Frosty Levy, Elaine Walker 19353 2019-05-28
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Holston Army Ammunition Plant
ETSU026189 Frosty Levy, Elaine Walker 19353 2019-05-28
United States, Tennessee, Hawkins, Holston Army Ammunition Plant
ETSU021155 Frank H. Barclay s.n. 1952-10-19
United States, Tennessee, Johnson
ETSU021156 Phillip Klahs SCPP 1052 2014-07-21
United States, Tennessee, Sullivan
ETSU021157 G. Gonsoulin 3107 1972-05-19
United States, Tennessee, Sumner, Ca 2 mi. S of Gallatin on Lock-four Rd.
ETSU021158 Charlotte Lyle s.n. 1951-06-23
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi
ETSU021159 Laticia Humphrey 225 2004-05-27
United States, Tennessee, Unicoi
ETSU021160 Dwight Lyons s.n. 1951-06-25
United States, Tennessee, Washington
ETSU021161 Jack Bearma s.n. 1955-07-24
United States, Tennessee
ETSU021162 Layla Miller Campbell s.n. 1928-06-26
United States, Tennessee
ETSU021163 Richard Davis s.n. 1978-07-09
United States, Virginia, Scott
ETSU021164 Richard Davis s.n. 1978-05-08
United States, Virginia, Scott
ETSU021165 Beth Boyd s.n. 1970-06-20
United States, West Virginia, Monongalia
Gordon C. Tucker 13012 2002-08-06
USA, West Virginia, Kanawha, Nitro: Ridenour Park: west end of lake, SW of dam. Elevation about 650 feet., 38.420833 -81.841111, 198m
EIU013595 Ebinger, John E. 17287 1978-06-25
USA, Indiana, Putnam, just S of Lieber State Park., 39.473912 -86.870187
K.L. Chambers & Harlan Lewis s.n. 1962-07-10
USA, Oregon, Linn, Hwy 20, 8 miles east of Sweet Home, along the South Santiam River.
EIU013623 Edgin, Bob 739 1997-08-01
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Red Hills State Park, just E of Sumner.
Chase, Virginius Herber 17895 1965-06-17
USA, Illinois, Peoria, NW of Pottstown
EIU013638 Ladd, Douglas 837 1975-07-26
USA, Illinois, Edwards, Growing in low muddy area along road at Browns.
W. McClain 1570 1974-08-17
USA, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Near Mississippi River, Alma.
Gordon C. Tucker 14866 2006-07-27
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: CIPS Management Area (NE side of Newton Lake). Elevation 160 m., 160m
EIU013642 Phillippe, Loy R. 1432 1972-06-10
USA, Illinois, Crawford, Hillside marsh. Plant prostrate, yellow flowered. Legal: NE1/4, SW1/4, Sec. 17, R11W, T8N
EIU013621 Ebinger, John E. 28476 2000-05-26
USA, Illinois, Clinton, Eversgerd Post Oak Flatwoods, 5 miles S of Germantown, Il. Legal: NW1/4, Sec. 28, T1N, R4W
W. Pichon 644 I-38 1973-08-11
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, 2 mi. N of Fairbanks. Legal: R10W, T9N
EIU013627 Dennis, Larry 1362 1972-06-26
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Collected in 5 yr. old field. Edge of Embarras River. Legal: SE1/4, SE1/4, Sec. 20, R9E, T14N. Douglas Co, Illinois.
EIU013639 Ebinger, John E. 10723 1971-08-16
USA, Illinois, Lawrence, Edge of take pit of interstate, NE edge of Lawrenceville, IL. Legal: SE1/4, Sec. 31, R11W, T4N
EIU013622 Ebinger, John E. 28597 2000-06-06
USA, Illinois, Wabash, Beall Woods Nature Preserve, 2 miles E of Keensburg Legal: Sec. 11, T2S, R13W
EIU013641 Phillippe, P. 226 1971-06-13
USA, Illinois, Clark, In moist ditch 4 miles east of West Union, IL. Legal: Sec. 24, T9N, R11W
EIU013643 Ebinger, John E. 11533 1972-06-15
USA, Illinois, Cumberland, 2 miles W of Toledo, Ill. Legal: Sec. 26, T10N, R7E
EIU013628 Dennis, Larry 1504 1973-06-09
USA, Illinois, Moultrie, golf course 2 miles south of Sullivan & 2 miles west of rt. 32. Legal: Sec. 29, R4E, T12N, NW1/4, 39.546481 -88.676294
EIU013626 Ebinger, John E. 11376 1972-06-10
USA, Illinois, Shelby, Edge of woods. Near Richland Creek, Shelby Co. State Forest. Legal: Sect. 5, T10N, R5E.
