Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Amelanchier
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 439, records 43801-43900 of 43954

Arizona State University Pollen Collection

Amelanchier asiatica (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl. ex Walp.
China, Sutchuan


1261J. Schoenwetter   1261
USA, Wisconsin, Oneida

ASU-NEON Terrestrial Plant Collection (Herbarium Vouchers)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
NEON09G5MAlex Fager (ORCID 0000-0002-0205-7735)   2022-08-03
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Skamania County, Washington State, 45.82049 -121.95191, 351m

Amelanchier arborea (Michx. fil.) Fern.
NEON06UYGKelly Concklin (ORCID 0000-0001-8615-3910)   2021-06-23
United States, Tennessee, Anderson, Appalachians & Cumberland Plateau (D07), Oak Ridge NEON (ORNL), North east edge of plot 017, 35.964128 -84.282588, 344m

NEON06UYSEric Voeller (ORCID 0000-0002-6190-2839)   
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
NEON04CQRJ.F. Webber   462020-08-29
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Domain 01, Harvard Forest site, next to phenology cam tree 6524. NEON plot HARV_083, 42.538097 -72.172606, 344m

NEON06UXMKelly Concklin (ORCID 0000-0001-8615-3910)   2021-04-22
United States, Virginia, Giles, Appalachians & Cumberland Plateau (D07), Mountain Lake Biological Station NEON (MLBS), Spring Road trail near MLBS_M_002, 37.373414 -80.523007, 1180 - 1180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NEON08FDIMichelle Lord (ORCID 0000-0003-2369-8379)   2022-09-28
United States, New Hampshire, Carroll, Northeast (D01), Bartlett Experimental Forest NEON (BART), On boarder of BART_019_R, 44.063889 -71.287375, 274m

General Research Observations

Marc A. Baker   114461994-05-29
USA, ARIZONA, Yavapai County, south of Ash Fork, north of Paulden, 2.2k NE of Fritsche Peak, west-facing limestone hillside, 35.05 -112.56, 1768m

Kate Watters   632009-05-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kanab Creek Wilderness, Sowats Canyon, Box Elder Spring, 36.546023 -112.517921, 1410m

S. Smith   332011-04-22
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Grapevine Canyon approx 4 miles N.W. of Mayer. 0.52 miles down canyon (east) of trail 4 trailhead on Forest Rd 87A., 34.431722 -112.296944, 1560m

S. Smith   592011-05-29
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Grapevine Canyon approx 4 miles N.W. of Mayer. 0.6 miles up canyon from trail 4 trailhead starting at end of Forest Rd 87A., 34.431722 -112.296944, 1560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kirstin Olmon   1522011-05-24
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, Lee Canyon, 19 km E of Grand Canyon National Park South Entrance Station on Highway 64, 2.25 km SE from Highway 64 on Forest Road 310 (Coconino Rim Road), 1.3 km NE on Forest Road 307 on E side of road., 35.959665 -111.944577, 2260m

G. Rink   87522009-07-10
USA, ARIZONA, Mohave County, Southeast of Ambush Pocket, southeast of Mt. Dellenbaugh, basalt cobble streambed, 36.071742 -113.457344, 1853m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Kirstin Olmon   4572012-06-23
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Kaibab National Forest Tusayan District, Upper Basin, 19 km E of Grand Canyon National Park South Entrance Station on Highway 64, 2.25 km SE from Highway 64 on Forest Road 310 (Coconino Rim Road), 6.9 km E on Forest Road 307., 35.959485 -111.943322, 2243m

Rich Crawford   4962012-05-28
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Hopi Trail Canyon- Eastern fork of the upper canyon, 1 mile up canyon from the confluence with the Little Colorado river., 35.92403 -111.500552

Kirstin Olmon   9612013-07-10
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Colorado Plateau, Coconino National Forest, 39 km SE from Flagstaff on Lake Mary Road, 2.5 km E on Forest Road 125 to Flying M Ranch gate, 1.3 km N, on E side of road. Zone 2., 34.943889 -111.417175, 2200m

Kate Watters   3012013-09-27
United States, Arizona, Coconino County, West edge of Coyote Buttes, Paria Plateau, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument, 36.930751 -112.017606

Shelley Silva   1182011-06-03
USA, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park, 4.8 miles north of southern entrance at FS 514., 37.72475 -108.465617, 2376m

