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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eriosyce subgibbosa (Eriosyce subgibbosa var. castanea, Neoporteria subgibbosa), Eriosyce subgibbosa var. litoralis, Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Neoporteria clavata), Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. wagenknechtii (Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtii, Neoporteria wagenknechtii), Eriosyce subgib... (show all)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 118

Arizona State University Vascular Plant Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
ASU0053865Lyle A McGill   10471975-07-25
Chile, Coquimbo, Near Los Vilos, along seacoast north of Valpariso., -31.877057 -71.492433

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00079714Diane Steele   
Chile, O'Higgins, Cardenal Caro, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00082338Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Valparaíso, Valparaíso Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00079712Kris Schloemer   
Chile, O'Higgins, Colchagua, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00040395Fred Kattermann   FK-2721982-10-10
Chile, Chile {Huentelauque?}, -31.55 -72.633333

DES00082341Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00040394Fred Kattermann   FK-1821979-10-15
Chile, 20 km N on coast {Nigrihorrida?}, -29.55 -71.316667, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00063013Rosemary Trelease   2009-01-27
Chile, Coquimbo, Maricopa County: Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: accession number 1997 0165 0101; originally received as a plant collected by Ted Anderson 6367 March 1996 with Fred Katterman 1095 from Chile, Region IV at km 378 on rockes west of Hwy #5 at Rio Limari, 30 deg 40' 5.9'' S, 71 deg 31' 43.5'' W, elevation 45 m., -30.668306 -71.52875, 45m

DES00082294Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00084264Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00040393Fred Kattermann   FK-1881979-10-15
Chile, Embalse La Paloma, -30.7 -41.016667, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00046999J. Ward (flrs.)   2000-03-21
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1992 0966 0101. Originally collected by Fred Katterrmann 207, from Choapa, 10 km N of Valparaiso., -31.730091 -71.205138, 372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00040392Fred Kattermann   FK-4811984-10-01
Chile, Chile {Pta. Teniente?}, -30.95 -71.6

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036923Fred Kattermann   FK-841977-09-15
Chile, Chile at bridge {Rio Limari?}, -30.183333 -71.533333, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036907Fred Kattermann   FK-101977-09-15
Chile, Chile, Hacienda Las Palmas, -31.25 -71.616667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036902Fred Kattermann   FK-961977-10-15
Chile, Chile 10 km E of La Serena, -29.933333 -71.15, 100m

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00088364Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Valparaiso Region, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036920Fred Kattermann   FK-241977-10-15
Chile, Chile , Punta Lengua de Vaca, -30.25 -71.633333, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036917Fred Kattermann   FK-791977-09-15
Chile, Chile, 1 km N of Maitencillo on high bluff near road, -28.533333 -70.9, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036885Fred Kattermann   FK-211977-10-17
Chile, Chile At highest point of Estancia Frai Jorge, -30.166667 -71.7, 304m

Eriosyce subgibbosa var. subgibossa (Haworth) Kattermann
DES00074931Rosemary Trelease   2004-03-29
Chile, Choapa, Maricopa County: Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: accession number 1992-0967-01-1; originally received as a plant as part of the Chilean collection donated by Fred Katterman, originally collected by Fred Katterman 253 from Chile, Choapa, Quantay on high hills, 33 deg 16' S 71deg 37' W (-33.2166600 -71.6166600) elevation 500 ft., -33.266667 -71.616667, 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00036886Fred Kattermann   FK-221977-10-15
Chile, Halfway from PanAm to Tongoy on left side of road, -30.333333 -71.483333, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00037070Fred Kattermann   FK-1851979-10-15
Chile, Chile , on cuesta of road to La Serena, -30.316667 -71.266667, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00037073Fred Kattermann   FK-1781979-10-15
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui: 1 km E of Cruz Grande, at higher elevations, -29.45 -71.283333, 550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00037183Fred Kattermann   FK-4711984-10-01
Chile, Chile {Napina?}, -29.3 -71.3

