United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
United States, Pennsylvania
2592 Barans, Allene C 285 1968-06-19
United States, Virginia, James City, The College Woods, The College of William and Mary., 37.270762 -76.728565
33596 Train, Elizabeth L 251 1977-06-06
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, Field at New Dragon Bridge on Rt 603, 37.63366 -76.69579
36768 Smith, Eddie 124 1978-05-22
United States, Virginia, Hanover, Rt 649 & Hwy 301., 37.721559 -77.370491
8207 Pyles, Alice E 28 1970-07-27
United States, Virginia, Chesterfield, near Group Camp 3, Pocahontas State Park.
3157 Gillespie, Mary S 128 1969-06-04
United States, Virginia, New Kent, on Co Rte 614, 1.0 mile north of junction of Co Rte 614 and Co Rte 608, 37.579851 -77.029749
4684 Ramseur, George S 3346 1957-07-10
United States, North Carolina, Haywood, Grass Bald, Saddle of Cold Mountain., 1737m
31629 Pyrah, Grant L 5259 1978-05-31
United States, Missouri, Laclede, Collected about 6 miles east of Lebanon and 0.5-1.5 mi south of Highway W 1/2 Sec of Sec 13 and NW 1/4 Sec 24; R15W T34N., 37.651336 -92.535171
19895 Cumby, Bee 64 1974-07-13
United States, Alaska, Valdez-Cordova, Dry, exposed dirt piles of an abandoned lot on 1st Street in Cordova.
79851 Baldwin, Patrick B 8049 2013-07-02
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Magruder Blvd. within Langley Research and Development Park, 37.089235 -76.395488
51672 Vascott, Anna 227 1982-05-27
United States, Virginia, King and Queen, by young pine mixed deciduous woods off Rt 605, 1.1 mi N of the intersection with Rt 606. Near Hockley., 37.511978 -76.733566
10678 Loetterle, Lynn E 179 1969-07-14
United States, Virginia, James City, 0.2 mi south from road 0.2 mi along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374
63515 Farwell, O A 12350 1940-06-23
United States, Michigan, Keweenaw, Devil's Wash Tub, Near Hebard Park.
15415 Berg, Mary H 119 1972-09-16
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, Berg Farm, Rt 616, Clay Bank, VA., 37.351017 -76.606813
7774 Grunwald, Ricki E 49 1971-05-08
United States, Virginia, Richmond, South bank of James River across from William's Island.
65259 Bourdo, Eric A s.n. 1962-07-08
United States, Colorado, Montrose, Black Canyon, Gunnison River
4194 Ware, Donna M 2280 1969-06-13
United States, Virginia, Charles City, On Daring Point, ca 50 ft from the bank of the James River; ca 7.5 miles southeast of Rustic, via Co Rts 623, 613 and 617., 37.245768 -76.898625
78902 Marsh, G A 1 1969-08-14
United States, Virginia, Northampton, Smith Island
74340 Rogers, D T 3-14 1967-06-04
United States, Virginia, Greensville, Drybread Road, East Greensville Co.
