ASU0019785 G. Hatschbach 49683 1985-09-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Barro Preto (mun. Gouveia)., -18.5 -43.7
ASU0019786 G. Hatschbach 53086 1989-05-22
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Rod. BR-.259 prox. ao trevo para Datas (mun. Gouveia)., -18.45 -43.7333, 1100m
ASU0019787 G. Hatschbach 68640 1998-10-18
Brazil, bahia, Rodovia Canavieiras — Santa Luzia, km 20-30 (Mun. Canavieiras) ., -15.677899 -38.948762
ASU0019788 G. Hatschbach 70178 2000-11-19
Brazil, Goiás, Serra dos Pireneus, rodovia Pirenópolis—Cocalzinho de Goiás (Mun. Pirenópolis)., -15.853804 -48.958554
ASU0019790 G. Hatschbach 53002 1989-05-20
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Corrego da Areia (mun. Congonhas do Norte) ., -18.8 -43.6667
ASU0019791 G. Hatschbach 53768 1990-11-10
Brazil, Goiás, SAlto Arrojado (mun. Cristalina)., -16.768171 -47.606903
ASU0019763 A. L. Reina G. 2002-571 2002-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, Mpio. de Imuris. 17.1 km northeast of Imuris on MEX 2., 30.95 -110.861, 1315m
ASU0019764 T. R. Van Devender 95-927 1995-09-08
Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Los Pilares and near Los Pilares, ca, 23 km east of Yecora, 26 km west of Maycoba on Mexico 16., 28.45 -108.808, 1260 - 1300m
ASU0019765 Shannon Doan 1217 2002-09-09
Mexico, Sonora, Imuris; 17.1 km northeast of Imuris on MEX 2., 30.873972 -110.710413, 1315m
ASU0019766 C. L. Jones 55 1989-08-10
Dominican Republic, Monsenor Nouel, Height Casabito. The pass on the road from Bonao to Constanza., 19.011476 -70.537391, 1220m
ASU0019795 G. Hatschbach 52718 1989-11-19
Brazil, minas Gerais, Jacinto, 5-10 km L., -16.166667 -40.283333, 3m
ASU0019798 G. Hatschbach 71998 2001-05-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Climb to the Serra do Cabral (Mun. Joaquim Felício)., -17.8 -44.2, 900 - 1000m
ASU0019799 G. Hatschbach 68091 1998-07-23
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Extreme community (Mun. Bocaiúva)., -17.1167 -43.8167, 5m
ASU0019803 G. Hatschbach 59275 1993-06-11
Brazil, Goiás, BR-050, 5-8 km S do trevo para Ipameri (mun. Campo Alegre) ., -17.636696 -47.777163
ASU0019804 G. Hatschbach 64716 1996-04-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Cabral begin to risev(mun. Joaquim Felício) ., -17.8 -44.2, 900m
ASU0019806 G. Hatschbach 77730 2004-06-10
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Cabral, Clay Brook Farm, headwaters of Rio Embalassaia (Mun. Joaquim Felicio)., -17.8 -44.2, 3m
ASU0019809 G. Hatschbach 59994 1994-11-07
Brazil, Goiás, Rod. G0-118, 16 km N of São Gabriel (mun. Planaltina)., -15.483935 -47.639318
ASU0019810 G. Hatschbach 54297 1990-06-14
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Trilha two Garimpeiros (mun. Grao Mogol) ., -16.5667 -42.9, 1250m
J.P. Rebman 440 1988-08-09
USA, Missouri, Stone, Piney Creek Wilderness, around Table Rock Lake., 36.685859 -93.582654
E.L. Hall 1965-08-23
USA, Missouri, Christian, 25 mi N of Spokane on US hwy 65, 335m
E.L. Hall 1965-08-23
USA, Missouri, Christian, 25 mi N of Spokane on US hwy 65, 335m
J.P. Rebman 451 1988-08-14
United States, Missouri, Barry, Piney Creek Wilderness, along Trail # 24 and Tap Kiln Trails, 36.68583 -93.58722
J. Wyatt 352 1973-08-11
United States, Illinois, Calhoun, Off of Michael Landing Road
D.E. Giannasi 1708 2005-10-01
USA, Florida, Duval, Jacksonville: Ft Caroline National Monument and Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve; Thomas Creek parcel just W of I-95
ASU0019784 G. Hatschbach 68259 1998-07-25
Brazil, minas Gerais, Rodovia Guinda - Conselheiro Mata, approx. km 21 (Mun. Diamantina) ., -18.25 -43.6
3843 John F. Wiens 2011-032 2011-08-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Catalina Mountains; Along Oracle Control Road; around 16 miles from Oracle., 32.486861 -110.705111, 1492m
999 Bob Perrill 5230 1982-08-27
Mexico, Sonora, lamos, San Bernardo; San Bernardo vicinity; 42.8 miles N of Alamos.
