Ken Bagstad 222 2000-09-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain near Cascabel, 32.3045 -110.391, 929m
Ken Bagstad 251 2000-09-24
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain near old Contention Mill site (old San Juan de las Boquillas y Nogales land grant), 31.7666 -110.209, 1152m
Wendy C. Hodgson H-1170 1980-08-31
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Ca. 0.25 miles SE of Turkey Creek Ranger Station; Chiricahua Peak 7.5' Quad.; adjacent to Turkey Creek, 31.867095 -109.379005, 1890m
ASU0040207 T. R. Van Devender 2000-508 2000-08-30
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho la Mula, 28.2 km SE of Río Yaqui on MEX 16 (km 195 E of Hermosillo)., 28.48056 -109.3667, 790m
ASU0040208 T. R. Van Devender 2004-399 2004-04-26
Mexico, Sonora, 20.5 km south-southeast of juncton with Moctezuma-Huasabas Hwy on road to Tepache (SON 117), 29.7333 -109.656, 689m
ASU0040209 A. L. Reina G. 96-582 1986-09-28
Mexico, Sonora, ca 2 km N of Teachive, SW end of Cerro Terucuchi, Mpio. de Navojoa, 26.8017 -109.24, 100m
J. Jeremy Buegge 513 1998-09-06
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Laurel Canyon. T6S,R20E,sec21,center. Where trail 68 meets canyon., 33.1786 -109.863, 1402m
Elizabeth Makings 1241 2002-08-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, about 500k north of Charleston Rd, ~200-300 m east of San Pedro, 31.6387 -110.175, 1230m
Sam Friedman 107 1992-09-07
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mtns.; Kimball Peak trail; 1.0-1.5 mi up trail, 32.3444 -110.9, 853m
Elinor Lehto 9944 1967-10-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Sycamore Canyon, 31.406 -111.202, 1097m
Elinor Lehto 10242 1967-11-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Swift Trail (#366); 15.9 mi from junction with Highway #666, 32.67 -109.88, 2776 - 2776m
J.J. Thornber 76 1903-09-12
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Stone Cabin Canyon; Santa Rita Mtns., 31.82 -110.82, 1249 - 1249m
Lara Gengarelly 40 1993-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 213m from the San Pedro River, 31.6045 -110.161, 1219m
Elbert L. Little, Jr. 4063 1935-08-31
USA, Arizona, Gila, Near Base Rock Plot, Sierra Ancha Exp. Forest, 33.74 -110.93, 1424 - 1424m
Elinor Lehto 17192 1970-09-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Pena Blanca Lake, 31.399 -111.09, 1219m
Jerry M. Johnson 34 1934-10-16
USA, Arizona, white ridges, 1067m
Gregory J. Imdorf 1516 1993-10-09
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Wilderness Area; Devils Chasm, 33.8204 -110.851, 1036m
T. F. Daniel 3013 1983-09-07
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mtns.; Stronghold Canyon East along USFS Trail 279; Pearce 15' Quad., 31.9118 -109.955, 1524 - 1585m
Marc Mittleman 287 1982-08-31
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Las Guijas Mtns.; McCafferty Canyon; Arivaca 7.5' Quad., 31.619 -111.359, 1067m
G. E. Marrs 330 1980-09-05
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 17 mi E of Douglas; just N of mexican-american border, 31.357 -109.263, 1189m
Charlotte M. Christy 1179
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, along Arivaca Rd. ca. 8 rd-mi W of I-19, 31.39 -111.08, 1230 - 1230m
D. F. Austin 7594 1989-08-29
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mtns.; N of Tucson; Catalina Hwy just N of mile post 6 and sign to Molino Basin campground, 32.31 -110.71, 1125 - 1125m
J. Jeremy Buegge 513 1998-09-06
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Santa Teresa Mtns.; Laurel Canyon; Where trail 68 meets canyon, 32.8962 -110.304, 1402m
Marc Mittleman 261 1982-08-31
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Las Guijas Mtns.; McCafferty Canyon; Arivaca 7.5' Quad., 31.619 -111.359, 1067m
W.L. Minckley 1977-09-13
USA, Arizona, Greenlee, old bridge, S of Morenci Highway, 33.07 -109.36, 1508 - 1508m