18399 Soltis, Douglas 183 1974-06-19
United States, Virginia, New Kent, edge of Rt 643, 0.4 miles from its junction with Rt 601. Common. P.O. Barhamsville., 37.456575 -76.815956
8275 Salle, Emily D 732 1971-09-23
United States, Virginia, York, ca 200 yd west of Indian Field Creek on northern side of Yorktown Colonial Parkway, 37.261139 -76.561216
41448 Harlow, James R 583 1949-07-23
United States, Virginia, Greene, from the Willot estate of Willie and Lottie Harlow, 1/4 mile east of Quinque, VA., 38.251451 -78.38905
36392 Whitmarsh, Lynne L 263 1979-06-15
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, 2.0 miles along Co Rt 673 from Bus Rt 10 at N crossing of Lake Tormentor., 37.030891 -76.621393
10661 Loetterle, Lynn E 6 1969-06-04
United States, Virginia, James City, 0.2 mi south from road 0.2 mi along Short Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.205888 -76.76374
61117 Baldwin, Patrick 456 1992-05-27
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Langley Research and Development Park, 37.086667 -76.391111
39549 Peake, Dwight E 282 1978-07-01
United States, Virginia, Scott, edge of picnic area parking lot; near the Bark Camp Lake dam, 4.0 mi NW of Dungannon., 36.868518 -82.522634, 85m
73465 King, Robert M 6256 1967-07-23
United States, Maryland, Calvert, -
41838 Watson, Frank D 197 1976-06-03
United States, Virginia, Nelson, Common in old field/orchard at the northern end of the Lesesne State Forest south of Ramsey Gap on Va Rt 680. Three Ridges Mountain., 37.847674 -78.96218
38475 Wieboldt, Thomas F M-294 1980-06-24
United States, Virginia, Albemarle, along the east road 0.4 mi east of the mansion. Monticello., 38.010395 -78.452319, 195m
7872 Salle, Emily D 273 1971-06-09
United States, Virginia, York, ca 300 yds east of Indian Field Creek just south of Sandy Point on northern side of Yorktown Parkway, 37.264126 -76.560013
78603 Baldwin, Patrick 6308 2011-06-11
United States, Virginia, Newport News City, between Int. 64 and Rock Landing Road within Oyster Point Complex, 37.091327 -76.46364
22519 Keegon, Kathy s.n. 1973-06-23
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Middleburg.
11784 Demaree, Delzie 65051 1972-05-31
United States, Arkansas, Sevier, -, 259m
57586 Jones, Robin 338ast 1988-07-28
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, -
36689 van Montfrans, Margaret 27 1978-07-04
United States, Virginia, Mathews, Corner of St. Rte. 620 and 14, near North, 37.44959 -76.413047
8232 Dolan, John O 47 1970-07-26
United States, Virginia, Chesterfield, Beaver Lake, Pocahontas State Park.
28060 Greaves, James M 231 1975-06-01
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, W of Rt 616, overlooking Beaverdam Swamp. 1.5 mi N of Gloucester CH., 37.436469 -76.528006
26970 Greaves, James M 695 1975-08-05
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, waste areas along Rt 616, N of Gloucester CH. G-7., 37.432937 -76.528799
24122 Soltis, Douglas 647 1974-10-03
United States, Virginia, New Kent, field; not far from logging trail adjoining unmarked road, 0.4 miles from its junction with Rt 600 at Holly Forks. Common. P.O. Barhamsville., 37.468201 -76.783572
8540 Demaree, Delzie 63784 1971-06-19
United States, Arkansas, Logan, -, 762m
33788 Blackman, Douglas E 276 1977-05-24
United States, New Jersey, Cape May, 1/8 mi E of Shelter Road, 1/8 mi S of Tennessee Ave. Ocean City
66759 Mort, Mark ; Ware, Donna M E 43 1993-05-17
United States, Virginia, Prince George, Rt 639 at the jct of 639 and Rt. 10, 37.248333 -77.150024
40322 Berg, Mary H 202 1973-06-16
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, Roadside in front of main dwelling house on Berg Farm, Rt 616, Clay Bank, VA., 37.351017 -76.606813
32844 Ware, Donna M 5374 1974-05-28
United States, Virginia, Surry, intake canal bank, VEPCO Surry Nuclear Power Station, about 1/2 mi W of intake installation; E of Surry., 37.168291 -76.698585
30978 Downs, Robert M 8985 1969-09-19
United States, West Virginia, Hampshire, -
46754 Thomas, R D 83966 1983-06-08
United States, Louisiana, Lincoln, -
10103 Loetterle, Lynn E 904 1970-06-04
United States, Virginia, James City, 1.7 mi along Long Loop Road, Jamestown Island, 37.202524 -76.747261
48905 Ware, Donna M; Vascott, Anna 8203 1983-06-09
United States, Virginia, King George, at gazebo at W end of Jones Pond. Caledon State Park., 38.362805 -77.142521
23293 Diggs Jr, George M 145 1975-05-27
United States, Virginia, Fluvanna, in roadside ditch along Rt 607, 3/4 mile east of intersection with Rt 613, 37.949435 -78.179009
54396 O'Donnell, Sean 41 1987-06-23
United States, Virginia, Giles, Salt Pond Mountain. Appalachian Trail, near Wind Rock.
