318215 Loy R. Phillippe 41610 2009-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry County: 42.91289 Latitude, 100.4495 Longitude. 2610 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Cornell Dam; T34N, R27W, NW part of SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 Sect. 13. Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, just east of Valentine, Nebraska along and south side of Nebraska Route 12. Collected on north side of Niobrara River on south-facing (180░) knob of limestone rock outcrop also mixed with sand.; Sandhills Mixed-grass Prairie. On limestone knob and growing with Pinus ponderosa, Amorpha canescens, Rhus aromatica, Parthenocissus vitacea, Artemisia campestris, A. frigida, A. ludoviciana, Bouteloua gracilis, Calamovilfa longifolia, Carex filifolia, C. heliophila, Comandra umbellata, Dalea candida, Echinacea angustifolia, Erysimum asperum, Koeleria macrantha, Lathyrus polymorphus, Linum rigidum, Lygodesmia juncea, Oxytropis lambertii, Physaria ludoviciana, Schizachyrium scoparium, Tragopogon dubius, Yucca glauca, etc. Perennial decumbent herb, petals white., 42.91289 -100.4495
183364 Raymond John Pool 4928 1911-06-26
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Harrison
208504 Conrad M. Brown 1253 1940-05-28
United States, Nebraska, Chase, Phlox; Township 5N Range 38W; Exact locality: Sandhills between Hiawatha & Imperial; Slope (Steepness and direction): C South: Soil (Series, type): Sand; (Degree of erosion): 2; Type (Woodland, timber, park, etc.) (Weed, browse, grass): Browse; (Density in tenths): .2-.3; (Principal associated plants in order of abudance): Afi, Clo, A ha, Rfl; Land Use: Pasture; Distribution: Sandy soils; Abundance: Local; Other data: As specimen.
295256 Donna J. Norton 215 1983-07-16
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, Morrill County, Nebraska T24N R50W S6. Steve Crouse Ranch Common to abundant in blowouts. Sandy soil. Flowers white
183381 John Mallory Bates S.N. 1898-08-23
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Phlox? Atkinson, Holt county, Nebraska
183374 John Mallory Bates S.N. 1914-05-20
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Phlox douglasii Hooker Rushville, Sheridan county, Nebraska
327450 Marvin A. Bichel s.n. 1970-06-06
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Merritt Dam, Cherry Co, Nebr. Dry grasslands., 42.633828 -100.871914
251376 Steven P. Churchill 859-A 1973-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Location Morrill County: 1/2 mile South of Angora on Hwy 385. Plant atop of railroad-cut in sandy white soil; with Allium textle, Viola Nuttallii, and Carex filifolia.
183370 John Mallory Bates S.N. 1914-05-20
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Phlox Douglasii Hooker. Location Valentine, Neb. Cherry County, 42.872783 -100.550967
251383 Steven P. Churchill 1031 1973-06-10
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, Location Box Butte County: 15 miles North of Hemiford on Hwy 2. Plant along road cut in sandy soil; with Carex and Hymenoxys.
298491 Jon Farrar 99 1989-05-02
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Toadstool Park area.
242291 Walter L. Kiener 27379 1951-07-28
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, Habitat: Rocky range land. Locality: Bushnell; SW of.
311848 Robert F. Steinauer 2685 2006-06-26
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, N42.54942 W100.68850 (WGS84). T30N R29W NW1/4 Sec.26. South side of Dewey Lake marsh. Sandhill prairie. Locally common on dune crest with Artemisia ludoviciana, Carex heliophila, Hesperostipa comata, Calamovilfa longifolia., 42.54942 -100.6885
310611 Susan J. Rolfsmeier 237 2003-04-21
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron, 8.5 mi S, 2 mi W. Pine Ridge Ranger District Nebraska National Forest: Pasture 24B. T32N R49W SEC35 SE 1.4. 42 42 07 N, 103 02 04 W NAD27 (det GPS). Elev. 4100-4120 ft. Upper end of ponderosa pine-wooded canyon in drainage of Deadhorse Creek. Growing under ponderosa pine, with Viola nuttallii on SE-facing upper slope on upland prairie interfluve with scattered pines. Soil sandy loam., 42.7019444 -103.0344444
295276 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 10729 1992-07-16
United States, Nebraska, Perkins, T9N R40W, W1/2 NW1/4 s35. Uncommon in loose sand along W fence, sandsage prairie dunes in S part of grazed range 4 mi. W, 8 1/2 mi. S, 2 mi. W of Grant.
