Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Fritillaria
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 19, records 1801-1900 of 6410

Rocky Mountain Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1015941Ronald L. Hartman   432071993-08-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Southern Salt River Range and Vicinity: Tunp Range: Pine Creek, ca 2 road mi NNE of Pine Creek Ski Area, ca 8 air mi NE of Cokeville., 42.135556 -110.822778, 2195 - 2256m

787540Erwin F. Evert   316181996-06-27
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range foothills: Ousel Falls on West Fork Gallatin River, 6 mi W of Montana Highway 191., 45.2403 -111.3422, 1982m

Image Associated With the Occurence
560256Robert S. Kirkpatrick   27691984-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Absaroka Mountains: ca 11 air mi NE of Dubois, 1.5 mi E of Game and Fish Elk Winter Hdqrs., 43.6482 -109.4801, 2256 - 2561m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Emma E. Freeland, Nicholas P. Freeland   45192013-05-26
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Tobacco Root Mountains: North Meadow Creek, ca 14 air mi NNW of Ennis; ca 8 air mi WSW of Norris., 45.532 -111.8451, 1902 - 1957m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
780569Erwin F. Evert   269451994-06-14
U.S.A., Idaho, Fremont, Henrys Lake Mountains: Targhee National Forest: ridge ca 0.5 mi N of Howard Springs and U.S. Hwy 20/191; 11 mi NW of West Yellowstone, Montana., 44.6712 -111.3063, 2104 - 2226m

Image Associated With the Occurence
869848B. E. Nelson   715502007-05-31
U.S.A., Montana, Sweet Grass, Absaroka Range: Gallatin National Forest: Chippy Park and vicinity along Boulder River, ca 2.5 air mi W of Chrome Mountain, ca 29.5 air mi SSW of Big Timber., 45.4369 -110.1896, 1646 - 1707m

Rachel Newton   38692006-05-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Wetlands and Adjacent Areas: North Fork Encampment River, ca 3 air mi SW of Encampment., 41.18013 -106.85654, 2485m

Erwin F. Evert   252041993-06-20
U.S.A., Idaho, Teton, Targhee National Forest: Big Hole Mountains: along south side of Milk Creek Road, ca 4 mi S of Idaho Hwy 33., 43.8179 -111.3296, 2088m

Image Associated With the Occurence
847061Rob Massatti   48922006-06-03
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Pine Creek, Gold Creek and vicinity at forest boundary, ca 5 air mi WNW of South Pass City., 42.4923 -108.8867, 2564 - 2622m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
834286B. E. Nelson, David Scott, Nancy Bockino   685632006-06-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park and Vicinity: Teton Range: Apex Trail at the east base of Teewinot Mountain above Lupine Meadows, ca 6 air mi NNW of Moose; ca 18 air mi N of Jackson., 43.7393 -110.7533, 2134 - 2439m

Image Associated With the Occurence
588378Walter Fertig   74471991-06-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: Ridge immediately S of southeast corner of Boulder Lake, ca 12 air mi E of Pinedale., 42.8436 -109.6331, 2256 - 2530m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
820563Erwin F. Evert   354661998-07-01
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Yellowstone National Park: northwest side of Mt. Everts, 3 mi SE of Gardiner., 45.0077 -110.668, 2073m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Stuart Markow   16801991-06-28
U.S.A., Idaho, Bonneville, Targhee National Forest: West Slope Snake River Range: road leading from Pine Creek Pass to Fourth of July Peak, ca 6 air mi SW of Victor., 43.5714 -111.2114, 2073 - 2134m

Amy J. Roderick   68771998-07-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Upper North Platte and Laramie River Drainages: Seminoe Mountains: drainage W of BLM Road 3108, ca 1.8 air mi NE of Kortes Dam., 42.1807 -106.8512, 1982m

782269Erwin F. Evert   301851995-07-17
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Beartooth Mountains: Gallatin National Forest: Vernon Lake, ca 5 mi E of Cooke City., 45.006 -109.828, 2409m