42616 Keyser, R L 132 1981-05-22
United States, Virginia, Prince William, At end of Manderfield Rd, ca. 0.1 mi. NW of junction with Rt. 1, Woodbridge., 38.665264 -77.245186
78604 Baldwin, Patrick 6309 2011-06-11
United States, Virginia, Newport News City, Northside Christian Church off of George Emerson Blvd., 37.103316 -76.455145
15213 Ferchau, Anne H 28 1950-11-01
United States, Virginia, James City, 1 mile from Williamsburg on Jamestown Road
77168 Johnstone, Chris; Metivier, Sarah 170 2006-05-16
United States, Virginia, Richmond, Totuskey Creek Watershed, 37.9480556 -76.7016667
8927 Deramus, Rebecca 657 1968-05-25
United States, Virginia, Norfolk City, Powhatan Avenue and 49th Street, West, near Old Dominion College campus
2829 Gillespie, Mary S 178 1969-07-06
United States, Virginia, New Kent, In dry, infertile soil of field, south side of Co Rte 603 near the Diascund Bridge., 37.389893 -76.867
12300 Windler, Donald R; Keenan ; Lombardo 3145 1970-07-13
United States, Maryland, Baltimore, -
10220 Parks, J 1402 1970-06-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Lancaster, -
80469 Ware, Donna M E; Steele, Betty; Guthrie, Bettie; Barksdale, Angela 11061 1998-06-19
United States, Virginia, Petersburg City, Lee Memorial Park, City of Petersburg, 37.196957 -77.407676
42895 Blackman, Douglas E 464 1977-07-29
United States, New Jersey, Cape May, 0.25 mi E of Ocean Drive and 1/8 mile N of Inlet. Corson's Inlet State Park. Ocean City
76355 Morton, Gary H 7373 1978-07-25
United States, Pennsylvania, Pike, Route 209 about 3.5 mi. n of Dingmans Ferry
20520 Burkgren, Joan 424 1973-10-02
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, main path. Wildcat Mountain.
70508 Weldy, Troy R; Sommer, Shannon 317 1994-05-11
United States, Virginia, Lancaster, along roadsdie of Rt. 675 southwest of abandoned millpond, southwest of Kilmarnock, 37.713754 -76.400672
47831 Demaree, Delzie 66481 1973-05-25
United States, Arkansas, Clark, -, 66m
21023 Mikula, Bernard 5012 1950-07-19
United States, Virginia, Frederick, 2 mi NW of Cross Junction, 39.340742 -78.319837
59519 Hunsucker, Sally 45 1992-10-18
United States, Virginia, New Kent, in telephone wire clearcut on gravel road at junction of St Rt 273 and St Rt 634, near Barhamsville.
26184 Corcoran, Celeste M; Diggs Jr, George M 390 1976-05-11
United States, Virginia, Powhatan, Growing in the roadside of Rt 711, 1 miles east of Rt 614 - Powhatan, 37.596656 -77.786392
13370 Berg, Mary H 241 1973-07-07
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, Among brush near outlet of pond by Rt 616, Clay Bank, VA., 37.362609 -76.593089
29531 Kirkman, Kay 134 1975-06-04
United States, Virginia, York, Patrol Road 6, near Cheatham Dam. Cheatham Annex Naval Supply Center, 37.289581 -76.640909
62536 Baldwin, Patrick 1371 1996-05-16
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Old Crystal Trail near back of 2nd portion of Crystal Lake within Sandy Bottom Nature Park, 37.069531 -76.439805
18833 Appler, Phyllis K; Thompson, Ross 656 1973-06-06
United States, Virginia, Newport News City, hunting area 2 just S of track junction from supply area near end of golf course, Fort Eustis., 37.140375 -76.600499
69687 L, M E 1943-06-18
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, Palace Garden, Colonial Williamsburg, 37.274531 -76.702259
21536 Roe, Gerald F 643 1974-08-15
United States, Virginia, Rockingham, near the jeep road on Shenandoah Mountain. Hone Quarry, George Washington National Forest., 1219m
56532 Theodose, Terry 689 1988-08-16
United States, Virginia, Highland, Buck Run Trail. @.2 miles E of Locust Spring Picnic Area. Picnic area @7 miles NE of Thornwood, WVA via Rt 28, 38.583684 -79.640284
28611 Miller ; Stanley s.n. 1976-07-25
United States, Virginia, Essex, At Piscataway Creek on Rt. 691, SW of Brays.