Joni Ward   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00036879Fred Kettermann   FK-51977-10-15
Chile, 8 km E of Quilimari above river, -32.116667 -71.483333, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00036882Fred Kettermann   FK-81977-10-15
Chile, KM 230 PanAm on coast, -31.75 -71.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00036881Fred Kettermann   FK-71977-10-15
Chile, 8 km E of Quilimari above river; higher than FK 5, -32.116667 -71.483333, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037068Fred Kettermann   FK-2021979-10-15
Chile, Chile, 5 km W of (Santa Cruz?}, -34.7 -71.5, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037165Fred Kettermann   FK-4141982-10-01
Chile, Rio Choapa, at bridge over river, -32.666667 -71.266667

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037071Fred Kettermann   FK-2071979-10-15
Chile, 10 km N of {?} on coast, -33 -71.5

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00079508Diane Steele   2014-04-24
Chile, O'Higgins, Colchagua Province, Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: Not accessioned at time of label printing (accessioned 2016: 2014-2020-01-4); originally received as part of the Kattermann collection March 2014 as a plant of known wild origin collected by Fred Kattermann 202 15 October 1979 from Chile, O'Higgins, Colchagua Province, 5 km west of Santa Cruz in rock cliffs; original coordinates were 35° 22' 42.65" S 71° 52' 26.91" W. These coordinates do not match description of location therefore new coordinates were determined using Google Earth, -34.657567 -71.42705, 343m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00040397Fred Kettermann   FK-3011982-10-01
Chile, Laguna Verde at Pta Curaumilla, -33.083333 -71.75, 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00040396Fred Kettermann   FK-4101982-10-01
Chile, On road to Illapel about 1 km from PanAm, -31.9 -71.45, 121m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00040398Fred Kettermann   FK-3241982-10-01
Chile, Cerro Sta. Ines, -32.166667 -71.5, 243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00040399Fred Kettermann   FK-2551980-10-10
Chile, Quintay at coast, -33.2 -71.683333

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00040391Fred Kettermann   FK-4781984-10-01
Chile, Chile, -29.933333 -71.35

Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00082277Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00082347Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Valparaíso, Valparaíso Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00084202Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Valparaíso, Valparaíso Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00082284Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00082270Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Atacama, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00079507Diane Steele   2014-04-24
Chile, Valparaiso, Valparaiso Province, Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: Not accessioned at time of label printing; originally received as part of the Kattermann collection March 2014 as a plant of known wild origin collected by Fred Kattermann 301, October 1982 from Chile, Valparaiso, Valparaiso Province, Pta Curamilla, east of Laguna Verde, -33.098614 -71.718331, 10m

DES00082278Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00084196Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00088266Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Valparaiso Region, Valparaiso Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00053481R. Trelease   2004-03-29
Chile, Choapa, Maricopa County: Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: accession number 1992 0964 0102, originally received as a plant collected by Fred Kattermann 301, from Raguna Verde at Pta Curaumitta, from Fred Kattermann's donated Chilean Cacti Collection; Valparaiso, -33.083333 -71.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00043745Brown   1993-03-22
Chile, III Región, Huasco, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; accession 1994 0695 0101, originally collected by Karel Knize # 85, from Riochorus-El Tofo. John G. Barrow's collection., -28.643337 -70.933242, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00043747Van Loo   1993-03-18
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; accession number 1992 0204 0101, originally collected by F. Ritter 0481, from Coquimbo, Chile, received from Dr. J. G. Barrow's collection (036-002)., -29.933333 -71.316667

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00043754Rogers   1994-03-31
Chile, VI Región, Colchagua, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; accession number 1992 0959 0101, originally collected by Fred Katterman # 202, from Colchagua, 5 km west of Santa Cruz in rock outcroppings., -34.548242 -71.400655, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00043755Brown   791996-03-11
Chile, III Región, Huasco, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; accession number 1992 0962 0103, collected by Fred Kattermann #79, from Freirina, Huasco, 1 km north of Maitencillo on high bluff above road., -28.521509 -70.92205, 350m

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00088453Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, O'Higgins Region, Cardenal Caro Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00046256A. Brown   1997-03-20
Chile, Region IV, Coquimbo, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; accession number 1992 0955 0101, originally collected by Fred Kattermann #15, from Elqui, Region IV, Tanque Las Palomas., -30.7 -71.016667, 800m

