3534793 H. G. Bloomer
United States of America, California, San Francisco Co., on the stony hills south of Mission Creek
3534853 M. E. Jones 1717 1880-05-18
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., City Creek Canon, 2438m
3534727 Macoun 1232 1875-05-13
Canada, British Columbia, Fraser Valley Reg. Distr., Valley of Fraser River BC
3534806 R. S. Ferris 1569 1919-04-11
United States of America, California, Tuolumne Co., Butcher Gulch near Iron Canon on Stanislaus River
3534907 A. Tiehm 15585 2008-06-06
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Santa Rosa Range, Charleston Hill at head of next drainage N of Three Mile Creek., 41.82411 -117.57808, 2073m
3534655 S. Boyd 1375 1986-03-01
United States of America, California, Riverside Co., Cavilan Plateau, Cavilan Hills: Ida-Leona Rd W of Piedras Rd, E 1/2 of border, 625m
3534404 A. D. E. Elmer 2098 1900-04-00
United States of America, California, Santa Clara Co., Stanford University
3534908 B. Ertter 9735 1991-04-23
United States of America, Idaho, Elmore Co., Head of Wood(tick) Creek on Blacks Creek Rd 12 airmi ESE of Boise, NE of Three Point Mt, base of steep W-facing slope., 43.5093 -115.9274, 1524m
3534978 C. L. Hitchcock 8320 1944-05-26
United States of America, Washington, Garfield Co., At Clear Fork Ranger Station, Blue Mts. 24 mi. s. of Pomeroy
3534909 K. Moon 78 2005-04-23
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., Whitney Canyon ca. 5.95 mi. from Hwy. 89. On a hill top., 41.4253 -110.9753, 2113m
02173036 D. E. Atha 13536 2013-06-15
United States of America, Alaska, Kenai Peninsula Borough, . 1.3 air km SW of the intersection of Old Sterling Highway and Highway 1 in Anchor Point, 59.769225 -151.852031, 20 - 20m
3534980 M. Ownbey 3100 1947-04-10
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 6 miles northeast of Carey., 43.369109 -113.860296
3534930 M. Loveless 98 1931-05-24
United States of America, Oregon, Lake Co., Canyon hillside along Little Honey Creek, loose soil beneath large pine trees.
3534543 J. C. Frémont 411 1846-00-00
United States of America, California, Fork of the Upper Sacramento
3534757 E. M. Ingels 3239 1908-03-14
United States of America, California, San Mateo Co., Vicinity of Stanford Univ. King's Mountain
3534813 G. Hansen 51 1893-04-21
United States of America, California, Amador Co., New York falls; Sequoia gigantea region, 457m
3534771 A. Kellogg 987 1868-03-00
United States of America, California, San Francisco Co., Potrero
3534713 C. Rutter 72 1903-06-30
United States of America, Alaska, Kodiak Island Borough, Vicinity of Karluk, Kadiak Island
3534933 J. H. Christ 6681 1937-03-18
United States of America, Idaho, Nez Perce Co., Lewiston, on Lewiston Grade.
3534639 S. D. Boyd 4064 1990-04-03
United States of America, California, Riverside Co., Vail Lake area, summit of 'Big' Oak Mtn. at E end., 33.521177 -116.97175, 792 - 792m
3534937 J. H. Christ 15143 1946-06-09
United States of America, Idaho, Idaho Co., At Pete Wilson Ranch on Snake River 103 miles south of Lewiston, gravelly slopes along river near Sheep Creek., 45.468478 -116.552927
3534982 A. Cronquist 5656 1949-04-04
United States of America, Washington, Benton Co., west side of Glade Creek Canyon, 6 miles southwest of Patterson. Twp. 5N, R. 25 E.
3534872 F. L. Scribner 287 1883-05-28
United States of America, Montana, Gallatin Co., Bozeman Pass
3534939 J. H. Christ 9205 1938-05-12
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Tamarack. On brushy hillsides along Weiser River.
02206979 D. E. Atha 13679 2013-06-20
United States of America, Alaska, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Chugach National Forest, slopes NE of Palmer Creek Road, 6–7 air km SSE of Hope and ca 1.3 air km SE of Cowan Peak, 60.869661 -149.559075, 469 - 469m
3534940 J. H. Christ 9607 1938-05-20
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Near Murphy. On terraces.
3535047 A. A. Heller 1918-04-28
United States of America, California, Tehama Co., Coast Range near Bennett Spring., 914m
3534827 D. W. McNeal 3808 1991-04-13
United States of America, California, Lake Co., In chapparal above Brim Rd, ca 100 m. w. of the jct. of Walker Ridge Rd, e. of Indian Valley Reservoir, T.15N, R.6W, Sec. 9.
319697 L. H. Morrison s.n. 1932-04-17
United States of America, California, Butte Co., Near Durham.
3534411 J. M. Bigelow 1854-04-03
United States of America, California, San Francisco Co., Whipple's Pacific R.R. Survey
3534590 J. F. Macbride 910 1911-06-17
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Silver City. Moist disintegrated granite slopes., 2134m
3534690 J. Taylor 30774 1981-07-15
United States of America, Alaska, Haines Borough, Collected along the trail to Battery Point about 1 mile south of Portage Cove Campground.
