Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eriogonum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1451, records 145001-145100 of 145209

University of Nebraska State Museum, C.E. Bessey Herbarium

Eriogonum roseum Durand & Hilg.
64991Edward A. Palmer   731888-06-00
United States, California, Kern, Green Horn Mountains. Alt. 6000-7000 ft.

64866Percy Train   s.n.1936-05-24
United States, Nevada, Churchill, Between Eastgate & Frenchman's Station. Dry desert slopes. Alt. Ft. 5,000. Nevada Artemesia belt.

270129Arnold Jerry Tiehm   85581984-06-04
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Gillis Range, 4.7 road miles south of Double Springs road, SW of Red Granite Mine. 4700 ft. Plants growing with Atriplex on light colored ash deposits.

266581Arnold Jerry Tiehm   78031983-06-01
United States, Nevada, Pershing, Calico Hills on SE end of the Calico Mts. 4800 ft. Plants growing with Atriplex on brown clay hills.

266680Arnold Jerry Tiehm   77781983-05-31
United States, Nevada, Humboldt, SE side of the Black Rock Range, 6 road miles south of the Gerlach Road on the road to Double Hot Springs then about 2 miles east, 47-4800 ft. Plants growing with Atriplex on brown clay hills.

269935Arnold Jerry Tiehm   84271984-05-16
United States, Nevada, Churchill, Stillwater Range, 1.6 road miles north of Mountain Well road on road to LaPlata, then .3 mile east. T18N, R33E, S16. 5300 ft. Plants growing on white seemingly barren clay hills.

64987Percy Train   621935-06-22
United States, Oregon, Harney, Stein's Mountain. East base. Dry foothill slopes. Alt. Ft. 4500. Artemisia belt.

222908LeRoy Abrams   26981902-07-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Open pine forests. San Antonio mt. 9000 feet altitude.

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64911Kirk Whited   s.n.1900-06-21
United States, Washington

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64567Kirk Whited   s.n.1898-05-29
United States, Washington

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64921Charles Christopher Parry   s.n.1887-00-00
United States

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64912Percy Train   601935-06-20
United States, Oregon, Harney, Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Dougl. Stein's Mountain, Harney Co, Oregon, east base. Altitude 4000 feet. Artemisia belt.

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64914Percy Train   601935-06-20
United States, Oregon, Harney, Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Dougl. Stein's Mountain, Harney Co, Oregon, east base. Altitude 4000 feet. Artemisia belt.

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64913Percy Train   601935-06-20
United States, Oregon, Harney, Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Dougl. Stein's Mountain, Harney Co, Ore. East base. Dry hillsides and gulch bottoms. Alt. Ft. 4000. Artemisia belt.

Eriogonum sphaerocephalum Douglas ex Benth.
64915Susan Gabriella Stokes   s.n.1900-06-20
United States, Nevada, Alt. 5,000 ft.

64937Kirk Whited   s.n.1899-05-21
United States, Washington

64936Kirk Whited   s.n.1898-06-05
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Stony or alkali land. Ellenburg.

64934George Valentine Nash   2961894-04-00
United States, Florida, Lake, Collected in vicinity of Eustis. High pine land.

288639Vern E. McNeilus   90-6721990-07-22
United States, Florida, Okaloosa, Dry, exposed area under powerline; Rt. 285. Near Deerland.

64935Allen Hiram Curtiss   59531897-08-12
United States, Florida, Polk, Dry pine barrens, Haines City.

65029Amos Arthur Heller   116661914-08-07
United States, California, Butte, Summit back of Jonesville, elevation 7000 feet, about rock ledges on the north side of the pass near the upper limit of the yellow pine belt.

64967John Gill Lemmon   s.n.1878-09-00
United States, California, Plumas, Mohawk & Indian Valleys, N. Cal.

Eriogonum strictum subsp. proliferum (Torr. & A. Gray) S. Stokes
64700John Gill Lemmon   s.n.1872-08-00
United States, California, Sierra Valley, N. Cal.

Eriogonum strictum subsp. proliferum (Torr. & A. Gray) S. Stokes
64843James Francis Macbride   333a1910-07-07
United States, Idaho, Canyon, Falk's Store. Dry slope. Alt. 2,200.

