ASU0007665 Geo. B. Hinton 4899 1933-10-17
Mexico, Mexico, Las Cruces, Temascaltepec., 19.033333 -100.05, 3260m
ASU0007666 A. Ventura A. 3492 1979-08-16
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Los Dinamos, delegacion de Contreras, 19.28 -99.276111, 3000m
ASU0007667 C. M. Taylor 10855 1991-11-21
Chile, Biobio, Biobio (Region VIII): Nuble Province Termas de Chillan., -36.8333 -71.4167, 1400 - 1700m
ASU0092985 Edward Gilbert 17 2000-05-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lower West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek about 10 mile north of Sedona. ~2.5 miles upstream from mouth of canyon, on north side of creek; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0042 -111.766, 1677m
ASU0092986 Edward Gilbert 627 2001-05-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, 9 miles N. of Sedona. About 1/2 mile down Cesnar Cabin Draw from wilderness boundary; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0472 -111.831, 2012m
ASU0092987 Edward Gilbert 654 2001-05-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Upper West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek, 9 miles N. of Sedona. southwest end of Howard's Pocket along northern rim of canyon; within northern section of Red Rock/Secret Mountain Wilderness., 35.0217 -111.812, 2012m
ASU0092988 Gregory J Imdorf 515 1992-04-10
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness; Devil's Chasm, 33.8194 -110.852, 1036m
ASU0092989 Frank Farruggia 2149 2008-04-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, Parker Creek Canyon, 33.72848 -110.9994
ASU0092990 Wendy C. Hodgson 7108 1993-05-01
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Mountains to west of Cherry Creek Road (FSR 203); in Cold Water Canyon, 33.8919 -110.914, 1524m
ASU0092991 Charlotte M. Christy 1122 1992-04-12
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Anchas; along Parker Creek above Experiment Station, 33.7232 -111.011, 1585m
ASU0092992 Gregory J Imdorf 1347 1993-07-10
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; along Trail 150, just Nof Knole's Spring, 33.8336 -110.921, 2134m
ASU0092993 S Krummen sn 1978-03-21
USA, Arizona, Gila, Devil's Chasm, east of Aztec Peak, 33.7875 -110.962, 1829m
ASU0092994 E. R. Blakley 1193 1952-05-11
USA, Arizona, Oak Flats, Mazatzal Mountains, 33.7086 -111.364, 2134m
ASU0092995 Gregory J Imdorf 708 1992-05-16
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; along north boundary, PB Creek, along FSR 203, ca 4.9 mi from Board Tree Saddle, 33.9345 -110.921, 1372m
ASU0092996 Gregory J Imdorf 680 1992-05-15
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; along trail 144 near Pueblo Mine, 33.8482 -110.904, 1859m
ASU0092997 Elinor Lehto 12956 1968-05-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Wet Canyon Campground, 32.65 -109.82, 2000 - 2000m
ASU0092998 Elinor Lehto 899 1962-05-20
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha
ASU0092999 T Reeves 3881 1975-07-28
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains; Swift Trail (Hwy 366); 10.3 mi west of Hwy 666; Wet Canyon; TT Swift Picnic area, 32.65 -109.82, 1840m
ASU0093000 Elinor Lehto 6350 1966-06-18
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Wet Canyon camp grounds in Penaleno Mountains, 32.65 -109.82, 1859m
ASU0093001 Elinor Lehto 16141 1969-06-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Canyon, 0.5 miles north of Cave Spring Forest Camp, 35 -111.77
ASU0093002 Steve Bingham 1567 1969-06-29
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains; Wet Canyon, 32.65 -109.82, 2042m
ASU0093003 Marc A. Baker 9254 1992-05-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Tule Canyon, ca 1.5k northwest of its confluence with Sycamore Creek, 35.0149 -111.996, 1433m
ASU0093004 Elinor Lehto 968 1962-06-17
USA, Arizona, Gila, Star Valley, 34.255 -111.258
ASU0093005 L. R. Landrum 5573 1987-07-16
USA, Arizona, Coconino, 0.4 miles west of Kehl Springs Campground, 34.3833 -111.3, 2438m
ASU0093006 Elinor Lehto 18163 1974-05-04
USA, Arizona, Coconino, West fork of Oak Creek, 34.992 -111.75
ASU0093007 Ruth Dammann 59 1961-05-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Oak Creek Canyon, 34.9124 -111.727
ASU0093008 Elinor Lehto 7923 1967-05-06
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto Fish Hatchery, 34.3981 -111.254, 1783m
ASU0093009 R Roy Johnson sn 1955-06-11
USA, Arizona, Gila, OW Ranch, Young, 34.2797 -110.8, 2134m