EIU013620 Edgin, Bob 3440 2000-06-07
USA, Illinois, Richland, Big Creek Woods Mem. Nature Preserve [2 miles S of Olney]. Elevation 450 feet. Legal: SW/4, SE/4, Sec. 15, T3N, R10E, 3PM
EIU013634 Phillippe, Loy R. 1466 1972-06-17
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Yellow flowered, prostrate, and growing in very moist soil near pond. Kickapoo State Park. Vermilion Co, Illinois. Legal: T19N, R12W
EIU013592 Ebinger, John E. 9658 1970-07-03
USA, Connecticut, New Haven, Connecticut. Edge of Ledge Hill Road, North Guilford, Conn.
EIU013593 Pichon, W. 644 1973-11-09
USA, Indiana, Sullivan, Roadside. R 10 W, T 9 N, Sullivan Co, Indiana
EIU013594 McClain 1570 1974-09-17
USA, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Lowland Forest near Miss. River, Alma, Buffalo County Wis.
EIU013596 McClain 1064 1973-11-01
USA, Indiana, Spencer, Terrace forest. NE1/4, NW1/4, SW1/4, Sec. 31, R 5W, T 6S, Spencer Co, IN
EIU013597 Chambers, K. L. 1922 1962-07-10
USA, Oregon, Linn, LINN COUNTY: Hwy 20, 8 mi. east of Sweet Home, along the South Santiam River. In wet seepage area on top of rock cliff just above the river
EIU013617 Marcum, Paul B. 5182 2008-06-17
USA, Illinois, Woodford, Quadrangle: El Paso. Mackinaw River Watershed. ParkLands Foundation's Chinquapin Bluffs Preserve, located approximately 5 miles north of Carlock, Illinois., 40.66208 -89.10853, 197m
EIU013618 Ebinger, John E. 32075 2005-08-26
USA, Illinois, Mason, Seep along creek at the White Oak Creek Natural Area 5 miles S of Havanna, Illinois. SW1/4 NW1/4 S23 T21N R9W
EIU013619 Edgin, Bob 3952 2001-04-27
USA, Illinois, Effingham, Floodplain forest. Wildcat Hollow State Forest, Effingham County, IL. 2 miles north of Mason south half, Sect 2, T6N, R5E, 3 PM
EIU013624 Phillippe, L. 2198 1972-10-14
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Embarrass River bottom. Creeping plant. Douglas County Conservation Area. Section 36, R10E, T15N. Douglas County, Illinois, 39.7014 -88.0327, 200 - 200m
EIU013625 Chase, Virginius Herber 17895 1964-06-17
USA, Illinois, Peoria, Moist bank of ditch. N/W of Pottstown. Peoria County.
EIU013629 Ebinger, John E. 16346 1977-06-02
USA, Illinois, Vermilion, Hillside seep, 2 miles NE of Collison. NE1/4, Sec. 35 T21N, R13W.
EIU013630 Ebinger, John E. 16074 1976-08-09
USA, Illinois, Lake, Woods on Hackberry Island at Chain of Lakes State Park. Lake Co, Illinois. Sec. 22 T46N R9E, 42.45197 -88.188888
EIU013631 Nyboer, R. W. 155 1974-07-02
USA, Illinois, Clark, Terrace forest 5 miles ESE of Westfield, Ill. Clark Co, Illinois. SW1/4, Sect. 7, R13W, T11N.