3534953 P. C. Lesica 6727 1995-06-11
United States of America, Montana, Carbon Co., Pryor Mountains. On the slopes of Big Pryor Mountain west of Inferno Canyon. T8S R26E S6, 2256m
319699 J. C. Frémont 346, 348 1846-00-00
United States of America, California, On a small headwater of Crow Creek, Sierra of the Sacramento.
3534429 A. Kellogg 1000 1868-04-15
United States of America, California, Marin Co.
3534821 J. R. Shevock 625 1971-05-21
United States of America, California, Tulare Co., Lloyds Meadow Basin: ½ mile west of Plyes Boys Camp
3534732 W. B. Schofield 2087 1952-07-08
United States of America, Alaska, Bristol Bay Borough, Naknek, 58.728333 -157.013889
3535001 T. J. Howell 1880-04-00
United States of America, Washington, Prairies, Eastern Washington Terr.
3534439 C. F. Baker 5047 1903-03-00
United States of America, California, San Mateo Co., Crystal Springs Lake
3534831 Mrs. C. C. Bruce 2023 1898-02-00
United States of America, California, Butte Co., Fields
3534712 G. N. Culbertson 4890 1900-05-05
United States of America, Alaska, Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Windham Bay
3534740 E. B. Webster 1909-05-01
United States of America, Washington, Clallam Co., Mt Angeles, Hayne's Hill
3535007 J. W. Thompson 11382 1935-04-19
United States of America, Washington, Klickitat Co., Meadow in high hills north of Goldendale, 1067m
3534685 R. R. Halse 8275 2011-07-08
United States of America, Oregon, Douglas Co., Willamette National Forest; Calapooya Mountains, ca. 35 miles south of Oakridge; along F.S. Road 5851 east of Loletta Lakes. WGS84, 43.39508 -122.42647, 1687m
3534572 R. M. Austin 2288 1898-06-00
United States of America, California, Nevada Co., Near Nevada city - Lake city mt.
3535059 R. F. Hoover 4939 1941-04-26
United States of America, California, Napa Co., East side of Mt. St. Helena
02490908 N. H. Holmgren 5930 1972-06-15
United States of America, Idaho, Cassia Co., Cache Peak Range (Albion Mountains), Silent City of Rocks, just southeast of roads summit, 13 airline miles southeast of Oakley., 42.09187 -113.7348, 2088m
03595234 A. Tiehm 17986 2017-06-30
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., Copper Mountains, 0.4 road mile west of Coon Creek Summit., 41.79797 -115.49447, 2606m
3534604 W. W. Jones 54 1901-05-24
United States of America, Montana, Gallatin Co., Bozeman
3535038 C. B. Wolf 8717 1937-05-17
United States of America, California, Tehama Co., Northern Sierra Nevada. New Deer Creek, Chico - Lake Almanor Road, along Deer Creek., 1097m
3534957 E. B. Payson 1974 1920-07-11
United States of America, Idaho, Fremont Co., Sheltered slopes. Base to summit of mountains northeast of lake, Henry Lake, 2743m
3535040 Mrs. Ames
United States of America, California, Plumas Co., Ind. Valley
3535046 J. M. Bigelow 1853-00-00
United States of America, California, Hills near Nevada
3534724 J. Taylor 30564 1981-06-22
United States of America, Alaska, Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Revillagigedo Island. Near Settlers Cove Campground about 18 miles North East of Ketchikan.
3535057 H. M. Edwards 1917-05-00
United States of America, California, Butte Co., De Sabla, 39.874328 -121.612474
3534451 L. Abrams 2339 1902-04-13
United States of America, California, San Mateo Co., Crystal Springs Lake
3534653 D. D. Keck 6305 1949-04-25
United States of America, California, Fresno Co., Parkfield Grade, Diablo Range, north side., 914m
3535022 E. W. Hammond 385 1889-03-30
United States of America, Oregon, Jackson Co., Wimer, 42.538732 -123.148943
3534934 J. W. Thompson 5945 1931-04-04
United States of America, Washington, Kittitas Co., 15 miles north of Ellensburg, 47.213657 -120.547847
3534990 E. J. Moore 1901-05-07
United States of America, Montana, Gallatin Co., Bozeman
3534820 E. C. Twisselmann 1970-06-25
United States of America, California, Flat along Salmon Creek ca.0.5 mile above Big Meadow, 2423m
3535028 T. J. Howell 1887-04-10
United States of America, Oregon, Josephine Co., Grant's Pass
3534578 B. Maguire 16789 1939-06-13
United States of America, Nevada, Elko Co., 18 miles north of San Jacinto. Galliher (Mt.) Pasture, slopes.
3534417 E. W. Hammond 386 1893-05-03
United States of America, Oregon, Jackson Co., Wimer, 42.538732 -123.148943
3534668 E. H. Looff 621 1938-06-15
United States of America, Alaska, Kodiak Island Borough, Cannery Station, Olga Bay, Valleys and lower mt. slopes.