ASU0093010 Bill T. Johnson 1162 1983-06-15
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Pinaleno Mountains, Webb Peak, 32.6408 -109.843, 2438m
ASU0093011 Elinor Lehto 5034 1965-05-22
USA, Arizona, Gila, Christopher Creek Campground, 34.3076 -111.034
ASU0093012 D. Walkington sn 1957-07-16
USA, Arizona, Gila, Kohls Ranch, North of Payson, 34.3253 -111.094, 1524m
ASU0093013 J. Crawford AZ932-009 2005-09-07
USA, Arizona, Apache, Colorado Plateau. Chuska Mountains, off highway 13. NW of roof butte., 2669m
ASU0093014 Patti West s.n. 2008-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Coyote Spring, 34.445355 -111.157372, 2277m
ASU0093015 Rose E Collom sn
USA, Arizona, Coconino, San Francisco Peaks, 35.35 -111.67, 2604 - 3448m
ASU0093016 Rose E Collom 15
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Neal Springs, Grand Canyon, 36.0544 -112.139, 2492m
ASU0093017 Lyle A. McGill 727 1973-07-19
USA, Arizona, Apache, East slope of Mt Baldy, White Mountains, 33.9106 -109.584
ASU0093018 McLeod 509 1971-08-20
USA, Arizona, Apache, Just southwest of the headwaters of the Little Colorado Rive; Baldy Peak Wilderness Area, 34.6206 -109.626
ASU0093019 T Reeves R-613 1974-07-14
USA, Arizona, Apache, Sheeps Crossing Camprground; Mt Baldy Wilderness Area, 33.9059 -109.563
ASU0093020 D. J. Pinkava 11224 1973-07-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino, San Francisco Peaks; along Snow Bowl ski run, 35.3306 -111.705, 2926 - 3292m
ASU0093021 Elinor Lehto 773 1962-05-06
USA, Arizona, Gila, Horton Creek, 2 miles east of Tonto Creek, 33.7551 -111.237
ASU0093022 Elinor Lehto 13823 1968-09-07
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, US 666, road to Gobbler Peak and Reno Lookout Tower, 33.6214 -109.429
ASU0093023 D. J. Pinkava P-13783 1976-08-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Bear Spring, San Francisco Peaks, 35.35 -111.667, 3000 - 3000m
ASU0093024 D. J. Pinkava 11313 1973-07-24
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, Hannagan Campground, 33.6358 -109.326, 2743m
ASU0093025 G.M. Gerrard sn 1963-05-13
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Near Call-of-Canyon Resort; in Oak Creek Canyon, south of Flagstaff, 34.9124 -111.727, 1615m
ASU0093026 T Reeves 8458 1986-06-27
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, White Mountains; ca 2.5 air mi northwest of Hannagan Meadow; upper portion of east fork of Bear Creek; 5.9 mi by rd from Hannagan Meadow Lodge via US 666, FR 576, FR24; on FR 24 at hairpin curve, 33.6636 -109.349, 2682m
ASU0093027 Wendy C. Hodgson 7326 1993-07-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, East Rim View Point, along Trail #7, ca 1 mile down from trailhead, at crossing of creek, just above North Canyon, 36.4094 -112.079, 2286m
ASU0093028 Wendy C. Hodgson 7344 1993-07-01
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, East Rim View Point; along Trail #7, ca 1 miles down from trailhead, above North Canyon, 36.4069 -112.082, 2377m
ASU0093029 T Reeves 8314 1986-05-20
USA, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Reservation; Chuska Mountains, Tunitcha Mountains; Rte 13, ca 0.5 mi east of jct; Rte 68 , rd from Buffalo Pass--Red Rock Valley; picnic ground, 36.46 -109.15, 2575m
ASU0093030 L. R. Landrum 7409 1991-07-13
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, Ca 4 mi south of Hannagan Meadow, 0.8 mi west of Hwy 666 on FS 54 (Rim Road), 33.579396 -109.374224, 2743m
ASU0093031 Jill Downs 78-49 1978-07-24
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Hutch Mt, near fire tower 35 mi southeast of Flagstaff, 5 miles east off Lake Mary Rd, 34.8383 -111.211, 2601m
ASU0093032 Tim Reeves 8604 1987-07-30
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, White Mountains; K-P Cienega, 1.8 mi east of Hwy 666 (leave 666 4.9 mi south of Hannagan Meadow Lodge), 33.5765 -109.349, 2713m
ASU0083839 Walter Fertig 29737 2014-06-23
USA, Wyoming, Carbon, North foothills of the Sierra Madre: Middlewood Hill on east side of Sage Creek west of Sage Creek Road, ca 1 mile E of Adams Reservoir, ca 20 road miles S of Rawlins., 41.439127 -107.209352, 2377m
ASU0307910 Jessa Fisher 3D 2008-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Lower Dane Spring, perennial stream in Coconino Sandstone Canyon, 100m from the mouth of Dane Canyon.; 34.466851 -111.694406, 34.466851 -111.694406, 2164m
ASU0008224 R. Hernandez R. 65-A 1987-10-18
