Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Lolium
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 13, records 1201-1300 of 17441

New Mexico State University Range Science

13259Roalson, E.H.   3181993-01-30
United States, Texas, Brazos, 0.5 miles north of jct with Briarcrest Dr. on Tx. Highway 6 Bypass. East side of Bryan.

15758Roalson, E.H.   3171993-01-30
United States, Texas, Brazos, Southwest corner of jct of OSR and F.R. 1687. Northwest of Bryan.

15759Roalson, E.H.   3181993-01-30
United States, Texas, Brazos, 0.5 miles north of jct with Briarcrest Dr. on Tx. Highway 6 Bypass. East side of Bryan.

29482Rob Strahan   312006-05-24
United States, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Milnesand Prairie Preserve; In front of Bunk house in soft dark soil. Lots of water, next to well. N33 41.497 W103 24.465

23475Worthington, R.D.   
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Gavilan ridge

17561   1938-09-25
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Creek bank 4 mi e of Cloudcroft, 2743m

17563Kelly W. Allred   49731989-06-20
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Sangre de Cristo Mts, along hwy 64 about 8 mi e of Eagles Nest, 2408m

17577Salzar,R.A.   151983-06-08
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Bandelier Nat. Monument, Frijoles Falls trail, 1/4 mi south of Lower Frijoles Fall at edge of Frijoles Creek.

17578Kelly W. Allred   50571990-06-04
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington, planted in lawn

17583Rundell,L.   331981-10-03
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Ft. Stanton experimental station, next to Bonito Creek, East of picnic table

17584McClenahan, Dianne   1571994-08-12
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Collected next to river in Gonzales pasture, Circle Bar West Ranch, 1600m

17585Lebgue   3671980-08-31
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Salado pasture east end along the river, about 10 yards from the hwy 380, Salt Cedar Association, Fort Stanton

17587Garcia, J.   211979-04-22
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, NMSU north end of Corbett Center, 1100m

17588Kelly W. Allred   44191987-06-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Lake Roberts, Nature Trail; willow community, low area at end of lake

17590Roalson, E.H.   1994-05-05
United States, New Mexico, Chaves, Wetland along Penasco River just South and West of the jct of State hwy 13 and U.S.hwy 82

9915Smith, Curtis S.N.   1991-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Albuqerque, 13408 Rebonito Road, in blue grama/buffalo grass lawn, sent in by county agent.

25517Kelly W. Allred   86652003-05-29
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, County Road 17, Bluff Springs, about 4 miles from Sunspot Hwy, N32 49.878 W105 44.235, mixed conifer forest with spruce, white pine, douglas fir, many mosses around the springs, this collected in dry parking area, 2480m

25547Kelly W. Allred   87402003-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, Lincoln Nat. For, along FR 451 (Prestridge Rd), N32 50.3848 W105 36.8815, burned area reseeded with orchardgrass, smooth brome, ryegrass, formerly mixed conifer forest, 2359m

25548Kelly W. Allred   87412003-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, Lincoln Nat. For, along FR 451 (Prestridge Rd), N32 50.3848 W105 36.8815, burned area reseeded with orchardgrass, smooth brome, ryegrass, formerly mixed conifer forest, 2359m

18216Warren, A. s.n.   
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Arroyo Hondo, irrigated improved pasture, 2100m

12949Kelly W. Allred   46831988-05-19
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Silver City, Big Ditch (deep arroyo running through town)

26688Reif, B.   1385
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Jemez Mts

20110Kelly W. Allred   73931999-05-20
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, City of Ruidoso, along Rio Ruidoso, Paradise Canyon, disturbed ground, 2000m

16161Roalson, E.H.   8641994-06-15
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, S 25 T 11S R 10W. E-W running side canyon to Turkey Run Canyon. Dominated by Ponderosa, Douglas fir, 5-needle pine, White fir, Jamesia, Gambel's oak. Ribes, Poa, Lonicera, Ozmorhiza present. On N-facing slope., 2499m

16328Roalson, E.H.   10331994-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, T11S R10W Sec.25. NE-SW trending narrow canyon running into E. running side canyon to Hoyt Creek. Ponderosa pine, Southwestern white pine, Quercus gambelii, and Quercus grisea. Plant seems to be intergrading into var. perenne., 2499m

