Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Salix candida (Salix candida var. denudata, Salix candida var. tomentosa, Salix candidula, Salix candida f. denudata), Salix candida var. candida
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 3175

Canadian Museum of Nature

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123963   
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10186871Baldwin, William K.W. ; Breitung, August J.   31391952-07-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Matheson, Cochrane District: 5 miles south at Pike L., 48.5894 -79.8037

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10124084   
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123973Schofield, Wilfred B. ; Crum, Howard A.   65621956-07-11
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Vicinity of Churchill; Churchill, 58.77 -94.17

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10124112   
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140357Baldwin, William K.W.   74501958-06-26
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora District; Winisk, Hudson Bay Lowlands, 55.27 -85.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140326Oldham, Michael J. ; Young, M.A. ; Abraham, Dr. Ken   413752013-07-28
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora District; Burntpoint Creek Camp area, south end of beach ridge on which camp is situated, Polar Bear Provincial Park, ca. 77 km NE of Peawanuck, 55.2384 -84.3148

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123971Brown, D.K.   1731950-07-09
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill; against water main opposite Navy Building, 58.7477 -94.1197

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140305Abraham, Dr. Ken   BP002c2012-06-19
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora District: Polar Bear PP, Burnt Point MNR camp, ca. 60 km ENE of Peawanuck., 55.2448 -84.3203

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123897   
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10128870Irvin, Timothy ; Meadows, Gordon   TRI-2014-001022014-06-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora, EcoDistrict 1E-2 Dickey River, Plot ID 1060286B, 55.6263 -88.842

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140328McMurtry, M.J.   MJM2013-1022013-06-24
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora District; Wishak Creek ANSI, 52.3636 -88.1231

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10124113   
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140301Brinker, Samuel R.   26202012-07-11
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Cochrane County; Nomansland Point, 45 km southeast of Fort Albany airport, SW James Bay, 51.9694 -80.9463

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123896   
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10124009   
Canada, Saskatchewan (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123904Argus, Dr. George W.   477-581958-08-12
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill and vicinity; about 7 mi E of Churchill, 58.77 -94.17

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123941Scoggan, Homer J.   52471949-06-30
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Oxford Lake, Hayes River system, 130 mi. northeast of Lake Winnipeg: near Hudson\'s Bay post, Oxford House, 54.9559 -95.2766

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123969Dugal, Albert W.   3061976-06-21
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Sewell Lake; C.F.B. Shilo, North Cypress Rural Municipality, ca. 16.5 miles E of Brandon, 49.83 -99.58

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123974Macoun, James M.   791441910-08-06
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, Hudson Bay, 58.7446 -94.1159

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 48592Allen, J. A.   242981882-07-31
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador (Prov.), Cartwright-L\'Anse Au Clair Distr.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140360Page, Stewart   2013-06-13
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), County: Kenora; NFI Plot ID 1170396B, ca. 75 km WNW of Lansdowne House, Station 201, Ecodistrict 2W-3 Wunnummin Lake, 52.5849 -89.6766

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140354Lumsden, Harry G.   1971-06-23
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Winisk, 55.25 -85.2

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123927Scoggan, Homer J.   60011949-07-22
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), York Factory: above Hudson\'s Bay post, 57.0443 -92.3071

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123986Argus, Dr. George W.   25S1958-06-12
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill and vicinty; Churchill River 3 miles SE of Churchill. Locality E., 58.77 -94.17

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10128709Goertz, Derek ; Lewis, Chris   DEG-2014-001002014-07-04
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora, EcoDistrict 0E-1 Wood Creek, Plot ID 1025876, 56.5678 -88.593

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10128752Brinker, Samuel R.   37022014-06-25
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), Kenora, 94 km south of Fort Severn, 38.5 km east of Severn River, 2 km east of Usiske River., 55.1514 -87.8307

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140294Sims, Richard A.   4611977-08-01
Canada, Ontario (Prov.), 2 km N of Wavy Creek, an estuarine tributary of the Moose R, and 3 km from JB coast, 51.3792 -80.4667

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10124121   
Canada, Alberta (Prov.)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123906   
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.)