Mexico, Hidalgo, Mpio. de Mineral del Chico. 5 km al norte de Pachuca Parque Nacional El Chico., 20.122144 -98.737046, 2900m
ASU0297595 Walter Fertig 28480 2013-06-07
United States, Utah, Iron, Hurricane Cliffs, slot canyon in Spring Creek Canyon, ca 1.5 miles SE of Kannarraville, ca 2.8 miles W of Bean Hill atop Kanarra Mountain, ca 12 miles S of Cedar City. T38S R12W S12 NW4NW4, 37.50666 -113.158072, 1890m
ASU0298082 Paul B. Marcum 3194 2005-05-31
United States, Illinois, McLean, Funks Grove Illinois Natural Areas Inventory (INAI) site; Stubblefield Woodlots Nature Preserve. WGS 84 map datum.; +/- 13.0 ft.., 40.36682 -89.11397, 212m
ASU0294197 Walter Fertig 28500 2013-06-07
USA, Utah, Iron, Hurricane Cliffs, mouth of slot canyon in Spring Creek Canyon, ca 1.5 miles SE of Kanarraville, ca 2.8 miles W of Bean Hill atop Kanarra Mountain, ca 12 miles S of Cedar City. T38S R12W S11 NE4NE4, 37.508743 -113.163404, 1826m
ASU0299239 J.M. Andre 27967 2007-05-22
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range: eastern base of range, along McCoy Creek, 39.372959 -114.524431, 1970m
ASU0007649 J. A. Villarreal 5661 1990-05-26
Mexico, Coahuila, Sierra de Arteaga, cañón la Osamenta, aprox. a 6 Km al E de las Vigas., 25.333333 -100.65, 2300m
ASU0007650 L. R. Landrum 8115 1993-11-16
Chile, Aisen, Cerro Divisadero SE of Coihaique, rd. to centro de ski El Fraile, ca. 6.4 km from beginning of road, -45.6167 -72
ASU0007651 L. R. Landrum 3287 1978-02-27
Argentina, Rio Negro, Peninsula Quetrihue, Lago Nahuel Huapi., -40.8333 -71.8333, 800m
J. J. Thornber 4724 1907-06-18
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Webbers Camp, Santa Catalina Mountains., 32.43028 -110.70472
390692 Mark Fishbein 4967 2003-04-20
United States, Mississippi, Winston County, About 0.15 km northwest of Winston Lookout Tower, about 2 mi northwest of Louisville-Winston Co Airport, along small tributary of Little Noxubee Creek., 33.1705 -89.09, 149m
417699 Bernard Biovin 11342 1955-08-09
Canada, Les Trios Buttes (Sweetgrass buttes) Au Pied du Mont-Royal, Falaise bordant le canon du ruisseau Halfbreed.
389838 Brian J. Enquist 915 2008-07-21
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Leaving Crested Butte, CO, N on Hwy 317 approx 1.5 miles, then 6.6 miles N on Washington Gulch Road. Gently sloping subalpine meadow on E side of road. Low NW slopes of Gothic Mountain., 38.960781 -107.016686, 2815m
425516 L.R. Landrum 5573 1987-07-16
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest, 0.4miles W of Kehl Springs Campground, 2438m
430687 Richard R. Halse 9449 2015-06-16
United States, Oregon, Wallowa, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest; along Wallowa Mountain Road (N.F. Road 39) ca. 21.7 miles southeast of its junction with State Hwy. 350 or 12.1 miles southeast of Salt Creek Summit, 45.15377 -116.98093, 1597m
425142 Jamie Wolgast 242 2010-05-01
United States, Arizona, Graham County, East Aravaipa Canyon., 32.895833 -110.4328, 975m
404271 Brian J. Enquist 644 2005-06-27
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Leaving Crested Butte, CO, N on Hwy 317 approx 1.5 miles, then 6.6 miles N on Washington Gulch Road. Gently sloping subalpine meadow on E side of road. Low NW slopes of Gothic Mountain., 38.960781 -107.016686, 2815m
80647 W. S. Phillips 3456 1950-08-11
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Apache National Forest; On trail to Mount Baldy., 33.9371 -109.5413, 3049m
154445 Margaret Schmidt 90 1963-06-24
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Sheep Crossing, White Mountains., 33.958333 -109.508333, 2744m
83487 M. B. Dunkle 5118 1937-06-24
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Summit, White Mountains., 33.91056 -109.58444, 2591m
95183 R. H. Peebles 12507 1935-08-18
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Mount Baldy, White Mountains, 33.9062 -109.5634, 3018m
29750 J. W. Toumey 39 1892-06-15
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, San Francisco Mountains, 35.3408 -111.6832
173523 Carl-Eric Granfelt 69-100 1969-06-05
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Fort Apache Indian Reservation., 34.0028 -109.763, 2500m
29744 Livingston s.n. 1908-04-06
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest; Santa Catalina Mountains Soldiers Camp., 32.43028 -110.70472
148420 Margaret Schmidt 165 1962-06-21
United States, Arizona, Greenlee County, Hannagan Meadow area., 33.633333 -109.316667, 2713 - 2835m