3369Kelly W. Allred   49331989-05-15
United States, New Mexico, Socorro

25401Kelly W. Allred   87192003-06-12
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mts, Lincoln Nat. Forest, Wildlife Habitat Restoration Area, Sand Springs, N32 42.7370 W105 41.1370, seeded ground along creek, mixed conifer forest, 2591m

25405Kelly W. Allred   86782003-06-04
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Sacramento Mts, Lincoln Nat. Forest, Eagle Creek, west of Alto, FR 127A at jct with hwy 532 (Sierra Blanca Rd), N33 23.5878 W105 43.4037, ponderosa forest, dry understory except along creek, 2316m

6040Oyona, A.T.   231979-04-25
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Las Cruces

25595Kelly W. Allred   87892003-06-25
United States, New Mexico, Santa Fe, Sangre de Cristo Mts, along hwy 475 to Santa Fe Ski Basin, N35 45.5523 W105 49.4269, ponderosa, white pine, aspen, douglas fir, 2841m

25466Kelly W. Allred   86292003-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Along hwy 70, moist roadside, entering Mescalero, pinyon-juniper on surrounding foothills, 1935m

6061Smith, P.   21983-06-14
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Forest Rd 171

5873Kelly W. Allred   25511983-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Lincoln, Lincoln Natl For, forest Road 108

5875Kelly W. Allred   50571990-06-04
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Farmington, planted in lawn.

25233Clifford, A.   8212000-07-14
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Navajo Indian Reservation, Chuska Mts, 1.25 mi w of Toadlena area, moist seepage area, 2350m

Eastern New Mexico University Herbarium

980Mary Blankenhorn   357 SJVAP1975-07-14
USA, New Mexico, SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec. 33, T30N, R11W. Horn Canyon Quad

309Vorsila Bohrer   1974-06-07
USA, New Mexico, Sandoval, T15N, R3W Sandy margin of Rio Puerco at crossing near village of Guadalupe. Guadalupe Quadrangle, Ignacio Chavez Grant

310J. F. Gillett   1950-10-11
USA, New Mexico, Roosevelt, Portales V tsville

Western New Mexico University, Dale A. Zimmerman Herbarium

6612D.A. Zimmerman and P. Boucher   1992-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos Mtns, 2 mi N of Pinos Altos, 2134m

1366D. Villalba   1996-06-02
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Gila Nat'l Forest, Hwy 15 at Cherry Creek, 2135m

1776D.A. Zimmerman   1994-04-28
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson, around edges of lawn & on curbsides near corner of Tucson & 3rd Sts

27153R. Kleinman, K. Blisard   2016-10-26-1b2016-10-26
USA, New Mexico, Grant, WNMU campus, xeriscaped rock area to the west of Memorial Student Union Building

27152R. Kleinman, K. Blisard   2016-10-26-1c2016-10-26
USA, New Mexico, Grant, WNMU campus, xeriscaped rock area to the west of Memorial Student Union Building

1294D.A. Zimmerman and P. Boucher   1992-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos Range, ~ 2 mi N of Pinos Altos, 2134m

1295D.A. Zimmerman and P. Boucher   1992-07-01
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Pinos Altos Range, ~ 2 mi N of Pinos Altos, 2134m

1304P. Nighswonger   1968-05-27
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland, Norman, Robinson St, 2.25 mi E of Porter

1305P. Nighswonger   1968-02-20
United States, Oklahoma, Cleveland

16847W.R. Norris and D.K. Walkup   2008-05-22-28a2008-05-22
United States, New Mexico, Grant, Gila Nat'l Forest, Gila Bird Area, 32.835047 -108.60728, 1339m

5154Butterick and Hillyard   1979-05-11
United States, Arizona, Mohave, Rt 93, 3 mi S of Wickieup, along roadside, 579m

27165R. Kleinman, K. Blisard   2016-10-26-1a2016-10-26
USA, New Mexico, Grant, WNMU campus, xeriscaped rock area to the west of Memorial Student Union Building

