ACU0001830 Phillip Morgan 4 1966-07-06
United States, Texas, Callahan, Near Clyde., 32.407312 -99.495407
ACU0001831 Cadmus Brown Jr. s.n. 1949-09-00
United States, Texas, Taylor, Buffalo Gap [No additional locality data on sheet]
ACU0001832 Thomas E. Clark s.n. 1966-07-11
United States, Texas, Erath, [No additional locality data on sheet]
PH00023005 Thomas Nuttall s.n.
United States, Arkansas
7111 Warren Hauk 396 1985-06-21
United States, Texas, Falls, Leonhardt Prairie Sanctuary (Texas Nature Conservancy), 4 mi N of Marlin, adjacent to Hwy 6 and Missouri Pacific Rail Road
7124 Warren Hauk 265 1984-07-05
United States, Texas, Falls, Leonhardt Prarie Sanctuary (Texas Nature Coservancy), approximately 4 mi N of Marlin, adjacent to TX 6 and Missouri Pacific Railroad
7125 Warren Hauk 266 1984-07-05
United States, Texas, Falls, Leonhardt Prarie Sanctuary (Texas Nature Coservancy), 4 mi N of Marlin, adjacent to Hwy 6 and Missouri Pacific Rail Road
13425 Robert Eckhardt 1726 1974-06-27
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Lake Nasworthy
13426 D. U. Graham 537 1974-06-14
United States, Texas, Coke, 1 mi SW Silver, FM 2059
13427 Marie Perry 107 1972-06-22
United States, Texas, Brown, 2 miles west of Brownwood, woods below Edwards limestone outcrop
13445 Wayne W. King 261 1972-07-07
United States, Texas, Coke, approximately 8 mi SW Blackwell
13446 K. Montei s.n. 1972-05-01
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, no specific locality
13447 Michael R. Nixon 432 1976-06-19
United States, Texas, Coleman, 5 mi N Coleman, Highway 84
13448 Joe Cornelius 963 1981-07-11
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, approximately 7.6 km N and 15.5 km E Throckmorton, Don Chandler Ranch
13449 Robert Eckhardt 1726 1974-06-27
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Lake Nasworthy, near junction Fisherman's Road and Spring Creek Road
13450 Robert Eckhardt 1726 1974-06-27
United States, Texas, Tom Green, Lake Nasworthy, near junction Fisherman's Road and Spring Creek Road
25398 William F. Mahler 9286 1981-11-14
25908 M. H. MacRoberts 1740 1992-07-10
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches, Kisatchie National Forest, Kisatchie District, T6N, R8W, Sec 28
37137 Stanely D. Jones 9076 1992-06-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, 1.4 mi SW on FR 159 from junction with TX 6
37139 Stanely D. Jones 9076 1992-06-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, 1.4 mi SW on FR 159 from junction with TX 6
37140 Stanely D. Jones 9076 1992-06-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, 1.4 mi SW on FR 159 from junction with TX 6
37142 Stanely D. Jones 9076 1992-06-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, 1.4 mi SW on FR 159 from junction with TX 6
37144 Stanely D. Jones 9076 1992-06-28
United States, Texas, Brazos, 1.4 mi SW on FR 159 from junction with TX 6
D.S. Correll 37374 1969-05-30
United States, Texas, Kleberg, At crossing of Farm Rd. and Jaboncillas Creek, about 6 miles SE of Ricardo.
