Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Gentiana andrewsii (Gentiana clausa f. albiflora, Gentiana andrewsii f. albiflora, Gentiana andrewsii f. rhodantha), Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii, Gentiana andrewsii var. dakotica
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 13, records 1201-1300 of 2756

Missouri Botanical Garden

3524859John H. Kellogg   s.n.1933-10-22
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton in swampy woods, 38.50361 -90.67583

3506730Arthur Christ   n.1971-10-01
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Diggs Wildlife Area along ravine

3501006Hazel Ayers   s.n.1988-10-31
United States, Missouri, Ripley, Ca. 2 mi S of US Highway 160 and E of Doniphan on E side of Logan Creek. Thomason Farm swampy arearoyal fern, lizard tail

3545630Julian A. Steyermark   710391950-10-03
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Along Terre Bleue Creek, 2-2 1/2 mi S of Thurman, 5-6 mi NW of Sprott lamotte sandstone bluffs, 37.90166 -90.38972

3551162Bill Summers   47431991-10-03
United States, Missouri, Butler, 1 mi. north of Poplar Bluff. wet bottomland forest., 36.80361 -90.41861

3550252Bill Summers   71731994-09-27
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Greer Spring Special Management Area, Mark Twain National Forest, Hatcher's Spring along N side of Greer Spring Branch, about 1/4 mi up spring branch from Eleven Point River small fen and sphagnum bog at spring, 36.79138 -91.34333

3553222William Trelease   4781897-10-14
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Terre Bleue Creek sandstone bluffs

3546545Julian A. Steyermark   800121955-09-25
United States, Missouri, Nodaway, Vicinity of Hundred and Two River, 4 to 4.5 mi. NW of Barnard, common in bottom prairie along railroad in bend of river common in bottom prairie along railroad in bend of river, 40.22194 -94.84916

3547627Cora Steyermark   s.n.1931-10-10
United States, Missouri, Dent, By third spring, tributary to E fork of Crooked Creek, 2 mi E of Sligo

3548604Bill Summers   38891990-10-15
United States, Missouri, Howell, .5 mi downstream Highway AM bridge, NW of Willow Springs, near Middle Fork of Indian Creek dolomite bluffs on fork of creek

3569372Shulse, C. (MO)   s.n.2002-09-19
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Ca. 3 air mi. ENE of Monroe City; Eastern Section of Glaciated Plains Natural Division; junction of Rt. J remnant tallgrass prairie between railroad and highway; abt. 60 plants scattered throughout the area; corollas blue, 39.66416 -91.66888

100217299John H. Sandberg   9811891-09-22
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Copses, Minneapolis, MN.

100217302Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1900-09-00
United States, Michigan, Mason, Flats of Pere Marquette River, Scottville, MI.

100231680Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1896-08-00
United States, Michigan, Ionia, Belding, MI.

100231683Francis P. Daniels   s.n.1898-09-00
United States, Michigan, Saint Joseph, Bogs, Sturgis, MI., 41.799167 -85.419167

3141835Alan E. Brant   60712006-11-01
United States, Missouri, Washington, BerryMan Quadrangle, forested fen along E side of tributary of Lost Creek, Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey. Shrub portion of small open-canopy forested fen in wetland adjacent to deep muck area, With Panicum clandestinum, Muhlenbergia sylvatica, Carex hystericina, C. leptalea, Helenium autumnale, Salix eriocephala., 37.8991666 -91.0330556, 255m

100275135Anonymous   s.n.
United States

100275128W.S. Sullivant   428
United States, Ohio, Columbus.

100275119T.J. Hale   s.n.1861-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Minneapalis.

100275121George Engelmann   s.n.
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis

100276240Anonymous   s.n.1833-09-00
United States, Illinois

100275140Dr. Sykes   s.n.1849-09-00
United States, Minnesota

100828704Thomas E. Toney   17381976-10-12
United States, Missouri, Butler, Poplar Bluff Forest Natural Area located in the Poplar Bluff Conservation Area.

100351912Wallace R. Weber   2361995-10-12
United States, Missouri, Macon, MO National Guard Baker's Acres Training Site, near transect 13., 39.7158333 -92.4927777, 230 - 260m

100351843Ernest J. Palmer   238441923-09-21
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Valley of Spring River, near Galesburg.