64909William Cleburne   s.n.1883-06-23
United States, Idaho, Washington, Eriogonum strictum Bentham. Near Weiser City, Idaho.

64910William Cleburne   s.n.1883-06-23
United States, Idaho, Washington, Eriogonum strictum Bentham. Near Weiser City, Idaho. fide M.E. Jones

266545Arnold Jerry Tiehm   81821983-07-18
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Roberts Creek Mts, west side of the summit on the road between Summer Camp and Vinini Creek, SE of Roberts Creek Peak, 8100 ft. Plants growing with Cercocarpus along a ridge top.

Eriogonum desertorum (Maguire) R.J. Davis
266573Arnold Jerry Tiehm   78481983-06-08
United States, Nevada, Elko, NW of the Eureka exit on highway 80 on the west side of Carlin, 1.8 air miles WNW of Carlin, 5000 ft. Plants growing on light colored clayey hills.

64753Lester Frank Ward   s.n.1881-09-00
United States, Wyoming

64754C. C. Marsh   s.n.1881-00-00
United States, New Mexico

64762William Cleburne   s.n.1884-07-20
United States, Oregon, Baker, Burnt river canon, near its mouth.

64776Carl Albert Purpus   62491898-08-00
United States, Utah, Rocks, Juniper Range. Alt. 5-6,000 ft.

64760Joseph William Blankinship   7431906-07-23
United States, Montana, Gallatin, Limestone cliffs. 4000 ft. Logan.

222979Leslie Newton Goodding   17421903-07-31
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Steep, rocky hillsides. Slater, Colo.-Wyo. line.

64919Herbert C. Hanson   A2351922-08-25
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Freq, on limestone soil near Cameron. Altitude: 5000 ft.

64759Kirk Whited   s.n.1897-06-30
United States, Washington, Kittitas, Ellenburg.

64742Lester Frank Ward   s.n.1881-09-08
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Near Roberson's Ranch on Hams Fork.

64918Percy Train   s.n.1936-08-18
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Eriogonum simpsoni Benth. Eureka, Eureka county, Nevada. Dry open mountain slopes. Altitude 6,000 feet. Artemisia belt.

64917Percy Train   s.n.1936-08-18
United States, Nevada, Eureka, Eriogonum simpsoni Benth. Eureka, Nevada, Eureka county. Dry open mountain slopes. Alt. Ft. 6,000. Artemisia belt.

64916Herbert C. Hanson   A8211923-08-17
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Freq. in cracks of limestone rocks, Painted Desert. 50 N.E. Flagstaff.

64741Susan Gabriella Stokes   s.n.1900-08-30
United States, Nevada, Washoe, Hills along Truckee River. Alt. 5000 ft. Near Reno.

64746William Cleburne   s.n.1875-08-01
United States, Utah, Summit, Near echo City.

270007Arnold Jerry Tiehm   92381984-08-14
United States, Nevada, Washoe, NW end of the Granite Range, 1.5 air miles NE of the Grass Valley Ranch. 5800 ft. Plants growing with Artemisia on rocky hillsides. Flowers yellow.

267287Arnold Jerry Tiehm   81031983-07-07
United States, Nevada, Washoe, SE side of Hart Mt. 3.7 raold miles west of highway 34 on the road to Willow Springs. 5500 ft. Plants growing with Artemisia along a silty wash on the south side of the road.

64757Aven Nelson   81161900-08-27
United States, Wyoming, Uinta, In the steep stony foothills. Diamondville.

246096Earl V. Storm   392471922-08-16
United States, Utah, Garfield, Dixie forest. Big hollow on Leeds division, altitude 7000, slope 15% south, shallow rocky formation of granite, browse type, with Manizanita, black sage, Sitanion, not abundant, browsed to some extent by cattle on this division, flowers in August, 1st forest service record.

64764Ira W. Clokey   70711936-07-27
United States, Nevada, Clark, Clark County, Nevada. Brushy hillside with Pinus monophylla T. & F. Kyle Canyon-Deer Creek, Charleston Mountains, altitude 2270 m. From Mo. Bot. Gar, Sept. 1941.

64748Percy Train   1361936-07-22
United States, Nevada, Elko, Eriogonum microthecum Nutt. Lamoille summit, Ruby Mts. Elko Co. Nevada. Open mountain meadows in rocks. Alt. 9,000 ft. Alpine belt.