EIU013632 Ebinger, John E. 14717 1974-05-27
USA, Illinois, Saline, Open, sandy area 1 mile north of Harrisburg, Illinois. Saline Co, Illinois. T95 R6E
EIU013633 Ebinger, John E. 4384 1964-05-28
USA, Illinois, Coles, Yellow flowered herb growing in woods at edge of Lake Charleston. Coles Co, Illinois. Sec. 30 T12N R10E
EIU078284 Gordon C. Tucker 14866 2006-06-27
USA, Illinois, Jasper, Jasper County: Prairie Ridge State Natural Area: CIPS Management Area (NE side of Newton Lake) Elevation 160 m. 38.9467°, -88.2523°, 38.9467 -88.2523, 160m
EIU013635 Ebinger, John E. 8544 1969-07-09
USA, Illinois, Douglas, Lowland field 2 miles south of Camargo, Ill. NE1/4, Sect. 10, R9E, T15N. Douglas Co, Illinois.
EIU013636 Ebinger, John E. 8941 1969-08-29
USA, Illinois, Clark, Edge of road 1/2 mile south of Martinsville, Ill. Clark Co, Illinois Sec 17 T10N R13W
EIU013637 Ebinger, John E. 8965 1969-09-03
USA, Illinois, Clark, Edge of West Fork of Big Creek ins shade. Rocky Branch Nature Preserve. Clark County, Illinois. Section 29 and 30. T12N, R12W.
EIU013640 Ebinger, John E. 5558 1965-06-03
USA, Illinois, Jackson, Wet area. Giant City State Park. Jackson Co, Illinois. T10S R1W
31234100594678 Kent Brown 8 1996-05-03
United States, Kentucky, Jefferson, Tom Wallace Park- the Trail around the lake wet trampled horse trail.
31234100594751 Timothy J. Weckman 9340 2005-05-19
United States, Kentucky, Lewis, Along Quick's Run at Hwy. 8; 4.7 mi. E of Concord.
31234100594330 George P. Johnson 291 1978-06-03
United States, Kentucky, Barren, Gorin Park- Hwy 90- Gasgow.
31234100594322 Elizabeth M. Browne 10179 1965-05-23
United States, Kentucky, Carter, Rosedale- just N of jct KY 7 & Ky 986 at bridge over Little Sandy River.
31234100594348 Elizabeth M. Browne 10692 1965-07-02
United States, Kentucky, Carter, KY 1- 2.2 mi S of Carter Greenup Co line.
31234100594355 Elizabeth M. Browne 10824 1965-07-29
United States, Kentucky, Carter, KY 174- 2.3 mi W of jct this Rt & Ky 955.
31234100594363 Bruce Hoagland 115 1988-05-30
United States, Kentucky, Casey, Adjacent to the intersection of US 127 & 1640.
31234100594371 Ronald L. Jones 4655 1986-05-29
United States, Kentucky, Casey, Along Hwy 1640- near Riffe Rd.
31234100594389 Richard H. Hannan 3953 1980-06-05
United States, Kentucky, Christian, W of 189 bridge- 0.75 air km W of Strt Rt 189 & Pond River.
31234100594405 Timothy J. Weckman 6132 2000-09-01
United States, Kentucky, Clark, Hwy 418 under & around Hwy 627 bridge over Ky River- just N of Boonesborough- KY.
Elizabeth M. Browne 5197 1962-05-12
United States, Kentucky, Clay, US 421- 7 mi S of Clay-Johnson Co line.
31234100594421 Mark A. Gorton 99-393 1999-07-06
United States, Kentucky, Clinton, 5.0 km N of KY 1590 on KY 1281 along Big Willis Cr.- down from road.
31234100594447 Richard G. Guetig 143 1987-06-02
United States, Kentucky, Estill, KY 89- 0.6 mi S of Jct KY 52.
31234100594462 Raymond Athey 4653 1982-07-07
United States, Kentucky, Floyd, Prestonsburg. Jenny Wiley SRP.
31234100594470 Steven Rice FR-547 1981-07-24
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Near Marstone Woods along Long Branch.
31234100594488 Steven Rice FR-785 1985-08-28
United States, Kentucky, Franklin, Bud Quarles Swamp Forest.
31234100594504 Edward T. Browne Jr. 7000 1963-05-11
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, KY Point. Mr. A. Stepp's place- W side of KY Point near Mississippi River.
31234100594512 Ray Cranfill 172 1977-05-29
United States, Kentucky, Hardin, Along Prewitt's Lake- just W of West Point.
31234100594538 R. A. 5092 1985-05-21
United States, Kentucky, Fulton, Hickman.
31234100594546 Ray Cranfill 911 1978-06-06
United States, Kentucky, Hardin, ca 1.0 mi S of West Point.
