00864760 C. A. Weatherby 3406 1925-08-30
United States of America, Connecticut, Windham County, Brooklyn
00864761 G. E. Nichols 1912-08-26
United States of America, Connecticut, Windham County, Eastford
00864762 C. H. Knowlton 1908-08-23
United States of America, Connecticut, Windham County, Killingly
00864763 C. A. Weatherby 4024 1916-09-04
United States of America, Connecticut, Windham County, Pomfret
00864764 E. B. Harger 6564 1915-09-06
United States of America, Connecticut, Windham County, Windham
00864765 R. W. Woodward 1904-08-19
United States of America, Connecticut, New London County, Franklin
00864766 R. W. Woodward 1904-08-19
United States of America, Connecticut, New London County, Franklin
00864767 R. W. Woodward 1912-09-26
United States of America, Connecticut, New London County, Franklin
00864768 L. J. Mehrhoff 11986 1986-09-17
United States of America, Connecticut, Tolland County, Bolton
00864769 C. H. Bissell 24 1897-08-27
United States of America, Connecticut, Hartford County, Southington
00864770 A. E. Blewitt 1281 1912-09-08
United States of America, Connecticut, New Haven County, Meriden
00864771 L. Andrews 840 1899-08-01
United States of America, Connecticut, New Haven County, Meriden
00864772 E. B. Harger 1889-08-29
United States of America, Connecticut, New Haven County, Oxford
00864773 A. E. Blewitt 153 1909-08-10
United States of America, Connecticut, New Haven County, Waterbury
00864774 C. A. Weatherby 2758 1909-09-08
United States of America, Connecticut, Litchfield County, Kent
00864775 J. W. Robbins 1828-09-17
United States of America, Connecticut, Litchfield County, Norfolk
00864776 Mrs. C. S. Phelps & C. A. Weatherby 1969 1906-09-05
United States of America, Connecticut, Litchfield County, Salisbury
00864777 E. H. Eames 1895-09-17
United States of America, Connecticut, Fairfield County, Monroe
02618870 M. P. Charpentier 2023-09-23
United States of America, Massachusetts, Worcester County, Quabbin Reservoir Watershed land, utility right of way 1.2 mi SE of intersection with East Branch Fever Brook
02230158 P. P. Grima 0346 2020-08-21
United States of America, Massachusetts, Berkshire County, Stafford Hill WMA, east of Stafford Hill Rd
02230778 R. I. Bertin 2275 2003-08-14
United States of America, Massachusetts, Worcester County, Crow Hill
Kenneth R. Robertson, Arlene & Amanda 1917 1978-08-05
United States, Illinois, Cook, Shoe Factory Prairie Nature Preserve.
Kenneth R. Robertson & Robbin C. Moran 94 1977-08-31
United States, Illinois, Lake, Chain-O-Lakes State Park, on west side of Turner Lake.
Kenneth R. Robertson & Robbin C. Moran 34 1977-08-31
United States, Illinois, Lake, Chain-O-Lakes State Park, on west and northwest side of Mud Lake., 42.439208 -88.188873
Kenneth R. Robertson 1535 1977-09-08
United States, Illinois, McHenry, Chalet Golf Course, Cary.
John W. Thieret 44764 1973-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Hubbard, Ca. 2.5 miles north of Lake George.
D. Rowan, S. Thomas and A. McMahon 1578 FCC#885 1996-08-09
United States, Illinois, Cook, Santa Fe Prairie. Hodgekins, River Road. Berwyn Quadrangle. Collected 50 yards east of fence running perpendicular to road.
Loy R. Phillippe, Bill Handel & John E. Ebinger 29742 1998-07-29
United States, Illinois, Lee, Richardson Wildlife Foundation. North of Shaw Road about 1 mile north and 2.1 mile west of West Brooklyn. Sublette 7.5 minute quadrangle. UTM Zone 16; 4619900mN; 318040mE. Sedge Meadow south of Sandfield Pond.