Emma E. Freeland   50012013-06-06
U.S.A., Montana, Beaverhead, Blacktail Mountains: unnamed canyon between Cottonwood Creek and Price Creek, ca 23 air mi SE of Dillon, ca 14 air mi NW of Antone Peak., 44.9219 -112.4138, 2117 - 2180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
847059Rob Massatti   15112005-07-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: Pilot Knob to Two Ocean Mountain E to Wind River, ca 18 air mi NW of Dubois., 43.7144 -110.0472, 2963 - 2966m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Heather Bradtke   87232002-07-16
U.S.A., Oregon, Wallowa, Umatilla National Forest and Vicinity: Paradise Ridge, Forest roads 64 and 475, ca 4 mi N and 21 mi E of Milton-Freewater., 45.986111 -117.938611, 1616 - 1738m

Image Associated With the Occurence
697509Stuart Markow   60021991-08-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Targhee National Forest: West Slope Teton Range: Pinochle Road, ca 6 air mi NE of entrance to National Forest., 43.9214 -111.0063, 2134 - 2256m

Image Associated With the Occurence
601695Walter Fertig   137691993-06-04
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, Northern Laramie Range: west end of Casper Mountain, 1-1.5 air mi E of Goose Egg, ca 8 air mi SW of Casper., 42.7607 -106.4653, 1829 - 2043m

Image Associated With the Occurence
560255Robert S. Kirkpatrick   29861984-06-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Hot Springs, Absaroka Mountains: ca 22 air mi SSW of Meeteetse, ca 0.5 mi N of the headwaters of Grass Creek, S of Twin Lakes., 43.8507 -109.003, 2622m

Image Associated With the Occurence
847066B. E. Nelson   653202005-06-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: N of Little Beaver Creek and County Road 235, ca 1 mi W of Atlantic City; ca 23-24 air mi S of Lander., 42.4923 -108.7537, 2445 - 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
560253Robert S. Kirkpatrick, Ruth E. B. Kirkpatrick   58791984-08-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: ca 31 air mi SW of Meeteetse, along Horse Creek in the vicinity of the junction with the North Fork Wood River., 43.8655 -109.3238, 2927 - 3049m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Ronald L. Hartman, Rick McNeill   870802008-06-12
U.S.A., Montana, Meagher, Lewis and Clark National Forest: Castle Mountains: ca 1.5 air mi SW of Checkerboard on Forest Road 581., 46.554 -110.5834, 1771m

General Research Observations

Chelsea Christensen   
USA, Utah, Cache, detailed locality information protected

Fritillaria affinis (Schult. & Schult. f.) Sealy
Aaron F. Wells   AFW2002_0602022-05-17
United States, Washington, Okanogan, Big Valley Trail, Methow River, Winthrop., 48.510094 -120.279075, 575m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ken and Kathy Cook   2024-04-27
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, Mazatzal Mountains on the South side of Forest Road 201 to Peeley Trail Head, 34.00589 -111.45587, 1810m

Kirstin Olmon   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

Meghan Kershner   
United States, Utah, Cache, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ward, Ethan   2020-05-31
United States, Arizona, Pima, Crystal Springs trail, Santa Catalina Mountains, 32.436483 -110.728283, 2070m

G. Rink   113632012-06-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau, North Canyon Spring Trail, 36.398618 -112.085851, 2560m

Fritillaria affinis (Schult. & Schult. f.) Sealy
Walter Fertig   336672019-05-18
United States, Washington, Skagit, Puget Trough Ecoregion: Fidalgo Island, SW flank of Sugarloaf Peak, 0.75 miles S of Heart Lake, 1.2 miles E of Burrows Bay, 3 miles S of Anacortes. T34N R1E S1 NW4 NE4 SW4, 48.461234 -122.628958, 198m

D. Gentilcore   23172021-06-05
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Mt Irish Range. 750 m SW of Mt Irish summit., 37.640179 -115.40816, 2501m

