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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Muhlenbergia glomerata (Muhlenbergia glomerata var. cinnoides, Muhlenbergia racemosa var. cinnoides, Agrostis festucoides, Alopecurus glomeratus, Muhlenbergia calycina, Polypogon glomeratus, Polypogon setosus, Muhlenbergia racemosa subsp. violacea, Muhlenbergia glomerata var. glomerata, Muhlenbergia... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2263

Missouri Botanical Garden

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597513Arthur J. Eames   91861918-07-24
United States, New York, Tompkins, Caroline. In dry woods, ravine between White Church and Brookton.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597551Franklin P. Metcalf   56181916-08-12
United States, New York, Cayuga, Conquest. Springy place along roadside north of Spring Lake.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2598258Anonymous   s.n.
United States

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2598263B.L. Robinson   1961894-08-13
Canada, Newfoundland, Swamp near the confluence of Exploits River and Badger Brook.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594121Frederick J. Hermann   85101936-10-08
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Dexter. Marshy edge of pond S of Silver Lake, 6 1/2 miles NW.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594168STUNTZ   s.n.1901-09-04
United States, Michigan, Isle Royal.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594303Charles C. Deam   s.n.1901-09-11
United States, Indiana, Wells, Lakes in Jackson Tp.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594053Kenneth K. Mackenzie   
United States, New Jersey, Sussex, detailed locality information protected

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2596439Anonymous   15
United States, New York, Western part of the State of New York.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2596751Henry H. Rusby   4641880-07-00
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, Irrigated ground, near Socorro, NM.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2598062Franklin P. Metcalf   16091914-08-12
United States, New York, Tioga, Spencer. Wet ground, north shore of Spencer Lake.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597833William G. Dore   479201947-08-29
Canada, Quebec, Bonaventure County. On gravel bar, 4 miles up Bonaventure River, Gaspe Peninusla.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597664HAY   s.n.1883-08-00
United States, Nebraska

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594109Frère Louis Rolland-Germain   s.n.
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Ottawa, Ont.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597254Merritt L. Fernald   1691893-08-21
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Along the St. John River. Gravelly shore, St. Francis.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594486George L. Smith   3396
United States, Maryland, Baltimore

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597735S.B. Buckley   s.n.
United States, Alabama

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594237R. Hoffmann   s.n.1918-08-03
United States, Wisconsin, Oneida, Three Lakes, dry often woods.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2779650ZACHARKEVICS   s.n.2001-09-12
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Common name: Marsh Muhly/Spiked Muhly. T2N R4E Sec. 29, E1/2 Se1/4 &Sec. 29, SW1/4 1/4 1/4 NW 1/4 1/4 Sw1/4. USGS Quad: Rochford. In Cluder Gulch, east of FSR 231.2 and north of FSr 231.2B Plant occurs in the bottom of a narrow aspen/spruce/birch draw and the adjacent pine slope. Associated: Pinus ponderosa, Populus tremuloides, Picea glauca, Symphorocarpus occiedntalis, Rosa sp, Prunus virginiana, Symphorocarpus albus, Amelanchier alnifolia, Lysimachia ciliata, Agastache foeniculum, Fragaria virginiana, Galium boreale, Meliotus officinalis, Schizache purpurascens, Phleum pratense, Bromus ciliatus, Muhlenbergia racemosa., 1561 - 1646m

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1693386Oliver A. Farwell   9101895-00-00
United States, Michigan, Orion, MI.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597304BLAKE   92671861-09-06
United States, New Hampshire, Gilmanton.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597055E.L. Rand   166031889-08-21
United States, Meadows above Long Pond, Seal Harbor. Near Desert.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594556Fr. Marie-Victorin   247801926-08-11
Canada, Quebec, Riviere Jupiter: alluvions calcaires près l'embouchure.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597968Ronald L. Liesner   s.n.1964-09-12
United States, Wisconsin, Shawano, Small larix trees and shrubs on edge of pond in Sphagnum bog. T26N, R17E,; Sect. 26.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
United States, New Jersey, detailed locality information protected