311504 Robert F. Steinauer 2276 2005-05-16
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, T14N R59W NE1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 24 Gross Wilkinson Ranch Fairly common in flat, gravelly drainage bottom. Assoc. spp.: Hesperostipa comata, Vulpia octoflora, Artemisia ludoviciana, Carex eleocharis, Leucocrinum montanum, Thermopsis rhombifolia..
306690 Robert Bruce Kaul 6369 1989-05-21
United States, Nebraska, Keith, Sandy roadside on the north face of Kingsley Dam. Flowers white.
306626 Robert F. Steinauer 1664 2002-05-17
United States, Montana, Richland, T22N R55E Sec34: NW4 SW4 "Castle Rock" Approximately 2 miles west and 4 miles south of Lambert. Common on steep northfacing-slope of butte.
251374 Steven P. Churchill 850 1973-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Location Morrill County: North of Bonner on Hwy 385. Plant along road cut in sandy soil; with Lesquerella.
242970 Lowell E. Urbatsch s.n. 1971-05-20
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, "C" Hill, S of science bldg, CSC campus
257458 Doug Liesveld S.N. 1971-06-10
United States, Nebraska, Garden, Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge Upland Area Soil Sandy Garden County: Nebraska
269750 Linda S. Vescio 112 1977-07-14
United States, Nebraska, Arthur, Phlox andicola Nutt. Arapaho Prairie Arthur Co. T18N R39W Sect. 31,32 On recovering blowout, nearly flat terrace on hillside. White fls w/ sweet scent.
112607 Per Axel Rydberg 882 1892-06-14
United States, South Dakota, Fall River, Hot Springs. Alt. 3,500 feet
183373 Joseph Kramer 96 1927-05-29
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County,. Nebraska, alongside sandy road, not common. Elevation 4500-5000 feet. Blooms May to June
183383 Joseph Kramer 71 1927-05-29
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County,. Nebraska, alongside sandy road, not common. Elevation 4500-5000 feet. Blooms May to June
309308 Robert F. Steinauer 2076 2004-05-04
United States, Nebraska, Chase, N 40 25.806' W 101 34.624' (WGS84, det. GPS) Enders Reservoir Wildlife Management Area Sparsely vegetated, southwest facing calcareous, rocky slope., 40.4301 -101.5770667
242246 Walter L. Kiener 26951 1951-05-26
United States, Nebraska, Banner, Habitat: Range grassland. Locality: Harrisburg, 9 miles SE.
207840 Per Axel Rydberg 238 1891-07-24
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, Phlox Douglasii, Hook. var. Prairie and hills near, Scotts Bluff.
251375 Steven P. Churchill 902 1973-06-02
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Morrill County: 5.4 miles West of Lisco on Hwy 26. Plant on edge of sandy red soil out-crop; with Astragalus, Lupinus, Castilleia and Gaura.
242293 Walter L. Kiener 25622 1950-06-01
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, Habitat: Range grassland. Locality: Hemingford, N of.
242285 Betty Heiser 20235 1978-05-26
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, 7.7 miles S of Chadron on hwy 385, then west 1.1 miles up on top near picnic tables. Chadron State Park. Scattered in the open in ponderosa pine forest. Soil clay loam.
242287 Betty Heiser 20235 1978-05-26
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, 7.7 miles S of Chadron on hwy 385, then west 1.1 miles up on top near picnic tables. Chadron State Park. Scattered in the open in ponderosa pine forest. Soil clay loam.
298498 Betty Heiser 268 1978-05-26
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, 7.7 miles S of Chadron on hwy 385, then west 1.1 miles up on top near picnic tables. Chadron State Park. Scattered in the open in ponderosa pine forest. Soil clay loam.
208402 W. E. Hendershott 2 1938-06-00
United States, South Dakota, Shannon, Pine Ridge, S. D.
