STAR025974 Phil Chadwick 47 2007-04-06
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, 2.41 km south on hwy 49 from the junction of hwy 49 and hwy 214. Located in east ditch ca. 5m from road edge., 35.464221 -90.981342
STAR034691 Stacie L. Pugh 14 1993-06-26
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, 4 miles west and 2 1/2 miles north of Grubbs. Tupelo Brake. T12N R2W S12.
STAR034692 Melanie Parker 28 1993-06-26
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, 4 m W & 2 1/2 m N of Grubbs, at Tupelo Brake. T12N R2W S12.
STAR034693 Leiandrea Higgins 8 1993-06-26
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, 4 m W & 2 1/2 m N of Grubbs, at Tupelo Brake. T12N R2W S12.
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne
STAR037931 Diana L. Soteropoulos 18-0114 2018-04-20
United States, Arkansas, Monroe, Mississippi Alluvial Plain Western Lowlands Pleistocene Valley Trains Ecoregion Holly Grove 7.5 Pine City Natural Area. From intersection with 86, about 1.4 miles northeast on 366 then pull-off to east on PCNA property northwest access., 34.609982 -91.140603
STAR035317 Tyler Long 21 2020-04-22
United States, Arkansas, Crittenden, Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Wapanocca National Wildlife Refuge. North facing side of Driver Rd between forest and edge of gravel road. iNaturalist Observation:
STAR022812 Autumn Weaver s.n. 1988-06-25
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, T12N R2W S12
STAR013071 Bill Stephens 42 1975-04-20
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, 1 mi. N of Albert Pike Rec. Area on forest service road on Little Missouri River 20 miles SE of Bigfork on AR 8.
STAR016202 Michael Murphy 141 1984-05-16
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, 1.2 miles W. of Eureka Springs. T20N R26W S5
STAR016207 Michael Murphy 197 1984-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Carroll, .4 mi. E. of Hwy 103/68 junc. past Osage Assembly of God Church. T18N R24W S26
STAR026106 Jacob Stacy 4 2005-04-09
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, T25N R25W S33
STAR026843 James R. Grissom 2 1968-05-15
United States, Arkansas, Lawrence, 2 miles SE of Imboden, Ark. T18N R2W S36
STAR010914 R. Hayes Baber 42 1976-04-10
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski, North Little Rock at McCain and N. Cypress. T2N R12W S23
STAR025762 Adam Leslie 6 2007-04-14
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, Off of Highway 270 E. about 50 feet in the woods about 2 miles south of Womble Ranger Headquarters.
STAR026107 Wyatt Smith 59 2005-04-09
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, 5 mi W Mt. Ida on Hwy 270.
STAR033252 Veryl V. Board 1071 1970-03-25
United States, Texas, Burleson, Birch Creek Park, near Lake Somerville.
STAR030425 R. Dale Thomas 170209 2001-06-02
United States, Arkansas, Miller, Right-of-way of U.S. 71 at Kelly Bayou just north of Louisiana State Line and south of Kiblah. S10
STAR031075 R. Dale Thomas 169839 2001-05-22
United States, Arkansas, Nevada, North of Ark. 355 about 0.5 miles east of the Hempstead County Line northwest of Falcon and Ark. 53. T14S R23W S27
STAR012517 Karia Tucker 1A 1977-04-17
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Lake Catherine State Park, near pavilion. T3S R18W S32
STAR013053 J. D. Wilhide 6 1978-02-08
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Hot Springs Mountain, 100 yards from old suragcane press.
