Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Triteleia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 4, records 301-400 of 5615

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383084Philip A. Munz   64471922-08-05
United States, California, Marin, Mt. Tamalpais, 335m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383859Scott D. White   92-261992-03-15
United States, California, Stanislaus, Vista Point off I-5, W of the city of Newman (Newman 7.5' Q)., 37.300556 -121.104167, 104 - 110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383049E. K. Balls   159351950-04-25
United States, California, Kern, 13.6 miles from Tehachapi on Hwy 466 to Bakersfield., 35.2544747 -118.6065997, 915m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383872Carl B. Wolf   46821933-05-14
United States, California, Tulare, North Fork of Tule River, 1.2 miles above Milo., 36.234198 -118.803831, 762m

S. S. Tillett   5661956-06-30
United States, California, Marin, On hillside overlooking Drake Memorial, Drake’s Bay, Point Reyes Peninsula.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383031John Thomas Howell   64681931-05-12
United States, California, Contra Costa, Oakland Hills.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383843Lyman Benson   851928-04-12
United States, California, Santa Clara, Stanford University, Santa Cruz mountains, San Francisquito creek watershed., 37.425 -122.1736, 122m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383805Robert F. Thorne   351191965-08-04
United States, California, Mendocino, 1 mile south of Usal., 274m

Elizabeth A. White   s.n.1928-05-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, Redlands., 34.055568 -117.181504

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383839Philip A. Munz   102561926-04-10
United States, California, Santa Barbara, 3 miles SW of Lompoc, San Miguelito Canyon., 34.5858 -120.4942

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383864Philip A. Munz   131941949-05-14
United States, California, Tehama, 5 miles N of Red Bluff.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383800Christopher Davidson   59161977-06-18
United States, California, Mendocino, Signal Ridge Rd, 1.8 mi. W of Hwy 128., 335m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383025Lyman Benson   63621935-03-27
United States, California, Butte, 5 miles NW of Oroville, Sierra Nevada Mt Range, Sacramento river watershed., 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383052M. Zigmond   634
United States, California, Kern, Caliente Canyon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383047R. M. Perkins   s.n.1937-04-23
United States, California, Kern, Kern River Canyon.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383807F. W. Peirson   36791923-07-07
United States, California, Mendocino, 5 miles NW of Boonville.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383072J. W. Blankinship   s.n.1923-04-23
United States, California, Lake, Lower Lake.

Glenn A. Gorelick   s.n.1966-03-26
United States, California, Solano, 4 miles south of Highway 128, along Pleasant Valley Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383034Robert F. Thorne   347891965-06-04
United States, California, Fresno, Sequoia National Forest. Above King’s River along Hwy. 180., 1494m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383869Geo L. Moxley   5601917-06-19
United States, California, Tulare, Pine Flats.

Henry J. Ramsey   27031938-04-15
United States, California, Tulare, Orange Cove

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383842A. D. E. Elmer   50441903-05-00
United States, California, Santa Clara, Stanford University., 37.425 -122.1736

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383088Patricia Wilder   35251965-06-07
United States, California, Marin, San Geronimo Ridge. North Coast mountain range. Pacific drainage area., 381m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383022A. A. Heller   55051902-05-08
United States, California, Butte, Berry Canyon (near Clear Creek)., 39.697456 -121.64513

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383809D. A. Young   P3611969-05-03
United States, California, Merced, 2 mi. SE of Tuttle, California along Hiway 49. Roadside., 244m

Anstruther Davidson   17501907-06-12
United States, California, Kern, Tehachapi Mts.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383027James R. Shevock   9371971-04-08
United States, California, Colusa, Bear Valley Road., 610m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383060F. W. Peirson   88751930-05-15
United States, California, Kern, Greenhorn Range, hills southeast of [Glenville]., 35.6940229 -118.6692805, 1067m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0039117Ed Kentner   2232013-04-28
United States, California, Kern, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Tehachapi area, along Caliente Bodfish Road, about 5.4 miles north of Hwy 58, 35.31109 -118.5876, 519m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0021580M. Bourell   58091997-03-29
United States, California, Colusa, Mendocino National Forest along Road near Brittan Ranch, 0.1 mi. N of North Fork Campground.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383065Ira L. Wiggins   122971950-04-08
United States, California, Kern, Walker Pass Road, 16.8 miles e. of Bakersfield., 35.4674971 -118.7537756

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383880Orval James   s.n.1932-04-00
United States, California, Tulare, Three Rivers, Sierra Nevada mountain range, Kaweah River watershed., 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0087985Nick Jensen   34662015-04-16
United States, California, Kern, Bear Mountain area about 2.2 air km east of Bakersfield National Cemetery and 1.4 air km south of highway 58. SE of the junction of highways 223 and 58., 35.250678 -118.646129, 820m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383846W. R. Dudley   s.n.1902-04-28
United States, California, Santa Clara, Stanford University., 37.425 -122.1736

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0011046Joan Stewart   4751996-05-24
United States, California, Tulare, Staphylea Road

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383028Lyman Benson   10441929-03-26
United States, California, Colusa, Williams.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383044Lee W. Lenz   246571966-05-24
United States, California, Humboldt, W of Berry Summit, US 299.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383085W. R. Dudley   4130-a1895-05-31
United States, California, Santa Clara, 1 mile above Hot Springs, Coyote Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383092Jane Shank   s.n.1933-04-00
United States, California, Mariposa, Awahnee.