Eriosyce subgibbosa var. wagenknechtii (Haw.) Katt.) (F. Ritter) Katt.
DES00100793Ann Brown   
Chile, Coquimbo Region IV, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00043752Brown   1993-03-17
Chile, Región de Valparaíso, Valparaiso, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; DBG accession # 1992 0200 0101, originally collected by K. Knize 0100 from Dr. J. G. Barrow collection (036-037A), -32.75 -71.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00043750Tarby   1993-03-25
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, lat. 33.455803, lon. -111.946026, elev. 385 m. accession number 1992 0207 010 1, originally collected by K. Knize 1604; from Dr. J. G. Barrow's collection (036-039), -29.9333 -71.3166

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00079724Kris Schloemer   
Chile, Coquimbo, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Sohrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00043744Van Loo   1994-04-28
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, lat. 33.455803, lon. -111.946026, elev. 385 m. accession number 1993 0147 0101, originally collected by Fred Katterman 180, from Eloqui, Chile, south of Cruz Grande in coastal flats; latitude 29° 29' S, longitude 71° 18' W; altitude 20 m; originally received as E. heinrichiana v. wagenknechtii f. Cruz Grande, name change per Kattermann( 1994) ERIOSYCE; from Katterman collections donated in 1993., -29.4833 -71.3, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037180Fred Kattermann   FK 4781984-01-10
Chile, Coquimbo, Maps to Rio Elgui area, 29.933333 -71.35

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00043753Ward   1994-03-25
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, lat. 33.455803, lon. -111.946026, elev. 385 m. accession number 1992 0963 010 1, originally collected by Fred Kattermann 184, from Elqui, Chile, Elqui valley, 3 km east of Iglesia (east or La Serena); 200 m; latitude 29° 58' S; longitude 71° 05' W., -28.966667 -71.0833, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Sohrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00037291E. F. Anderson   1993-03-01
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, lat. 33.455803, lon. -111.946026 elev. 385. access no 1992 0203 0101, originally collected from Coquimbo, Chile, from Dr. J. Barrow's collection (no. 036-048) , original collection no. FR 0218, from Atlanta Botanical Garden, -29.9333 -71.3166, 366m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00043751Brown   1996-03-21
Chile, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, lat. 33.455803, lon. -111.946026 elev. 385. Accession number 1993 0987 0103, originally collected by Fred Kattermann 283, from Chile; part of Chilean cacti collection donated by Fred Kattermann in June 1992; originally received as Eriosyce sp, ID per Patrick Quirk, April, 1995.

DES00096182Joni Ward   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Sohrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00037286Jim Warnock   1993-03-11
Chile, Valparaiso, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; Cactus House, bed B, access no 1992 0216 0101 from Dr. J. Barrow’s collection (no. 046- 048), from Atlanta Botanical Garden, original collection no. KK 0623 ., -33.046983 -71.607977

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00046251EFA   1993-03-05
Chile, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, lat. 33.456330, lon. 111.946026, elev. 385, accession number 1993 0987 0102, originally collected by Fred Kattermann 283; part of Chilean cacti collection donated by Fred Kattermann in June 1992.

DES00096247Joni Ward   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00043748Rogers   1994-03-31
Chile, Región de Valparaíso, Valparaiso, In cultivation Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ, lat 33.461395, lon -111.944487, ele 1280'; accession number 1992 0968 0102, originally collected by Fred Kattermann 255, from 0 m, from Choapa, in Quintay at coast, -33.194763 -71.696244

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) F. Kattermann
DES00048538Joni Ward   s.n.2002-03-26
USA, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, AZ. Accession number 1987 0343 2102. Originally collected by Thompson from Chile, Region de Valparais., -33.123577 -71.618011, 335m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00043746Shapiro   1996-03-23
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui, Cultivated at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ, accession number 1994 0697 0101, originally collected by Friedrich Ritter 481, from Coquimbo, Chile; John G Barrows collection; originally received as Neoporteria nigrihorrida v. crassispina and v. major; name change per Katterrnann(1994) ERIOSYCE., -29.933 -71.316