G. K. & E. A. Helmkamp 7668 2002-09-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Texas Canyon: Dragoon Rd, 0.2mi S of Exit 302 of Interstate 10., 32.04 -110.082, 1402m
M. J. Plagens s.n. 2008-09-13
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Camp Creek Wash, near Bartlett Lake road., 33.8428 -111.786
ASU0041652 T. R. Van Devender 2000-696 2000-09-15
Mexico, Sonora, 10.3 km NE of Imuris on MEX 2, 30.9028 -110.758
Frank Farruggia 1490 2007-09-23
USA, Arizona, Gila, SW rim of Parker Creek Canyon, 33.76453 -110.9843
ASU0061884 Pat O'Halloran 13 1970-09-23
USA, Arizona, Pima, Cabeza Prieta Game Range., 32.3237 -113.03, 457m
ASU0080720 Sue Carnahan sc 150 2013-08-28
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Salero Ranch: Lot 10, Unit 1; ~8 mi E of Tubac, 31.61004 -110.90783, 1308m
ASU0094049 Jim O'Neil B-51 1976-09-20
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, [South of Tangle Creek Road], 34.1356 -111.794
ASU0297313 Walter Fertig 30142 2014-10-17
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Superstition Mountains, Arnett Canyon, 1.2 miles E of base of Picketpost Mountain, ca 1.5 miles S of US Hwy 60, 2.5 air miles SE of Superior. T2S R12E S16 SW4 NW4 NW4, 33.260971 -111.126595, 802m
ASU0040123 H. Keller 807 2001-04-05
Argentina, Misiones, .Predio Guaraní, -26.9 -54.2
ASU0041651 E. Lehto L-22052 1977-08-03
Mexico, Veracruz, 1/3 mi W Fortin (plaza) upper slope of deep canyon along Rio San Antonio, 18.900371 -97.000181
ASU0041653 R. A. Bye 4592 1973-08-05
Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre Occidental. Mpio. de Batopilas. Wimivo, on N side of Barranca de Batopilas along Arroyo Samachique, W of La Bufa, 27.025457 -107.743268, 914m
McLeod 707 1971-08-25
USA, Arizona, Pima County, Greaterville Rd. 2.1 mi W of Hidden Springs Ranch Rd., 31.78 -110.74, 1590 - 1590m
Harry Tate 611 1966-09-05
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Pena Blanca Canyon; just E of creek bed, 1/2 to 1 mi S (upstream) from lake, 31.399 -111.09, 1219m
McLeod 216 1970-08-25
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Parker Canyon Lake campground; W side of Huachuca Mtns., 31.429 -110.451, 1676m
D. F. Austin 7569 1989-08-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Forest Rd. 48 SE of Parker Canyon Lake; between jct Forest Rd. 227 and jct. Forest Rd. 61, 31.445 -110.447, 1524m
Bruce D. Parfitt 4121 1989-08-31
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mtns.; old homestead area at E end of Memorial, 31.3439 -110.23, 1539m
ASU0041657 R. G. Engard 730 1975-08-06
Mexico, Durango, one mile W of Durango on Mex, Hwy 40 to Mazatlan, 24.034462 -104.656318
ASU0041658 E. Lehto L-21838 1977-07-26
Mexico, Jalisco, Ca. 1 mi S of Hwy 70, ca. 8.8 mi ESE of Tacubaya. Ca. 17.2 mi WSW of Ojuelos de Jalisco, 21.760817 -101.84763
ASU0041660 J. E. Laferriere 693 1987-08-06
Mexico, Chihuahua, Nabogame, 28.5 -108.5
ASU0041661 J. E. Laferriere 1593 1988-07-30
Mexico, Chihuahua, Nabogame, 31.633776 -106.398521
ASU0041662 J. E. Laferriere 1675 1988-08-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, Nabogame, 28.5 -108.5
ASU0041663 Lyle McGill 9368 1972-07-25
Mexico, Durango, Along Rte.39, ca. 12 mi NW pf Canatlan, 24.6809278442248 -104.851970672607
ASU0041664 E. Lehto 24833 1980-08-11
Mexico, Sonora, Ca. 52.6 miles NE Alamos, 7.7 miles N Chinacas, 27.779175 -109.031588, 625m
ASU0041665 J. Flores Crespo 327 1968-06-03
Mexico, Morelos, barranca al W de Cuernavaca, 18.91894 -99.23661, 1700m
ASU0301431 Liz Makings 5406 2017-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Juriquipa; Rancho Zulema, 30.28313 -109.55989, 1680m
ASU0312333 Liz Makings 7051 2021-08-28
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz County, Coronado National Forest; Patagonia Moutains; Intersection of Harshaw Rd. and Forest Service Rd 5500, 31.40006 -110.68881, 1680m
ASU0313195 C.M. Roll MX083 2018-08-09
Mexico, Sonora, Nácori Chico, 3.1 km (by air) SW of Mesa Tres Ríos, Sierra Madre Occidental., 29.81417 -108.73028, 1700m