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10140289Blondeau, Marcel   03MIS-0182003-07-14
Canada, Quebec (Prov.), Nord-du-Quebec. Jamesie. Baie James, ile Tchapahipane., 51.1216 -73.3675, 381m

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123949   
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123956Beckett, Eva   61957-00-00
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill, 58.7667 -94.1667

Salix candida Flugge ex Willd.
CAN 10123952Argus, Dr. George W.   92S1958-07-01
Canada, Manitoba (Prov.), Churchill and vicinity; Churchill River 3 miles SE of Churchill. Locality E, 58.77 -94.17

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Herbarium

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM032527Bright, J.   
United States, Pennsylvania, Erie, detailed locality information protected

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM135242Lund, M.   61211944-06-12
United States, Michigan, Chippewa, Sugar Island, Sault Ste. Marie, St. Mary's River, 46.434246 -84.2167

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM201855Marshall, M.P.   4521975-06-09
United States, Vermont, Bennington, Pownal, beside Barber Pond

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM242815Kunsman, J.R.   
United States, Pennsylvania, Monroe, detailed locality information protected

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM252204Boufford, D.E.   148831974-07-08
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe-Est, 0.5 mi W of St. Yvon on Rt. 6, 49.161966 -64.802631

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM252215Boufford, D.E.   149001974-07-08
Canada, Quebec, Gaspe-Est, 1 mi W of Cap-des-Rosiers on Rt. 6, (site of shipwreck and burial ground of 87 Irish immigrants), 48.866665 -64.221999

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM278270Cayouette, R.   75-951975-07-17
Canada, Quebec, Roberval, St-Francois-de-Sales, Canton Dablon, Petit lac Dablon, 48.315053 -72.161165

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM298001Weber, W.A.   163431982-08-02
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Laramie River Valley, first willow bog N of Chambers Lake, 1.5 mi S of confluence of Two & One Half Creek on E side of road, 2750m

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM304762Hellquist, C.B.   152221983-06-15
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Pittsfield, outlet of Mud Pond on S side of Tamarack Road, N of Mud Pond, S of airport

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM357994Breitung, A.J.   3811938-06-01
Canada, Saskatchewan, McKague, 52.616667 -103.916667

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM358017Dutilly, A.   101731942-07-13
Canada, Nunavut, Cape Hope Isl[and], James Bay, 52.449811 -78.702373

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM362629Dutilly, A.   169411946-08-00
Canada, Ontario, Sutton R[iver] (Trout R[iver]), Hudson B[ay], 55.19556 -83.740886

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428785Gillett, J.M.   16961948-06-17
Canada, Manitoba, Churchill, near Churchill R[iver]

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428786Jennings, O.E.   145701917-07-29
Canada, Ontario, Jellicoe, 49.683333 -87.516667

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428787Jennings, O.E.   142261917-07-10
Canada, Ontario, back of Revillon Post at Longuelac, 49.781976 -86.539474

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428788Jennings, O.E.   62621914-07-06
Canada, Ontario, along CNR at Orient Bay, 49.371529 -88.135757

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428789Jennings, O.E.   69991914-08-16
Canada, Ontario, Ombabika Bay, 50.286915 -88.35437

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428790Doutt, M.T.   21481935-07-07
Canada, Ontario, James Bay Region, W shore of Moose River, opposite Ships Sand Island, 51.337691 -80.48867

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428791Carriker, M.A., Jr.   s.n.1908-06-14
Canada, Ontario, Missanabie River, Swampy Ground Portage, 48.693433 -83.367445

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428792Jennings, O.E.   1941912-06-20
Canada, Ontario, front of Ft. William, 48.397948 -89.216854

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428793Jennings, O.E.   7861912-07-06
Canada, Ontario, 5 mi N of Nipigon, delta at mouth of Nipigon River, on Lake Helen, 49.066667 -88.283333

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428794Jennings, O.E.   3141912-06-23
Canada, Ontario, just W of Silver Islet, 48.341873 -88.82113

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428795Jennings, O.E.   50641913-08-31
Canada, Ontario, above Stanley, 48.368832 -89.593045

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428796Morton, J.A.   s.n.1892-05-14
Canada, Ontario, Wingham, 43.883333 -81.3

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428797Jennings, O.E.   s.n.1912-08-31
Canada, Ontario, below Nipigon, 49.020438 -88.254377

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428798Buker, W.E.   s.n.1956-07-12
Canada, Ontario, Dorcas Bay, NW Bruce Peninsula, 45.18682 -81.578342

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428799Attkinson, D.A.   s.n.1901-06-00
Canada, Quebec, Magdalen Islands, near Grand Entry, 47.556013 -61.537843

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428800Macoun, J.   702831906-07-31
Canada, Saskatchewan, Bare Hills, W of Saskatoon, along line of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428801Breitung, A.J.   15611942-05-31
Canada, Saskatchewan, McKague, 52.616667 -103.916667

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428802Deam, C.   442931927-05-26
United States, Indiana, Steuben, Pokogon State Park