Steven P. McLaughlin 7592 1998-06-26
United States, California, San Diego County, Laguna Mountains, road from Hwy S1 to Thing Valley, 32.854 -116.421833, 1767m
20399 Forrest Shreve 5255 1917-06-21
United States, Arizona, Graham County, Riggs Flat. Graham Mountains, 32.7081 -109.9623, 2683m
83985 K. F. Parker 7606 1951-08-28
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Milk Canyon, Escudilla Mountain. 8 miles east of Nutrioso., 33.95 -109.1, 2591m
176207 Carl-Eric Granfelt 70-97 1970-07-16
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Becker Creek, Fort Apache Indian Reservation., 33.9739 -109.5724, 2774m
156834 R. J. Barr 63-244 1963-05-28
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest; Upper Sabino Creek. Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.4468 -110.7749, 2439m
95186 R. H. Peebles 4069 1927-05-29
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest; Summerhaven, Mount Lemmon. Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.439 -110.759
125308 L. R. Fitzgerald s.n. 1963-05-13
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Near Call-of-California-Resort. In Oak Creek Canyon, south of Flagstaff., 34.9893 -111.7455, 1616m
420276 Richard R. Halse 8807 2013-05-26
United States, Oregon, Jackson County, Rogue River National Forest; along NFD Road 10 (Carberry Road) ca. 12.5 miles south of its junction with State Hwy. 238 in Applegate; at junction with NDF Road 1015., 42.09224 -123.22783, 795m
385119 Joan Tedford 387 2007-06-19
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Catalina Mountains, Upper Sabino Canyon, one mile of Summerhaven, 32.4464 -110.773333, 2451m
95187 H. J. Fulton 9678 1934-06-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Upper Oak Creek., 34.966667 -111.758333
163760 C. T. Mason Jr. 2686 1967-06-08
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Canyon southwest from headwaters of Aspen Spring Canyon. Lukachukai-Chuska Mountain Range., 36.4922 -109.1921
29730 L. C. Hinckley s.n. 1937-07-26
United States, Texas, Madera Canyon, Mount Livermore; Trans-Pecos.
398478 Edward Gilbert 17 2000-05-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Coconino National Forest Lower West Fork Canyon of Oak Creek about 10 mile north of Sedona. ~2.5 miles upstream from mouth of canyon, on north side of creek; within NE section of Red Rock/Secret Mt. Wilderness, 35.004167 -111.765833, 1677m
334192 Gregory J. Imdorf 515 1992-04-10
United States, Arizona, Gila County, Tonto National Forest; Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area. Devils Chasm., 33.8194 -110.8519, 1037m
377931 Marc A. Baker 14124 2001-06-15
United States, Arizona, Gila County, along Dude Creek; 2km north of the Control Rd; 1.2 km east of the East Verde River; Pinus ponderosa forest along perennial stream; Kehl Ridge 7.5' USGS Quadrangle, 34.39833 -111.2533, 1740m
395633 Patti West 2008-06-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Coyote Spring., 34.443587 -111.157372, 2277m
Brian J. Enquist 2008-07-21
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Leaving Crested Butte, CO, N on Hwy 317 approx 1.5 miles, then 6.6 miles N on Washington Gulch Road. Gently sloping subalpine meadow on E side of road. Low NW slopes of Gothic Mountain., 38.960781 -107.016686, 2815m
29735 C. B. Carter 5941 1933-08-18
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest; Santa Catalina Mountains Mount Lemmon, 32.43028 -110.70472
288299 James D. Morefield 2921 1985-07-24
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, Elden Mountain 0.75 miles N30°W of TV Hill in canyon draining Turkey Park., 35.2468 -111.6043, 2500m
95185 G. J. Harrison 4811 1927-10-00
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Ryan Ranch, East Fork of White River., 34.0117 -109.6584
163761 C. T. Mason Jr. 2669 1967-06-08
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Level area at headwater of Aspen Spring Valley, near ''Y'' in the road. Lukachukai-Chuska Mountain Range., 36.495 -109.18694
223663 T. R. Van Devender s.n. 1980-07-31
United States, Arizona, Apache County, Apache National Forest; Near Swinborne Spring in Engelmann-mixed conifer forest. White Mountains., 34.0752 -109.5684, 2863m
95184 G. J. Harrison 2219 1926-09-05
United States, Arizona, Pima County, Coronado National Forest; Summerhaven, Mount Lemmon. Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.439 -110.759