Loy R. Phillippe, Paul Marcum, Mary Ann Feist, Brenda-Molano Flores, Gean Mendelkoch, Stephanie Glass, Emmet Judziewicz, & Paul Hlina 43853 2015-09-03
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest on Cedar Island. East side of Brule River across from Rainbow Bend and about 3.5 mile west of Douglas County and Bayfield County line in Douglas County. About 0.6 mile west and 0.3 mile north of the Cedar Island Airport., 46.45007 -91.62546
Loy R. Phillippe, Mary Ann Feist, Brenda-Molano Flores, & Paul Hlina 43913 2015-09-04
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest, east side of the Brule Rive and one mile west side of Wisconsin Route 27 at the junction of Ravine Road and Motts Road (Motts Ravine South)., 46.43087 -91.61405
Loy R. Phillippe & Erick Ulaszek 29393 1997-09-11
United States, Illinois, Cook, Bluff Springs Fen Nature Preserve. South of Bluff City Cemetery.
IND-0035901 Charles C. Deam s.n. 1901-09-11
United States, Indiana, Wells, border of the lake in Jackson township, 40.61103 -85.370394
IND-0035900 Franklin B. Buser 5229 1954-09-04
United States, Indiana, Tippecanoe, Flint Creek hill marsh, 3 mi W of West Point, 40.352744 -87.08638
IND-0035899 John E. Potzger 3958 1933-09-12
United States, Indiana, Tippecanoe, 3 mi W of West Point, 40.352744 -87.08638
IND-0035898 John E. Potzger 6716 1933-09-12
United States, Indiana, Tippecanoe, 3 mi W of West Point, 40.352744 -87.08638
IND-0035897 [Collector not indicated] 1179 1928-08-21
United States, Indiana, Steuben, N side of Wall Lake, W of Orland, 41.733008 -85.195585
IND-0035896 [Collector not indicated] 1168 1928-08-31
United States, Indiana, Steuben, E side of Hogback Lake, near Angola, 41.623198 -85.081946
IND-0035895 Charles C. Deam 15497 1914-09-20
United States, Indiana, Steuben, on the SE side of Lake James, 41.690644 -85.016054
IND-0035894 Charles C. Deam 46293 1928-09-20
United States, Indiana, Steuben, just E of Hog-back Lake., 41.623198 -85.081946
IND-0035893 Charles C. Deam 54525 1933-09-17
United States, Indiana, Starke, on the S side of Round Lake in Sec. 8 about 5 mi SW of Knox, 41.234476 -86.664993
IND-0035892 Charles C. Deam 54608 1933-09-23
United States, Indiana, St. Joseph, about 6 mi SW of South Bend, 41.602272 -86.314896
IND-0035891 Charles C. Deam 21214 1916-08-25
United States, Indiana, Porter, about 1.5 mi NW of Mineral Springs Stop on the South Shore Traction Line, 41.645198 -87.098989
IND-0035890 Charles C. Deam 21853 1916-09-13
United States, Indiana, Noble, S side of Bear Lake, 41.320395 -85.51757
IND-0035889 Helene Starcs 1509 1956-09-09
United States, Indiana, Madison, NW of the pavilion in Mounds State Park, 40.098729 -85.621346
IND-0035888 Charles C. Deam 47741 1929-09-07
United States, Indiana, Montgomery, along Sugar Creek about 1 mi W of Darlington, 40.108089 -86.792936
IND-0035887 Charles C. Deam 45403 1927-09-17
United States, Indiana, Marshall, on the border of Houghton Lake about 2 mi NW of Culver, 41.235645 -86.45374
IND-0035886 Charles C. Deam 32375 1920-08-25
United States, Indiana, La Porte, 1/2 mi. north of Mill Creek., 41.590068 -86.5349
IND-0035885 Charles C. Deam 43767 1926-09-19
United States, Indiana, Lake, 200 ft. S of Pine, 41.623728 -87.394164
IND-0035884 Charles C. Deam 43767 1926-09-19
United States, Indiana, Lake, about 200 ft. S of Pine, 41.623728 -87.394164
IND-0035883 Charles C. Deam 14812 1914-08-27
United States, Indiana, LaGrange, Adams Lake about 5 mi NE of Wolcottville, 41.553194 -85.32498
IND-0035882 Charles C. Deam 61523 1941-08-30
United States, Indiana, Kosciusko, Road 13 about 1 mi S of N Webster, 41.311111 -85.697765
IND-0035881 Charles C. Deam 45316 1927-09-12
United States, Indiana, Henry, Sec. 35, about 2 mi NE of Springport, 40.057103 -85.35762
IND-0035880 Charles C. Deam 20989 1916-08-21
United States, Indiana, Elkhart, 0.25 mi E of Bristol, 41.722238 -85.806746
IND-0035879 Charles C. Deam 49559 1930-09-10