Phillips, A.M.   82-501982-04-09
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park; Along Stone Creek, 1.5 miles from the Colorado River, Mile 132R, Grand Canyon National Park, 36.361971 -112.401836

Image Associated With the Occurence
David Thornburg   13312014-06-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 17 miles East of Camp Verde, side of Hyw 260., 34.50676 -111.5649

Image Associated With the Occurence
David Thornburg   13312014-06-06
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 17 miles East of Camp Verde, side of Hyw 260., 34.50676 -111.5649

Stevens, L.E.   2201999-05-02
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Grand Canyon National Park, Stone Creek Spring 4 km from mouth, 36.361971 -112.401836, 680 - 1890m

Stevens, L.E.   20632003-06-29
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Grand Canyon National Park, Hance Trail in Supai, 1280 - 1825m

26S. Smith   1792014-05-13
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, Grapevine Canyon approx. 4 miles N.W. of Mayer. Below Big Bug Mesa, 0.25 miles down from west trailhead of trail 4., 34.436222 -112.336139, 1900m

Maria Groves   362015-05-07
USA, Utah, Salt Lake, Foothills along the Wasatch Front. Bell Canyon Trail. Found on steep rocky climb up to reservoir about .4 miles up from trailhead., 40.556052 -111.763027, 2205m

M. Licher   47932015-04-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Along Hwy. 260 where power lines cross road, between Camp Verde and Hwy. 87., 34.51134 -111.54299, 2201m

Walter Fertig   199382002-05-19
USA, Utah, Kane, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Skutumpah Terrace, ca 0.2 miles E of Johnson Canyon Road and 0.6 miles SE of junction with Skutumpah Road. T41S R5W S13 NE4 NW4NW4, 37.249827 -112.370492, 1829 - 1859m

S. Smith   1952014-07-09
USA, Utah, San Juan, White Mesa Cultural and Conseration Area, Manti-La Sal National Forest, west of the Abajo mountains on Elk Ridge, FS 88, 37.766361 -109.768194

Lisbeth A. Louderback   192011-07-27
USA, Utah, Garfield, 37.861944 -111.7675, 2195 - 2214m

Christina K. Kilbane   352017-03-24
USA, Utah, Grand, On the road to Rio Mesa Center, past the Dewey Bridge, on the Top of the World Trail, at the first pull off on the way to Lower Dolores River bottom., 38.803097 -109.287144, 1317m

Walter Fertig   202512003-04-04
United States, Utah, Kane, Grand Staircase region: Vermillion Cliffs, north end of Kanab and 0.25 miles E of US Hwy 89, 4.25 miles N of Arizona state line., 37.059345 -112.529437, 1615m

Walter Fertig   202752003-04-22
United States, Utah, Kane, Grand Staircase region; South base of Vermilion Cliffs, ca 0.3 miles W of water tower, ca 1.2 miles W of Stewart Drive (Kanab Ranchos), ca 1.5 miles N of AZ state line and 2.8 miles W of US Hwy 89., 37.020231 -112.570154, 1585 - 1646m

Lisbeth Louderback & Bruce Pavlik   1352017-09-19
USA, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, go west on Hwy 95. Go south on road that crosses Comb Wash (approx 6 miles). Follow dirt road south for several miles. Turn right 1.6 miles. Turn left on another dirt road - follow road until it dead ends. Site is located ~70m to the east.; 37.496843 -109.738049, 37.496843 -109.738049, 1802m

Lisbeth Louderback & Bruce Pavlik   1462017-09-20
USA, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, turn west on Hwy 95. Go approx. 7 miles and turn right on Cottonwood Road (recreation area). When roads forks, go right. Site is on the north side of canyon approx 4 miles up.; 37.710737 -109.660349, 37.710737 -109.660349, 1807m

Lisbeth Louderback & Bruce Pavlik   1482017-09-21
USA, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, turn west on Hwy 95. Go approx. 7 miles and turn right on Cottonwood Road (recreation area). When roads forks, go left (Kigalia). Take road for approx. 9 miles. Park near old mining road and hike in approx. 1 mile to UTM coordinates.; 37.743999 -109.704297, 37.743999 -109.704297, 1951m

Lisbeth Louderback & Bruce Pavlik   1592017-09-23
USA, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, go south on Hwy 191 and turn west on Hwy 95. Travel approximately 19 miles. Turn right on Mule Canyon Road and park at Mule Canyon trailhead. Hike approx. 1 mile. Site is on north side of canyon.; 37.543557 -109.744665, 37.543557 -109.744665, 1827m

