PLA 0013260 A. Pinzl 12300 1997-05-14
USA, Nevada, White Pine, West side of White Pine Range, road along White River, 5.5 road miles west of US 6, 38.933333 -115.273333, 1928m
PLA 0013261 A. Pinzl 12057 1997-04-20
USA, Nevada, Clark, Springs Mts, about 2.9 road miles west of Lovell Summit, 36.1675 -115.646, 1825m
PLA 0012740 A. Pinzl 11334 1995-05-10
USA, Nevada, Esmeralda, Montezuma Range, Jackson Wash road, about 8.2 road miles west of turnoff to Route 266, 37.65 -117.38, 1871m
PLA 0011542 A. Pinzl 9940 1992-04-22
USA, Nevada, Mineral, Pilot Mountains, lower Dunlap Canyon, about 1/3 road mile west of turnoff to south and Pine Tree Mine, 38.41 -118.03, 1676m
PLA G 0006598 G I.W. Clokey 7989 1938-06-03
USA, Nevada, Clark, Charleston [Spring] Mountains, Cold Creek., 36.422545 -115.741886, 1820 - 1820m
PLA G 0001856 G M.J. Williams 80-39-1 1980-05-24
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, On road to Kershaw Ryan State Park, ca 1 mile from highway turn at Caliente., 37.595243 -114.532769, 1280m
PLA G 0009589 G P.J. Leary 5133 1995-06-16
USA, Nevada, Esmeralda, 1.6 mi W of Lida, just S of NV Hwy 266, 37.442729 -117.5311, 1996m
PLA G 0006322 G A. Tiehm 11172 1987-06-04
USA, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, 0.6 road mile west of Warm Springs on highway 6 then 0.3 mile north, 1768m
PLA 0013259 A. Pinzl 12342 1997-05-14
USA, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, general vicinity (& NE) of Ellison Ranger Station, 2.1 road miles north of Freeland Spring turnoff, 39.05 -115.35, 2210m
A. Tiehm 14491 2004-05-28
USA, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, Keystone Springs, 2.8 road miles W of main Hot Creek Valley road., 38.444917 -116.388111, 1975 - 1975m
A. Tiehm 13488 2001-05-17
USA, Nevada, Mineral, Stewart Valley, 3.2 road mi N of road summit on main Finger Rock Wash road, then E 2.2 road mi on road to Simon, 38.551051 -117.888854, 1890 - 1890m
I.W. Clokey 7989 1938-06-03
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Clark County
G.K. Helmkamp 1720 1997-04-29
United States, Nevada, Clark Co., 12 mi. NE of Pahrump at base of Spring Mtns (Clark Canyon), 36.33 -115.7631, 1555 - 1555m
I.W. Clokey 1937-00-00
USA, Nevada, Clark, Charleston Mountains, 36.277361 -115.707722
A. Tiehm 13567 2001-06-03
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Pancake Range, 1.5 road miles SE of Pogues Station on the Eureka-Duckwater road, 39.169917 -115.850563, 1908 - 1908m
A. Tiehm 13464 2001-05-16
USA, Nevada, Mineral, Pilot Mts, Summit Springs on the SE end of the range, E of the road to Eddyville, 38.307441 -117.925514, 1999 - 1999m
ASU0141006 W.D. Clark 957 1973-05-26
USA, Nevada, Clark, 8 mi W of Hwy 95 on Lone Mountain Rd., 36.237347 -115.382571, 1036m
Marc A. Baker 21298 2024-06-17
United States, Nevada, Elko, 6.5km north of Wilkins and Thousand Springs Creek, 45km NNE of Wells, 41.4798 -114.72107, 1909m
BRYV0104185 K. H. Thorne 809 1980-05-02
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Along Hwy 6-50, 1.5 miles NW of Oseola Jct., 1768m
BRYV0104186 K. Thorne 984 1980-06-05
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, White River Valley, Jakes wash, 5.5 mi NE of Hwy 6., 1890m
BRYV0104182 K. H. Thorne 947A 1980-06-02
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Currant at mouth of canyon., 1829m
BRYV0104183 K. Thorne 982 1980-06-04
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Wood Canyon, ca. 12 mi W of Lockes., 1890m
BRYV0104184 K. H. Thorne 906 1980-05-31
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, White River Valley, Egan Range, mouth of Trough Spring Canyon., 1722m
BRYV0104181 K. H. Thorne 880 1980-05-30