319692 T. Nuttall s.n.
[filed at NY under U.S. and Canada]
3534944 J. D. Remsberg Jr. 6725 1937-04-16
United States of America, Idaho, Latah Co., 3 miles south of Troy. On springy basaltic scabland., 46.693405 -116.769603
3534945 J. H. Christ 7007 1937-05-07
United States of America, Idaho, Camas Co., 10 miles east of Fairfield. On slopes in foothills., 43.346395 -114.592537
3534983 A. Cronquist 6325 1950-05-14
United States of America, Oregon, Wheeler Co., Pine woods at summit about 15 miles northeast of spray, 44.987702 -119.577849
3534946 J. H. Christ 7084 1937-05-08
United States of America, Idaho, Blaine Co., 3 miles east of Carey. On scabland on hillside., 43.307667 -113.885033
3534645 Collector unspecified 737
United States of America, California, Coulden
3534954 J. T. Howell 48652 1972-03-18
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Co., Rocky clay flat in sagebrush, east side of Peavine Mt., 1554m
02490911 N. H. Holmgren 4341 1970-06-22
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Black Rock Range, Mahogany Creek Canyon, 38 airline miles southwest of Denio., 41.51247 -118.9951, 2134m
3534881 Collector unspecified
United States of America, Oregon
3534961 A. W. Roberts 1872-03-10
United States of America, California, Indian Valley
3534706 W. Spreadborough 77330 1907-05-29
Canada, British Columbia, Strathcona Reg. Distr., Vancouver Island. Nootka Sound
3534955 A. Tiehm 16158 2010-06-17
United States of America, Nevada, Humboldt Co., Jackson Mts, hills north of the North Fork of Jackson Creek, 2.0 airmiles SE of Parrot Peak., 41.34111 -118.45053, 2332m
3535011 P. A. Rydberg 3866 1897-06-18
United States of America, Montana, Gallatin Co., Bridger Mountains, 2134m
3534960 M. E. Jones 1717 1880-05-18
United States of America, Utah, City Creek Canon [Canyon]., 2438m
3534963 Mrs. J. Clemens s.n. 1910-03-17
United States of America, Utah, Fort Douglas, 40.763557 -111.831879
3534675 R. C. Morehouse 2018 1944-06-24
United States of America, Alaska, Aleutians West Census Area, Attu Island; O'Donnell Valley, East of the West Arm of Holtz Bay
3534964 C. L. Hitchcock 9237 1944-06-24
United States of America, Idaho, Lemhi Co., In drier parts of meadow near head of Eight Mile Creek, ca. 12 miles southwest of Leadore, Lemhi Mts..
02233828 J. F. Smith 10955 2013-06-09
United States of America, Idaho, Owyhee Co., Silver City road, New York summit., 43.03889 -116.70756, 2046m
3534965 R. W. Lichvar 3937 1981-04-17
United States of America, Wyoming, Uinta Co., Bridger Butte., 41.2793 -110.4786, 2195m
3534573 E. J. W. Scheuber 341 1901-00-00
United States of America, Montana, Park Co., Livingston
3535069 H. M. Denslow 1883-06-00
United States of America, Vermont, Rutland Co., Garden
3534970 W. H. Baker 7335 1951-04-14
United States of America, Idaho, Latah Co., Corner’s Butte Summit, 4 miles southeast of Moscow., 46.691425 -116.940424
3534942 A. N. Steward 7026 1956-03-23
United States of America, Oregon, Sherman Co., hill above Biggs Junction, near junction of Highways 30 & 97., 69m
3534889 R. S. Williams 24 1886-04-24
United States of America, Montana, Cascade Co., Great Falls
3534462 J. Torrey 1865-00-00
United States of America, California, Lake Co., Borax Lake
3534975 R. J. Davis 16412 1940-04-06
United States of America, Idaho, Bannock Co., Pocatello. On back of Red Hill.
3534750 M. W. Gorman 7567 1926-04-13
United States of America, Oregon, Lincoln Co., Devil's Lake, open woods and grassy glades
3534976 S. Watson 1171 1869-06-00
United States of America, Nevada, Wahsatch [Wasatch] Mts., 1829m
03042479 J. F. Smith 9672 2011-06-24
United States of America, Idaho, Adams Co., Payette National Forest. Payette National Forest, Ditch Creek Road., 44.89853 -116.71419, 1490m
3534766 R. W. Summers
United States of America, Oregon, Alki Point Puget Sound
3534977 S. Watson 1171 1868-04-00
United States of America, Nevada, Washoe Mts., 1676m
3534464 J. M. Bigelow 1853-00-00
United States of America, California, Alameda Co., Mountains near Oakland
3534979 S. G. Stokes s.n. 1900-03-15
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Southern slopes, City Creek Canon. Near Salt Lake City
3534986 P. Solomon 93-2 1993-05-23
United States of America, Utah, Salt Lake Co., Big Cottonwood Canyon along Mill B North Fork trail 100 yards SW of trail. Wasatch National Forest. Mount Aire Quad (7½ min.). UTM - 4498450 m.N by 438650 m.E (Zone 12). In rocky soil on open W-facing slope., 40.7311 -111.7109
3534665 Collector unspecified 1892-00-00
United States of America