ANHC002748 Brent Baker 12-0156 2012-07-02
United States, Texas, Burnet, Edwards Plateau. Balcones Canyonlands Ecoregion. USGS Travis Peak 7.5' Quad. Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. Doeskin Ranch. SE of Farm to Market Rd. 1174, about 9.5 mi. S of jct. with TX Hwy 29 in Bertram. Along Pond & Prairie Trail., 30.61955 -98.0738
ANHC013644 Jim Keesling 18-0096 2018-06-28
United States, Arkansas, Little River, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Blackland Prairie Ecoregion. USGS Foreman 7.5' Quad. 3 miles SSW of Foreman, close to the S edge of an active quarry for Ash Grove Cement Company., 33.68236 -94.40648
ANHC013643 Jim Keesling 18-0096 2018-06-28
United States, Arkansas, Little River, West Gulf Coastal Plain. Blackland Prairie Ecoregion. USGS Foreman 7.5' Quad. 3 miles SSW of Foreman, close to the S edge of an active quarry for Ash Grove Cement Company., 33.68236 -94.40648
BCNWR00737 Eddie Hertz 1509 2000-06-28
United States, Texas, Williamson, CR 281; EAST OF REFUGE., 30.62101805 -97.92285305
BCNWR00738 Charles W. Sexton 1633 2001-07-03
United States, Texas, Williamson, Johnson Tract; N pasture., 30.62998 -98.0162
BCNWR00739 Eddie Hertz 1709 2001-07-18
United States, Texas, Williamson, Johnson Tract., 30.62998 -98.0162
BCNWR00740 Eddie Hertz 1607 2001-06-20
United States, Texas, Burnet, RR 1431; 0.25mi W of Travis Co. line., 30.533002 -98.107235
BCNWR00741 Eddie Hertz 1607 2001-06-20
United States, Texas, Burnet, RR 1431; 0.25mi W of Travis Co. line., 30.533002 -98.107235
BCNWR00742 Eddie Hertz 1607 2001-06-20
United States, Texas, Burnet, RR 1431; 0.25mi W of Travis Co. line., 30.533002 -98.107235
BAYLU042302 L. D. Smith s.n. 1947-07-12
United States, Texas, McLennan, McLennan County, 31.552377 -97.201788
BAYLU042310 J. Singhurst 1508 1993-07-00
United States, Texas, Limestone, Hwy 14 & Pk. Rd 28. Fort Parker State Park., 31.582186 -96.532472
BAYLU042296 Albert Ruth 28 1922-07-24
USA, Texas, Tarrant, Tarrant Co, Tx., 32.78003 -97.232192
BAYLU042303 J.R. Singhurst 12593 2003-06-23
USA, Texas, Parker, Tex. Hwy 199 at Salt Creek, ca. 9 mi. WNW of Springtown (near Wise Co. line), 32.958701 -97.683638
BAYLU042290 L. L. Hansen 6060 2008-07-10
United States, Texas, Bell, Training Area 30, along the east side of East Range Road, 0.1 mile north of North Nolan Road., 31.15864 -97.70949
BAYLU042298 Clinton E. Stewart 2395 1962-09-15
United States, Texas, Bosque, 1.8 m Iredell, Texas on FM 216, 31.99406 -97.877155
BAYLU042306 J. Singhurst 6222 1997-08-02
USA, Texas, Montague, Jct. of Lamier Road and Hwy 51, S, on Hwy 51 ca. 0.8 mi, E. and W. side of Hwy 51., 33.687565 -97.701895
BAYLU042308 J. Singhurst 9469 2000-06-22
United States, Texas, Mason, 5 air miles NNW of Mason, Texas, N of jct. of Hwy. 29 and Hwy. 398 2.1 miles; then NW on dirt road 2.4 miles. Mason Mt. Wildlife Management Area., 30.81584 -99.26293
BAYLU042340 W.C. Holmes 10050 1999-05-13
United States, Texas, Red River, White Rock, FR 1699 0.2 mi S of jct with FR 1158., 33.610389 -94.98307
BAYLU042309 R. Kral 89900 2000-06-22
United States of America, Texas, Tarrant County, above Big Fossil Creek, just E its crossing by TX 183, N side Haltom City, 32.81253 -97.253193
BAYLU042305 W.C. Holmes 8548 1996-06-22
USA, Texas, Goliad, 3.4 miles W of Goliad on Tx. Hwy 239, 1.1 miles W of U.S. Hwy 59, 28.668314 -97.444595
BAYLU042307 K. Fleming 506 1998-06-04
USA, Texas, Navarro, 5 mi. west of Corsicana on side of Hwy 31, 32.095402 -96.554529
BAYLU042299 Clinton E. Stewart 1960-09-10
9.5 m Meridian off Hiway 144, 32.016986 -97.710541
BAYLU042291 W.C. Holmes 13402 2005-06-22
USA, Texas, Lee, Somerville State Park; Nails Creek area, 30.294858 -96.682315
BRIT122703 Kay Fleming 506 1998-06-04
United States, Texas, Navarro, 5 mi. west of Corsicana on side of Hwy 31. Region III - District 5., 32.047778 -96.537014
