Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Gentiana andrewsii (Gentiana clausa f. albiflora, Gentiana andrewsii f. albiflora, Gentiana andrewsii f. rhodantha), Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii, Gentiana andrewsii var. dakotica
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 9, records 801-900 of 2756

Illinois Natural History Survey

R.A. Evers   856881965-09-22
United States, Illinois, Brown, Prairie along railroad, west of Timewell., 40.008089 -90.877863

R.A. Evers   891671966-09-20
United States, Illinois, Carroll, Prairie, north section MIssissippi Palisades State Park.

Virginius H. Chase   91971947-10-06
United States, Illinois, Cook, Original prairie near Inverness.

Virginius H. Chase   91071947-09-22
United States, Illinois, Cook, Original prairie near Palatine.

R.A. Evers   976441968-09-17
United States, Illinois, Cook, Ditch south of Barrington.

Don Gardner   2141992-09-30
United States, Illinois, Ford, Gardner Prairie Restoration, Kempton.

R.J. Dobbs   s.n.1943-09-29
United States, Illinois, Henry, Swamp just west of Andrew's Railroad crossing, north side of railroad.

R.J. Dobbs   s.n.1937-10-10
United States, Illinois, Henry, About 0.125 mile west of canal aquaduct, south side of canal.

R.A. Evers   s.n.1937-10-10
United States, Illinois, Henry, About 0.125 mile west of canal aquaduct, south side of canal.

R.J. Dobbs   s.n.1937-10-10
United States, Illinois, Henry, On the south side of the canal about 0.125 mile west of the canal aqueduct.

R.A. Evers   849861965-09-07
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Prairie along railroad north of Sheldon.

R.A. Evers   813551964-09-03
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Along railroad 1 mile north of Sheldon.

Loy R. Phillippe, Larry Stritch, Todd Fink, & Steve Widowski   143571990-08-31
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Glendale 7.5 minute topographic map. Bell Pond Research Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. 0.25 miles east of Grantsburg on Route 146.

R.A. Evers   1096521972-10-03
United States, Illinois, Johnson, Swamp border, east of Grantsburg.

J.B. Taft   8221990-09-12
United States, Illinois, Kendall, 0.9 miles east of junction of IL Route 71 and US Route 34, north side of Route 34 just east of Waubansee Creek.

Marion H. Cole   s.n.1965-10-00
United States, Illinois, Lake, Along railroad near Deerfield High School.

Kenneth R. Robertson   28011981-10-09
United States, Illinois, Lake, South-southwest of Gurnee, prairie remnant between Tristate Tollway and Railroad.

H.R. Bennett   69461959-09-26
United States, Illinois, Lake, Along Cuba Road west of Elgin, Joliet, & Eastern Railroad. 1.5 miles northeast from Barrington.

J.B. Taft & M.K. Solecki   17741985-07-24
United States, Illinois, Lake, Gavin Bog Nature Preserve.

Watson P. Bartlett   s.n.1965-10-00
United States, Illinois, Lee, Along railroad between Pike Creek and Henkel.

Virginius H. Chase   163421960-09-30
United States, Illinois, Lee, South of Sublette, Illinois.

R.A. Evers   855841965-09-16
United States, Illinois, Lee, Marshland 4 miles south of Amboy.

Watson P. Bartlett   s.n.1952-09-14
United States, Illinois, Lee, Along the Illinois Central Railroad.

Watson P. Bartlett   s.n.1952-09-12
United States, Illinois, Lee, Along Illinois Central Railroad.

United States, Illinois, Macoupin, Carlinville, Illinois.

R.A. Evers   1883-10-17
United States, Illinois, Macoupin, Carlinville, Illinois.

Loy R. Phillippe   136831988-10-26
United States, Illinois, Marion, South of U.S. Route 50, west of Skillet Creek, near and east side of Duns Creek.

K. Robertson, McClain, Anderson, & Koelling   46091987-10-02
United States, Illinois, Mason, 5.5 mi. W. of Easton

Kenneth R. Robertson   16061977-09-16
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Boone Creek Fen; Valley Hill Road, north of Mason Hill Road.

R.A. Evers   145971948-09-15
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Low ground along railroad south of Richmond.

R.A. Evers   774021963-09-18
United States, Illinois, Ogle, 4 miles east of Oregon.