Walter Fertig   237792008-04-11
United States, Utah, San Juan, Colorado Plateau, Rainbow Bridge Trail, upper reach of Cliff Canyon on W side of Navajo Mountain, ca 2.5 air miles SE of Rainbow Bridge and 2 air miles N of AZ state line. T43S R9E S19 NE4 of SE4, 37.03265 -110.9379, 1399m

Walter Fertig   238062008-05-05
United States, Utah, Garfield, Colorado Plateau, E slope of Black Mesa on W side of Deer Creek Canyon, ca 2 air miles E of Boulder. T33S R5E S29 NE4 SW4, 37.90651 -111.38128, 1942m

Walter Fertig   224362006-05-01
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: base of Vermilion Cliffs, below Savage Point, just N of Coral Cliffs Gold Course in Kanab, ca 3.2 miles N of AZ state line. T43S R6W S27 SE4 NE4 NW4, 37.046107 -112.512598, 1567m

Walter Fertig   230962007-04-17
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau, Buckskin Mountain, W side of Buckskin Road, ca. 2 air miles N of Arizona state line and 1 mile SSE of Eagle Sink.; 37.036779 -112.14318, 37.036779 -112.14318, 1854m

Elizabeth P. Johnson   2192016-08-19
USA, California, Lassen, Coppersmith Hills; from Cedarville, CA take County Road 1 south for 28.2 miles then turn right on Red Rock Road for 7 miles., 41.09795 -120.06228, 1884m

Katie K Sanbonmatsu   692018-04-21
United States, Utah, Grand, From Moab, drive 30 miles on highway 128. Turn right on BLM 105 for 11 miles to the end of the road. Walk southwest into Bridge Canyon., 38.790004 -109.176589, 1300m

12Samuel Lundquist   122019-05-22
United States, Wyoming, Uinta, N of Woodruff Narrows Reservoir, 41.510944 -111.017113

Katie McRae   202019-06-05
United States, Utah, Davis, 10 paces south of fire road leading to N. Canyon trail, 40.84157123 -111.83408439, 1876m

Lisbeth Louderback & Bruce Pavlik   2372019-09-07
USA, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 14 miles. Turn north onto Comb Wash Rd (County Rd 235) and park immediately. Site is approximately 650m west of parking location.; 37.512949, -109.662791., 37.512949 -109.662791, 1524m

Lisbeth Louderback & Bruce Pavlik   2992019-09-07
USA, Utah, San Juan, From Blanding, head west on Hwy 95 for about 28.5 miles. Turn south onto Hwy 261 for about 4 miles. Turn east onto Fish and Owl Rd (County Rd 253) for about 5.3 miles, then park at Fish and Owl Canyons trailhead. Site is approximately 300m south and 150m east of trailhead.; 37.471017, -109.816519., 37.471017 -109.816519, 1868m

Amy Prince   7852013-09-29
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, Paria plateau east rim, near end of road 1112, 36.795179 -111.749113, 2043m

Amy Prince   8912014-04-20
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, south central rim of Paria plateau, One Toe Ridge area, 36.755419 -111.930122, 2159m

USUUB019388Sandra Robins   190562019-06-17
United States, Utah, Uintah, 10.8 miles north of Vernal, South of Big Brush Creek, 0.5 mile west of pull-out from US-191, 40.587674 -109.469451, 1744m

WJH001225Bill Harms   3301980-04-28
United States, Utah, Utah, Mouth of Rock Canyon, East of the Provo LDS Temple, 40.26476 -111.630415, 1559 - 1585m

WJH001867Bill Harms   17281982-06-25
United States, Utah, Juab, Maple Peak, West Tintic Mountains, 39.870057 -112.344205, 2027 - 2134m

Elsa Schmidtke   172020-06-25
United States, Utah, Davis, Upper Farmington Lake in Farmington Canyon; 40.975088 -111.818662, 40.975088 -111.818662, 2458 - 2470m

Kristian R. Valles   4282020-09-06
United States, Nevada, Elko, South of of Ruby Mountains going up Ruby Crest Trail Road.