BRIT229644 Jeff Quayle 1844 2014-07-15
United States, Texas, Montague, Bowie, South side of Lake Amon Carter; prairie below hillside above ridgeline by house. 33.458 N 97.878 W., 33.458 -97.878
BRIT10285 E. Whitehouse 10081 1945-06-22
United States, Texas, Montague, 4.4 miles north of Nocona near Molsbee Chapel., 33.834292 -97.747964
BRIT13067 R. J. O'Kennon 17487 2002-11-30
United States, Texas, Wise, FM 51, between Springtown and intersection with Hwy 114, ca 6.4 mi N of Springtown. 4 mi N of Park Co. line., 33.05113 -97.657374
BRIT24643 W. L. McCart 1754 1939-06-20
United States, Texas, Denton, 3 mi. west of Denton., 33.225121 -97.188019
BRIT03316 L. H. Shinners 24084 1956-06-23
United States, Texas, Wise, 3.8 miles south of Boonsville., 33.013312 -97.862596
R. J. O'Kennon 11688 1993-06-30
United States, Texas, Gillespie, Alfred Petsch Rd at Pedernales River crossing, ca 0.5 mi S of Morris Ranch Rd., 30.2094 -99.0051, 507m
Rebecca K. Swadek 362 2010-06-30
United States, Texas, Wise, LBJ Unit 50. 1.3 miles west of FM 730 and 5.75 miles east of Hwy 287. Just south of County Road 2360 Research site: Unit 50, 33.3374 -97.5705
BRIT399615 Samuel R. Kieschnick 317 2011-07-31
United States, Texas, Parker, On top of sandstone cliff east side of Weatherford Lake. Plant found on cliff, 32.78064 -97.69583, 292m
BRIT555444 Marie-Theres Herz 1579 2018-06-30
United States, Texas, Dallas, Harry Moss Park, Dallas, TX
BRIT351496 I. B. Bryant 13 1939-06-18
United States, Texas, Navarro, Near Frost., 32.080153 -96.806661
BRIT351497 A. Arthur Heller 1814 1894-06-00
United States, Texas, Nueces, Collected about Corpus Christi., 12m
BRIT351498 Barney L. Lipscomb 2328 1977-07-09
United States, Texas, Parker, Mineral Wells State Park. East side of lake in open areas along road to Penitentiary Hollow., 32.816581 -98.027989
BRIT351499 Tom Starbuck 2568 1982-06-27
United States, Texas, Robertson, NW 1/4 Bryan West Quad, U.S.G.S. 1962; Tx. Hwy. 6 and Tx. Hwy. OSR junction.
BRIT351500 John J. Sperry s.n. 1967-06-28
United States, Texas, Robertson, Old San Antonio Road, near Benchley.
BRIT351531 V. L. Cory 53312 1946-06-26
United States, Texas, Rockwall, 1 mile northeast of Rockwall on eroded slope above Squabble Creek., 32.938825 -96.448022
BRIT351532 Frank W. Gould 7074 1956-05-31
United States, Texas, Runnels, 7 miles east of Ballinger., 31.777486 -99.835572
BRIT351533 R. J. George 16 1986-06-27
United States, Texas, San Augustine, 8 miles west of San Augustine, Tx. on Hwy. 21; then 1 mile south.
BRIT351534 Eric Keith s.n. 2001-07-06
United States, Texas, San Jacinto, About 100 meters north of Pools Creek along Lake Livingston.
BRIT351535 Fred B. Jones 292 1950-07-01
United States, Texas, San Patricio, 8 miles south of Taft on slope overlooking Nueces Bay.
BRIT351536 Albert Ruth 28 1929-07-05
United States, Texas, Tarrant, [No additional locality data on sheet]
BRIT351537 S. E. Wolff s.n. 1968-06-00
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Cobb Park, Ft. Worth., 32.716243 -97.29446
BRIT351538 Wm. L. McCart 2100 1940-07-07
United States, Texas, Tarrant, Live Oak Park, Lake Worth., 32.796817 -97.492246
BRIT351539 Don K. Wemple 248 1962-06-27
United States, Texas, Taylor, 1/4 mi. E. of Merkel along Texas and Pac. RR right-of-way, 30m. north of tracks., 32.468847 -100.001973
BRIT351540 Joe Cornelius 963 1981-07-11
United States, Texas, Throckmorton, Approximately 15.5 km E and 7.6 km N of Throckmorton. Don Chandler Ranch.
BRIT351541 Joe C. Johnson 6055 1946-07-25
United States, Texas, Burnet, Roadside, 5mi. NW of Pedernales River Ferry on road to Spicewood., 30.474168 -98.145505
BRIT351542 Toney Keeney 9890 1990-05-30
United States, Texas, Uvalde, 10 mi. north of Knippa at junction of FM 127 & FM 1049 on the southwest side of this junction.