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428803Allabach, L.F.   s.n.1919-07-23
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Les Cheneaux Islands, NW corner of Lake Huron, Boat Is[land], 45.959488 -84.273612

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428804Bright, H.   s.n.1920-06-22
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Les Cheneaux Islands, Marquette Island, 45.960294 -84.393644

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428805Bright, H.   s.n.1920-06-22
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, Les Cheneaux Islands, Marquette Island, 45.960294 -84.393644

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428806Moyle, J.B.   4131931-06-26
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Itasca Park, F.B. Bay

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428807Seal, T.   
United States, New Jersey, Morris, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428808Thomas, C.C.   2124& 21251914-00-00
United States, New York, Tompkins, Ithaca, valley of Cayuga Inlet, Fleming meadow, 42.424457 -76.525439

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428809Henry, L.K.   s.n.1957-05-25
United States, New York, Genesee, 3 mi N of Bergen, Bergen Swamp, 43.128797 -77.942234

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428810Henry, L.K.   
United States, Ohio, Columbiana, detailed locality information protected

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428811Webb, R.J.   
United States, Ohio, Portage, detailed locality information protected

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428812Pringle, C.G.   s.n.1876-06-11
United States, Vermont, Addison, Bristol, 44.133391 -73.079008

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428813Dutton, D.L.   s.n.1924-06-22
United States, Vermont, Addison, Bristol, 44.133391 -73.079008, 162m

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428814Eggleston, W.W.   26791902-00-00
United States, Vermont, Rutland, Pittsford, 43.706733 -73.028165

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428815Iltis, H.H.   227111964-07-05
United States, Wisconsin, Oconto, ca 2 mi E of Kelly Lake, on N side of Co. trunk G, 45.021615 -88.185815

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428816Nelson, A.   86841902-07-27
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Centennial, 41.298306 -106.141677

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM428817None   s.n.1892-06-22
North America, White [???]

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520042Dutilly, A.   168731946-09-00
Canada, Ontario, Weenusk, Hudson B[ay], 55.25 -85.25

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520043Dutilly, A.   305751952-08-22
Canada, Ontario, Triangular Lake, Albany River, western James Bay watershed, 51.47524 -87.927435

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520044Dutilly, A.   167531946-09-11
Canada, Ontario, Lake River (Nakitawisagi), James Bay, 54.378266 -82.518899

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520045Dutilly, A.   115781943-08-00
Canada, Quebec, Lac Mistassini et îles du centre, 50.924181 -73.619016

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520046Dutilly, A.   973001939-09-00
Canada, Quebec, Bay of Fort George, 53.829281 -79.034082

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520047Dutilly, A.   970481939-09-17
Canada, Nunavut, Cape Jones Island, 54.605817 -79.773319

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM520048Dutilly, A.   970471939-09-17
Canada, Nunavut, Cape Jones Island, 54.605817 -79.773319

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM524202Isaac, B.L.   212392011-07-28
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Labrador, Crow Head, ca 1.7 km SE of English Point along Rt. 510, 51.4777777777778 -56.9091666666667, 91m

Salix candida Flüggé ex Willd.
CM524528Isaac, B.L.   211972011-07-28
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Newfoundland, St. Barbe ferry dock area, 51.2038888888889 -56.7741666666667, 1m

Central Michigan University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011732P.L. Martin   s.n.1990-07-15
United States, Michigan, Mackinac, East shore Lone Lake, Mackinac Island township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011733C.E. Whately   42000-07-16
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Hog Island, Beaver Island, St James township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011734C.E. Whately   s.n.2000-05-08
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Hog Island, Beaver Island, St James township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011735Tom Marsico   s.n.1970-07-01
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Barney's Bog, Beaver Island, Peaine township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011736Kuhn   s.n.1970-07-01
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Barney's Lake bog, Beaver Island, Peaine township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011737K. Peschel   s.n.1972-07-07
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Beaver Island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011738S.C. Swan   s.n.1964-07-29
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Southeast shore of Barney's Lake, Peaine township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011739Daniel E. Wujek   121964-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Twin Lakes.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida [?]
CMC00011871[unspecified]   s.n.1971-07-00
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Beaver Island.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salix candida Flügge
CMC00011896S.C. Swan   s.n.1964-07-29
United States, Michigan, Charlevoix, Southeast shore of Barney's Lake, Peaine township.

Image Associated With the Occurence
CMC00018604Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski   RHHK1662012-05-31
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Fay Lake Fen, 42.1235 -84.175, 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
CMC00018978Rachel Hackett & Hillary Karbowski   RHHK6672012-08-14
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Mt Hope Road Fen, 42.3082 -84.20504, 261m

Page 8, records 701-800 of 3175


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