United States, Indiana, Carroll, Wabash River in Sec. 9 about 3 mi S of Lake Cicott, 40.714418 -86.534866
IND-0035913 Helen Marsh Zeiner 2692 1945-09-16
United States, Nebraska, Lincoln, Lincoln, 40.807018 -96.664557
IND-0035912 Bro. Rolland-Germain 15303 1922-08-11
Canada, Quebec, Montmorency Falls, near Quebec, 46.890841 -71.147597
IND-0035911 Bro. Marie-Victorin 15302 1922-08-10
Canada, Quebec, Southwest tip of Orléans Island, 46.851901 -71.1312
IND-0035910 Bro. Rolland-Germain 19191 1924-08-30
Canada, Ontario, Britannia, Ont., 45.366667 -75.8
IND-0035909 Bro. Rolland-Germain s.n. 1915-08-14
Canada, Ontario, Vicinity of Ottawa, 45.416667 -75.7
IND-0035908 Norman C. Fassett 9832 1928-08-27
United States, Wisconsin, Vilas, Northwest of Trout Lake (SW1/4 of T42N, R6E1), 46.066857 -89.711087
IND-0035907 Harold W. Pretz 7790 1915-08-17
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, South of Transit Co's bridge in Wilt's Mill Meadows along Trout Creek east of 12th Ward, Allentown, 40.582097 -75.455626
IND-0035906 Harold W. Pretz 13101 1927-09-04
United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh, LV R.R. about 0.75 mile north of Slatington station, 40.759298 -75.611853
IND-0035905 Kenneth K. Mackenzie
United States, New Jersey, Sussex, detailed locality information protected
IND-0035904 Ora W. Knight s.n. 1905-09-15
United States, Maine, Aroostook, Crystal, 45.956594 -68.374125
IND-0035903 Edwin H. Eames s.n. 1895-09-17
United States, Connecticut, Fairfield, Botsford, 41.362942 -73.247104
IND-0035902 Charles H. Bissell s.n. 1902-08-20
United States, Connecticut, Tolland, Union, 41.991121 -72.158758
IND-0150150 Roger L. Hedge s.n. 1990-09-06
United States, Indiana, Madison, Mounds State Park, Middletown Quad, 40.096627 -85.619877
IND-0157530 Scott Namestnik 4091 2019-09-24
United States, Indiana, Elkhart, Riegsecker Farm Fen., 41.687722 -85.756133
UTC00001585 Marcus E. Jones 1882-08-29
United States, Utah, Wasatch, unspecified
UTC00107612 C.V. Morton 6367 1949-08-23
United States, Michigan, Crawford, Hartwick Pines State Park., 44.7311111 -84.6827778
UTC00123367 Gerald B. Ownbey; Yu-Tseng Hsi 4228 1968-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, 1 mile north of McGregor., 46.6269444 -93.3138889
UTC00137461 Gerald B. Ownbey 4693 1972-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Itasca State Park west side of Mary Lake., 47.19163 -95.19122
UTC00228581 Neil Hotchkiss 1359 1924-08-29
United States, New York, Lewis, Parkers, 43.7416667 -75.6763889
UTC00233935 D. Bacon; R. Crook 2001-08-30
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills National Forest ; West of FSR 110.1 at the intersection of FSR 110.1, Pennington Co. 308 (FSR 17) and Pennington Co. 306 (FSR 17), 1829m
UTC00233936 D. Bacon; R. Crook 2001-08-30
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Black Hills National Forest ; In a draw, south of a hairpin turn in FSR 582, just north of Corral Creek (the hairpin turn goes through the draw), 1646 - 1676m
UTC00233938 K. Zacharkevics; S. Corey
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence, Black Hills National Forest ; North side of FS road 628.1C, 1414 - 1439m
UTC00233939 D. Bacon; R. Crook
United States, South Dakota, Pennington, Black Hills National Forest ; Along the north side of FSR 296, 0.6 miles west and north of the intersection with FSR 383, 43.917 -103.667, 1951m
UTC00213898 AV Gilman 94311 1994-09-22
United States, Vermont, Caledonia, At West Danville; Danville, 44.4105556 -72.1952778
UTC00219364 S. Popovich; R. Moseley 5092 1996-08-01
United States, Idaho, Caribou, East shore of Blackfoot Reservoir ca. 1.2 air km NW from Henry., 42.9125 -111.5402778, 1875m
UTC00251654 James M. Glennon 1581 1987-08-20
United States, Idaho, Bingham, Meadows near Clear Creek, Sheep of Sheepskin Road
ISC0023178 L. H. Pammel & A. C. MacCorkindale s. n. 1902-09-04
USA, Iowa, Worth Co., Hanlonton.
