MARY1006407 Steven R. Hill 8893 1979-10-19
United States, Maryland, Montgomery, Between Potomac River and C&O Canal, Great Falls Recreation Area, vicinity of MacArthur Blvd. 0.7 mi from start of Billy Goat Trail, 38.975638 -77.219781
MARY1006408 Bill Harms 7012 2011-09-08
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, North Tract, Patuxent Research Refuge. Fort Meade Road, S of road, W of bridge, 39.091935 -76.768663
MARY1008311 John David Hall JH2015.08.04-03 2015-08-04
United States, Maryland, Howard, Along trail on east side of Lake Kittamaqundi in Columbia, 39.216969 -76.852141
MARY1008320 John David Hall JH2015.08.16-43 2015-08-16
United States, Maryland, Carroll, Along Hoods Mill Road at Rte 97, 39.353492 -77.013177
MARY1008321 John David Hall JH2015.09.16-24 2015-09-16
United States, Maryland, Carroll, Patapsco River State Park. Along Marriottsville Road 2, 39.35548 -76.89912, 90m
MARY1011426 John David Hall JH2015.11.08-01 2015-11-08
United States, Maryland, Howard, Patapsco State Park. Near the Avalon Shelter #104, 39.228043 -39.228043
MARY1013113 John David Hall JH2016.06.08-03 2016-06-08
United States, Maryland, Howard, Along Little Patuxent River near Broken Land Parkway, 39.169879 -76.852669
MARY1013328 John David Hall JH2016.07.17-10 2016-07-17
United States, Maryland, Prince George's, Governor's Bridge Natural Area, Bowie. Along Patuxent River, 38.942723 -76.697845
MARY1013351 John David Hall JH2016.05.15-07 2016-05-15
United States, Maryland, Carroll, Patapsco Valley State Park, McKeldin Recreation Area. Along the south Branch of the Patapsco River, 39.350923 -76.886345
MARY1022856 J. E. Benedict, Jr. 5195 1943-07-07
United States, Maryland, Montgomery, Forest Glen, 39.015208 -77.054632
MARY1006406 R. G. Brown s.n. 1944-08-19
United States, Maryland, Washington, Antietam Creek at Roxbury, 39.554974 -77.70225
MARY1022857 Wayne D. Longbottom 2730 1991-10-11
United States, Maryland, Howard, Along the Railroad tracks north of Old Frederick Road along the Patapsco River, 39.322013 -76.856668
MARY1009987 Wayne D. Longbottom 21475 2014-08-17
United States, Maryland, Carroll, Along railroad tracks W of Glen Falls Rd. S of Hollingsworth Rd.; 39.494014 -76.869181, 39.494014 -76.869181
MARY1025377 Edward C. Uebel 1296 1995-10-01
United States, Maryland, Baltimore, Hollofield, on Patapsco State Park property; parking on Alberton Road near Dogwood Road; growing along the side of the Alberton Road trail near the entrance, 39.315384 -76.793585
MEM006619 Raymond Athey 2170 1972-09-27
United States, Kentucky, McCracken
MEM009479 S.W. Leonard 3478 1970-08-13
United States, North Carolina, Alamance
MEM013146 Elizabeth M. Browne, Edward T. Browne Jr. 701.3 1970-10-03
United States, Tennessee, Tipton
1004951 Stephen Ross 2073 2001-07-23
United States, Michigan, Mecosta, Mecosta Twp.Sec. 25 NE 1/4, T14N, R10W In Stanwood off White Pine Tr north side of stream crossing just south of grain elevator., 43.58036 -85.45274
1005145 Steven C. Garske 0898-1 1998-08-02
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, T49N, R41W, SE1/4 Section 8. Near the south side of Cascade Creek, about 1/10th mile east of Forest Road 400. Ottawa National Forest., 46.652015 -89.45344
1188248 Sylvia M. Taylor s.n. 2003-09-12
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, South side of west branch of Swan Creek (also called Bradshaw Drain), SW1/4 section 12, Augusta Twp., 42.14748 -83.55742
1188277 Steven C. Garske 430 2003-09-09
United States, Michigan, Gogebic, Ottawa National Forest. Santa Fe Creek. 46°20'25"N, 89°33'13"W (NAD27) T46N, R42W, E edge of NE1/4 SE1/4 Section 33., 46.340278 -89.553611