100351845Mattheis, S.   4331993-10-21
United States, Missouri, Vernon, Camp Clark, Transect 13.

100413688George Yatskievych   11-992011-09-25
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, on S side of Interstate 44 at State Highway 100 (Gray Summit) exit; along wetland trail just W of spur to viewing platform., 38.475 -90.8069444, 169m

3349200Alan E. Brant   63282007-09-19
United States, Missouri, Wayne, McGee Quadrangle. McGee Creek Fen, Duck Creek Conservation Area Botanical Survey, 37.06888 -90.14166, 110m

100233295Scott McLeod   s.n.1992-09-03
United States, South Dakota, Codington, Round Lake (fen and associated marsh at south end of lake).

3502179Broyles, D.   s.n.1982-09-22
United States, Missouri, Sullivan, Milan, James Broyles farm; 8.2 mi NWW of State Highway BB ca. 20 plants in 12 square ft area on wet bank of draw, 40.30527 -93.20555, 274m

3544217Julian A. Steyermark   404671941-06-26
United States, Missouri, Linn, Valley of Locust Creek, Pershing State Park, 4 mi SW of Laclede bottom prairies and swales and low woods in creek valley. border of thicket by alluvial meadow, 39.75555 -93.22222

3504466Benjamin F. Bush   78191915-09-23
United States, Missouri, Macon, Ethel low woods, 39.89472 -92.73777

100476280Anonymous   s.n.
United States

1680457Melvin L. Conrad   99911982-09-23
United States, Missouri, Sullivan, James Broyles Farm, 8.2 mi NW of Milan, W of Hwy BB, on native prairie., 274m

1631200Julian A. Steyermark   779351954-10-19
United States, Missouri, Gasconade, Crevices of N-facing limestone bluffs. Along Bourbeuse River, 1 1/2 mi (by air) N-NE of Redbird.

3240138Gerald D. Kobriger   s.n.1963-08-26
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Collected in Valentine Wildlife Refuge in typical sandhills habitat varying from dry sandy hills to wetland meadows.

100180044Laura Ellifrit   LE-200-12006-11-06
United States, Missouri, Boone, Collected from 111.28 acre-property of Laura Ellifrit, 8808 N. Millsite., 38.8475 -92.1513889, 213m

3550920Bill Summers   9641981-09-29
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Near Indian Creek, upstream from Highway 76 bridge moist limestone ledges of E-facing bluff on creekCypripedium reginae, 36.97694 -92.13555

3572961Larry J. Rizzo   10,0022007-10-12
United States, Missouri, Cass, Cass County creek bottom with wet prairie remnants, 38.77083 -94.31916

3501998Garland C. Broadhead   s.n.
United States, Missouri, Adair

3526240George W. Letterman   s.n.1893-10-01
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Allenton, 38.50361 -90.67583

3074655Alan E. Brant   60632006-10-06
United States, Missouri, Washington, Berryman Quadrangle. Tributary of Courtois Creek (T37N, R1W, Sec. 30). Moist disturbed depression along little used access road, partial shade. Seasonally wet., 37.89611 -91.0725, 256m

3537860Southerland, J.   MC151976-09-25
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Mill Creek Campground along creek on N side of grounds

1631232Benjamin F. Bush   38181891-09-22
United States, Missouri, Jackson

100828694Thomas E. Toney   17381973-10-26
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Taberville Prairie Conservation Area., 38.04 -93.97

100476286Anonymous   s.n.
United States, Pennsylvania, Ex. Coll. D.N. Dean.