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
100167834Hugh D. Wilson   24301971-08-17
United States, Ohio, Holmes, Frequent in Fen area, County Route 22, just south of junction with State Route 3; NW section of Washington Township.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2596528Frère Louis Rolland-Germain   71221918-09-14
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Ottawa.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597321Merritt L. Fernald   198661920-09-02
Canada, Nova Scotia, Yarmouth. Boggy clearing near Porcupine Lake. Arcadia.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594401Frank C. Seymour   144941952-07-27
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Tn. Harison. T35N, R8E, Sec 36. Poplar woods.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2597398Frank C. Seymour   147311952-08-22
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, McCord, Tn Wilson. T35N, R5E, Sec 5. Sparse, mixed, dry woods.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594092B.L. Robinson   1961894-08-13
Canada, Newfoundland, Swamp near the confluence of Exploits River and Badger Brook.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594172Merritt L. Fernald   24921910-08-18
Canada, Newfoundland, Silurian Region between Bay St. George and Bay of Islands. Open boggy areas in woods along Harry's River.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
2594258Fr. Marie-Victorin   205321925-08-03
Canada, Quebec, Riviere au Saumon; sur les platières calcaires.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
101898826Stanley L. Welsh   129611975-09-25
United States, Utah, Piute, T27S, R5W. On a basaltic cliff face. Ca 8 miles cue W of Marysvale, N side of Beaver Creek Canyon., 3048m

Morris Arboretum of University of Pennsylvania

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
MOAR0016749Ann F. Rhoads   s.n.2000-08-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, 2 km SW of Reilly, Nescopeck State Park, 41.0793 -75.898195

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
MOAR0016750Ann F. Rhoads   s.n.2000-08-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Carbon, 1.9 mi SW of Saylorsville, Hickory Run State Park, along Rt. 534 approx. 2 mi W of Park office, 41.016245 -75.718435

Muhlenberg College

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
MCA0002078R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   746801965-09-26
United States, Pennsylvania, Monroe, Naomi Pines, 41.106754 -75.454352

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
MCA0002079R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   831761969-08-29
United States, Pennsylvania, Carbon, 2 1/2 miles NW of Trauchsville, 40.906538 -75.563236

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
MCA0002080R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   452571953-09-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Northampton, 1 mile NW of Riverton, 40.838122 -75.099551

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
MCA0002081R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   487621955-07-06
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, 1 1/2 miles NW of Weidasville, 40.653798 -75.665723

Image Associated With the Occurence
MCA0007267R. L. Schaeffer, Jr.   452311953-09-01
United States, Pennsylvania, Northampton, 1 mile W of Mount Bethel, 40.904817 -75.130739

Muskegon Community College Herbarium, Michigan

Image Associated With the Occurence
MUSK000048C.D. McLouth   1899-08-22
United States, Michigan, Twin Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
MUSK000049C.D. McLouth   1894-00-00
United States, Michigan, Muskegon

Natural History Museum of Utah, Garrett Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
Canada, British Columbia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
USA, Indiana, Starke

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
USA, Indiana, Clark

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
01154077J. M. Glennon   15811987-08-20
United States of America, Idaho, Bingham Co., Fort Hall Indian Reservation, near Clear Creek, south of Sheepskin Road, 43.0431 -112.5442

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1091951S. Goodrich   151961980-09-17
United States of America, Utah, Uintah Co., Uinta Mtns, Whiterocks Canyon, 9 miles and o degrees from Whiterocks., 40.9337 -111.8811, 2243 - 2243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1091952S. Watson   12871868-09-00
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., E. Humboldt Mts. [note - This is the Ruby Mountains of modern references. Arnold Tiehm, 2010], 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740546J. Macoun   571872-08-06
Canada, Manitoba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740615Collector unspecified   s.n.1865-08-00
Canada, Belleville. C. W.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740603Collector unspecified   
United States of America, New Jersey, Mercer Co., detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740651T. S. Brandegee   6031873-08-00
United States of America, Colorado

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740598F. W. Johnson   s.n.1921-09-03
United States of America, New York, Niagara Co., Niagra Gorge, 43.083389 -79.0706

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740568O. W. Knight   s.n.1905-09-15
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., cold bog, crystal

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740560F. C. Seymour   300931971-08-26
United States of America, Maine, Waldo Co., Beach of Unity Pond (Lake Winnecook) UNITY

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740656P. A. Rydberg   11211892-08-01
United States of America, Arizona, Custer, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740653P. A. Rydberg   11211892-00-00
United States of America, Arizona, Custer, 1676m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740549P. V. Krotkov   71111933-08-14
Canada, Ontario, Hay Bay - Tobermory, 45.23969 -81.69515

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740580E. Faxon   s.n.1881-08-10
United States of America, Vermont, Willoughby; Mt. Hor

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740636W. G. Dore   103961949-08-25
United States of America, Michigan, Marquette Co., West of St. Ignace; N shore Lake Michigan, 45.868624 -84.727828

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740660B. C. Buffum   50721892-08-00
United States of America, Wyoming

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740617K. K. Mackenzie   
United States of America, New Jersey, Sussex Co., detailed locality information protected

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740626W. D. Miller   
United States of America, New Jersey, Union Co., detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740529S. F. Blake   54911913-08-21
Canada, New Brunswick, Gloucester, New Brunswick, Petit Rocher