1194440 Cecil Billington s.n. 1918-08-25
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Yipsilanti
1194441 Stephen Ross 2091 2001-10-03
United States, Michigan, Mecosta, Colfax Twp. Sec. 11 SE1/4, T14N, R10W NW corner of 16 Mi Rd at 130th Ave., 43.70663 -85.35566
1200820 Timothy L. Walters | Joel E. Schaeffer 6639 2000-06-06
United States, Michigan, Manistee, Manistee National Forest: Norman Twp, 250 feet s of Pine River at dam; ca. 0.7 miles s. of S.R. 55 and 1.7 miles e. of Snyder Road; N-cent. 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec 16
1244931 Carolyn Lyons 101 1998-05-09
United States, Michigan, Newaygo, Hesperia, N of 4 Mile Rd., 43.619241 -86.029503
1244932 Ruth B. (Alford) MacFarlane 5042 2003-04-19
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, Greenland Twp, Mass City. between 1423 Ridge Ave. and the Mass Bluff, near aspen clump to S and small flowing stream to N., 46.767209 -89.087623
1282710 Michael J. Oldham 14257 1992-08-24
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, City of Barrie Twp, Barrie railway station, 44.37363 -79.68209
1305207 R.S.W. Bobbette 2412 1972-09-17
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 318018
1305208 R.S.W. Bobbette 2365 1972-08-30
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 318019
1305209 Anton A. Reznicek 519 1969-07-15
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 318020
1305210 Anton A. Reznicek 520 1968-08-11
Canada, Ontario, Simcoe, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 318021
1343461 Robert W. Smith 5546 2008-05-17
United States, Michigan, Lenawee, Raisin Twp, west of River Raisin and east of Raisin Center hwy. and Ives rd., 41.985397 -83.936285
1353539 Samuel H. Camp & Donna R. Camp s.n. 1893-08-19
United States, Michigan, Jackson, near North Woods [Jackson], 42.24587 -84.40135
1354766 Robert W. Smith 1295 1985-08-29
United States, Michigan, Lenawee, Raisin Twp, along railroad in wood S. of Chase Rd., 41.927151 -83.954285
1354767 Brian T. Hazlett 2827 1984-08-11
United States, Michigan, Leelanau, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. Beside Baker Rd.
1354768 Brian T. Hazlett 2921 1984-08-20
United States, Michigan, Benzie, North of M-22 about ¼ mile east of Deadstream Rd., 44.712002 -86.10091
1354769 William W. Brodovich s.n. 1988-09-05
United States, Michigan, Livingston, T1N R6E S25 N1/2, 42.452633 -83.676157
1354770 Brian T. Hazlett 3817 1985-08-16
United States, Michigan, Leelanau, South Fox Island, Widely established in the lighthouse area., 45.416252 -85.848907
1354771 Jennie V.A. Dieterle 3263 1969-08-31
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor Twp, on S. side of Warren Road between Nixon and Earhart Roads., 42.27083 -83.72639
1354772 Henry T. Darlington s.n. 1923-08-24
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, Porcupine Mountains, on Mirror Lake Trail, 46.7007269444 -89.7075880556
1354773 Elizabeth C. Almendinger s.n. 1866-08-21
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, 42.2812 -83.7443
1354774 Oliver A. Farwell 7595 1925-08-26
United States, Michigan, Macomb, Disco., 42.683957 -83.034343
1354775 Oliver A. Farwell 6804 1923-09-12
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ypsilanti., 42.24115 -83.612994
1354776 Malcolm E. McDonald 5715 1950-06-01
United States, Michigan, Monroe, Pte. Mouillee State Game Area., 42.01601 -83.19723
1354777 Oliver A. Farwell 6772 1923-09-05
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Whitmore Lake, 42.42682 -83.75333