Walter Fertig   
USA, Utah, Kane, detailed locality information protected

Walter Fertig   246922009-06-02
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau. Head of West Fork Three Lakes Canyon, ca 1 mi S of Red Knoll, 1.2 mi W of Hancock Road N of Coral Pink Sand Dunes, ca 6 air mi NW of Kanab. T42S R7W S22 SE4 SW4 SW4., 37.138036 -112.62488, 1826m

Jason W. Baker   13302022-06-03
USA, Utah, Box Elder, From W. 27,300 N, turn south onto One Mile Road and proceed 3.7 miles to the collection site., 41.956358 -113.453418, 1998m

Walter Fertig   5281988-04-05
USA, Oregon, Benton, Bald Hill Park, 2 miles west of Corvallis., 44.570784 -123.331177, 162m

WJH000561Bill Harms   11031981-05-15
United States, Washington, Spokane, Iller Creek trail, Tower Mountain, 47.604031 -117.281485, 732 - 762m

Walter Fertig   266742011-07-03
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Dempsey Ridge, along ridgetop on S side of Cook Canyon, just N of NW arm of Fossil Butte National Monument, ca 3.5 miles NW of Fossil Butte and ca 14 miles NW of Kemmerer. T22n R118W S10 NE4 of SE4SE4; 41.897215 -110.792817, 41.897215 -110.792817, 2435m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Walter Fertig   1751987-04-04
USA, Montana, Missoula, West face of Mount Sentinel, off of main trail to "M", Missoula, 46.8601 -113.9774

Walter Fertig   260362010-08-04
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Kaibab Plateau: divide at head of Sowats Canyon and Pine Hollow off FS Road 417, ca 4.2 miles S of Big Springs and 13 miles SSW of Jacob Lake.; 36.540386 -112.341576, 36.540386 -112.341576, 2300m

W. Harnach   13572013-05-21
USA, California, Sierra, On County Road exiting Calpine to the north and paralleling Hwy 89., 39.670167 -120.440167, 1529m

Kristian R. Valles   7122023-06-03
United States, Utah, Millard, Tunnel Spring, 38.74386 -113.76666, 2233m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
WJH001250Bill Harms   3611980-05-03
United States, Utah, Utah, Squaw Peak Overlook Picnic Area, off of Squaw Peak Trail Road, 40.301422 -111.625482, 2027 - 2042m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Walter Fertig   324612018-05-14
USA, Washington, Kittitas, East Cascades foothills, N-S trending ridge with powerline, 0.5 miles E of Colockum Road, ca 4.8 miles W of Columbia River, 8.5 miles S of Malaga. T20N R21E S3 NW4 SE4 SW4, 47.251028 -120.188389, 950m

Walter Fertig   269622011-08-17
United States, Utah, Iron, Cedar Mountain, N side of road to Deep Spring campground off UT Hwy 14, ca 10 miles SE of Cedar City, 2.3 miles SW of Cedar Breaks National Monument. T37S R9W S21 SW4 of NW4, 37.581742 -112.885994, 2813m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Walter Fertig   324082018-05-11
USA, Washington, Grant, Columbia Plateau: Potholes Wildlife Area, south of South Frontage Road of eastbound Interstate 90, ca 3 miles W of Moses Lake. T19N R27E S34 SW4 NW4 NW4, 47.099444 -119.427472, 327m

Selina Weighill   
USA, Utah, Chache County, detailed locality information protected

Elizabeth P. Johnson   2242017-05-23
USA, Nevada, Washoe, From Cedarville, CA take CA-299 east for 9.4 miles to Nevada border; continue on same road, now NV-8A, 5.9 miles. Turn left onto dirt road leading up 49er Canyon for 0.5 miles., 41.607968 -119.928163, 1798m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
C. Walton   74 - A2022-04-07
United States, Utah, Cache, Smithfield Dry Canyon

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
C. Walton   2022-04-07
United States, Utah, Cache, Smithfield Dry Canyon

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Katie McRae   302019-06-05
United States, Utah, Davis, Between campsites at Rudy's Flat, 40.83947602 -111.81203491, 2177m

