764987 Lugger, O. s.n. 1892-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, St. Vincent.;;163N;51W;02, 48.970241 -97.226709
772233 Boe, J. 1779 1980-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods County...Near road from Norris Camp to Faunce. Near Browns Creek. W1/2 Sec. 4, R35W, T159N.;Beltrami Island State Forest;159N;35W;04, 48.619705 -95.159198
772659 Boe, J. 1770 1980-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods County...Rapid River Road, 3 mi. W of Pitt Grade. N1/2 Sec. 19, R32W, T157N.;Beltrami Island State Forest;157N;32W;19, 48.402843 -94.80889
828386 Delaney, B. 90035 1990-05-28
United States, Minnesota, Isanti, Isanti County...along the Rum River...NE1/4 NW1/4 sec.1, T34N, R24W;;034N;24W;01, 45.464018 -93.275932
507971 Lee, Michael; et al. MDL2299 1998-07-28
United States, Minnesota, Crow Wing, Crow Wing County ... along the Little Pine River six miles south of Emily ... T137N R26W SE1/4 of SW1/4 Sec. 28;;137N;26W;28, 46.651471 -93.97781
959345 Lynden B. Gerdes 7318 2015-07-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Superior National Forest. Approximately 7.26 miles NE of Buyck, MN. Hunting Shack River corridor along FR 199., 48.15277778 -92.37333333
829566 Boe, J. 92082002 1992-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Roseau, Roseau County...Beltrami Island State Forest...along Morehouse Road...SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec.19 T159N R37W.;Beltrami Island State Forest;159N;37W;19, 48.576189 -95.462182
831708 Harris, Fred 92226 1992-09-15
United States, Minnesota, Red Lake, Red Lake County...Huot WMA...NE1/4 NW1/4 Sec 27 T151N R45W;Huot Wildlife Management Area;151N;45W;27, 47.869236 -96.406639
833821 Smith, Welby 14202 1988-06-09
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington County...About 2.5 mi E-NE of Scandia...terrace of the St. Croix River. NW1/4 SE1/4 sec 7, T32N R19W;;032N;19W;07, 45.273759 -92.765475
833943 Smith, Welby 14039 1988-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Kanabec, Kanabec County...On the W side of the Snake River, just S of the Hwy 3 crossing. NE1/4 NW1/4 sec 22, T41N R23W;;041N;23W;22, 46.0238889 -93.2333333
479225 Kaul, R.; et al. 6924 1990-10-14
United States, Minnesota, Steele, Steele County...along Straight River just south of Morehouse Park, Owatonna.;;107N;20W;00, 44.066112 -93.226071
833949 Smith, Welby 14002 1988-05-14
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Benton County...Sartell State Wildlife Management Area, about 2 mi NE of Rice. SW1/4 SW1/4 sec 15, T38N R31W;Sartell Wildlife Management Area;038N;31W;15, 45.786582 -94.186232
835452 Myhre, K. 4395 1993-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine County...Located 1 mi N of the town of Sandstone...T42N R20W SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 3;Banning State Park;042N;20W;03, 46.150726 -92.855552
837242 Smith, Welby 19084 1991-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Camp Ripley Military Reservation. Camp Ripley Military Reservation. Morrison County...Along the N margin of Prentice Pond (an artificial impoundment on Broken Bow Creek), about4 km SW of Fort Ripley; UTM: 391400E 5111500N T131N R30W sec. 24. 131N 30W 24, 46.144135 -94.401924
453714 Moore, John 323 1971-07-08
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, S. 1/4 - S.11 Blue Hill Twnshp.;Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge;035N;27W;11, 45.537611 -93.66526
839188 Boe, J. 93080607
United States, Minnesota, Cass, Cass County...West of Sucker Creek...T144N R39W SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Sec 2.;Chippewa National Forest / Leech Lake Indian Reservation;144N;39W;02, 47.303901 -94.431536
839262 Smith, Welby 18474 1990-09-19