Philip J. Burton & Cassandra W. Rogers   8391987-09-13
United States, Illinois, Ogle, Pine Rock Nature Preserve, 10 meters from east fence, northeast corner of Preserve.

R.A. Evers   1099011972-10-18
United States, Illinois, Warren, Rolling prairie, northwest of Greenbush.

R.A. Evers   818551964-09-25
United States, Illinois, Will, Southeast of Custer Park.

R.A. Evers   215521949-09-22
United States, Illinois, Will, Along railroad north of Monee.

R.A. Evers   1037641970-09-10
United States, Illinois, Will, Southeast of Cuter Park.

R.A. Evers   774271963-09-18
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Roadside ditch west of Shirland.

R.A. Evers   665221960-08-10
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Moist prairie, Sugar Creek, north of Shirland.

R.A. Evers   23991968-09-21
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mountains of the Gila Wilderness, Gila National Forest. Indian Creek drainage system, 15 miles north of Mogollon. Elevation 8200 feet.

ILLS00126199R.A. Evers   23991968-09-21
United States, New Mexico, Catron, Mogollon Mountains of the Gila Wilderness, Gila National Forest. Indian Creek drainage system, 15 miles north of Mogollon.

H.S. Pepoon & E.G. Barrett   53961932-09-00
United States, Illinois, Will

Raymond Smith   14791989-10-13
United States, Illinois, Jackson

Doug Brown   s.n.1994-00-00
United States, Illinois, Clark, North side of Hawks Creek, 7 miles east of Marshall.

Jack Brooks   s.n.1991-08-15
United States, Illinois, Washington, Venedy 7.5 minute topograhic map.

Steven R. Hill   275421995-09-18
United States, Illinois, Winnebago, Rockton Township bog, west side of Prairie Avenue across from Fischer Road. South Beloit 7.5 minute quadrangle.

Steven R. Hill   297811997-09-23
United States, Illinois, Grundy, 3.0 miles south of Gardner, east side old Rt. 66 ( IL Rt. 129) parallel to Rt. I-55.

T. Antonio, S. Masi, J. Epting   78941996-09-10
United States, Illinois, Cook, Paintbrush Prairie, Markham; Millard Avenue, 2 blocks north of Frontage Road of I 294; collected along main path approximately 25 feet north of parking on Millard.

E. Hedborn   9881978-10-14
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Large population 0.8 miles south of Chebanse on the west side of the ICG railroad cross from the Standard Oil Fertilizer Station.

Steven R. Hill   342002001-08-22
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Illinois Route 185 (FAP 777), south side, southeast of junction with Confidence Road (1750E); about 8.5 miles due east-southeast of Vandalia. Powerline clearing along road; 0.2-0.3 mile southeast of Hickory Creek bridge. Brownstown 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. quadrangle. Elevation 578 feet.

Ray Schulenberg, Ed Hedborn   6341977-10-20
United States, Illinois, Iroquois, Just north of Sheldon, between US 52 and PC Railroad.

R.D. Henry   23911968-09-21
United States, Illinois, Hancock, Southwest of Carthage.

Paul B. Marcum and Loy R. Phillippe   17812002-10-15
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Sweetfern Sand Savanna Land and Water Reserve. Approximately half a mile north of Pembroke School., 41.07536 -87.5885, 205m

Loy R. Phillippe, Connie Carroll, & Brenda Molano-Flores   382122005-09-22
United States, Illinois, Will, In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Grant Creek Natural Area in the Des Plaines Conservation Area. Just over 4 mile northwest of Wilmington and along east side of Interstate 55. GPS Coordinates from WGS84/NAD 83, 41.36944 -88.19144, 159m

Loy R. Phillippe & John E. Ebinger   372772004-09-21
United States, Illinois, Mason, Havana Quadrangle, elevation about 450 feet. The Illinois River Section of the Illinois & Mississippi Rivers Bottomlands Natural Division. Growing in a series of seep areas along White Oak Creek. (WGS84/NAD83), 40.2568 -90.08953

Steven R. Hill   343712001-09-18
United States, Illinois, Fayette, Illinois Route 185 (FAP 777), south side, southeast of junction with Confidence Road (1750E); about 8.5 miles due east-southeast of Vandalia. Powerline clearing along road; 0.2-0.3 mile southeast of Hickory Creek bridge. Brownstown 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. quadrangle. Elevation 578 feet.