Ken Bagstad 242 2000-09-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain north of Cascabel, 32.3334 -110.408, 920m
Marc A. Baker 10172 1992-09-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River; ca. 1k E of Benson, 31.9651 -110.278, 1067m
J. Jeremy Buegge 517 1998-09-06
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Laurel Canyon. T6S,R20E,sec21,center. Where trail 68 meets canyon., 33.1786 -109.863, 1402m
J. Jeremy Buegge 1014 1999-08-19
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Cottonwood canyon. T7S,R21E,sec4,SE,SE. Near camp at end of road, below Sand Tank., 32.8529 -110.201, 1615m
J. Jeremy Buegge 1110 1999-09-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Below cliffs west of Black Rock. T6S,R21E,sec10,NW,SW., 32.9251 -110.184, 1158m
Shannon Doan 973 2001-08-21
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Wash on east side of Seven Springs road, ca. 0.1 mile south of intersection with Humboldt Mountain Road., 33.9561 -111.834, 1085m
Ken Bagstad 422 2001-08-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain ca. 50 m north of confluence with Escapule Wash, 31.6055 -110.163, 1212m
Elizabeth Makings a-1355 2002-09-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River terrace, ca 1mile east of river, 'Pyramids South', ca 1k north of Charleston Rd, 31.6388 -110.163, 1233m
Elizabeth Makings 1228 2002-08-23
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Upper San Pedro River floodplain, about 500k north of Charleston Rd, 31.6311 -110.174, 1212m
Elena Ortiz-Barney 358 2000-09-09
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Audubon Society's Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, (Site-6) south of road to Bald Hill, on east side of road to headquarters, 31.5989 -110.513, 1487 - 1500m
Elena Ortiz-Barney 359 2000-09-08
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Audubon Society's Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch, (Site-7) west of headquarters, north of road to western boundary, just west of road to Appleton ranch, 31.5892 -110.517, 1487 - 1500m
Vanessa Beauchamp 767 2001-08-25
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Perkinsville, 34.8953 -112.208, 1164 - 1170m
Elizabeth Makings 1812 2004-09-09
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest; Buzzard Roost Mesa, near jct of FR 923 and 932, 34.0252 -111.054, 1613m
D. F. Austin 7584 1989-08-17
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mtns.; road into Cochise Stronghold; Forest Rd. 84 at jct. 87A, 31.921 -109.979, 1829m
Dr. Mont A. Cazier 742 1966-08-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Skeleton Canyon in Peloncillo Mtns., 31.529 -109.069, 1585m
Charlotte M. Christy 1197
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, ca. 10 rd-mi W of Canelo Pass along FSR 58 and ca. 0.5 mi FSR 214 to Mowry, 31.45 -110.64, 1552 - 1552m
J. Jeremy Buegge 1110 1999-09-05
USA, Arizona, Graham County, below cliffs W of Black Rock; Santa Teresa Mtns., 32.9251 -110.184, 1158m
Bruce D. Parfitt 4526 1990-09-15
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mtns.; behind (NW of) rangers' residence; gray hill and surrounding area, 31.3439 -110.247, 1615 - 1676m
Charlotte M. Christy 2106 1993-10-04
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Huachuca Mtns.; ca. 5 rd-mi W Montezuma Pass & Coronado Nat'l Memorial, 31.377 -110.369, 1646m
C. P. Pase 1290 1961-08-24
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha, 33.7773 -110.971, 1463m
D. F. Austin 7616 1989-09-12
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Chiricahua Mtns. Trail along S fork of Cave Creek, 31.838 -109.222, 1829m
Bruce D. Parfitt 4047 1989-08-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mtns.; along road to picnic area SE of Visitor's Center; Plot 7, 31.3439 -110.264, 1631m
Elbert L. Little, Jr. 4062 1935-08-31
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto-Parker Creek; Near Base Rock Plot; Parker Creek Exp. Forest, 33.74 -110.93, 1424 - 1424m