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Lost Lake Wildlife Management Area. Fillmore County...Along the Root River Trail, in the Root River Valley. About 1.25 miles west of Lanesboro...T103N R10W NW1/4 of NW1/4 of Sec 23.. 103N 10W 23, 43.7138889 -92.0036111
841567 Smith, Welby 15075 1988-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington County ... St. Croix Valley, about 2 mi S of Marine on St. Croix ... NW1/4 SE1/4 sec.18, T31N R19W;Saint Croix National Riverway;031N;19W;18, 45.1730537 -92.7624969
99592 Sheldon, Edmund S1039 1891-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Brown, Sleepy Eye.;;110N;32W;32, 44.289955 -94.715437
99596 Sheldon, Edmund s.n. 1894-09-00
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Pike Island, near Fort Snelling.;Fort Snelling State Park;028N;23W;00, 44.905162 -93.166462
931773 Smith, Welby R. 20454 1992-06-20
United States, Minnesota, Wadena, On the north side of a gravel road, about one mile west of Manahga SE of NE of section;;138N;35W;20, 46.7547222 -95.1216667
99597 Frost, W. s.n. 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Meeker, Litchfield;;119N;31W;11, 45.130983 -94.533227
99598 Sheldon, Edmund S2988 1892-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Milaca.;;038N;27W;25, 45.756966 -93.647572
99600 Sheldon, Edmund S2507 1892-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Mille Lacs, Mille Lacs Reservation.;Mille Lacs Indian Reservation, 46.107225 -93.716142
99601 Ballard, C. B302N 1891-06-00
United States, Minnesota, Scott, Jordan, Scott Co.;;114N;23W;19, 44.66697 -93.63399
99604 Lyon, H. 312 1899-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Houston, Winnebago Valley.;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest, 43.76595 -91.33862
455350 Cholewa, A. 2621 2002-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Sherburne Co, southwest end of Sand Dunes State Forest, ca 1 mi south of Orrock. T34N R27W Sec 20.;Sand Dunes State Forest;034N;27W;20, 45.422416 -93.725219
99606 Sandberg, John s.n. 1885-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Red Wing.;;113N;14W;00, 44.555216 -92.495543
264284 Holzinger, John s.n. 1901-05-00
United States, Minnesota, Winona, Rollingstone Creek. Winona Co., 44.09453 -91.81377
276050 Grant, Martin 3134 1929-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Itasca Park...County: Clearwater. Loc.: Tourist Camp. SE-SW 35, T144, R36.;Itasca State Park;144N;36W;35, 47.246503 -95.201577
337036 Lakela, Olga 1702 1936-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Back fence of cottage, Sec. 19, Duluth [other collections indicates this is in T49N R13W, Minnesota Point];Minnesota Point;049N;13W;19, 46.743332 -92.065821
367059 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 10346 1938-08-27
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Great Laurentian Highland Divide, 1/2 mile east of Highway 53, St. Louis Co., 47.581498 -92.542285
899029 Smith, Welby 25917 1995-08-23
United States, Minnesota, Renville, Skalbakken County Park. Renville County...Skalbakken County Park...Minnabouta River, about 6 miles east of Granite Falls ... T 115N R 38W SE1/4 of SW1/4 of Sec 27. 115N 38W 27, 44.7347222 -95.4169444
373837 Moore, John; et al. 15114 1941-09-19
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Railroad near Nicols. Dakota Co.;;027N;23W;18, 44.825884 -93.216999
383400 Moore, John; Hall, Robert 16139 1943-09-10
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Along the Knife River, 2 1/2 miles southwest of Two Harbors, Lake Co.;North Shore;052N;11W;31, 46.947426 -91.787092
953126 Lee, Jeffrey G. 105 2015-06-23
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis
412412 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 11507 1939-08-07
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, Kittson County...one mile south of Noyes.;;164N;51W;36, 48.984248 -97.205116