Loy R. Phillippe, Shannon L. Horn, & F.M. Harty   299691998-09-25
United States, Illinois, Kankakee, Kankakee Sands Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division of Illinois. Momence Wetland Land and Water Reserve, floodplain on the north side of the Kankakee River, about 7.5 mile east of Momence, Illinois. Illiana Heights 7.5 minute quadrangle. Elevation about 625 feet. UTM Zone 16, 448200mE, 4557700mN., 41.17083 -87.6175

Loy R. Phillippe   382822005-09-23
United States, Illinois, Will, In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Blodgett Road Dolomite Prairie on the Des Plaines Wildlife Conservation Area. About 6 mile northwest of Wilmington and along west side of Interstate 55. GPS coordinates from WGS84/NAD83., 41.38866 -88.19593, 162m

Loy R. Phillippe   384152005-10-11
United States, Illinois, Will, Braidwood Dunes and Savanna Nature Preserve. In the Kankakee Sand Area Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. GPS coordinates from WGS84/NAD83., 41.24629 -88.19254, 180m

Gentiana andrewsii var. dakotic Griseb.
ILLS00126196Loy R. Phillippe   413492008-10-01
United States, Illinois, Will, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie. Blodgett Road Restoration Area. In the Grand Prairie Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate datum: WGS84/NAD83., 41.38831 -88.17496, 162m

ILLS00126198Claire Kissane   52010-10-06
United States, Illinois, Champaign, Meadowbrook Park Prairie restoration in Urbana, IL., 40.04392 -88.121345

Steven R. Hill   383342009-09-23
United States, Illinois, McHenry, 1.4 miles northwest of Richmond, northeast of North Branch of Nippersink Creek, south of Genoa City, 1000 feet south of Wisconsin state line; northeastern margin of Genoa City Sedge Meadow. Richmond 7.5’ topographic quadrangle. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.4911 -88.32259, 247m

R.D. Henry & A.R. Scott   48151982-09-24
United States, Illinois, Henderson, One mile north of Carman. EX MWI.

R.D. Henry & A.R. Scott   42571984-09-19
United States, Illinois, McDonough, Bushnell swamp, north of Bushnell. EX MWI.

R.M. Myers   49321974-09-22
United States, Illinois, McDonough, 2 mile west of Macomb. EX MWI.

Paul B. Marcum   44192006-09-06
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site, Ewing Grove Tract Buffer Area, east of Sugar Grove Nature Center and south of the small creek. WGS 84 map datum.; +/- 36.0 ft.., 40.34888 -89.13128, 206m

Rollo T. Rexroat   92011963-10-04
United States, Illinois, Adams, Southeast part of Adams County. EX Western Illinois University, R.M. Myers Herbarium (MWI).

W.C. Whiteside   s.n.1962-10-13
United States, Illinois, Rock Island, Joslin, Illinois. [EX. Eastern Illinois Univesity, accession # 365].

R.D. Henry & A.R. Scott   44971984-10-10
United States, Illinois, McDonough, South of Bethel Township.

Steven R. Hill   387842011-09-21
United States, Illinois, McHenry, South margin of Nippersink Creek, south of US Route 12, dairy farm, Solon Mills, 2.9 miles south-southeast of Richmond. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., 42.43715 -88.28419, 235m

Michael J. C. Murphy   52342012-08-29
United States, Illinois, Will, South edge of Peotone, IL; approximately 1 mile east of Interstate-57, and 0.5 mile south of Wilmington-Peotone Road. On west side of railroad tracks. (WGS84/NAD83), 41.31118 -87.17068

Loy R. Phillippe   325452000-09-04
United States, Illinois, Lee, Green River State Conservation Area. Green River Lowland Section of the Grand Prairie Natural Division. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83. South side of Union Road in edge of sedge meadow, wet prairie.

