-08-13
United States, Vermont, Brandon. Low ground.

1685431Benjamin F. Bush   9261888-06-17
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Sedge

2808380Arthur J. Eames   94281918-07-22
United States, New York, Tompkins, Swampy shore of Dryden Lake.

100310779Alan E. Brant   68712010-05-27
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Mingo National Wildlife Refuge. Wet forest along Bluff Road between the bluff and the road., 36.97 -90.1530556, 103m

2734454Willard W. Eggleston   24921901-07-23
United States, Vermont, Rutland, Rutland

3545513Julian A. Steyermark   697681950-05-20
United States, Missouri, Osage, 1 1/2 mi W of Chamois n-facing wooded slopes with limestone above bordering Missouri River, 38.67305 -91.79888

2807561Anonymous   s.n.1995-06-18
United States, Missouri, Washington

2808906Bill Summers   92801999-06-12
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Sunklands Natural History Area, Missouri Department of Conservation, 3-4 airmi S of Akers Ferry; Yuccapin Basin, a large open sinkhole pond/marsh with floating mats bordered by buttonbush; edge of fresh water marsh in bottom of sink basin; T30N R06W S01.

1685696John H. Kellogg   250311929-06-30
United States, Missouri, Dent, Wet places

2808171John Macoun   s.n.1884-07-22
Canada, Ontario, Nefrigon Ruer, Ont.

2734450John Davis   74471913-07-23
United States, Illinois, Pike, Shepherd. Mississippi bottoms

2807440Bill Summers   33681990-06-26
United States, Missouri, Howell, On South FOrk of Spring River at Hwy JJ bridge, T23N, R9W, NW 1/4 S31.

2808914Jim Conrad   16501970-06-16
United States, Kentucky, Marshall, Open marshes area, 2 M. S. SW. from Ky. Dam Village State Park.

1685529Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadow near dam

2807003Ernest J. Palmer   155931919-06-26
United States, Illinois, Richland, Low wet woods, Parkersburg.

Carex lagopodioides Schkuhr ex Willd.
100759895Anonymous   s.n.

2807414Harry A. Allard   88441941-06-06
United States, Virginia, Shenandoah, Wet soil on highway into Powell's Fort Valley just w. of s. end of Short Mt.

2808924Anonymous   s.n.1982-07-24
United States, Vermont, Peacham.

1685359Michael S. Bebb   s.n.1880-00-00
United States, Illinois, Fountaindale, IL.

2807172David Castaner   C121b1969-02-07
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Wet area, sandy soil City, Pertle, Warrensburg. ID: FMo BB FofInd.

2807415David Castaner   C121a1969-02-07
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Wet area, sandy soil, City Pertle, Warrensburg id: FM, BB, FOInd

2808927Charles T. Bryson   39101985-05-17
United States, Mississippi, Sharkey, 9 mi. ene Cary. Delta National Forest. Along Howlett Bayou. Under low hardwood forest.

1685190Gilbert H. Hicks   s.n1892-07-00
United States, Michigan, Ingham, Near Michigan Agricultural College (now Michigan State University) in a ditch.

2807152Charles T. Bryson   31671981-05-16
United States, Alabama, Pickens, 1 mi. W. Pickensville, along the Tenn-Tom Waterway. Along water edge on sandy clay soil. Common mixed in with other Cyperaceae.

2807434David Castaner   77061983-06-10
United States, Missouri, De Kalb, Just East of Andrew County Line Near 3rd Fork Of Platte River Sect 15 T58N R33W NW of Clarksdale Swale-Like Area.

2808928Charles T. Bryson   35521983-05-24
United States, Mississippi, Tishomingo, 4 mi. E Iuka, S of Hwy 72. Under mixed hardwoods and a few pines. Steep ravine. Along and above a sandy-rocky stream.

1684767Julian A. Steyermark   798341955-09-21
United States, Missouri, Linn, Low woods, along Lewis Lake. Valley of Locust Creek in vicinity of Harlow Fay Lakes and Lewis Lake south of Pershing State Park, T57 N, R 21W , sect 27, 6 1/2-7mi. southwest of Laclede.

2809980Stanley D. Jones   27211989-05-08
United States, Texas, Liberty, 0.8 of a mile W on Hwy 105 from its jct. with the East fork of the Trinity River. Bald cypress swamp on the S side of the Hwy. Associates bald cypress, other caric-sedge, flat-sedge, spike-rush, beack-rush, Ludwigia, Lemna, Dichanthelium, Paspalum, Penstemon tenuis, Ranunculus and Polygala. Frequent.

2807409Bill Summers   33211990-06-14
United States, Missouri, Howell, 8 miles west of West Plains, T24N, R10W SE 1/4 S12.

2808989Jim Conrad   13021970-07-00
United States, Kentucky, Clay, In old wet pigpen in bottom hollow, 2 miles w. of Botto.

1684936John H. Kellogg   259951932-07-07
United States, Missouri, Clark, Kahoka, Low grounds.

2810398Sherry L. Holmes   6911992-06-12
United States, Missouri, Mississippi, Bayouville Quad. T24N R16E, Sec. 14, SW4; 0.5 mi. E. of Hwy. VV on N. side of Co. Rd. #516 (E. of Ten Mile Pond W.A.); Wet-mesic bottomland forest.

2807400Benjamin F. Bush   431898-06-27
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Atherton. Common in swales.

2809013David Castaner   72191982-06-30
United States, Missouri, Cass, On Highway 58 Just East of Strasburg At East Branch of Crawford Creek Low Moist Field.