3545259Julian A. Steyermark   669981948-10-22
United States, Missouri, Wayne, In valley on N side of Stanley Creek, 6 - 7 mi NE of Wappapello swampy meadow and elder swamp bordering cultivated field in valley. corolla deep blue with white in sinuses, 36.99027 -90.32111

3504681Benjamin F. Bush   9501887-10-02
United States, Missouri, Jackson, dry rocky ledges. a very rare species in this county

3504512Benjamin F. Bush   78851915-10-17
United States, Missouri, Vernon, Montevallo, 37.72611 -94.10805

1593599Alan E. Brant   48532001-10-12
United States, Missouri, Wayne, T27N, R7E, N2, SW4, Sec 3. Shook Quadrangle. Hattie's Ford Fen area, Corps of Engineers land ca. 2 miles south of Shook on the west side of State Hwy. D., 37.03333 -90.28333, 119m

101075646Steve R. Turner   18-0632018-09-28
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, along Wetland Trail, 38.47465 -90.8094, 168m

101104169Malinda Slagle   1662006-10-03
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Ladue. Litzsinger Road Ecology Center, 38.6236111 -90.3769445

101316746Maginel, Calvin   2962021-09-15
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, Loop road., 38.472427 -90.82487, 174m

103281800Frederick W. Dewart   s.n.1892-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Glyndon, Minnesota.

103281807Z.L. Chandonnet   s.n.1912-08-21
United States, Minnesota, Otter Tail, Richdale, Otter Tail Co, Minnesota.

103281810A. Wislizenus   5781886-08-15
United States, Minnesota, Chisago, Taylor's Fall[s], Minn.

103281812T.J. Hale   s.n.1861-00-00
United States, Minnesota, Mower, Leroy, Minn.

103281821Frederick W. Dewart   s.n.1892-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, St. Cloud, Minnesota.

103341966Anonymous   s.n.1894-09-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania.

103430822Alan E. Brant   105862023-10-02
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, L-A-D Foundation's Egyptian Tract Wet Hollow seep/fen complex. Perched seep/fen on west-facing side of hollow. Open and shrub seep-fen. Missouri Dept. of Conservation funded botanical inventory. Lesterville SE Quadrangle., 37.344191 -90.833219, 232m

101195383W. D. Stevens   21071974-09-15
United States, Michigan, Ingham, Baker Woodlot, S edge of Michigan State University campus, south edge, 42.7162333 -84.4745167, 260 - 264m

103251282Andrew Townesmith   38892020-10-22
United States, Missouri, Franklin, Shaw Nature Reserve, along Wetland Trail, near intersection where trail loops around pond., 38.4752778 -90.8061111

102465897Norlan C. Henderson   67-18031967-09-21
United States, Missouri, Platte, Low area, between U.S. 371 and a railroad, ca. 1 mi. S of New Market low area, between a highway and a railroad

102465898Norlan C. Henderson   67-18031967-09-21
United States, Missouri, Platte, Low area, between U.S. 371 and a railroad, ca. 1 mi. S of New Market low area, between a highway and a railroad

101897419Melvin L. Conrad   99911982-09-23
United States, Missouri, Sullivan, James Broyles Farm, 8.2 mi NW of Milan, W of Hwy BB, on native prairie., 274m

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks Herbarium


415PAUL NELSON   1976-10-23

416PAUL NELSON   1975-09-14

Morris Arboretum of University of Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
MOAR0003844William A. Niering   1761948-08-16
United States, Pennsylvania, Pike, 2 mi N of Skytop; 41.25685 -75.238236, 41.25685 -75.238236

Image Associated With the Occurence
MOAR0003845Ann F. Rhoads   s.n.2011-10-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Adams, 3.86 km SSW of Gettysburg, Gettysburg National Park, 39.797257 -77.241352

Image Associated With the Occurence
MOAR0003846Ann F. Rhoads   s.n.1996-09-15
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, 1 mi W of Fountainville, Peace Valley Park, along Lake Trail near Lake Galena, 40.341215 -75.169465

Image Associated With the Occurence
MOAR0003847Ann F. Rhoads   s.n.2004-09-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Chester, Goshenville, Boot Road and Paoli Pike, along Ridley Creek, 39.995108 -75.544374

Image Associated With the Occurence
MOAR0003848Ann F. Rhoads   s.n.1992-10-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, 0.9 mi SW of Strawntown along Dimple Creek, 40.462545 -75.283967

Image Associated With the Occurence
MOAR0025382Mark W. Simonis   s.n.2017-08-27
United States, Pennsylvania, Tioga, Stony Fork Creek, Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry lands, 41.61212 -77.3638

Muhlenberg College

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018903Harold W. Pretz   29481910-09-15
United states, Pennsylvania, Northampton, between P. & R. Railroad and Saucon Creek just S of public road S of Hellertown station, 40.579544 -75.340735