416836 Lakela, Olga 9785 1949-09-12
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...White Iron River, south of Ely.;Superior National Forest, 47.840827 -91.874983
420560 Lakela, Olga 10801 1950-07-24
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...Pequayan Lake Road, 25 miles n.e. of Duluth.;Cloquet Valley State Forest, 47.14896 -91.91196
437267 Moore, John; Moore, Marjorie 12222 1939-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Lake of the Woods, Lake of the Woods County...at Four Mile Bay, Lake of the Woods.;;162N;32W;00, 48.844345 -94.762874
445835 Moore, John; Huff, N. 17993 1945-07-25
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Morrison County...along rail road right-of-way at Center Valley.;;040N;29W;00, 45.94724 -93.95141
448293 Moore, John; et al. 1946-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Morrison, Morrison County...1 mile south of Snow School House, Parker Twp.;;130N;31W;00, 46.064083 -94.581429
448514 Moore, John; Huff, N. 18120 1945-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Pine, Pine County...St. Croix River, Head of the Rapids boat landing, St. Croix State Park.;Saint Croix State Park, 45.974115 -92.58353
507416 Moore, John 20819 1950-09-13
United States, Minnesota, Big Stone, Big Stone County...6 miles north of Ortonville.;;122N;46W;00, 45.37066 -96.429193
525977 Lakela, Olga 19395 1955-08-31
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, St. Louis County...Floodwood River terrace; highway #73, south of Floodwood Lake.;;054N;21W;00, 47.15242 -93.00221
526397 Moore, John 21304 1951-08-09
United States, Minnesota, Douglas, Douglas County...east arm of Lake Christina.;;130N;40W;00, 46.063883 -95.707398
549946 Moore, John 22149 1954-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Sherburne, Sherburne County...Sect. 1, Santiago Twp.;;035N;28W;01, 45.552286 -93.769525
554622 Moore, John 23132 1957-05-30
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Clary County...along the Red River, 1 1/2 miles west of Rustad.;;138N;48W;00, 46.761733 -96.730542
922208 Smith, Welby 23529 1993-08-11
United States, Minnesota, Isanti, 13 miles southwest of Cambridge. NW1/4 of SW1/4 of section;Lyndon Cedarglade County Park;034N;25W;13, 45.4377778 -93.4075
558318 Moore, John; Hsi, Yu-tseng [Eugene] 23422 1957-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Blue Earth, Blue Earth County...along the Le Sueur River, Sec. 7, Decoria Twp.;;107N;26W;07, 44.086702 -93.998482
560957 Ownbey, Gerald; Anderson, Henry 2714 1959-06-24
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, White Earth Indian Reservation. Clearwater County...NE 1/4 Sec. 6. T145N, R37W...west side of County Road 103, about 6.8 straightline miles north-northwest of Zerkel.. 145N 37W 6, 47.405129 -95.413541
578787 Ownbey, Gerald 3204 1962-07-05
United States, Minnesota, Hubbard, Hubbard County...Itasca State Park. T143N, R35W, SE1/4 Sec. 6...La Salle Creek, below La Salle Springs.;Itasca State Park;143N;36W;06, 47.232454 -95.161386
687936 Wheeler, Gerald; Glaser, Paul 2387 1977-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Itasca, Itasca Countty...Coll.Site 172. Near Releve 49...SW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 3, T56N, R25W, approx. 8.5 miles N-NE of Grand Rapids...Prairie River, near the bridge. 056N 25W 3, 47.36223 -93.501578
922172 Smith, Welby 23183 1993-07-29
United States, Minnesota, Grant, On the south side of Ask Lake, about 1.5 miles east-southest of Ashby. NW1/4 of SW1/4 of section;;130N;41W;12, 46.0847222 -95.7886111
937784 Gerdes, Lynden B. 6768 2012-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Approximately 4.02 miles northwest of Isabella, MN and 0.15 west of the Hwy. 1 entrance to the Little Isabella River Campgrounds.;Superior National Forest;060N;09W;25, 47.646389 -91.427222