1685021Julian A. Steyermark   131401934-07-06
United States, Missouri, Morgan, Low wooded slopes along Procter creek

103119690Alan E. Brant   90912019-06-06
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory. South end Pool No. R9., 36.689019 -90.106173, 98m

2810690Ernest J. Palmer   60571914-06-23
United States, Arkansas, Clay, Corning, Clay County.

2807417David Castaner   29841973-06-08
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Just south of Oconaluftee area at border of Cherokee Reservation; wooded open area with water running thru.

2809015Homer D. House   13431905-07-22
United States, New York, Onondaga, Carpenters Pond, Fabuis, Onondaga Co, N.Y.

1686153Harry E. Ahles   857371978-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Hampshire, Low depression, hockanum road

101162125Alan E. Brant   90912019-06-06
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Otter Slough Conservation Area Botanical Inventory. South end Pool No. R9., 36.689019 -90.106173, 98m

2810687Paul M. McKenzie   14431994-06-23
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Little Dixie Lake and Conservation Area, ca. .25 mi. ENE of the intersection of Rts. J and WW; T48N, R11W, NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Sec. 26. Millersburg 4.5' Quad.

2807518Benjamin F. Bush   68201912-06-18
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Swales.

2809093Benjamin F. Bush   20361904-06-14
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Courtney, Mo., 39.15556 -94.39333

1686309Ernest J. Palmer   543741952-07-05
United States, Missouri, Barton, 1 mile W. of Nashville, Barton County.

2810856Susan A. Reznicek   72321983-07-31
United States, Michigan, Livingston, SW1/4 Sec.28, T2N R5E, NE side Chilson Rd, 4 miles W of Brighton. Sunny shores of small ponds in forested depressions, with Cornus spp, Salix spp, and Carex spp.

2807512Bill Summers   81961997-06-24
United States, Missouri, Scott, Thomas W. Kelly High School on Highway 77, ca. 6 mi SE of Benton; low, seasonal wet area with scattered large oak and sweet gum trees; T028N R15E S35.

2809096Robert Kral   431391971-06-09
United States, Alabama, Houston, Sandy clearing in hardwood bottoms, s.e. side Cottonwood.

1685852Charles Wright   s.n.1885-07-11
United States, Connecticut, Hartford, Meadow, Hartford, CT.

2810833Johann Andreas Kneucker   3121899-00-00
United States, Nordamerikanische Pflanze. Kultiviert im Stadtgarten in Karlsruche., 117m

2807514A. Wetzstein   s.n.1903-06-13
United States, Ohio, Am huge;ogem Ufer des westlichen Quellbaches des st. Marys-Flusses in Ohio, Nordamerika, auf Humusboden mit Lehmunterlaga.

2809113Jeannie A. Moe   982001-05-03
United States, Illinois, Madison, Collected from the Watershed Nature Center 1591 Tower Avenue, Edwardsville., 38.816 -89.975

1685995Ernest J. Palmer   558301953-06-10
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Low wet ground about artificial lake. Pertle springs

2810770M.O. Malte   607/231923-08-15
Canada, Quebec, Buckingham.

2807501Benjamin F. Bush   20441904-06-18
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Courtney, Mo., 39.15556 -94.39333

2809069Heinrich K.D. Eggert   s.n.1893-05-31
United States, Louisville river.

101820941Alan E. Brant   42931999-06-30
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. T29N, R8E, S2, SE4, Sec. 15. Wet to mesic depressions and spring branches above Pond Creek. Sophia Pruit Tract, Castor River Conservation Area., 37.1666667 -90.1333333, 114m

1686899Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1903-07-03
United States, Missouri, Boone, Wet meadows near dam

271842Alan E. Brant   18871989-07-02
United States, Missouri, Scotland, T64N, R11W Sec. 33. Along gravel road ca. 1/2 mile S of state road M. Sand Hill Farm., 40.3 -92.1333333

2810979Ira W. Clokey   9611899-06-26
United States, Illinois, Decatur, Ill., 39.840315 -88.9548

2807487David Castaner   29891973-06-08
United States, North Carolina, Swain, Just south of OConaluftee area at border with Cherokee Indian Reservation; in moist woods.

2809070Frank C. Seymour   186481960-07-09
United States, Vermont, Caledonia, With Onoclea sensibilis L. In a thicket near Groton L, Groton.

1686467Ernest J. Palmer   540591952-05-29
United States, Missouri, Chariton, Low woods, below high limestone bluff of shoal creek. 1.5 Miles s of galena

271905Alan E. Brant   18921989-07-03
United States, Missouri, Shelby, T59N, R10W, W1/2 Sec. 33. Oxbow Lake just S of Bethel on the North River. Margin of forest along access road. Open canopy, mesic bottom land forest., 39.85 -92.0166667

2810919George Yatskievych   95-641995-06-23
United States, Missouri, Saline, Van Meter State Park, on W side of State Highway 122 ca. 3 airmi W of state Highway 31, ca. 4 airmi SW of Miami; deep muck fens along margin of freshwater marsh to W of campground at base of low forested bluff; scattered; T52N R22W S25 NW4, 198m

2807476Robert Kral   825971993-06-03
United States, Tennessee, Bedford, By Bunker Hill Rd, 1.25 mi. N of US 41A at Rover; marsh meadow and forest.

2809078Charles T. Bryson   123371993-05-23
United States, Mississippi, Tunica, 2.6 mi N jct hwys US 49 7 US 61; along and above Muddy Bayou, T7S, R12W, S22. Open Area. Delta Region.

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 8306


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