64749Percy Train   1361936-07-22
United States, Nevada, Elko, Eriogonum microthecum Nutt. Lamoille summit, Ruby Mts. Elko Co. Nevada. Open mountain meadows in rocks. Alt. Ft. 9,000. Alpine belt.

64740Carl Albert Purpus   82031901-08-06
United States, Nevada, Grand Canon. Alt. 7,000 ft.

264250James L. Reveal   44851976-06-16
United States, Idaho, Lemhi, On low clay hills 3 miles south-southeast of Baker and 1 mile east of Idaho Highway 28 on the lower slopes east of the Lemhi River, associated with scattered Artemisia and grasses at about 4800 feet elevation.

64752Carl Albert Purpus   63741898-08-00
United States, Arizona, Money Pk.

271837Barbara Jean Ertter   24281978-07-25
United States, Idaho, Elmore, Across the Snake River from King Hill on Jones Rd; steep N-facing roadside cut of black sand, 2550'.

Yukon University Herbarium

8359Bruce A. Bennett   2004-06-24
Canada, Yukon Territory, Albert Creek, 61.579766 -137.547395

Drury University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
DRURY0416   1890-09-10
United States, Montana

Image Associated With the Occurence
United States, Arizona

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DRURY0420JWB   1890-05-16
United States, Montana

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DRURY0428   1873-00-00
United States, California

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DRURY2361   1888-08-18
United States, Missouri, Oregon

Image Associated With the Occurence
DRURY0419   1890-06-30
United States, Montana

Cameron University

D. McCoy   40021976-09-18
United States, Oklahoma, Garvin, Lindsay; 10 mi S of Lindsay, 34.7045725524936 -97.3093229282981

C. LePine   411986-06-15
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lawton; 67th & Elm, SE corner, Lawton, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

L. G. Robeson   481969-09-20
United States, Oklahoma, Jefferson, Waurika; 4 mi W & 5 mi S of Waurika, 34.1110543494006 -97.8358896312047

B. Serviss   5111995-09-12
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lawton; 2.5 mi W of Lawton on Hwy 62, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

K. Callen   721985-06-26
United States, Oklahoma, Kiowa, unknown, 34.9163666445314 -98.9808679196842

J. Enz   861985-06-25
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Lawton; Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Holy City, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

B. Powers   271971-06-30
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Meers; 2 mi N of Meers, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

K. Girod   581969-09-28
United States, Oklahoma, Payne, Stillwater; OSU baseball intramural field, 36.0773174181754 -96.9757632567257

L. Parenteau   191985-07-10
United States, Oklahoma, Jackson, Hwy 62 in Jackson and Tilman Counties, 34.637979 -99.103293

L. Flanagan   s.n.1989-07-26
United States, Oklahoma, Jackson, Altus; Hwy 62, 10 mi E of Altus, 34.638247 -99.159001

Southeastern Oklahoma State University

P. Buck   31061985-08-16
United States, Oklahoma, Custer, Jct Hwy 183 & Hwy 33; 8 mi W of jct of Hwy 183 & Hwy 33, 35.638864102485 -99.0014983304537

S. Rice   s.n.2013-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa, Tulsa; Riverside trail, S of 71st, Tulsa, 36.1210632136247 -95.9415017425071

J. D. Ridge   1041986-10-28
United States, Oklahoma, Colbert; 4.6 mi WNW Colbert Post Office

J. L. Davenport   1191986-11-05
United States, Oklahoma, Durant; 1.7 mi N of Durant Post Office

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006889P. Bowers, K. Smith, L. Magrath   5671987-09-27
United States, Oklahoma, Roger Mills, Roll; Dead Indian Lake in Black Kettle National Grasslands, 2.6 mi S of Roll on US 283 & SH 33, 35.6883769956387 -99.6956876061069

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OCLA-0006907L. K. Magrath, J. Taylor and A. Lavallee   94751976-08-13
United States, Oklahoma, Atoka, Boehler; 0.3 mi W of Boehler, 34.3737199644682 -96.0378259268914