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, White River Valley, 14 mi S of Lund, Hwy 138, L on rd to radio tower, 1.7 mi side of mtn., 1875m
BRYV0104179 Arnold Tiehm 13567 2001-06-03
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Pancake Range, 1.5 road miles SE of Pogues Station on the Eureka-Duckwater road., 1908m
BRYV0104178 Margaret J. Williams 79-113-2 1979-06-27
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Ca 6 mi up the road in Grant Canyon toward Timber Mountain., 2545m
BRYV0104177 John Guidinger 1083 1983-06-21
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range., 2377m
BRYV0104176 Arnold Tiehm 11172 1987-06-04
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, .6 road mile west of Warm Springs on highway 6 then .3 mile north., 1768m
BRYV0104200 Ann Pinzl 12342 1997-05-14
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, White Pine Range, general vicinity (& NE) of Ellison Raner Station, 2.1 road miles north of Freeland Spring turnoff., 2210m
BRYV0104196 Ann Pinzl 12300 1997-05-14
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, West side of White Pine Range, road along White River, 5 1/2 road miles west of US 6., 38.93333 -115.26777, 1928m
BRYV0104198 Noel H. Holmgren 976 1964-06-16
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Snake Range, Pole Canyon., 2134m
BRYV0104193 Mont E. Lewis 3400 1975-06-06
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Humboldt N. F, Cherry Cr. Pass, Quinn Can, Div., 2286m
BRYV0104194 R. Foster 7620 1979-05-22
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, .25 mi N of Ferguson Wash., 1451m
BRYV0104195 Noel H. Holmgren 8512 1977-07-05
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range, Kalamazoo Creek Canyon, 5.6 km (3.5 mi) west of Spring Valley road turnoff, 24 km (15 mi) airline distance north-northeast of McGill., 2100m
BRYV0104190 S. Goodrich 12652 1979-06-13
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe N. F. Paradise RAnge, 6.5 mi. 136 degrees from Gabbs, near head of Sheep Canyon just west of Paradise Peak., 2286m
BRYV0104191 S. Goodrich 12625 1979-06-13
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, Toiyabe N. F. Paradise Range, 7.25 mi. 145 degrees from Gabbs., 2073m
BRYV0104192 K. Thorne 610 1979-06-12
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Shellbourne Pass, Siegel Creek., 2286m
BRYV0104187 Arthur Cronquist 11686 1980-07-02
U.S.A., Nevada, Nye, East side of Big Smoky Valley, ca 2 km south of Round Mountain, and across the valley from Mahogany Mountain, ca 90 km by road northeast of Tonopah., 1900m
BRYOGDF03320 Geo. E. Moore M-547 1931-05-25
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Nevada NF; McCoy Creek, 2438m
BRYOGDF03322 Mont E. Lewis 1494 1969-05-21
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Humboldt NF; Strawberry Creek-between cattleguards, 2195m
BRYV0104662 S. L. Welsh 20479 1981-05-21
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, About 5 mi SSW of Frisco ghost town and 2 mi SSW of Squaw Peak., 1829m
BRYV0104660 R. C. Holmgren 320 1964-06-01
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Needle Range, between Tub and Mtn. Home Springs., 2286m
BRYV0104661 S. Goodrich 18578 1983-06-21
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, 28 mi 172 deg S of Garrison Mtn, Home Range., 2560m
BRYV0104663 K Ostler 1087B 1978-05-24
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Mountain Home Range. 4.5 mi from UT Hwy 21., 2012m
BRYV0104658 Duane Atwood 6661 1976-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Rock Corral camp ground, 9.7 mi NE of Milford.
BRYV0104657 E. Neese 15669 1984-06-03
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Utah Hwy 21 rd summit between Milford and Nevada state line old Frisco site.