4770 John F. Wiens 492 2018-08-16
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Patagonia Mountains; Aztec Road; off of Flux Canyon Road, 31.51317 -110.75856, 1323m
ANHC009629 Theo Witsell 15-0445 2015-08-13
United States, Arkansas, Benton, Ozark Highlands. Springfield Plateau Ecoregion. USGS Bentonville South 7.5' Quad. N of Lake Bentonville, 0.37 mi. NNE of N end of runway at Bentonville Airport. SE of intersection of SW 14th St. & SW I St, N of creek (unnamed tributary of Little Osage Creek). This site retains a number of low prairie elements and is under consideration to be some sort of hybrid conservation/recreation area. Detailed site report prepared by T. Witsell for ANHC., 36.35664 -94.22098
ANHC010994 Jennifer Reed 1157 2016-08-15
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Crowley's Ridge cutoff road approx. 200 m east of Old Military lane., 35.69653 -90.67368
ANHC011747 Jennifer Reed 1136 2016-08-15
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Nameless road off Morning Sun road approx. 1 km west of HWY 163 south of Jonesboro., 35.68569 -90.6773
ANHC011753 Jennifer Reed 872 2016-06-21
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Harmony Grove lane, 300 m north of HWY 20., 35.56793 -90.98382
ANHC012095 Theo Witsell 04-0715 2004-07-05
United States, Arkansas, Saline, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Spring Lake 7.5' Quad. 0.7 mi. NNE of jct. of I-530 & Hwy 167, S of Lorance Creek & just S of spot where Deer Lease Rd. makes a 90 degree bend under powerline., 34.57451 -92.25963
ANHC012366 Brent Kelley s.n. 2007-07-12
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Tertiary Uplands Ecoregion. USGS Little Rock 7.5' Quad. Little Rock. Gillam Park (City of Little Rock). SE of jct. of I-430, I-440, & I-65. This specimen was collected during field work conducted by Audubon Arkansas to document the flora of the Fourche Creek watershed and donated to ANHC in 2017., 34.70098 -92.25749
ANHC014630 Jennifer Reed 1807 2017-08-16
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Approx. 1/2 km south of junction of HWY 1 and HWY 158. Collected between highway and railroad., 35.64389 -90.71141
ANHC015640 Christopher Reid 8286 2012-08-15
United States, Arkansas, Miller, Haley Lake. Sandbar on Red River south of Haley Lake, ca. 14 river km upstream from AR 160 bridge; ca. 13 air km WNW of Bradley., 33.14945 -93.77901
ANHC016491 Virginia L. McDaniel 3391 2019-07-02
United States, Arkansas, Ashley, South Central Plains. Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces Ecoregion. Crossett Experimental Forest (USDA Forest Service - Southern Research Station). From intersection of Ashley 234 (North Boundary Rd.) and Hwy 133, go ~0.44 miles east., 33.04831 -91.93001
ANHC016506 Virginia L. McDaniel 3572 2019-08-30
United States, Arkansas, Perry, Ouachita Mountains. Fourche Mountains Ecoregion. USGS Nimrod 7.5' Quad. Ouachita National Forest. South Fourche Botanical Area. From 207 (Casa-Alpin Rd.) go west ~3.8 miles on CR 37. Bear left and go 0.5 mi to the top of the ridge. Located ~0.4 mi south-southwest., 34.91161 -93.05341
ANHC017289 Jennifer Reed 1859 2017-08-17
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Approx. 200 m west of the intersection of AR-163 and Greenfield road. Parked in gravel driveway and walked north into the woods., 35.63412 -90.66236
ANHC002677 Theo Witsell 04-1260 2004-09-03
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Ouachita Mountains. Central Hills, Ridges, and Valleys Ecoregion. USGS Lonsdale NE 7.5' Quad. On the east side of Vance Road., 34.65026 -92.79287
ANHC014764 E.L. Richards 4427 1965-08-20
United States, Arkansas, Clay, Crowley's Ridge. Along St. Francis River. TRS: T21N R8E S3
ANHC015593 Virginia L. McDaniel 2271 2017-10-11
United States, Arkansas, Ashley, South Central Plains. Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces Ecoregion. 7 miles south of Crossett just east of Highway 133 S in Crossett Experimental Forest along County Road 263., 33.04067 -91.92022
ANHC015680 Virginia L. McDaniel 2820 2018-08-29
United States, Arkansas, Ashley, South Central Plains. Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces Ecoregion. 7 miles south of Crossett just east of Highway 133 S in Crossett Experimental Forest along north road (Ashley 234-W).