696494 Smith, Welby 684 1978-09-17
United States, Minnesota, Wright, Wright County...T122N, R25W, N1/2 Sec. 32. On Burlington Northern tracks.;;122N;25W;32, 45.331907 -93.860001
701544 Ownbey, Gerald 6222 1979-06-13
United States, Minnesota, Washington, Washington County...T 26N, R 20W, W 1/2 Sect. 7...bluffs of the Mississippi River.;;026N;20W;07, 44.754529 -92.851477
708013 Smith, Welby 1332 1979-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood County...T 112N, R 34W, NW1/4 SE1/4 Sec. 14. 6.5 mi N-NE of Morgan, S of Wabasha Creek and N of county highway 10.. 112N 34W 14, 44.506793 -94.895945
709631 Wheeler, Gerald 4634 1979-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Redwood, Redwood County...Approx. 6.5 mi north-northeast of Morgan. About 1/16 to 1/8 mi west of Route 11...T112N, R34W, Sec. 14.;;112N;34W;14, 44.506793 -94.895945
709840 Wheeler, Gerald 4858 1979-08-08
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County...approx. 0.5 mile northwest of Nicols...T27N, R23W, Sec. 18.;Fort Snelling State Park;027N;23W;18, 44.825884 -93.216999
711694 Smith, Welby 1771 1979-09-08
United States, Minnesota, Dakota, Dakota County...T 27N, R 23W, NE1/4 sec. 18. 1/2 mi NE of Highway 36, within the municipal boundaries of Eagan... Chicago and Northwestern Railroad tracks.. 027N 23W 18, 44.825884 -93.216999
99593 Manning, Sara 3366 1883-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Wabasha, Lake City.;;111N;12W;04, 44.447017 -92.258983
99594 Lyon, H.; Moyer, Lycurgus 1261 1900-08-03
United States, Minnesota, Chippewa, Montevideo.;;117N;40W;18, 44.941761 -95.726666
99595 Ballard, C. 3165 1907-08-15
United States, Minnesota, Clay, Moorhead.;;129N;48W;09, 46.873852 -96.767581
99599 MacMillan, C.; et al. 26 1900-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Polk, Crookston;;150N;46W;30, 47.782 -96.60007
99603 Sandberg, John s.n. 1885-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Goodhue, Red Wing.;;113N;14W;00, 44.555216 -92.495543
99605 Campbell, Jennie C174 1896-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Stearns, Rockville;;123N;29W;00, 45.45742 -94.322478
99607 Aiton, G. 99607 1889-07-00
United States, Minnesota, Hennepin, Hen. Co., 45 -93.47
898400 Lee, Michael MDL4188 2005-09-28
United States, Minnesota, Benton, Benton County...Graham's Island in the Mississippi River, in the city limits of Sauk Rapids...15-acre island below the State Hwy 15 bridge...T36N R31W SW1/4 of NE1/4 of NW1/4 Sec. 22...also NW1/4 of SE1/4 of NW1/4 Sec. 22. 036N 31W 22, 45.598931 -94.181749
463548 Gerdes, Lynden 4184 2000-08-02
United States, Minnesota, Lake, North Shore / Tettegouche State Park. T56N R08W S23NESE Lake County ... Tettegouche State Park, vicinity of Silver Bay ... Approximately 1.0 mile south of Lax Lake.. 056N 08W 23, 47.321895 -91.314488
922952 Smith, Welby 21597 1992-08-20
United States, Minnesota, Fillmore, Along the Root River, about 3.5 miles southwest of Peterson...T 104N R 9W SE1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 34;Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest;104N;09W;34, 43.7619444 -91.8916667
962765 Pilla, Na. J.; Farnum, Isaac s. n. 2019-05-27
United States, Minnesota, Kanabec, 2925 Ivory Street at Farnum property, 46.012798 -93.333964
922946 Smith, Welby 20249 1992-05-20
United States, Minnesota, Marshall, Old Mill State Park. Old Mill State Park, about 11 miles east of Argyle ... Along Middle River ... T156N R46W NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Sec 4. 156N 46W 4, 48.3602778 -96.5702778
927668 Chayka, K. KC-1131 2011-08-22
United States, Minnesota, Ramsey, Near Lexington Ave. parking lot. NW1/4 of section;Rice Creek Trail County Park;030N;23W;03, 45.1188889 -93.1658333