Lyman Benson   36911932-06-15
United States, California, Lake, Cobb Valley; Middle N Coast Range, Kelsey Creek Watershed., 701m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383873Mrs. Mary Hood   s.n.1940-05-04
United States, California, Tulare, Below Pine Flats., 1128m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383016C. Quick   s.n.
United States, California, Unknown, [No location data on label]

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383077Lyman Benson   66161935-05-18
United States, California, Lake, Kelseyville, Middle North Coast Mt. Range, Clear Lake Watershed., 427m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0009492Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1934-04-10
United States, California, Alameda, Niles Canyon, 37.5906 -121.9335

Daniel Cleveland   s.n.1882-06-22
United States, California, Lake, Near Allen Springs .

E. E. Stanford   s.n.1930-04-18
United States, California, San Joaquin, Northeastern portion of the county.

C. L. Hitchcock   64521940-05-17
United States, California, Shasta, Redding, 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383878Henry J. Ramsey   15691938-04-02
United States, California, Tulare, Yettem.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383074Carl B. Wolf   19011928-05-04
United States, California, Lake, 2 mi. north of Middletown.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383856R. Randell   31996-04-30
United States, California, Solano, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Tyler Road, 550 feet north of Pier 34, 225 feet southwest of road., 38.066667 -112.25, 35m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383832Robert A. Norris   23691975-05-21
United States, California, San Francisco, Above Bakers Beach, San Francisco., 37.79286 -122.48078

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383081J. Aug. Kusche   20801922-05-00
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mohave Desert.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383837Carl B. Wolf   5491927-06-29
United States, California, San Mateo, Along coast south of Pebble Beach near Pescadero.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383804Ira L. Wiggins   121591949-05-29
United States, California, Mendocino, Junction of Black Butte River and Middle Fork of Eel River., 34.53007 -119.80533

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383816R. S. Woglum   10061935-05-25
United States, California, Monterey, South Coast Ranges: King City to Coalinga.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383057Lee W. Lenz   24644
United States, California, Kern, Breckenridge Mt. Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383852F. W. Peirson   40961923-06-29
United States, California, Santa Cruz, Along boulevard, Santa Cruz Mountains.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383857Christopher Davidson   60071977-06-20
United States, California, Sonoma, Dry Cr. Rd, 8.6 mi. W of Geyserville., 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0000137A. A. Heller   57281902-06-19
United States, California, Marin, Tiburon peninsula, along the Bay Road.

Hutchinson   s.n.1927-05-00
United States, California, Humboldt, [No locality information provided]

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383834Carl B. Wolf   83921937-03-31
United States, California, San Joaquin, San Joaquin Valley, mouth of Hospital canyon, SW of Vernalis., 107m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383048Henry J. Ramsey   26991938-04-16
United States, California, Kern, East of Edison, Tehachapi Mts.

RSA0099850Jessica Orozco   
United States, California, Tulare, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383024L. P. Janeway   85602006-04-30
United States, California, Butte, Cascade range Foothills. East edge of city of Chico; NW side of Humbolt Road 2.4 km northeast of Bruce Road (Chico 7.5’ Q)., 39.7444444 -121.7619444, 149m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0381540Robert F. Thorne   395891971-05-24
United States, California, Fresno, Foothills of Sierra Nevada: 3 miles beyond Pine Flat Road jct., 335m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383062David Charlton   43131990-06-03
United States, California, Kern, Eastern slope of the Greenhorn Range, Sequoia National Forest, , moist canyon slopes 1 mile east of Alta Sierra, Hwy. 155., 35.7304688 -118.5349829, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383043Lee W. Lenz   246571966-05-24
United States, California, Humboldt, W of Berry Summit, US 299.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383066Lee W. Lenz   247141967-05-19
United States, California, Kern, 6.7 miles from junction Caliente-Bodfish on Hamilah Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383835Lyman Benson   20701930-04-17
United States, California, San Mateo, Stanford University., 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383867Mark Parratt   1921962-04-28
United States, California, Tulare, Hwy 190 from Springville, near Clemmie Gill Camp turnoff. Greenhorn Mt. Range. Pacific slope drainage area., 36.155266 -118.751577, 671m