32955 Ware, Donna M 6830 1977-08-19
United States, Virginia, Accomack, east (Finney Cr.) and cultivated fields on the W; about one mile from Wachapreague., 37.604294 -75.728085
74060 Fletcher Jr., Neal E 281 1959-06-10
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, John Blair Herb Garden, Duke of Gloucester Street
78183 Ingram, Amanda L 156 1997-06-03
United States, Virginia, James City, Green Springs National Historic Park, 37.257648 -76.803016
10479 Harley, W J 2503 1964-07-07
United States, Virginia, Lancaster, Merry Point, 37.715445 -76.490527
5758 Demaree, Delzie 62033 1970-05-27
United States, Arkansas, Yell, -, 106m
59967 Plunkett, Gregory M 221 1989-05-17
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, Common on roadside at edge of thick woodlands, St. Rt. 625 1/2 mi. S of intersection with St. Rt. 621, c. 4.5 mi. N of Raynor., 36.995778 -76.792522
1845 Deramus, Rebecca 612 1967-10-14
United States, Virginia, Amherst, Long Mtn. near Staton's Creek, in George Washington National Forest. Co Rd #633., 37.767707 -79.237376, 851m
36389 Whitmarsh, Lynne L 114 1979-05-20
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, 0.5 mile N on Co Rt 676 past junction with Co Rt 686, NW of Baileys Beach., 37.093319 -76.676974
52198 Fleming, Gary P 1249 1984-10-07
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, N side of Rt 703, just W of Rt 17 and 3.3 miles SSE of Marshall., 38.827798 -77.820227, 183m
28477 Greaves, James M 322 1975-06-12
United States, Virginia, Gloucester, Rt 634, 1.0 mile S of Coke, near Carter's Creek. J-6., 37.323855 -76.55999
51349 Thomas, R D; Dorris, Trudie ; Day, Lula 100103 1987-06-11
United States, Louisiana, Bossier, -
29838 Bradley, Ted; Miller, Lori 12837 1977-07-23
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, Marsh, Rt 648 and mud creek, NE of Jamaica.
22719 Kirkman, Kay 468 1975-08-15
United States, Virginia, York, Patrol Road 5. Cheatham Annex Naval Supply Center; P.O. Williamsburg, 37.289581 -76.640909
43595 North, Gretchen 103 1981-05-04
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, roadside shoulder on Va Rt 3, ca 0.5 mi S of Rappahannock River, near Grey's Point., 37.609858 -76.440028
21024 Mikula, Bernard 4045 1949-08-31
United States, Virginia, Smyth, Whitetop Mountain, 36.638729 -81.605392, 1524m
8206 Murray, Fred 68 1971-05-28
United States, Virginia, Chesterfield, off Rt 717 in Bon Air.
59370 Simmons, Mark P 217 1991-05-04
United States, Virginia, King George, West of rt. 301 opposite rt. 616, 38.3111111 -77.1111111
81224 Sleight, Trevor A; Cyrus, Caitlin D. 8 2014-05-20
United States, Virginia, James City, College Woods, 37.2635667 -76.7224
81356 Ciarlone, Leo F 20 2014-05-31
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods; N Jamestown Dam, 37.2635833 -76.7224667
81813 Cyrus, Caitlin D 273 2014-05-15
United States, Virginia, Williamsburg City, College Woods, 37.276483 -76.725333
82760 Baldwin, Patrick 8767 2015-05-28
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, field off of S. Church Street (Business Rte 10) adjacent to Smithfield Square Shopping Center in Smithfield, 36.960812 -76.60399
59485 Clements, Kristine H 69 1992-11-01
United States, Virginia, James City, along Brick Bat Rd. (St. Rt. 613), ca. 300 yards from the corner of Centerville Rt. (St. Rt. 614); 6.5 miles W of Williamsburg.