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) F. Kattermann
DES00047457Trelease   2000-04-11
Chile, Maule, In cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1992 0957 0101. Originally collected by Fred Kattermann 204, from Chile, Talca, Villa Prat., -35.426401 -71.655415, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) F. Kattermann
DES00047098Warnock   1993-03-18
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1992 0204 0102. Originally collected by Friedrich Ritter 0481, from Coquimbo. John G. Barrow's collection; originally received as Neoporteria nigrihorrida v. crassispina and v. major; name change per Kattermann (Eriosyce subgibossa v. nigrihorrida) -- 1994 ERIOSYCE, -29.953317 -71.339473

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) F. Kattermann
DES00047099Van Loo (flowers)   1994-04-28
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1992 0960 0101. Originally collected by Fred Kattermann 22, from Elqui, east of Tongoy, halfway from Pan-Am Hwy to Tongoy on L side of rd.., -30.33333 -71.48333, 50m

DES00084194Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) F. Kattermann
DES00047101Joni Ward   1994-04-01
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1992 0962 0101. No further data listed at this time; addtional information on collection number and locality added in March 2022; Originally collected by Fred Kattermann 79, 1 October 1977, from Chile, Atacama Region, Huasco Province, 1 km north of Maitencillo on high bluff above road, -28.5075 -70.9055556, 500m

DES00079719Kris Schloemer   
Chile, Coquimbo, detailed locality information protected

DES00092122Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00093202Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Valparaíso Region, Petorca Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00082280Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Ovalle Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) F. Kattermann
DES00051257Joni Ward   
Chile, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa var. litoralis (F. Ritter) Kattermann
DES00053515Ann Brown   1994-03-16
Chile, Valparaiso, Maricopa County: Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: accession number 1987 0343 2101; originally received as seed from a plant of known wild origin in cultivation at Huntington Botanical Garden, original collection by R. Thompson, s. n, 8 May 1987, from Chile, Region De Valparais., -33.046983 -71.607977

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00036888Fred Kattermann   FK-271977-10-15
Chile, Coquimbo, 30 km E of La Serena, -29.95 -71.116667, 200m

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00084204Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Soehrens ex Schumann)
DES00040390Fred Kattermann   FK-1841979-10-15
Chile, 3 km E of Iglesia, -29.966667 -71.083333, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00051272Rosemary Trelease   2000-04-11
Chile, Maricopa County: Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m: accession number 1992 0969 0102; originally received as a plant collected by Fred Kattermann 196, Chile, Choapa, Pta Topocalma near the coast, altitude 0 meter, latitude 34 deg 09' S, longitude 072 deg, 00 W., -31.730091 -71.205138

DES00082325Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00037069Fred Kattermann   FK-2041979-10-15
Chile, Maule, Talca: Villa Prat, -35.083333 -71.616667, 200m

DES00082339Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Limari Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00084266Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00100866Ann Brown   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00084273Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

DES00082336Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa subsp. clavata (Söhrens ex K.Schum.) Katt.
DES00088371Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo Region, Elqui Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa var. castanea (F. Ritter) Kattermann
DES00082290Gay Christensen-Dean   
Chile, Maule Region, Curicó Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce subgibbosa (Haw.) Katt.
DES00082273Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Coquimbo, Choapa Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047000A. Brown (flrs)   1997-04-10
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1992 0965 0102. Originally collected by Fred Katterrmann 200, from Choapa, Bacalemu Valparaiso., -34.616667 -72.50111, 20m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047001A. Brown (flrs)   1996-03-21
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ . Accession # 1992 0959 0102. Originally collected by Fred Katterrmann 202, from Colchagua, 5 km west of Santa Cruz., -34.7 -71.5, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00047002Ann Brown   1996-03-11
Chile, In cultivation at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1993 0987 0101. Originally collected by Fred Katterrmann 283, part of the Chilean cacti collection donated by Fred Kattermann in June 1992; originally received as Eriosyce sp, ID per Patrick Quirk, April 1995., -30 -71

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00046886J. Ward (flowers)   1995-02-06
Chile, Cultivated at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1994 0695 0104, originally collected by Karel Knize 85, from Riochorus-El Toro; John G. Barrow's collection., -25.207386 -69.842759, 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
DES00046887J. Ward (flowers)   1995-02-06
Chile, Cultivated at DBG, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ. Accession # 1994 0695 0102, originally collected by Karel Knize 85, from Riochorus-El Toro., -25.207386 -69.842759, 300m

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