BRYV0104656 S. L. Welsh 28811 2004-05-18
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Mountain Home Range, The Needles, north reentry off Jackson Wash., 38.47555 -113.87861, 2134m
BRYV0104659 S. Goodrich 18651 1983-06-22
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, 33 mi 165 deg S of Garrison., 2067m
BRYV0104664 K Ostler 1166 1978-05-27
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, Pine Valley., 1873m
BRYV0104655 R. Kass 244 1981-05-19
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Clifton Hills., 40.08726 -113.84265, 1902m
BRYV0104654 Stanley L. Welsh 16830 1978-06-07
U.S.A., Utah, Tooele, Ca 11 mi due nnw of Callao., 40.04362 -113.80513, 1646m
BRYV0104984 N. Duane Atwood 31392 2006-06-13
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Lexington Creek, Humboldt National Forest, SW of Garrison., 2229m
BRYV0000190 Marcus E. Jones 1891-06-05
U.S.A., Utah, Willow Springs Pass.
BRYV0104197 A. H. Holmgren s.n. 1938-05-25
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, 30 Mi. S. Elko., 1707m
BRYV0104188 E. C. Moran s.n. 1967-07-07
U.S.A., Nevada, Elko, Along highway 51, north of Carlin., 1829m
BRYOGDF03349_b George C. Larson s.n. 1919-05-23
U.S.A., Nevada, ?, Baker Cr., 2134m
BRYV0305312 Robert L. Johnson 9341 2024-05-22
U.S.A., Nevada, White Pine, Southern end of Snake Range, Spring Wash, ca 22 air mi ssw of Baker., 38.69893 -114.22462, 6500m
BRYV0305301 Robert L. Johnson 9351 2024-05-22
U.S.A., Utah, Beaver, East side of the Mountain Home Range and The Needles, ca 34 air mi sse of Garrison., 38.47663 -113.84735, 6396m
RSA0049084 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1893-06-20
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Aurum.
RSA0049085 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1906-06-16
United States, Nevada, Elko, Cobre., 1829m
RSA0007077 H. D. Ripley 6228 1944-06-12
United States, Nevada, Eureka, 16 miles W Eureka.
RSA0049087 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-06-19
United States, Arizona, Greenlee, Clifton., 33.05248 -109.294724
RSA0048873 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-06-10
United States, Nevada, Elko, Furber., 2225m
RSA0007064 I. W. Clokey 7989 1938-06-03
United States, Nevada, Clark, Cold Creek., 1820m
RSA0007074 H. D. Ripley 3525 1941-05-21
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, South of Pioche., 1829m
RSA0048871 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1893-06-12
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Aurum., 2225m
RSA0048868 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1900-06-14
United States, Utah, Tooele, Dutch Mt., 40.239449 -113.865992, 1615m
RSA0007075 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1893-06-12
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Aurum., 2226m
RSA0049082 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-07-11
United States, Nevada, Douglas, Centerville, near Aurum.
RSA0007076 H. D. Ripley 9318 1948-06-23
United States, Nevada, White Pine, White Pine mts. N. of Hamilton, 2470m
RSA0002848 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-06-05
United States, Utah, Unknown, Willow Springs Pass., 2225m
RSA0048872 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1893-05-30
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Aurum., 2225m
Mary DeDecker 4096 1976-05-29
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range: North of Red Mountain., 37.77096 -117.759302, 2286m
Mary DeDecker 1636 1964-05-29
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, Silver Peak Range: North Spring., 37.817778 -117.792859, 1859m
RSA0048870 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-07-03
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Muncy., 2225m
RSA0049086 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-07-22
United States, Nevada, Elko, Sprucemont.
RSA0048869 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1900-04-26
United States, Idaho, Washington, Weiser.