068817J.S. Holland   2023-1082023-06-07
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Murray Summit Campground; northern portion of the Egan Range, 39.210243 -114.966483, 2242m

Walter Fertig   284242013-06-02
USA, Alaska, Juneau, Southeast Alaska, Coast Range, Juneau, Flume Trail, along Gold Creek and south base of Mount Juneau, 58.30766 -134.40936, 107m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
WJH000484Bill Harms   77002013-04-03
United States, Washington, Spokane, Camp Caro area, Dishman Hills, 47.651592 -117.289447, 621m

Charley Riddle   
USA, Utah, Cache, detailed locality information protected

Walter Fertig   211202004-07-05
USA, Alaska, Juneau, Douglas Island, Dan Moller Ski Trail, ca 1 mile W of Gastineau Channel and West Juneau in Kowee Creek Valley., 58.291104 -134.4416, 152m

Heidi M. Simper   1652021-06-07
United States, Oregon, Lake, From US-395, head east on OR-140/Warner hwy for 33.6 miles. Turn north onto dirt road for about 15.4 miles., 42.23244 -119.67567, 1839m

Walter Fertig   263662011-05-03
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Sand Hills N of Red Knoll, S of US Hwy 89, ca 8 miles NW of Kanab and 4 miles SE of Mount Carmel Junction. T42S R7W S10 SW4SW4, 37.168288 -112.627195, 1865m

Kristian R. Valles   5362022-05-13
United States, Utah, Weber, Base of Ben Lomond mountain, 41.34274 -111.95634, 1805m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
C. Walton   282021-04-27
United States, Utah, Cache, Mt. Naomi Wilderness Area above the WMA, 41.839275 -111.768832, 1972m

Image Associated With the Occurence
WJH000541Bill Harms   1971978-06-20
United States, Washington, Spokane, Beside the trail about 1/4 S. of the end of Schafer Road, about 4 miles S. of Dishman., 47.608566 -117.281871, 701m

Kevin Russell   
USA, Utah, Cache, detailed locality information protected

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
WJH000544Bill Harms   2141979-04-20
United States, Washington, Spokane, Along Holman Road, 0 to 1000 feet north of East Rockcrest Lane junction, 47.603699 -117.282053, 777m

Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
Blake Wellard   5022008-04-15
United States, Utah, Davis, Fernwood Campground along the ridgeline trail, 41.09018 -111.89827, 1615m

Kellie Erickson   
United States, Utah, Cache, detailed locality information protected

Kristian R. Valles   6872023-05-26
United States, Utah, Washington, Near Twin Pine Campgrounds, 37.37059 -113.46876, 2133m

Museum of Northern Arizona

B.28049Phillips, A.M. III   
USA, Arizona, Mohave County, detailed locality information protected

B.35286G. Rink   113632012-06-17
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab Plateau, North Canyon Spring Trail, 36.398618 -112.085851, 2560m

B.35065Kirstin Olmon   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

B.11983Breed, William J.   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

B.16904Johnsen, Ardith B.   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

USA, Arizona, Navajo County, detailed locality information protected

B.16936Applequist, Mark   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

B.12555Hamilton, P. & H.   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

B.10989Deaver, Chester F.   
USA, Arizona, Yavapai County, detailed locality information protected

B.4124Wetherill, Milton   
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, detailed locality information protected

San Juan College Herbarium

SJNM-V-0040867Heil, Kenneth D.   258542006-06-03
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Carrizo Mountains. Ca 11 miles up Carrizo Mountain Road from US 160., 36.8211111111 -109.1986111111, 2649m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040869Heil, Kenneth D.   217772003-05-21
United States, Colorado, San Miguel, San Juan National Forest. East of Egnar along Dolores County Road boundary. Near road between Relay & Receiving towers., 37.8911111 -108.8341667, 2492m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040873Heil & Fleming   4426
United States, Utah, Wayne, Capitol Reef National Park, Upper Deep Creek; near Billings Pass., 38.43562 -111.42789