ANHC016507 Virginia L. McDaniel 3571 2019-08-30
United States, Arkansas, Perry, Ouachita Mountains. Fourche Mountains Ecoregion. USGS Nimrod 7.5' Quad. Ouachita National Forest. South Fourche Botanical Area. From 207 (Casa-Alpin Rd.) go west ~3.8 miles on CR 37. Bear left and go 0.5 mi to the top of the ridge. Located ~900 ft. southwest., 34.91502 -93.0533
ANHC016565 Sarah C. Nunn 8684 2003-08-05
United States, Arkansas, Clay, Mississippi Alluvial Plain. USGS Corning 7.5' Quad. T21N R4E S2 NE4 Stateline Sandponds Natural Area; 6 air miles north of Corning., 36.49568 -90.60945, 90m
United States, Arkansas, Greene
United States, Arkansas, Greene
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett
United States, Arkansas, Clay
STAR029105 R. Dale Thomas 151,773 1996-09-06
United States, Arkansas, Union, Old Jones home site at Jones Lake in Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge north of U.S. 82 east of New London; T17S R11W S35.
STAR023075 Cindy Robinson 04 1991-08-31
United States, Arkansas, Clark, On East side of East-West ridge of Central Park of Arkadelphia. T7S R19W S17
STAR023459 Eric Sundell 7947 1987-09-24
United States, Arkansas, Calhoun, 5 mi SE of Harrell.
STAR023579 Eric Sundell 7544 1986-10-26
United States, Arkansas, Drew, Monticello.
STAR012220 E. L. Richards 6968 1976-08-17
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, Vance Lake area. T11N R3W S27
STAR008927 Don Babb 1033 1972-08-26
United States, Arkansas, Cleburne, c. 4 1/2 mi. sw. of Pangburn. Just n. of bridge over Big Creek. T9N R8W S30 C
STAR020435 Kay Cargill 29 1979-07-17
United States, Arkansas, Clay, West of Piggott, Arkansas 1 1/2 miles on Cherry Street Extended. T20N R8E S9 NE1/4
STAR022164 Cory R. Davis 5 1997-09-07
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, Bayou DeView WMA, southwest of the town of Weiner. In wildlife food plot on west side of WMA. T11N R1E S10
STAR022310 Shamala D. Muthiah 24 1997-09-15
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Jonesboro. T14N R4E S17 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SE 1/4
STAR013724 Pamela Howe 10 1978-07-25
United States, Arkansas, Greene, SE corner of Linwood Cemetary in Paragould, AR. T16N R5E S1
STAR013741 Charles Carrens 9 1978-07-29
United States, Arkansas, Clay, 0.5 mile North of Piggott, Arkansas. T20N R8E S2
STAR014048 Patsy McNatt 8 1980-07-15
United States, Arkansas, Clay, 1 mile NE of Piggott, AR. T20N R8E S35
STAR015944 Ricky Holman 47 1985-08-01
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Located at Jonesboro Airport & Aggie Road. T14N R4E S15
STAR000347 Delzie Demaree 26572 1947-10-12
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, P. O. Jonesboro., 98m
STAR000348 James A. Elliott 8 1965-06-25
United States, Arkansas, Greene, One mile west of Walcott, Ark.
STAR000349 E. Lee Nelson 1
United States, Arkansas, Greene, Crowley's Ridge State Park. T16N R4E S4
STAR000350 Linda Ann Smith 20 1965-07-07
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Arkansas State College, State College, Arkansas. T14N R4E S16
STAR000351 M. McClanahan 2 1965-06-29
United States, Arkansas, Greene
STAR000352 Lawrence A. Miller 20 1965-06-20
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Occurs 4 blocks northwest of Ark. State College on edge of ditch.
STAR000354 Eric E. Wright 434 1965-07-07
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, one mile north of Jonesboro, Arkansas.
STAR000355 Mike Deck 9 1965-06-20
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Occurs 4 blocks nonrthwest of Arkansas State College along road ditch.