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006906J. D. Bryan   s.n.1972-09-16
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa; Slightly W of Black Mesa, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006904D. G. Pettijohn   s.n.1972-09-22
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, Lake Burtchi; 1 mi E and 0.25 mi N of Lake Burtchi on SH 92, 35.0169412157696 -97.8841092805157

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OCLA-0006905P. Bowers, L. Magrath, John and Connie Taylor   5261987-09-26
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Watonga; 10 mi W of Watonga on US 270 and SH 3, 35.8752511802751 -98.4334558227916

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006911K. K. Miller   03451996-07-09
United States, Oklahoma, Garvin, Lindsay; Junction of SH 19 and 76N in Lindsay, 1 mi W on SH 19, then 0.25 mi N on W side, 34.8551770330522 -97.6488171999995

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OCLA-0006909R. Moore   741979-09-06
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, Cement; Williams Wilderness, 2 mi E of Cement, 34.9314171 -98.1068562

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OCLA-0006938L. K. Magrath, A. Lavallee   93881976-06-26
United States, Oklahoma, Durant; 4 mi W of Durant on US 70

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OCLA-0006937R. Moore   441979-09-06
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, Cement; Williams Wilderness, 2 mi E of Cement, 34.9314171 -98.1068562

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OCLA-0006908L. K. Magrath   120601981-09-07
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, Minco; S bank of Canadian River, 3.5 mi N of Minco on US 81, 35.0169412157696 -97.8841092805157

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006927J. D. Bryan   s.n.1972-09-16
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa; W side of Black Mesa, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006929D. G. Pettijohn and K. K. Bullock   s.n.1972-09-16
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa State Park; SW corner of Black Mesa State park, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006926L. K. Magrath, J. Anderson, P. Nighswonger, E. L. Little, T. Flowers   103141980-05-03
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Tesesquite Canyon; Lawrence Regnier Ranch in Tesesquite Canon, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006925L. K. Magrath, J. Anderson, P. Nighswonger, E. L. Little, T. Flowers   102921980-05-03
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Kenton; 6 mi E of Kenton on Kenton road, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006928Unknown   s.n.1967-09-23
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Black Mesa, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

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Eriogonum lachnogynum Torr. ex Benth.
OCLA-0006930J. Kershner   0841988-06-25
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Boise City; 20.5 mi W and N of Boise City on Kenton Road, turn off to Lake Etling, 36.7483076051547 -102.517706190314

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006940L. K. Magrath   150071983-10-30
United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Ravia; 2.7 mi N of Ravia on SH 12, 34.3164922898777 -96.6606631417879

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006943L. K. Magrath   158771984-09-29
United States, Oklahoma, Murray, Turner Falls Park; Turner Falls Park, Cowpen Canyon, 34.4196171718114 -97.1600526899054

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006942L. K. Magrath, K. Roberts, R. Schwenn, C. Soos, J. Hull, J. Seay   153821984-06-07
United States, Oklahoma, Jefferson, Waurika; Seay Ranch, 6 mi E on US 70 and 1 S of Waurika, 34.1220684641386 -97.7462491397475

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006939L. K. Magrath   148911983-09-17
United States, Oklahoma, Blaine, Watonga; Roman Nose State Park, 6 mi N on Sh 8 and 8A of Watonga, 35.8752511802751 -98.4334558227916

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006932K. Smith and L. Fanning   351987-09-11
United States, Oklahoma, Comanche, Wichita Wildlife Refuge; Wichita Wild Life Refuge Jed Johnson Lake, E side, 34.662101252482 -98.4716612613873

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OCLA-0006941K. Park   2011996-07-25
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, Unknown, 35.0506055272741 -98.0665915873223

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OCLA-0006931M. Carman   1421996-06-02
United States, Oklahoma, Grady, unknown, 35.0513095122503 -97.9789381387935

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OCLA-0006934R. Moore   281979-09-06
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, Cement; Williams Wilderness, 2 mi E of Cement, 34.9314171 -98.1068562

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006933P. Cave   7301979-09-06
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, Cement; Williams Wilderness, 2 mi E of Cement, 34.9314171 -98.1068562

Image Associated With the Occurence
OCLA-0006936W. Wilson   751979-09-07
United States, Oklahoma, Caddo, Cement; Williams Wilderness, 2 mi E of Cement, 34.9314171 -98.1068562

Page 1451, records 145001-145100 of 145209


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