BRIT351543 George L. Fisher 630-8 1930-06-19
United States, Texas, Washington, Gay Hill., 30.271879 -96.494135, 101m
BRIT351544 C. C. Albers s.n. 1940-06-24
United States, Texas, Washington, Brenham, Texas. [No additional locality data on sheet], 30.166883 -96.397744
BRIT232273 R. J. O'Kennon 9218d 1991-07-10
United States, Texas, Kerr, Limestone Bluff along RR 783., 30.08643 -99.15331
BRIT351687 Peggy A. Amerson 2592 1975-07-00
United States, Texas, Fayette, Ca. 4 mi. e. of La Grange., 29.905486 -96.809655
BRIT351718 C. H. Muller 8734 1945-08-23
United States, Texas, Coryell, 5 mi. W of Gatesville., 31.435136 -97.828967
BRIT351689 M. M. Taylor 17 1939-07-05
United States, Texas, Grayson, Near Sherman., 33.637234 -96.609137
BRIT351694 C. Blackwell 78 1939-06-19
United States, Texas, Hood, Near Center Mills., 32.554024 -97.764474
BRIT351697 J. Reverchon 1947 1900-06-25
United States, Texas, Dallas, Dallas, Texas., 32.778438 -96.798771
BRIT351712 Lloyd H. Shinners 15230 1953-06-20
United States, Texas, Clay, 11.8 miles northwest of Henrietta., 33.875611 -98.386097
BRIT351680 L. Lamb s.n. 1937-07-17
United States, Texas, Johnson, 3 miles west of Cleburne., 32.347633 -97.438218
BRIT351707 B. H. A. Groth 144 1903-07-27
United States, Texas, Bexar, Near Bracken., 29.610821 -98.322794
BRIT351681 Bess Adams 3 1939-07-02
United States, Texas, Jones, 1.5 mi. east Stamford., 32.948982 -99.778157
BRIT351714 D. S. Correll 19014 1901-06-29
United States, Texas, Coleman, 7 miles east of Santa Anna.
BRIT351717 Simon E. Wolff 3267 1931-08-14
United States, Texas, Coryell, N. of Killeen., 31.157489 -97.755286
BRIT351690 John J. Sperry s.n. 1968-06-20
United States, Texas, Grimes, Adjacent highway 105 between Navasota and Stoneham.
BRIT351691 Larry E. Brown 8945 1985-06-29
United States, Texas, Harris, Service road along the Hempstead Highway ca 100 yards south of intersection with the Gesser Road in northwest Houston.
BRIT351711 Barton H. Warnock 46359 1946-06-20
United States, Texas, Callahan, Eight miles west of Clyde., 32.409414 -99.629647
BRIT351686 V. L. Cory 58070 1950-09-26
United States, Texas, Erath, Highway 6, 2 miles southeast of Clairette., 32.033246 -98.087765
BRIT351713 William F. Mahler 9650 1983-07-06
United States, Texas, Coke, At jct of Hwys 277 & 70, N of Bronte., 32.011549 -100.277917
BRIT351705 Toney M. Keeney 3114 1983-07-06
United States, Texas, Bandera, Along Hi. 173 roadsides, 3 miles south of Camp Verde.
BRIT351685 V. L. Cory 53338 1946-07-02
United States, Texas, Ellis, 2.4 miles west of Midlothian., 32.482354 -97.035737
BRIT351715 Kathy Goen 7 1966-06-19
United States, Texas, Coleman, 8 miles southeast of Santa Anna, Texas.
BRIT351702 J. B. McBryde s.n. 1937-06-17
United States, Texas, Denton, 3 miles west of Denton., 33.225121 -97.188019
BRIT351688 Geyata Ajilvsji 3428 1976-08-00
United States, Texas, Goliad, West of Celeste Creek and north of Hwy. 59, approx. 13 mi. west of Victoria.
BRIT351710 J. Reverchon 1948 1900-07-05
United States, Texas, Brazos, College Station, Texas.
BRIT351677 Roger W. Sanders 3532 1995-07-12
United States, Texas, Hunt, Clymer Meadow Preserve, ca. 15 air miles NW of Greenville; along county road ca. 1/2 mile (1 km) N of FM 1562 at 3 miles (5 km) W of Celeste. Main tract, E-facing slopes N & E of Chastain house., 33.316667 -96.25