STAR000359 Sidney McDaniel 820 1957-07-23
United States, Arkansas, St. Francis, L'Anguile River Bottoms. 5 miles west of Caldwell.
STAR002847 John D. Collier 1 1966-07-06
United States, Arkansas, Greene, 6 miles south of Paragould, Ark.
STAR005990 E. L. Richards 4922 1966-08-01
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Crowley's Ridge. 2 miles east and 1 miles north of Jonesboro, Ark. T14N R4E S3
STAR006600 E. L. Richards 4427 1965-08-20
United States, Arkansas, Clay, Crowley's Ridge. Along St. Francis River. T21N R8E S3
STAR010281 Dan M. Morrison 50 1969-06-26
United States, Arkansas, Craighead, Craighead Forest. T13N R4E S7
STAR140700 Anthony W. King 4 1979-09-01
United States, Arkansas, Cross, Hwy 284 near Village Creek St. Park, AR.
United States, Arkansas, Greene
United States, Arkansas, Greene
United States, Arkansas, Greene
United States, Arkansas, Craighead
STAR017599 Hansard-Burns 22 1991-09-22
United States, Arkansas, Greene, Located near lakeside of Lake Frierson. T16N R3E S36
STAR017987 Janice F. Fisk 64 1995-08-22
United States, Arkansas, Sharp, 5 mi. N. of Sitka, along Rock Creek Natural Area. T18N R4W S10
STAR018020 Glen R. Thomas 23 1995-10-07
United States, Arkansas, Phillips, 0.4 mi. S. of confluence of St. Francis River wtih Mississippi River on Mississippi River bank. T1S R4E S8 NE1/4, 34.618882 -90.592919
STAR020024 Mary Bishop 37 1985-10-12
United States, Arkansas, Marion, Ozark Isle, 5 miles southwest of Oakland. T20N R16W S23
STAR020415 Cecilia Reiman 10 1978-07-29
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, 1 mi. W. of Waldenburg, AR. T11N R1E S25
STAR022063 Brady Baker 2 1997-09-12
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery, Ouachita National Forest, Caddo Rander District, Compartment 67, near road C67A. T4S R26W S26
STAR022792 Linda Hall 14 1991-08-29
United States, Arkansas, Izard, Hall Farm on Hwy 58 and Bonetown Rd. T16N R7W S19
STAR023078 P. Rust 21 1991-09-21
United States, Arkansas, Sharp, Near parking lot of Harold Alexander Wildlife Mgmt area.
STAR023458 Todd K. Brown 114 1989-09-11
United States, Arkansas, Bradley, 4 mi E of Warren on Old River Bridge on Saline River.
STAR025140 Jami Moon 5 1989-07-27
United States, Arkansas, Poinsett, (1/4)-(1/2) mi. East of Dam site Rd. T10N R4E S4
STAR010999 Nathan Bennett s.n. 1976-07-02
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, 6 miles west of Tuckerman Ark. Near Elgin Ferry, Black River. T13N R3W S15
STAR011462 David L. Hawkins 245 1973-08-01
United States, Arkansas, Randolph, Railroad crossing on Hwy 34 south of O'Kean.
STAR012227 E. L. Richards 7002 1976-08-17
United States, Arkansas, Jackson, Near Vance Lake. T11N R3W S27
STAR013000 Cindy Jurczyk 3 1978-06-22
United States, Arkansas, Fulton, 3 mi. E. of Heart. T20N R6W S16
STAR013209 Trey Frisbie 3 1978-07-24
United States, Arkansas, Mississippi, 1/3 mile south of Osceola, Arkansas in the Saint Francis Levee District. T12N R11E S6
STAR013234 Beverly Swilling 6
United States, Arkansas, Arkansas, T4S R6W Sec35, 34.312131 -91.624034
STAR013242 Melinda Pierceall 66 1978-07-22
United States, Arkansas, Saline, Benton. T2S R15W S17
STAR013731 Nancy Bradley 25
United States, Arkansas, Arkansas, T4S, R6W, S35, 34.312131 -91.624034
STAR014076 Anthony W. King 4 1979-09-01
United States, Arkansas, Cross, Hwy 284 near Village Creek St. Park. T7N R3E S36
STAR014203 Randy Guntharp 21 1980-09-20
United States, Arkansas, Randolph, 1.5 miles E of Ingram, off Ark. 251 (Cattle Creek). T20N R1E S5