RSA0049083 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1900-06-14
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ferguson Spring., 1920m
RSA0049088 Marcus E. Jones s.n. 1891-06-22
United States, Utah, Tooele, Deep Creek., 1829m
RSA0130807 Jim M. André 35051 2016-05-13
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda, BLMPalmetto Mountains: gravelly hills 0.6 mi. south of Lida (Hwy 266).; Lida 7.5'., 37.4491167 -117.4941167, 1936m
RSA0189898 E. Neese 15669 1984-06-03
United States, Utah, Beaver, Utah Hwy 21 rd summit between Milford and Nevada state line old Frisco site., 38.459353 -113.254472
RSA0189345 Arnold Tiehm 6436 1981-05-15
United States, Nevada, Nye, North end of Railroad Valley, 8 air miles due east of Duckwater., 1753m
RSA0189348 S. L. Welsh 20595 1981-05-24
United States, Nevada, Nye, 3/4 mi S of Morres Station., 38.685668 -116.183715, 1219m
RSA0189418 Bassett Maguire 25631 1945-07-03
United States, Nevada, White Pine, 30 mi. S. of Ely.
RSA0189891 J. Beatley s.n. 1969-06-08
United States, Nevada, Nye, E. of foothills of no. Belted Range and w. of Belted Peak. E. Kawich Drainage Basin., 1890m
RSA0189893 Margaret J. Williams 79-58-3 1979-05-27
United States, Nevada, Nye, 1 mi. NE of Currant along Hwy 6., 38.75695 -115.45758, 1615m
RSA0189894 Ann Pinzl 9940 1922-04-22
United States, Nevada, Mineral, Pilot Mts, lower Dunlap Canyon, about 1/3 road miles west of turnoff to south and Pine Tree Mine., 38.406291 -118.032405, 1676m
RSA0189890 Margaret J. Williams 84-49-4 1984-06-20
United States, Nevada, Elko, E side of Ruby Mtns, 0.7 road mi S of Snatytown., 40.163358 -115.520093, 2012m
RSA0189971 J. Andre 6547 2005-06-07
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Muleshoe Valley: in burn area, NE of Sidehill Pass, N. of Coyote Wash., 1896m
RSA0189972 Arnold Tiehm 14491 2004-05-28
United States, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, Keystone Canyon, Keystone Springs, 2.8 road miles west of main Hot Creek Valley road., 38.444917 -116.388056, 1976m
RSA0189973 Arnold Tiehm 11172 1987-06-04
United States, Nevada, Nye, Hot Creek Range, .6 road miles west of Warm Springs on highway 6 then .3 mile north., 1768m
RSA0190344 I. W. Clokey 7989 1938-06-03
United States, Nevada, Clark, Cold Creek., 1820m
RSA0190345 J. Andre 8157 2006-05-27
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Dry Lake Valley: NE end of Dry Lake Valley. Just N. of dirt road to charcoal kilns., 38.07943 -114.73442, 1562m
RSA0190346 Arnold Tiehm 14905 2005-05-22
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Schell Creek Range, Silver King Pass on road from Bristol Wells to White River Valley., 38.2325 -114.890028, 1951m
RSA0190347 J. Andre 6571 2005-06-09
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Spring Valley: Spring Valley: hills on west side of Hwy 93 at dirt road exit to Atlanta Mine area., 1861m
RSA0190504 J. Andre 6547 2005-06-07
United States, Nevada, Lincoln, Muleshoe Valley: Muleshoe Valley: in burn area, NE of Sidehill Pass, N. of Coyote Wash., 1896m
RSA0190505 Arnold Tiehm 13567 2001-06-03
United States, Nevada, White Pine, Pancake Range, 1.5 road miles southeast of Pogues Station on the Eureka-Duckwater road., 39.171753 -115.84412, 1909m
RSA0190507 Alice Eastwood 9459 1941-05-14
United States, Nevada, Nye, Near Tonopah.
RSA0190508 Bassett Maguire 25297 1945-06-03
United States, Nevada, Nye, Quinn Canyon Range, Nevada National Forest. Willow Creek.
RSA0190529 Arnold Tiehm 7181 1982-06-16
United States, Nevada, Elko, Ruby Mts, 2 miles SW of Shanty Town on southeast end of the range., 40.148938 -115.520113, 2073m