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018904R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   600881959-09-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Northampton, just W of Hellertown, 40.579544 -75.340735

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018905Harold W. Pretz   149971952-09-20
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, about 5/8 mile N of Coopersburg P. & R. Railroad station, 40.520546 -75.390458

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018906Harold W. Pretz   115411922-09-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, about 5/8 mile NNW of Coopersburg (P. & R. Railroad ) station, 40.519857 -75.395017

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018907Harold W. Pretz   79841915-10-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, about 2 1/2 miles SW of Locust Valley, post office, 40.470031 -75.441093

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018908Harold W. Pretz   79791915-10-03
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, about 2 1/4 miles SW of Locust Valley, post office, 40.472593 -75.437724

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018909Harold W. Pretz   72861914-09-13
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, where road crosses P. & R. Railroad just SE of Center Valley station, 40.524142 -75.386495

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018910Harold W. Pretz   62611913-09-28
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, about 1 1/2 miles NNE of Lehigh Furnace, 40.762678 -75.66893

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018911Harold W. Pretz   29511910-09-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along S side of Saucon Creek about 1/2 mile NE of Lanark, post office, 40.556889 -75.425938

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018912Harold W. Pretz   15291908-08-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along Lehigh River; between road and L.V. Railroad about 1/4 mile N of Slatington station, 40.752052 -75.611853

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018913Harold W. Pretz   72681914-09-13
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, near a branch of Saucon Creek about 3/4 mile SSE of Friedensville, 40.549209 -75.389196

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018914Harold W. Pretz   123921924-09-21
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along Little Lehigh River; about 1 3/4 - 1 7/8 miles ESE of East Texas, post office crossroads, 40.537193 -75.528258

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018915Harold W. Pretz   119511923-09-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along N or NE bank of creek about 1/2 mile ESE of East Texas crossroads, along Little Lehigh River, 40.544823 -75.552487

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018916Harold W. Pretz   22541909-09-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along Little Lehigh River; about 1 1/4 miles NW of Emmaus, post office, 40.552351 -75.513706

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018917Harold W. Pretz   16821908-09-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, Saucon Creek about 3/8 mile NNE of Lanark, post office, 40.556786 -75.429945

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018918Harold W. Pretz   2897a1910-09-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along Lehigh River; between road and L.V. Railroad about 1/4 mile N of Slatington station, 40.752052 -75.611853

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018919Harold W. Pretz   2897b1910-09-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along Lehigh River; along E side L.V. Railroad about 3/4 mile N of Slatington station, 40.759298 -75.611853

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018920Harold W. Pretz   21831909-09-12
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, along a branch of East Swamp Creek about 1 3/8 miles SW of Locust Valley, post office, 40.481563 -75.425932

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018921R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   937971977-08-28
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, 1/4 mile S of Slatington, 40.744805 -75.611853

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018922Harold W. Pretz   151291953-10-10
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, at or close to Kraussdale and approx. 1 3/4 miles SSE of Hosensack, post office crossroads, 40.430244 -75.484201

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018923Harold W. Pretz   29691910-09-18
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, near the ringing rocks, along Delaware River less than 1 1/2 miles WSW of Bridgeton, 40.553446 -75.156054

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018924Harold W. Pretz   91211917-09-09
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, beside Beaver Run and "pike" about 3/4 mile S of Quakertown, 40.431444 -75.342325

Image Associated With the Occurence
Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MCA0018925Harold W. Pretz   29251910-09-11
United States, Pennsylvania, Montgomery, between road and S side Deep Creek or Deep Creek dam 1 mile SW of Green Lane Perkiomen Railroad station, 40.336983 -75.492253

Murray State University Herbarium

Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
MUR20923T. C. Huang   25461961-09-28
United States, Iowa, Johnson, Oxford Prairie, 41.72333 -91.79028

New Mexico State University Herbarium

Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
20628V.H. Chase   sn1894-09-17
United States, Illinois, Stark, Near Wady Petra

Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
20627M.E. Jones   sn1877-09-00
United States, Iowa, Poweshiek, Grinnell

Page 13, records 1201-1300 of 2756


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