Gordon C. Tucker   156622010-09-16
United States, Illinois, Coles, Mattoon: Douglas-Hart Nature Center; S side of wetland., 39.495625 -88.312311

Indiana University Herbarium, Deam Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
IND-0098446Charles C. Deam   348531921-09-15
United States, Indiana, La Porte, 6 mi. northeast of Laporte, 41.665376 -86.631718

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IND-0098445Charles C. Deam   498621930-09-17
United States, Indiana, Lake, about 2 miles north of Hobart, 41.564964 -87.270828

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IND-0098444Florence Knipe   26081909-10-00
United States, Indiana, Lake, Gary, 41.59337 -87.346427

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IND-0098443James S. Brooks   11651930-08-24
United States, Indiana, LaGrange, Scott, 41.741604 -85.555643

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IND-0098442Charles C. Deam   219321916-09-15
United States, Indiana, Kosciusko, 1 mile south of Leesburgh, 41.3175 -85.848533

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IND-0098441Charles C. Deam   200961919-09-20
United States, Indiana, Jennings, 3.5 miles northeast of Brewersville, 39.128488 -85.575203

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IND-0098440Charles C. Deam   530261932-09-11
United States, Indiana, Hamilton, Fox Prairie about 3 miles north of Noblesville, 40.082375 -86.01675

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IND-0098439Franklin B. Buser   32261953-09-20
United States, Indiana, Fountain, 4 miles northeast of Riverside, 40.346627 -87.105915

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IND-0098438Franklin B. Buser   32261953-09-20
United States, Indiana, Fountain, Four miles northeast of Riverside., 40.346627 -87.105915

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IND-0098437Franklin B. Buser   16201952-09-21
United States, Indiana, Fountain, 0.5 mile west of Silverwood, 39.953521 -87.411214

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IND-0098436Charles C. Deam   263681918-09-13
United States, Indiana, Elkhart, border of the Little Elkhart River 2.5 miles east of Bristol, 41.719782 -85.766927

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IND-0098435Charles C. Deam   426501925-09-29
United States, Indiana, Dubois, Pakota bottoms about 4 mi. northwest of Huntingburg, 38.35118 -86.99017

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IND-0098434Charles C. Deam   462471928-09-11
United States, Indiana, Cass, 3 miles northwest of Hoover, 40.840899 -86.23164

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IND-0098433Charles C. Deam   103031911-10-15
United States, Indiana, Brown, about 1 mile south of Helmsburg, 39.25083 -86.292769

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IND-0098432Charles C. Deam   302531919-09-27
United States, Indiana, Bartholomew, 3 miles southwest of Waynesville, 39.086959 -85.938581

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IND-0098431Charles C. Deam   6181905-09-20
United States, Indiana, Allen, about 1 mile south of Robinson Park, 41.14376 -85.100903

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IND-0099424Joël Lunell   s.n.1910-09-03
United States, North Dakota, Benson, Butte, 48.144451 -99.524043

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IND-0099423Joël Lunell   s.n.1907-08-26
United States, North Dakota, Benson, Butte, 48.144451 -99.524043

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IND-0099422Thomas J. Fitzpatrick   s.n.1898-09-26
United States, Iowa, Decatur, [Decatur Co.], 40.737683 -93.786281

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Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
IND-0099421Martin L. Grant   31441929-08-25
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Lake Itasca; Sec. NE-NW-11, T143, R36, 47.21447 -95.195314

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Gentiana andrewsii Griseb. in Hook.
IND-0099420John W. Moore   192261946-09-06
United States, Minnesota, Washington, William O'Brien State Park, 45.219411 -92.766042

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IND-0099418Charles T. Mason, Jr.   14851952-09-27
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, Between State Highway 11 and railroad about 1 mile east of Orfordville, 42.636226 -89.231335

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IND-0099417Charles T. Mason, Jr.   14801952-09-21
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, along the Wisconsin River, S9, R5E, T8N, 43.165974 -90.132289

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IND-0099416Charles T. Mason, Jr.   14461951-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, Between U.S. highway 12 and railroad, 1.5 miles northwest of Camp Douglas, 43.931462 -90.294135

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IND-0099415Charles T. Mason, Jr.   14521951-09-17
United States, Wisconsin, Columbia, Along Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, north side of Swan Lake, S1, R9E, T12N, 43.549792 -89.364552

Image Associated With the Occurence
IND-0099414Charles T. Mason, Jr.   14621951-09-19
United States, Wisconsin, Green, Along Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, along Norwegian Creek, T2N R9E S14, 42.648422 -89.397849

Image Associated With the Occurence
IND-0099413Charles T. Mason, Jr.   14471951-09-13
United States, Wisconsin, Juneau, At corner of U.S. Highway 12 and county road "O"; southeast of Mauston, 43.796018 -90.072973

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IND-0099412Eugene A. Rau   90401876-00-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Northampton, Bethlehem, 40.625932 -75.370458

Page 9, records 801-900 of 2756


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