Jason W. Baker   11032020-07-10
USA, Utah, Weber, Collection site is within the property boundary of the former Trappis Cistercian Monastery in Huntsville, UT, in a mix of Maple, Sagebrush, and foothill grass/forb community., 41.260774 -111.769938, 1614m

Tsinigine, Adriano   3512020-04-26
United States, New Mexico, San Juan, Lions Wilderness Park Area. Canyon Area., 36.781267 -108.153459, 1734m

Heidi M. Simper   2732021-09-13
USA, Utah, San Juan, Devil's Horn Canyon., 37.610116 -109.741122, 1969m

Heidi M. Simper   2662021-09-10
USA, Utah, San Juan, Comb Wash., 37.35768 -109.64322, 1461m

Heidi M. Simper   2622021-09-12
USA, Utah, San Juan, Slickhorn Canyon., 37.468433 -109.91093, 2003m

M. Darrach   12432022-05-28
United States, Utah, Carbon, A Rincon near Three Canyon in Desolation Canyon by river mile 50., 39.50258 -110.02385, 1370m

Kristian R. Valles   7002023-05-26
United States, Utah, Washington, Near an ephemeral lake, 37.421 -113.49498, 2100m

Amelanchier Medik.
Max Licher   30732011-05-11
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, South Kaibab Trail, approx 0.25 miles below rim, 36.055028 -112.083722, 2110m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier Medik.
Royer, Samuel   SPR102018-09-19
United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 39.951906 -75.190138

Amelanchier Medik.
WJH000868Bill Harms   22501983-04-02
United States, Maryland, Howard, Savage Park; trail near ball fields, 39.140538 -76.830198, 80m

Amelanchier Medik.
Walter Fertig   11581989-07-26
United States, Connecticut, Hartford, West Granby, [Enders State Forest], along Route 219., 41.953966 -72.882711, 177m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier Medik.
Munkhbadrakh, Bilguun-Erdene   BM102023-09-22
United States, Pennsylvania, Bucks, Croydon Woods Preserve, about 30 m away from the parking lot near the ball fields and Keystone Elementary School off Summit Avenue in Croydon, 40.08669 -74.89214, 12m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier Medik.
Munkhbadrakh, Bilguun-Erdene   BM262023-09-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne County, Bear Creek Township, Bear Creek Preserve, 100 m away from where we parked, on the right side of the trail, 41.18006 -75.70611, 567m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier Medik.
Elzanfali, Safa   SE082023-09-30
United States, Pennsylvania, Luzerne, Bear Creek Preserve, 41.17999 -75.70612

Amelanchier Medik.
Pittman, Albert B.   s.n.2009-04-15
United States, South Carolina, Calhoun, Ft. [Fort] Jackson. Buffalo Creek.

Amelanchier Medik.
Pittman, Albert B.   s.n.2009-04-15
United States, South Carolina, Richland, Fort Jackson; Buffalo Creek, 34.05384 -80.7835

Amelanchier alnifolia var. pumila (Torr. & A. Gray) Schneid.
Walter Fertig   249382009-07-23
USA, Utah, Iron, Markagunt Plateau: Cedar Mountain, Ashdown Gorge Wilderness Area, Crystal Springs Trail, ca 1.2 mi N of UT Hwy 14. T37S R9W S8 SW4 NE4, 37.608435 -112.896727, 2635m

G. Rink   119552013-04-30
USA, Utah, San Juan, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, in South Fork Canyon, 37.702714 -110.539879, 1219m

D. Gentilcore   11872017-04-29
United States, Nevada, Clark, 3.5 km NW of Virgin Peak, 36.624796 -114.094006, 1961m

Amelanchier utahensis var. covillei (Standley) N. H. Holmgren
Marc A. Baker   190892017-06-12
United States, NEVADA, Churchill County, 2.8km east of Dromedary Hump, 3.4km NNE of the summit of Fairview Peak, 60km ESE of Fallon, gravelly, shallow wash bottom, 39.2522 -118.1329, 1560m

D. Gentilcore   13072017-05-24
United States, Nevada, Clark, Cabin Canyon. Along Silver Leaf Mine Rd below mine., 36.634573 -114.076846, 1478m

D. Gentilcore   19312020-06-09
United States, Nevada, Nye, Quinn Canyon Wilderness along Little Cherry Creek 2 km by air NW of Cherry Creek Campground, 38.162 -115.64215, 2108m

MSUNH000787C. Cleveland   00552013-04-07
USA, Utah, Washington, I15 to UT Leeds exit, travel west on Silver Reef Road which turns into Oak Grove Road at the Forest Service boundary, continue 1.4 miles along Oak Grove Road, collection site immediately on north side of road., 37.27181 -113.3837, 1308m