STAR014935 M. Douglas Fletcher 23 1985-04-04
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Camp Couchdale, 2 miles from Lake Catherine State Park. T38N R18W S31
STAR024729 Ronnie Fulton 33 1979-04-21
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, Crystal Campground, 3 1/2 miles northeast of Norman on Montgomery Creek. T2S R25W S14
STAR037927 Diana L. Soteropoulos 18-0096 2018-04-13
United States, Arkansas, Monroe, Mississippi Alluvial Plain Western Lowlands Pleistocene Valley Trains Ecoregion Pine City 7.5 Pine City Natural Area. From intersection with 49, about 3.6 miles west on 86 then south on Pine City Road about 1.5 miles and left onto Padgett Road to park at ag field at end of road, about 1.33 miles. Northwest into PCNA., 34.58457797 -91.09393903
STAR025158 David Evans 32 1987-04-18
United States, Arkansas, Garland, At Camp Couchdale. T3S R18W S35
STAR025711 Lou Hausman 43 2007-04-22
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Buffalo Creek about 20 miles west of Doniphan., 36.689796 -91.045628
STAR025724 Shad Pickle 33 2007-04-07
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Bayou DeView WMA. OK rd. 1/4 mile N of Bayou DeView WMA.
STAR033248 Veryl Board 1989-13 1989-05-16
United States, Arkansas, Independence
STAR024548 E. L. Richards 9780 1986-04-15
United States, Arkansas, Baxter, Between Matney lookout and the White River. T18N R13W S24
STAR025838 Kellie Freeman Nelson 77 2007-04-14
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, Ouachita Mountains. E of Mt. Ida ~ 5 miles. Womble Ranger Station.
STAR029391 Philip E. Hyatt 8723 1999-07-17
United States, Arkansas, Miller, Immediately west of Evergreen Baptist Church and Cemetery. T20S R28W S11 NE4 NE4.
STAR029893 Elizabeth M. Browne T-253 1967-10-07
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Coastal Plain Province: Lower. 6.5 mi. N of Poinsett-Cross Co. line on Ark. 1.
STAR033250 E. Hibbard 1961-06-15
United States, Arkansas, Independence, Batesville.
STAR008206 E. L. Richards 6031 1972-06-02
United States, Arkansas, Lawrence, 2.3 miles south of Ravenden. T18N R2W S8
STAR030072 C. Fredrick Deneke 1905 1980-05-21
United States, Arkansas, St. Francis, NW of Palestine. T5N R1E S12 SW
STAR030133 Michael I. Johnson A-263 1968-04-27
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, On Hwy. 14, 2.1 miles east of Poinsett-Jackson County line.
STAR030369 Elizabeth M. Browne 79F7.1 1979-09-23
United States, Arkansas, Stone, Ozark Plateau Province, Ozark National Forest, Sylamore District. At confluence of Mill Creek, N. Sylamore Creek.
STAR031845 Guy L. Miller 32 1987-04-18
United States, Arkansas, Garland, At Camp Couchdale. T3S R18W S31
STAR032106 R. G. Clark 29 1979-04-21
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, Crystal Campgrounds 3 1/2 miles ne of Norman, on Montgomery Creek. T3S R24W S14
STAR032404 C. Fredrick Deneke 534 1979-05-16
United States, Arkansas, St. Francis, T5N R1E S12 SW SW
STAR033426 J. D. Wilhide 189 1984-04-14
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Hwy 227 on way to Spillway Rec Area about 1 miles. T25N R21W S13
STAR024730 Gary Pogue 69 1979-04-21
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, 3 1/2 miles NE of Norman on Montgomery Creek. T3S R25W S14
STAR024736 Ted A. Leggett 24 1979-04-21
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, Crystal Campground, 3 1/2 mi. NE of Norman on Montgomery Creek. T3S R25W S14
STAR025082 Betty Cochran 28 1987-04-18
United States, Arkansas, Garland, At Camp Couchdale. T3S R18W S31
STAR034689 Lewis Hunt 18 1993-04-11
United States, Arkansas, Garland, 5 m. N of Bowerdale along Myers Creek. T3S R22W S16
STAR034690 Mary Bishop 23 1985-10-13
United States, Arkansas, Izard, Located on Hwy 223 1/2 mile northwest of Calico Rock. T17N, R10W, Sec. 9.