ISC0023179 L. H. Pammel s. n. 1902-09-04
USA, Iowa, Worth Co., Bog.
ISC0078254 L. H. Pammel s. n. 1908-09-00
USA, Iowa, Winnebago Co., Lake Mills.
ISC0193140 B. Shimek s. n. 1912-08-17
USA, Iowa, Hancock Co., Pilot Knob State Park; Dead Man's Lake; woods bordering.
ISC0193134 B. Shimek s. n. 1921-08-08
USA, Iowa, Clayton Co., Prairie opening on top of Pike's Hill south of McGregor.
IA00002376 B. Shimek s. n. 1922-09-17
USA, Iowa, Cerro Gordo Co., Swamp, north central part of Buffalo Slough, Mason City.
IA00005276 B. Shimek s. n. 1925-09-11
USA, Iowa, Cerro Gordo Co., Swamp, north central part of Buffalo Slough, Mason City.
ISC0192220 B. Shimek s. n. 1928-08-31
USA, Iowa, Pocahontas Co., Flat prairies 2 mi. northwest of Fonda.
ISC0193138 B. Shimek s. n. 1934-08-25
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Hanging Bog southwest side of Silver Lake Fen.
ISC0155236 A. Hayden 9286 1939-09-05
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Silver Lake Fen, Sec. 32, Silver Lake Twp.; abundant in the sedge zone of the hanging bog.
IA00061864 M. L. Grant 8951 1948-08-11
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Silver Lake Fen, calcareous bog, NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 32, R38W, T100N.
IA00147936 M. L. Grant 8951 1948-08-11
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Silver Lake Fen, calcareous bog, NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec. 32, R38W, T100N.
ISC0214386 M. L. Grant 8951 1948-08-11
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Silver Lake Fen, NW1/4 of SW1/4 Sec. 32, R38W, T100N; hanging bog.
ISC0202311 R. W. Pohl 6717 1949-08-10
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Hanging Bog west end of Silver Lake Fen; NW1/4 Sec. 32, Silver Lake Twp.
IA00107343 R. F. Thorne 9793 1950-08-16
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Marl Fen, NW1/4 Sec. 32, Silver Lake Twp.
IA00106609 R. F. Thorne, Conard & Bennett 13096 1953-07-25
USA, Iowa, Emmet Co., Fen along The Des Moines River (recently tiled), Sec. 21, Emmet Twp.
IA00107344 R. F. Thorne 13441 1953-08-17
USA, Iowa, Emmet Co., Marl Fen, Sec. 21, Emmet Twp, R34W, T100N, since drained.
IA00107345 R. F. Thorne 13571 1953-08-20
USA, Iowa, Palo Alto Co., Marl Fen on springy knoll in pasture south of overpass on Hwy. 18, 4 1/2 mi. eat of Ruthven, Sec. 24, Highland Twp.
ISC0228593 R. F. Thorne 13441 1953-08-17
USA, Iowa, Emmet Co., Marl Fen; Sec. 21, Emmet Twp, Sec. 100 & 34.
ISC0228597 R. F. Thorne 13434 1953-08-16
USA, Iowa, Dickinson Co., Silver Lake Fen, Sec. 32, Silver Lake Twp.