C. Cleveland   00552013-04-07
USA, Utah, Washington, I15 to UT Leeds exit, travel west on Silver Reef Road which turns into Oak Grove Road at the Forest Service boundary, continue 1.4 miles along Oak Grove Road, collection site immediately on north side of road., 37.27181 -113.3837, 1308m

Walter Fertig   285292013-06-17
USA, Utah, Kane, Kaiparowits Plateau, Relishen Spring at head of Long Canyon just E of Smoky Mountain Road and ca 4 miles W of junction of Long Canyon and Right Hand Collett Canyon ca 18 air miles S of Escalante. Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument; T38S R3E S17 SE4 of NW4 ., 37.509786 -111.60864, 1963m

Walter Fertig   192982001-04-24
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: E slope of The Cockscomb on W side of Cottonwood Creek and W of Cads Crotch, ca 4 air miles NE of Paria. T40S R1W S34 SE4 NW4, 37.38615 -111.852783, 1700m

Heidi M. Simper   1962021-06-08
United States, Oregon, Lake, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 41.8 miles. Turn north onto dirt road (BLM Rd 6122-0-00) for 10 miles., 42.20731 -119.63588, 1837m

M. Licher   27572010-06-19
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, The Nature Conservancy Hart Prairie, 14 miles NE of Flagstaff, top of tree island in montane meadow, 35.351167 -111.732167, 2530m

M. Licher   28672010-08-14
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Hart Prairie, The Nature Conservancy property, aspen tree island in center of meadow., 35.351222 -111.732972, 2530m

M. Licher   3075 B2011-05-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kelly Canyon at confluence with Pumphouse Wash, south of Flagstaff., 35.058889 -111.716556, 1940m

Lance Reed Pitcher   011-07-27-112011-07-27
United States, Utah, Cache, East of Tony Grove Lake, 41.889869 -111.627769, 2410m

Colton Grange   0452011-09-06
USA, Utah, Cache, Limber pine trail in logan canyon., 41.924519 -111.472261, 2380m

Ogborn, Mariah K.   20110812.182011-08-12
USA, Utah, Wasatch, just off of State Highway 39, 40.56201219 -111.18435238, 2350m

M. Licher   27412010-06-06
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kelly Canyon, south of Flagstaff, approx. 1/4 mile up trail from Pumphouse Wash., 35.059667 -111.712917, 1950m

Charley Riddle   2012.00112012-05-12
USA, Utah, Cache, Logan Canyon, 41.762596 -111.712508

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roemer
G. Rink   35382004-05-27
USA, COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along water course., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roemer
G. Rink   41252004-08-02
USA, COLORADO, La Plata County, Edgemont Highlands Subdivision, east of Durango, north of the Florida Road, along watercourse., 37.312684 -107.781638, 2250m

G. Rink   123742013-09-07
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, north side canyon of Bill Williams Mountain, near the Bill Williams Mountain Trail, 35.21561 -112.21386, 2347m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Shelley Silva   3032011-08-13
United States, Colorado, Dolores, Lone Mesa State Park; fenceline with USFS, 13 miles northwest of southern entrance at FR 514; atop mesa., 37.766 -108.487333, 2712m

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
G. Rink   126152015-06-15
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, West Clear Creek, about 3 km upstream of powerline, 34.561325 -111.475275, 1737m

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
S. Smith   3462016-07-26
United States, Utah, San Juan, White Mesa Cultural and Conservation Area, Manti-La Sal National Forest, west of the Abajo mountains on Elk Ridge, FS 88, 37.809099 -109.797072

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
A. Hazelton   19192016-08-03
USA, Colorado, Routt County, Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest; Steamboat Springs Ski Area; Drop Out ski slope, east (uphill) of Burgess Creek, 40.462502 -106.767698

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
Lisbeth A. Louderback   772011-07-27
USA, Utah, Garfield, 37.768889 -111.7675, 1881 - 1899m

Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
Walter Fertig   5251988-04-05
USA, Oregon, Benton, Bald Hill Park, 2 miles west of Corvallis, SE of parking area off main trail to summit., 44.570784 -123.331177, 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem.
WJH000169Bill Harms   97262018-04-15
United States, Washington, King, Larsen Lake, 47.604269 -122.139163, 76 - 79m

Page 439, records 43801-43900 of 43954


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