Emery M. Whilton   s.n.1938-05-08
United States, California, Tulare, Near Tulare

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383023Carl B. Wolf   86611937-05-14
United States, California, Butte, Sierra Nevada Foothills, 2.5 miles SE of Oroville on road to Wyandotte., 39.457136 -121.503828, 91m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383053L. E. Hoffman   s.n.1932-04-14
United States, California, Kern, Arvin., 35.2091701 -118.8266531

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383054Lyman Benson   83411937-05-23
United States, California, Kern, Little Poso Creek Falls. Greenhorn Mountain Range. San Joaquin Valley watershed., 35.632997 -118.628561, 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383870Gary Lyons   861967-04-29
United States, California, Tulare, Clemmie Gill School of Science and Conservation; southwest spur of Sierra Nevada mts 10 miles northeast of Springville. Greenhorn mountain range, San Joaquin Valley drainage area, 579m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383032D. G. Nichols   41940-03-31
United States, California, Contra Costa, 5 miles west Byron on road from Byron to Clayton., 146m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383069John Thomas Howell   51121930-05-15
United States, California, Kern, Hills near Glenville, Greenhorn Range., 35.72243 -118.7104, 975m

Charlotte M. Hoak   s.n.1931-07-07
United States, California, Mendocino, Comptche.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0034622Lee W. Lenz   246731967-04-12
United States, California, Sacramento, End of Walnut St. Fair Oaks

B. C. Templeton   s.n.1967-04-21
United States, California, Sacramento, About 1 mile east of Folsom Road, between Sacramento and Placerville, 38.75013 -121.24726

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383861B. O. Schreiber   23721937-04-11
United States, California, Stanislaus, La Puerto Canyon, 3 miles west of Patterson (Orestimba Quad)., 152m

RSA0102723Jessica Orozco   
United States, California, Tulare, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383886Herbert McLean Evans   s.n.1919-07-00
United States, California, Tuolumne, Sierra Nevada: below Groveland.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383881Mignonne Bivin   421978-04-11
United States, California, Tulare, Sequoia National Park: Ash Mountain Lab, on road to Shepherd Saddle.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383813Lester Rowntree   s.n.1929-06-11
United States, California, Merced, Pacheco Pass.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383823George K. Helmkamp   159362010-04-23
United States, California, El Dorado, Salmon Falls Road at the Salmon Falls crossing of the American River (Pilot Hill 7.5 Q.), 38.773889 -121.035, 157m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383883F. W. Peirson   118171936-05-30
United States, California, Tulare, Abundant along roadside, at water tank on road to Balch Park., 1067m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383826Annetta Carter   12471937-04-25
United States, California, Sacramento, Between Fair Oaks and Folsom, 1.25 miles southeast of Orangevale., 69m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383853C. L. Hitchcock   64521940-05-17
United States, California, Shasta, 3 miles east of Redding., 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383020Lee W. Lenz   246791967-04-12
United States, California, Amador, Highway 16 and junction road to Ione, 2 miles south of Jackson.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383848Stewart H. Burnham   s.n.1895-04-23
United States, California, Santa Clara, Near Stanford University., 37.4149 -122.1872

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383058Lee W. Lenz   247151967-05-19
United States, California, Kern, 2.5 miles south of Bodfish, Kern River Canyon., 35.5708229 -118.5059267

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383885Roxana S. Ferris   15811919-04-00
United States, California, Tuolumne, Near French Flat., 412m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383045Joseph P. Tracy   187551950-06-08
United States, California, Humboldt, Small form on windswept, grassy flat at Davis Creek Mouth, south of Cape Mendocino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383050Frances Runyan   611973-04-22
United States, California, Kern, Vicinity of Caliente, east of Hwy. 58., 35.5347222 -118.5102778, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383041Thomas Nelson   9521973-05-28
United States, California, Humboldt, McKeown Ranch north of Dinsmore.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383063Philip A. Munz   131501949-05-12
United States, California, Kern, 4 miles south of Bodfish on road to Caliente [Bodfish Caliente Rd]., 35.5527778 -118.5058333, 1113m

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383850John H. Thomas   19871950-06-10
United States, California, Santa Cruz, West end of Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz., 36.95363 -122.04519

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383875R. S. Woglum   24401934-03-20
United States, California, Tulare, Exeter.

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0383818Eva Bayon   s.n.2000-04-29
United States, California, Napa, McLaughlin Reserve. North of Knoxville--Berryessa Rd, along road from Knoxville to Clover Valley. Ca. 0.20 miles as the crow flies N of site of old town of Knoxville., 38.826944 -122.339722, 427m

Page 4, records 301-400 of 5615


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