31234100594553 Joe Abner 261 1986-06-07
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Owsley Fork Reservoir- in the mud near a stand of willows at the back of the lake.
31234100594561 Michael Hill 3 1990-07-29
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Hwy 21 E off US 421- Owlsey Fork River.
31234100594579 Darren A. Miller 55 1990-07-23
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Hwy 21 E from Hwy 421. E end of the Owsley Reservoir.
31234100594587 C. Siegel 48 1990-07-12
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Owsley Fork Reservoir E end of lake.
31234100594595 Joe Abner 886 1987-07-01
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Station Swamp Creek.
31234100594603 Ralph L. Thompson 88-2619 1988-09-30
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Owsley Fork Reservoir- 2.0 mi E of Bighill off kY 21 on Owsley Fork Rd.
31234100594611 Ronald L. Jones 4297 1984-06-04
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Owsley Fork Reservoir.
31234100594629 Donna A. Godbey 9 1984-07-20
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Oswley Reservoir- 2.3 mi N of Ky 21.
31234100594645 Timothy J. Weckman 1675 1995-07-04
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Owsley Fork Rd- ca 3.5 mi from hct with Hwy 421- SE of Berea- KY.
31234100594652 David D. Taylor 1727 1982-07-01
United States, Kentucky, Jackson, Berea College Forest Watershed- 1.5 mi E of Bighill on KY 21.
31234100594686 Richard G. Guetig 19 1988-06-25
United States, Kentucky, Jefferson, 4.2 mi N on River Rdfrom State Hwy 42.
31234100594694 Ruth B. (Alford) MacFarlane 4285 1979-06-10
United States, Kentucky, Jefferson, Middletown- 129 N Evergreen.
31234100594702 Johnnie B. Varner 1978-10-07
United States, Kentucky, Jessamine, Handy bend on KY River- 12 km S of Wilmore- KY.
31234100594710 Romie Hughart 2006-05-27
United States, Kentucky, Lawrence, Creek drainage area on Little Blaine- 0.25 mi from Rt 32- Yatesville WMA.
31234100594728 Timothy J. Weckman 216 1993-05-28
United States, Kentucky, Lee, Along KY Hwy 52 ca 14 mi E of Irvine.
31234100594736 D. Bauer 61 1992-07-05
United States, Kentucky, Lee, On 52 East of Irvine.
31234100594744 Richard H. Hannan 6788 1981-06-04
United States, Kentucky, Lewis, Area SE of jct 902 with 344. Just W of Fleming-Lewis CO line.
31234100594769 Timothy J. Weckman 6764 2001-09-10
United States, Kentucky, Lincoln, Along Rankin Rd at Hwy 27 jct.
31234100594785 J. Stuart Lassetter 3235 1978-09-08
United States, Kentucky, Madison, KY River bluffs on Bull's Hell Farm- just W of I-75 off old road to Clays Ferry Bridge.
31234100594793 Mary E. Wharton 10139 1956-06-29
United States, Kentucky, Madison, Bank of Calloway Creek.
31234100594801 J. Stuart Lassetter 1964A 1973-06-15
United States, Kentucky, Madison, About 1 mi SE of Richmond.
31234100594819 J. Stuart Lassetter 2938 1978-06-20
United States, Kentucky, Madison, From I-75 overpass- at first fence crossing creek- Ky 169 going N form Richmond.
31234100594827 Elizabeth M. Browne 6195 1962-08-15
United States, Kentucky, Madison
31234100594835 Timothy J. Weckman 4448 1998-10-12
United States, Kentucky, Marion, Rolling Fork River at Hwy 49 overpass- ca 0.5 mi W of Bradfordsville- KY.
31234100594843 Landon E. McKinney 4661 1991-05-21
United States, Kentucky, McLean, Along Hwy 256 & W from Calhoun ca 2 mi.
31234100594850 Julian Campbell 448 1984-06-27
United States, Kentucky, Montgomery, Site 6. S bank of Slate Creek- S of Old Salem Church.
31234100594868 Ross C. Clark 23348 1996-06-05
United States, Kentucky, Ohio, Low hwy r-o-w along US hwy 231 at Muddy Creek crossing- ca 1.5 mi S of Center of Hartford.