APCR009278 Richard Davis 2247 1980-05-24
United States, Arkansas, Prairie, Stuttgart. Roth Prairie. T3S R5W S8, 34.457756 -91.568006
APCR009275 Richard Davis 2506 1980-06-15
United States, Arkansas, Columbia, On Hwy 82 ca 0.6 mi. west of its Jct. with Hwy 98 near Waldo; Hwy right-of-way, south side.
APCR009277 J. Waylon Simmons 32 1989-04-23
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Below steps leading to the Old Pioneer Cemetery, 1 mile past Queen Wilhelmina State Park. T1N R32W S34 SW4 NE4
APCR009276 Richard Davis 2092 1980-05-16
United States, Arkansas, Little River, Adjacent to Hwy 108 across from (west of) French's Church. T12S R32W S32 SW4
APCR009280 Don Babb 207 1972-04-23
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, C. 1/2 mile S of Higden, behind old Higden Church of Christ. T11N R12W S30 NC
APCR009279 Richard Davis 2605 1980-06-23
United States, Arkansas, Calhoun, South of Hampton on Hwy 167 onto Hwy 172. Cross R.R. tracks and turn left (northeast) parallel to R.R. tracks. 0.2 mi from Hwy 172.
APCR009282 Don Babb 207 1972-04-23
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, C. 1/2 mile S of Higden, behind old Higden Church of Christ. T11N R12W S30 NC
APCR009283 Maxine Clark 1971-05-10
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Rose Creek, southern part of the county, South of Petit Jean Mt.
APCR009284 Jewel E. Moore 575 1955-05-21
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Petit Jean Mountain, Petit Jean State Park. P. O. Morrilton.
APCR009281 Don Babb 207 1972-04-23
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, C. 1/2 mile S of Higden, behind old Higden Church of Christ. T11N R12W S30 NC
APCR009285 Maxine Clark 1971-05-10
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Rose Creek, southern part of the county, South of Petit Jean Mt.
APCR009288 Richard Davis 2366 1980-06-05
United States, Arkansas, Franklin, Little Short Mtn. just west of Paris.
APCR009287 Maxine Clark 1971-05-10
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Rose Creek, southern part of the county, South of Petit Jean Mt.
APCR009286 Maxine Clark 1971-05-10
United States, Arkansas, Conway, Rose Creek, southern part of the county, South of Petit Jean Mt.
APCR009289 Richard Davis 2176 1980-05-15
United States, Arkansas, Howard, Cossatot Falls. West Umpire Quad. T5S R30W S17
APCR009291 G. E. Tucker 9943 1972-06-24
United States, Arkansas, Logan, Magazine Mt. East of Dripping Springs.
APCR009292 G. E. Tucker 9547 1972-05-26
United States, Arkansas, Logan, Magazine Mt.
APCR009290 Richard Davis 2116 1980-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Howard, West of Umpire on Hwy 4, just east of Cossatot River on north side of road paralleling Hwy 4.
APCR009293 Richard Davis 2667 1980-06-25
United States, Arkansas, Miller, South of Garland and 1.5 mi. west of Jct. of Hwy 71/Hwy 134.
APCR009294 Richard Davis 2949 1981-04-28
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Ca. 2 - 2 1/2 mi. south of Cove right-of-way.
APCR009296 Richard Davis 2236 1980-05-24
United States, Arkansas, Prairie, Konecny Prairie Natural Area. T1S R5W S7, 34.628545 -91.583442
APCR009295 G. Tucker 16032 1976-05-17
United States, Arkansas, Pope, .8 m N of Freeman Springs on Highway 7. On S side of highway.
APCR009297 Philip E. Hyatt 4747.69 1992-04-21
United States, Arkansas, Baxter, Ozark National Forest. Sylamore District. Allison area, 0.2 miles north on Ark. Hwy. 5.
APCR009298 C. Spivey 1965-10-26
United States, Arkansas, Yell, Mt. Nebo.
APCR009301 Jewell Reddell 1953-05-01
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Illinois.
APCR009302 A. Wayne Lazenby 1951-05-07
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Illinois., 122m
APCR009299 W. Mathis 1953-04-15
United States, Arkansas, Yell, Hwy 60. Bluff.