242247 Walter L. Kiener 29273 1953-06-02
United States, Nebraska, Chase, Habitat: Range grassland. Locality: Enders.
183365 John Mallory Bates S.N. 1889-05-05
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Phlox Hoodii? Valentine Nebr. Cherry County, 42.872783 -100.550967
183372 Joseph Kramer 90 1927-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County,. Nebraska, frequent in sandy prairies, late spring, June-July 1927. Elevation 4500-5000 feet. Near Harrison, Sioux county
183377 C. H. Churchill S.N. 1909-05-18
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, Phlox douglassii Hook. Berea, Box Butte county, Nebraska
183391 Joseph Kramer 90 1927-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County,. Nebraska, frequent in sandy prairies, late spring, June-July 1927. Elevation 4500-5000 feet. Near Harrison, Sioux county
183393 Joseph Kramer 90 1927-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County,. Nebraska, frequent in sandy prairies, late spring, June-July 1927. Elevation 4500-5000 feet. Near Harrison, Sioux county
183375 Joseph Kramer 90 1927-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Sioux County,. Nebraska, frequent in sandy prairies, late spring, June-July 1927. Elevation 4500-5000 feet. Near Harrison, Sioux county
242245 Walter L. Kiener 26900 1951-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Kimball, Habitat: Railroad right of way, Locality: Kimball; 8 miles W.
306692 Douglas S. Lynch S.N. 1994-06-00
United States, Nebraska, Keith, On sandy dunes in White Tail Creek valley.
183380 Mayme Dworak S.N. 1912-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Phlox douglasii andicola Britton Locality: - Snake Creek, Cherry Co, Nebr.
183386 John Mallory Bates S.N. 1889-05-03
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Phlox Douglasii andicola (Britton) Location Valentine, Neb. Cherry County, 42.872783 -100.550967
258243 Steven P. Churchill 5712 1975-06-12
United States, Wyoming, Crook, 12 miles southeast of Alzada (Montana) on Hwy 212. High Plains Artemisia-Agropyron range, plant scattered with Astragalus, Viola, Allium, Lomatium, Hymenoxys, etc.
269061 Craig C. Freeman 1197 1982-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry Co. Collected along Little Cedar Creek, ca 5.1 mi S of Sparks. Plants scattered to locally common in sandhills prairie in sandy, often disturbed areas. NE1/4 sec 4, T33N, R25W, 42.864 -100.2668
264846 Craig C. Freeman 1197 1982-05-25
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry Co. Collected along Little Cedar Creek, ca 5.1 mi S of Sparks. Plants scattered to locally common in sandhills prairie in sandy, often disturbed areas. NE1/4 sec 4, T33N, R25W, 42.864 -100.2668
183382 C. H. Churchill 2981 1908-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Box Butte, Phlox hoodii Richards Alliance, Box Butte county, Nebraska
321165 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 17791 2005-05-26
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Crawford, 10 mi N, 10 mi W. Oglala National Grasslands: Hudson-Meng Bison Bonebed and vicinity: Pasture 34, 0.25 mi SSE of bonebed. T33N R53W SEC20 NW╝ NW╝. 42 49'32"N, 103 35'57"W, NAD27 (det GPS). Elev. 4200-4220 ft. Poa pratensis - Hesperostipa comata grassland on lower, N-facing slope of Pine Butte, on N slope of Pine Ridge escarpment in drainage of Whitehead Creek (Hat Creek drainage). Nearly level. Full sun. Soil loamy very fine sand derived from Tertiary sandstones. Common. Corollas white., 42.8255556 -103.5991667
183392 H. O. Werner 72 1930-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Angora, Nebraska, Morrill County [Written under label: These specimens were found on dry gravel knoll 1 mi S.W. of Angora - Along old highway. Phlox - Greek - flame. B&B III p.59]
183384 William L. Tolstead s.n. 1940-06-18
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron State Park. Growing in pine woodland.
007841 Michael J. Warnock 2812 1983-06-11
United States, Wyoming, Albany, 12.8 mi NE Jct. RT. 34 and US 30 on 34 S facing slope