D. F. Austin 7631 1989-09-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, old US 80 W of Bisbee (rd. that goes over tunnel instead of through it) on W side of the pass, 31.508 -110.012, 1524m
D. Z. Damrel V-524 2002-08-21
USA, Arizona, Gila, Sierra Ancha Mtns.; off FSR 609; before the jct with FSR 486, 33.9497 -111.039, 1719m
Charlotte M. Christy 1971 1993-10-01
USA, Arizona, Graham County, NE side Galiuro Mtns.; FSR 243 at rd to Deer Creek Admin. Site, 32.66 -110.29, 1587 - 1587m
Wendy C. Hodgson 5596 1989-08-19
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, foothills of Santa Rita Mtns.; central (S-facing slope of) Devil's Cash Box; 0.7 mi SE of jctn. Of FSR183 and 184; N of 184, 31.6708 -110.942, 1700m
J. Jeremy Buegge 517 1998-09-06
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Laurel Canyon; where trail 68 meets canyon; Santa Teresa Mtns., 32.8962 -110.304, 1402m
Elbert L. Little, Jr. 4062 1935-08-31
USA, Arizona, Gila, Near Base Rock Plot; Sierra Ancha Exp. Forest, 33.74 -110.93, 1424 - 1424m
Lynn Wolden 372 1989-09-20
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, ca two miles SE of Wickenburg on highway 89, 33.935 -112.698, 610m
Bruce D. Parfitt 4066 1989-08-30
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Southern Huachuca Mtns.; rest area at Montezuma Pass at west boundary of Monument; south of overlook parking area; Plot 8, 31.3439 -110.281, 2027m
J. Jeremy Buegge 1014 1999-08-19
USA, Arizona, Graham County, Cottonwood Canyon; near camp at end of road, below Sand Tank, 32.8529 -110.201, 1615m
Lyle A. McGill 6803 1996-09-02
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Eastern drainage of Dragoon Mtns, Middle March Canyon; W of Pearce, 31.871 -109.925, 1646 - 1676m
Ken Bagstad 422 2001-08-19
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Pedro River floodplain; ca 50m N of confluence with Escapule Wash; ca 150m E of river, 31.618 -110.165, 1212m
Chester F. Deaver 6645 1963-09-02
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Hwy 80; 4 miles NW of Bisbee, 31.508 -110.012, 1676m
Elinor Lehto 3499 1963-09-14
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Zane Gray Acres, 34.419 -110.563, 1980m
C. Casey sn 1996-09-12
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Flagstaff; Buffalo Park on Switzer Mesa, 35.2156 -111.64, 2164m
TF Daniel 3167 1983-09-10
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Dragoon Mtns; mouth of Stronghold Canyon West; 0.9 mile E of Whitehouse Ruin; St David 15', 31.9118 -110.023
Jana Fry 55 1997-09-14
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, West Turkey Creek; coal pit, 31.865 -109.389, 1737m
G. Marrs-Smith 876 1981-08-21
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, San Bernardino Ranch; 18 miles E of Douglas; near House Pond wash inlet, 31.357 -109.263, 1158m
C. T. Mason, Jr. 2938 1969-10-03
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Along road 6 miles E of Sycamore Canyon, 31.36 -110.67, 1543 - 1543m
T Reeves R-1679 1974-09-08
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Entrance road to monument; 1/2 mile W of monument, 32.005 -109.357, 1585m
T Reeves R-1484 1974-09-02
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, Garfield Peak; 1/4 mile W of headquarters area, 31.998 -109.362, 1707m
McLeod 811 1971-08-26
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 16 miles NE Douglas along US 80, 31.462 -109.37, 1341m
Harry Tate 641 1966-09-05
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Pena Blanca Canyon; just east of creek bed; 1/2 to 1 mile S (upstream) from lake, 31.399 -111.09, 1219m
D. Keil K-11064 1975-09-06
USA, Arizona, Santa Cruz, 3 miles W of Thumb Rock Picnic Area; Pena Blanca Lake; on Ruby Road, 31.399 -111.09, 1219m
Elinor Lehto 13978 1968-09-14
USA, Arizona, Navajo County, Geronimo Cave; 5.9 miles E of White River, 33.826411 -109.870199, 1730m
Elinor Lehto 3979 1964-08-27
USA, Arizona, Cochise County, 2 miles N of Portal, 31.938 -109.148, 1433m