Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eriosyce villosa (Neoporteria polyraphis, Neoporteria villosa, Neoporteria atrispinosa, Neoporteria cephalophora)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-11 of 11

Desert Botanical Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce villosa (Monville) Kattermann
DES00040408Fred Kattermann   FK-4671984-10-01
Chile, Sarco, at base of hills near coast., -28.85 -71.4

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce villosa (Monville) Kattermann
DES00037074Fred Kattermann   FK-1641979-11-01
Chile, 1 kilometer E of, in rock crevices., -28.466667 -71.233333, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce villosa (Monville) Kattermann
DES00065740Rosemary Trelease   2010-01-19
Chile, Maricopa County: Grown in cultivation at Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, N 33 deg 27' 33'', W 111 deg 56' 35'', 1200 ft, 366 m; accession number 1993 0873 1005; originally received as seed from DBG parent accession 1992 0951 01; parent plant originally received as part of Fred Kattermann's Chilean collection donated in June 1992; orignally collected as a plant by Fred Kattermann 164 from Chile, 1 km east of Huasco in rock crevices, 28 deg 28' S 71 deg 14' W, elevation 50 m., -28.466667 -71.233333, 50m

Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00093224Joni Ward   
Chile, Atacama Region, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00092038Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Atacama, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00096248Joni Ward   
Chile, Atacama Region, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00096249Joni Ward   
Chile, Atacama, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00043756Brown   1993-04-21
Chile, Huasco, Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix, Maricopa Co, AZ Acc # 1992 0208 0101, originally collected by K.Knize 1607; from Dr. J.G. Barrow's collection., -28.466389 -71.219167

Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00093125Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Atacama Region, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00036899Fred Kattermann   FK-711977-10-15
Chile, Atacama, 8 km N of [?] on coast, -28.4 -71.233333, 10m

Eriosyce villosa (Monv.) Katt.
DES00082281Rosemary Trelease   
Chile, Atacama, Huasco Province, detailed locality information protected

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