Charles Maurer Herbarium at Colorado State University

192440collectors: Ray J. Davis   1934-06-18
United States, Idaho, Bannock County, Idaho State College Campus, Pocatello

192441collectors: C.H. Wasser   1979-00-00
United States, Wyoming, Carbon County, Rouse's Meadow, south of Saratoga

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lolium pratense (Huds.) Darbysh.
164733collectors: G. Kittel & L. Spears   GK1996-07-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Private land along Big Thompson River., 40.43 -105.01, 1474m

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202280Steve Popovich   3861986-08-17
United States, Colorado, Grand County, 1/10 Acre Aspen Plot, 2743 - 3036m

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189448collectors: Bruno Klinger   1958-08-18
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Fort Collins, 1554m

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Lolium pratense (Huds.) Darbysh.
51955collectors: COLYER, MARILYN   1987-07-08
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County

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51957collectors: COLYER, MARILYN   1985-08-15
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, MANCOS CANYON, MI.3, GRAVEL BAR NE. OF RIVER

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51958collectors: COLYER, MARILYN   1991-07-16
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, MANCOS CANYON, N. BOUNDARY

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51959collectors: ERDMAN & WELSH   1963-09-05
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, CHAPIN MESA, RESIDENTIAL AREA

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181303collectors: John & Connie Taylor   220731976-06-27
United States, Oklahoma, Pontotoc County, Collected from along Mill Creek about 1.5 miles southwest of Fittstown, Oklahoma.

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172074collectors: Tim Hogan   19451992-07-27
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Boulder Mt. Parks. Dry foothills grassland., 1707m

174433collectors: Ben Legler   42242007-06-12
United States, New Mexico, Colfax County, Vermejo Park Ranch: at mouth of Bernal Creek where it joins the Vermejo Rivr at its passage through The Little Wall; 8 air mi NW of Vermejo Park., 36.94 -105.12, 2504m

174434collectors: Ben Legler   95252008-07-10
United States, New Mexico, Colfax County, Vermejo Park Ranch: pond in Caliente Canyon 1.3 air mi NW of mouth of Ben Thompson Canyon., 36.88 -104.78, 2274m

174435collectors: Ben Legler   55022007-07-03
United States, New Mexico, Colfax County, Vermejo Park Ranch: along creek in Caliente Canyon 0.2 air mi upstream from junction with Mercer Canyon., 36.81 -104.8, 2152m

174436collectors: Ben Legler Neil Snow   39932007-06-07
United States, New Mexico, Colfax County, Vermejo Park Ranch: along banks of Vermejo River immediately downstream from (SE of) I-25., 36.49 -104.57, 1786m

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180321collectors: Pam Smith Bernadette Kuhn, Laura Cascardi, Katie Hesko   20132013-07-09
United States, Colorado, Denver County, Denver County, CO Bear Creek Park in Denver, 39.64 -105.04

183145collectors: Brian Reif   30532002-07-31
United States, New Mexico, San Miguel County, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Sangre de Cristo Mountains: NM Hwy 92, 2 air mi S of Elk Mountain or 7 mi E of Terrero. NE on old roadbed at 180 degree bend for 1 air mi toward Elk Mountain., 35.73 -105.55, 3231m

166784collectors: Gerrit Davidse   10871967-05-28
United States, Utah, Cache County, 5 mi W of Logan along road to Mendon., 1372m

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138303collectors: B. E. Nelson   614642004-07-09
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval County, Valles Cladera National Preserve: Jemez Mountains: along East Fork Jemez River, ca 3/4 -1 air mi E of NW Hwy 4, ca 8 air mi NE of Jemez Springs ; ca 15 air mi WSW of Los Alamos., 35.82 -106.57

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138297collectors: Brian Elliott Kenneth Elliott   10561998-06-04
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, Las Animas County, CO Wet Mtns, Wet Mtn Valley, Sangre de Cristo Range: Park Plateau: Powell Arrroyo, on County Road 69.8, NW of Trinidad, 37.21 -104.52

181644collectors: Spears Kittel   GK96501996-01-07
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Roosevelt National Forest, Young gulch

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175527collectors: Pam Regensburg Janet Wingate and Mike Gellner   4522010-06-29
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Soapstone Prairie, City of Fort Collins Natural Area. Ca. 18.5 mi N of Wellington just W of Graves Creek

171827collectors: Jennifer Ackerfield   17122004-05-26
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Lyons park off of Hwy 7, just west of town., 40.22 -105.27, 1676m

166876collectors: C. Baenitz   1893-06-10
France, France? Label In german. For Herbarium Europaeum.