APCR009300 William L. Holt 1949-04-27
United States, Arkansas, Pope, 10 mi N of Dover.
APCR009305 D. M. Moore 1964-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Russellville. Skyline Drive.
APCR009303 O. J. Lewis 1951-04-16
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Illinois., 122m
APCR009304 Robert Hammer 1955-05-05
United States, Arkansas, Pope, S side of Russellville., 122m
APCR011371 Gary Tucker 131 1963-05-26
United States, Kansas, Osage, Osage City; north end of golf course along lake.
APCR011372 Gary Tucker 637 1964-05-29
United States, Kansas, Osage, 8 m. S of Lyndon on US 75.
APCR011373 Robert Kral 30997 1968-05-21
United States, Alabama, Chilton, Ca. 4 mi. s. Jemison turnoff on I-65.
APCR009209 Richard Davis 2939 1981-04-27
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Rich Mtn. on south side along Ouachita Trail 2 mi. east of State Park. Ca. 1 mi. west of lodge.
APCR009211 Jerry Martin 1953-04-05
United States, Arkansas, Sebastian, Sugar Loaf., 122m
APCR009210 Richard Davis 2938 1981-04-27
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Rich Mtn. on south side along Ouachita Trail 2 mi. east of State Park. Downhill from lodge.
APCR009199 C. G. Crosslin 56 1979-04-29
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Base of mountain near Piney Creek. T10N R20W S6 NE4
APCR009212 Delzie Demaree 4892 1928-04-29
United States, Arkansas, Benton, Ozark Plateau: Boston Mountains: Vicinity of Monte Ne, 5 miles SE. of Rogers., 36.284751 -94.068755, 305 - 396m
APCR009213 Jason L. Kindall 14 2000-04-02
United States, Arkansas, Conway, 100 yds E of Rocky Valley Cemetery off of FSR 1334 (Liberty Springs Road). T10N R17W S27 SW4 NW4
APCR009215 Tim Smith 50 1981-04-18
United States, Arkansas, Newton, T15N R22W S3 NE4 SW4
APCR009216 Joan M. Hauser 246 1998-04-08
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Co. Rd. 25, 6 mi. from Co. Rd. 43 and 16.8 mi. from Hwy 8. Around campsites. T3S R28W S32 SE4 SE4
APCR009214 W. Eoff 23 1989-04-19
United States, Arkansas, Logan, Forest Service Road, 1 mile west of Greenfield Recreation Area, top of Mt. Magazine.
APCR009217 Maxine Clark 1971-04-24
United States, Arkansas, Polk, Brushy Creek. T4S R30W S20
APCR009218 Donnie Cowell 29 1979-04-19
United States, Arkansas, Pope, 250 yds. east of Long Pool, 75 ft. south of Big Piney Creek near an old road. T11N R21W S32
APCR009220 John McGill 32 1960-05-23
United States, Arkansas, Washington, Yards.
APCR009221 Gary Conley 67041 1967-04-17
United States, Arkansas, Washington, 406 Vandeventer, Fayetteville.
APCR009219 Robert G. French 424 1950-05-02
United States, Arkansas, Washington, Kessler Mtn., 427m
APCR009222 P. Shackleford 97 1977-04-21
United States, Arkansas, Pope, 2 mi. NE of White Oak Mountain.
APCR009223 Walter Cotton 10 1999-04-18
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Long Pool, 1/2 mile upstream, 50 yards from water's edge.
APCR009225 William L. Holt 1949-04-14
United States, Arkansas, Pope, 10 mi N of Dover.
APCR009224 James L. Stecher 5 1952-05-06
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Big Pine Creek, Allen., 122m
APCR009227 H. Skaggs 9 1983-04-25
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Ozark National Forest, 2 miles south of Long Pool Recreation Area, tributary to Big Piney Creek.
APCR009226 J. J. Tucker 33 1972-04-17
United States, Arkansas, Pope, Long Pool Rec. Area, N. end.