Heil, Kenneth D.   258622006-06-03
United States, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Nation. Carrizo Mountains. Ca 17 miles up Carrizo Mountain Road from US 160. Ca 2 mile SE of Pastora Peak., 36.7983333333 -109.1436111111, 2835m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040871hpcc   21645B2003-05-19
United States, Colorado, Montezuma, San Juan National Forest. Summit Lake. NW of lake., 37.4247222 -108.3858333, 2258m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040866G. Rink   31062004-05-16
USA, Arizona, Navajo, Navajo Nation. South end of Skeleton Mesa, west of the head of Keet Seel Canyon., 36.7896033 -110.4923383, 2307m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040868G. Rink & Pat Musick   33862004-06-01
USA, Arizona, Apache, Navajo Reservation, Summit area of Pastora Peak, Carrizo Mountains., 36.788 -109.1646, 2805m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040876Tom Cramer & Jane Kellett   77051995-07-11
USA, Wyoming, Lincoln, Southern Salt River Range and Vicinity: ca 13.5 air mi N of Cokeville; Sublette Range at Raymond Creek., 42.2706 -111.0231, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040874Porter, J. Mark   39091986-06-16
United States, Utah, Wayne, Fishlake National Forest, Elkhorn Campgrounds; hillside NW of the entrance., 38.4644 -111.4572

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria biflora Sessé & Moc.
SJNM-V-0040877Comstock, J.A.   1930-04-00
United States, California, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, near San Diego., 33.01 -117.2, 76m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040872hom   170692001-07-07
United States, Utah, San Juan, Navajo Nation. Navajo Mountain. Navajo Mountain road. S flank ca 1 mi above War God Spring, 37.0141667 -110.8747222, 2776m

Image Associated With the Occurence
SJNM-V-0040875Heil, Kenneth D.   35731987-07-24
United States, Utah, Wayne, Capitol Reef National Park, Upper Deep Creek; 1 mi. SW of Billings Pass., 38.454268 -111.468948, 2650m

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
BRYV0070936Lawton Fox   4651996-03-19
U.S.A., Idaho, Idaho, Along Hwy. 95 and Salmon R. at Slate Cr. Rest Area. On W. exposure 30Õ above river on E bank bench above shore.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070766R. Foster   77151979-05-29
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Toabe Range, ca 2 mi sw of Collar and Elbow, 40.98499 -114.3289, 2048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070765Sherel Goodrich   116661978-06-29
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe Range; Ophir pass; about 40 airline mi s of Austin., 38.93734 -117.31824, 3109m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070764Noel H. Holmgren   81981976-06-21
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Egan Range, west side of Ward Mountain ridge on Upper Terrace, about 14.5 km (9 mi) airline distance south-southwest of Ely., 39.1211 -114.93741, 2830m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070763Noel H. Holmgren   59301972-06-15
U.S.A., Idaho, Cassia, Cache Peak Range (Albion Mountains), Silent City of Rocks, just southeast of roads summit, 13 airline miles southeast of Oakley., 42.08976 -113.73572, 2088m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070762N. Duane Atwood   8761967-05-26
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, At Webb Springs on the No. side of Big Butte., 1707 - 1829m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070703NoCollectorListed   s.n.1899-05-13
U.S.A., Utah, Salt Lake, Mountains of Salt Lake City.

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070757I. W. Clokey   74781937-07-06
U.S.A., Nevada, Clark, Kyle Canyon., 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070704D. Elden Beck   s.n.1938-06-20
U.S.A., Utah, Base Boulder Mt. near Steep Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
BRYV0070935C. H. Refsdal   32781995-05-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Uinta, Basins and Mountains of Southwest Wyoming: about 8 air mi SW of Granger; about 1.5 mi N of Church Butte Historical Monument. E1/2 S23., 1975 - 2042m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BRYV0070756N. Duane Atwood   8211967-05-22
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Plants of the National Reactor Testing Station. Lava flow ca. 6 mi. S.W. of Atomic City, Idaho, on Big Butte Road, just past railroad tracks., 1554 - 1585m

Page 19, records 1801-1900 of 6410


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