166877collectors: W.H. Kruse   911968-07-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, 13 mi. NE Flagstaff., 2316m

166878collectors: Elinor Lehto Lyle McGill   229261978-05-30
United States, Arizona, Mohave County, W. bank of Big Sandy River, along US 93, 3.1 mi E of Jct w/ Chicken Springs Rd in Wickieup.

166879collectors: J.W. Chickering Jr.   2
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Poison Darnel. Hampton.

166880collectors: Janis A. Moore   91974-03-26
United States, California, Butte County, Along Stillson Canyon Rd. in vicinity of old city dump., 85m

166881collectors: John Macoun   12841837-07-06
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver's Island.

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138305collectors: Kittel and Spears   961996-06-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Roosevelt National Forest, along Sheep Creek., 40.56 -105.37, 2256m

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138306collectors: D Wilken   
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Meadows east of State fish hatchery, Poudre Canyon, Ca 4 miles S of Bald mountain, 40.7 -105.71

Lolium pratense (Huds.) S.J. Darbyshire
199072Jennifer Ackerfield   10922003-06-08
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Lory State Park: At the beginning of the trail to Eltuck Bay. USGC Quadrangle: Hoorsetooth Reservoir Quad, 40.583333 -105.178889, 1646m

199680Ben Legler   64122007-07-23
United States, New Mexico, Colfax, Vermejo Park Ranch: 0.4 air mi SE of junction of Lookout Canyon and Cerrososo Canyon; 18 air mi NNW of Cimarron., 36.764361 -105.009833, 2455m

163476collectors: Ralph K. Gierisch   10081939-07-01
United States, Colorado, Rio Grande County, Monte Vista.

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196904C.M.B.   1938-00-00
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Block IV, F, 33, Grass Nursery, 1524m

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196910Hall & McIlvain   1937-07-24
United States, Colorado, Larimer, C.S.C. Grass Nursery Block IV. Sec. F. Row 33

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182497collectors: Torsten Sundin   1967-07-07

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201493M.L. Denham   29011966-06-19
United States, Colorado, Boulder, below Silver Lake Ditch, city limits below Dakota Ridge, 1707m

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138304collectors: J Christ 3513   1936-08-23
United States, Colorado, Chaffee County, Poncha Springs, 38.51 -106.07

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138302collectors: J Christ 2126   1936-06-12
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, Cheyenne Blvd, 38.8 -104.84

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138311collectors: B Braley   1944-08-01
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, Silt, 39.55 -107.65

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138314collectors: H Harrington 4908   1950-08-17
United States, Colorado, Grand County, 25 mi NW of Kremmling, 40.38 -106.58, 2438m

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138301collectors: L Scheideman I24 174   1967-07-04
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Ohio Ck, 38.56 -106.92, 2407m

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138310collectors: Mooradian 72-197   1972-07-13
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, Bear Ck area E of Morrison, 39.64 -105.15, 1706m

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138300collectors: R Walter BDSR-470   1971-06-18
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, N side of ICR Meadow, 40.73 -105.54, 2377m

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138309collectors:   1890-06-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, college farm, Ft Collins, 40.7 -105.71

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138298collectors: D Wilken 13684   1981-05-27
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, near Plant Sci Greenhouses, CSU Campus, 40.57 -105.08, 1525m

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138307collectors: S Hamar 254   1991-06-18
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, La Sal Ck 0.2 mi S of Co Rd 90, 38.32 -108.98, 1737m

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182511collectors: Paavo S. Jokela   1968-06-21

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138296collectors: H Harrington 8059   1955-06-29
United States, Colorado, Montrose County, rdside in E edge of Olathe, 38.6 -107.97, 1645m

Page 13, records 1201-1300 of 17441


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