959481 Lynden B. Gerdes 7414 2015-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Approximately 5.91 miles NW of Crane Lake, MN and 0.33 miles east of Franklin Lake., 48.30222222 -92.60444444
967626 Drew, L.A. s.n. 1969-08-05
United States, Minnesota, Kittson, 5 miles NE Karlstad; Twin Lakes Game Refuge; T159N R45W sec. 3 NE SW 1/4; 48.623182 -96.443292, 48.623182 -96.443292
922168 Chandler, Monika s.n. 2010-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Houston, x;Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge, 43.5511111 -91.2458333
939291 Roberts, Rebecca 5 2014-10-24
United States, Minnesota, Anoka, Pheasant Hills neighborhood. Roberts residence on Sherman Lake Court. 1/2 miles north of Birch Street., 45.150191 -93.062243, 270m
934772 Whitfeld, T. J. S.; et al. 934 2012-08-16
United States, Minnesota, Winona, State Forest 9.75 miles southeast of Winona, Winona County, 43.95006 -91.50024
937629 Gerdes, Lynden B. 6584 2012-07-09
United States, Minnesota, Lake, Approximately 4.02 miles northwest of Isabella, MN and 0.15 west of the Hwy. 1 entrance to the Little Isabella River Campgrounds.;Superior National Forest;060N;09W;25, 47.646389 -91.427222
944063 Schimpf, David J. DJS843 2015-09-05
United States, Minnesota, Saint Louis, Duluth;50N;14W;SE1/4 of NW1/14 20, 46.80125 -92.134444
WASH000035 Doubt, S.L.
United States, Colorado
WASH002886 Harshbarger, W.A. 1892-08-07
United States, Kansas, Shawnee
WASH002888 Harshbarger, W.A. 1892-09-04
United States, Kansas, Shawnee
WASH002887 Popenoe, E.A.
United States, Kansas, Shawnee
SDSU01429 Nunemacher, B. 1932-09-05
United States, PENNSYLVANIA, Berks, Lorane. Along RR.
SDSU12961 Harvey 2229 1938-08-12
United States, California, Mendocino, Hopland. U.S 101.
1609 Brian Reif 2002-07-02
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Santa Fe National Forest and Vicinity: Jemez Mountains: East Fork Jemez River at Las Conchas Trail 137 off NM Hwy 4, S of Valles Caldera National Preserve. NW on Trail 137 along river for 1.5 mi. NE1/4 S6., 35.8219 -106.55, 2563m
02709.5h C.F. Keller and Ken Heil 2008-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Rio Arriba, Valle de la Grulla Rito de las Sillas, 36.101667 -106.574444, 2914m
BRMP 0966h Tierney & Foxx 1988-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Water Canyon Kwage-Pelado rock outcrop, 35.838889 -106.3625, 2301m
04639h Roy Greiner 2018-07-10
USA, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Water Canyon west of Rt 501--first junction with another canyon, 35.838611 -106.368333
05069h R. Greiner 2021-07-22
USA, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Water Canyon, several places near stream west of Rt. 501, 35.838889 -106.366667
03286h C.F. Keller 2011-06-07
United States, New Mexico, Los Alamos, Water Canyon, several places near stream west of Rt. 501, 35.838889 -106.366667, 2362m
21k-1 Krueger 2015-08-18
United States, North Dakota, Adams, Spring Butte Township, Section 22, 46.062 -102.171
93-19 Alexey Shipunov, Liudmila Abramova, Vera Shipunova 2012-08-18
United States, North Dakota, Rolette, Forest and wetlands, 48.99063368 -100.0739033
0-1695 Hegstad 1969-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Burke, Wildwood Park south of Columbus on Highway 40, 48.8167 -102.7941
0-1696 Hegstad 1970-08-07
United States, North Dakota, NA, NW North Dakota; railroad track, 48.217 -102.3264
0-1697 Lakela 1929-07-25
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Minot; bordering 4th Ave. 10th to 12th St. NW near Oak Park, 48.2325 -101.2963
0-1698 Lautenschlager 1963-07-13
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Southeast of Minot along county border; in small ravine leading to Souris River, 48.0897 -101.0151
0-1699 Lautenschlager 1963-08-13
United States, North Dakota, Ward, Northwest of Minot in coulee bottom, 48.2325 -101.2963