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
02423851G. J. Pierce   17691970-09-07
United States of America, Michigan, Barry Co., T3N, R10W, NE 1/4 sect. 3. Yankee Springs, 42.674884 -85.476769

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740647R. C. Friesner   159761941-08-02
United States of America, Indiana, Lagrange Co., Along Pigeon River and Hwy 3; 1 mi S of Mongo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740604G. C. Tucker   50481989-09-10
United States of America, New York, Albany Co., Town of Westerlo; S Westerlo along Basic Creek ca. 600 - 1200 m upstream (north) from the Route 405 bridge, 42.515078 -74.04542

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740540M. L. Fernald   68301912-08-13
Canada, Quebec, Magdalen Islands, Grindstone, Grindstone Island., 47.383333 -61.866667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740664W. Fertig   178861997-08-03
United States of America, Wyoming, Teton Co., Jackson Hole: wetland complex on east bank of Flat Creek, ca 0.6 mi E of the Jackson National Fish Hatchery; ca 0.8 mi E of U.S. Hwy 26, 89, 187; ca 1-1.5 mi N of Millers Butte., 43.5332 -110.7159, 1914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740645R. C. Friesner   97791936-08-01
United States of America, Indiana, Starke Co., South central side Round Lake

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740553C. E. Garton   15701951-08-10
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay; 2 mi N of Sandstone Lake Road; Jean Township

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740571M. L. Fernald   1691893-08-21
United States of America, Maine, Aroostook Co., Along the St. John River. Gravelly shore, St. Francis.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740570E. G. Hartmann   1611941-08-06
United States of America, New Hampshire, Belknap Co., Three Mile Island, Lake Winnepesaukee, near Center Harbor

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740582K. K. Mackenzie   
United States of America, New Jersey, Sussex Co., detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740566E. P. Bicknell   94771897-08-23
United States of America, Maine, Mount Desert. Duekbrook bog.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740584W. M. Benner   s.n.1923-09-15
United States of America, Pennsylvania, Bucks Co., Pleasant Valley; 1.5 mi NW, 39.761014 -78.641123

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740528S. C. Stuntz   13601901-09-04
United States of America, Michigan, Isle Royale.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740613N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-08-28
United States of America, New York, Columbia Co., Copake Falls, 42.119849 -73.524668

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740614H. D. House   221321934-08-29
United States of America, New York, Madison Co., near Pecksport, 42.86257 -75.5674

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740578M. L. Fernald   126091916-08-29
United States of America, Maine, York Co., Limington; Valley of the Saco River

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740657J. H. Christ   53641934-07-13
United States of America, Idaho, Teton Co., Driggs, 43.723252 -111.111333

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740622W. D. Miller   
United States of America, New Jersey, Union Co., detailed locality information protected

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740624W. D. Miller   
United States of America, New Jersey, Union Co., detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740574   s.n.1870-10-04
United States of America, Utah, Willoughby

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1741061M. Cipperly   s.n.1903-08-00
United States of America, New York, Rensselaer Co., 42.711055 -73.509715

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740525R. Gauthier   88-1171988-09-21
Canada, Quebec, Comte de Chicoutimi, Canton Falardeau, Saint-David-de-Falardeau, Chute-Aux-Galets, right bank of the river Shipshaw, about one km upstream of the fall, 48.654167 -71.195833, 185m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740662R. W. Lichvar   24671979-09-15
United States of America, Wyoming, Crook Co., Sand Creek, 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740562C. A. Weatherby   13151942-08-30
United States of America, Vermont, Addison Co., Strand of Lake Champlain

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740625W. D. Miller   
United States of America, New Jersey, Union Co., detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740612N. L. Britton   s.n.1900-08-28
United States of America, New York, Chilson [Eagle] Lake.

Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740619J. Edwards   
United States of America, New Jersey, Sussex Co., detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740556T. W. Edmondson   25901902-08-20
Canada, Ontario, Haley's Statich

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740558E. P. Bicknell   s.n.1905-08-18
Canada, Ontario, La Rue Isl.; Thousand Islands, N. Y. and Ont.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740554J. M. Gillett   7120
Canada, Ontario, Hastings Co., Marmora Township, Belmar Junction, 3 mi. S. of Marmora

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740559O. W. Knight   s.n.1905-09-17
United States of America, Maine, shore of Pushaw Pond, Orono

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740535C. E. Garton   16151951-08-17
Canada, Ontario, Mallard Lakes, 1.5 mi E of Roundtable Lake, Haradwick Township

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740530M. L. Fernald   45311911-08-12
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Grand Falls. Valley of Exploits River.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740537C. O. Grassl   46881932-08-15
Canada, Ontario, Cockburn Island

Image Associated With the Occurence
Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin.
1740667A. B. Seymour   s.n.1884-09-03
United States of America, Montana, Miles City

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2263


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