1354778 A.B. Lyons, M.D. s.n.
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, 42.270872 -83.726329
1354779 Emma J. Cole s.n. 1901-08-02
United States, Michigan, Kent, Grand Rapids., 42.96336 -85.668086
1354780 Homer C. Skeels s.n. 1895-07-17
United States, Michigan, Kent, Grand Rapids., 42.96336 -85.668086
1354781 Heidi Appel & Judy Gendlin 80 1980-06-13
United States, Michigan, Antrim, West side of Dixie Rd, opposite gravel pit rd., 45.128557 -85.359676
1354782 Oliver A. Farwell 7776 1926-08-25
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Superior., 42.3048091 -83.6044752
1354783 Oliver A. Farwell 5359 1919-08-31
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ypsilanti., 42.24115 -83.612994
1354784 Carl O. Erlanson 837 1924-10-05
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, M.C. Railway bank east of Ann Arbor., 42.277327 -83.707026
1354785 Fred and Roberta Case s.n. 1980-08-15
United States, Michigan, Barry, Old field, Yankee Springs Recreation Area.
1354786 Don Henson 808 1977-07-30
United States, Michigan, Schoolcraft, SE1/4 NW1/4 SW1/4 Sec 3 T42N-R13W, 46.064164 -85.916297
1354787 Cecil Billington s.n. 1919-07-29
United States, Michigan, Berrien, Warren Woods., 41.834217 -86.623722
1354788 Don Henson 2337 1987-07-26
United States, Michigan, Dickinson, Near Sturgeon River., 45.773278 -87.707914
1354789 Lewis E. Foote s.n. 1865-08-17
United States, Michigan, Ontonagon, East Sleeping River, Lake Superior.
1354790 Edward G. Voss 7950 1958-08-24
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Hebron Twp.
1354791 Henry T. Darlington B&D 2776 1919-08-19
United States, Michigan, Gogebic, Shore of Mud Lake.
1354792 George L. Ames, M.D. s.n. 1867-10-16
United States, Michigan, Berrien, Niles, 41.829769 -86.254177
1354793 Charles A. Davis s.n.
United States, Michigan, Gratiot, Alma., 43.3814 -84.64989
1354794 John H. Ehlers 1833 1921-08-23
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Near Mud Lake., 45.608487 -84.599002
1354795 Edward G. Voss 14960 1977-07-15
United States, Michigan, Cheboygan, Mackinaw Twp. Ca. 2½ mi. S. of Mackinaw City., 45.746543 -84.729373
1354796 Robert W. Smith 4259 1998-09-12
United States, Michigan, Lenawee, n. of Canandaigua Rd, e. of Bean Cr, Medina Twp. T8SR1ES1, sw qtr of se qtr, 41.79993 -84.2444
1354797 Phyllis J. Higman 363 1993-08-17
United States, Michigan, Crawford, .05 mi S of 2nd St on W side of McKenney Camp Grayling (4.5 mi SW of Grayling). T26N R04W, Sec. 22 SE1/4 SW1/4, 44.62759 -84.77882
1354798 Thomas D. Trana 18697 1993-09-24
United States, Michigan, Kalamazoo, Area 7: roadside and forest at edge of fen, 0.1 mile S of Territorial Road, 0.1 mile E of Augusta-Climax Road. T2S R9W, Sec. 10 NE1/4 SE1/4, 42.31148 -85.34704
1354799 Robert W. Freckmann 26001 1991-08-21
United States, Michigan, Delta, SE 1/4 of sect. 26, T43N, R21W. Hiawatha National Forest. Campsite on the West Branch of the Whitefish River., 46.08839 -86.89133
1354800 James S. Pringle 409 1965-08-22
United States, Michigan, Iron, At ford of North Branch Paint River by logging road which diverges from USFS Hwy. 146, 0.3 mi. SE of jct. with USFS-148, Northwest of Gibbs City., 46.267937 -88.751843
1354801 Peter W. Fritsch 1041 1989-06-10
United States, Michigan, Hillsdale, Hwy. 49, 0.8 mi. N. of Cole Rd. About 8 km W of Hillsdale., 41.90521 -84.758095
1354802 O.H. Guthe s.n. 1894-08-00
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, 42.270872 -83.726329
1354803 Kathleen A. Kron 837 1981-08-06
United States, Michigan, Berrien, Indian Bowl Area., 41.961849 -86.316785
1354804 John V. Freudenstein 1458 1984-08-22
United States, Michigan, Saginaw, T12N R3E Sec 24, 43.430238 -84.061916
1354805 Brian T. Hazlett 1921 1982-09-17
United States, Michigan, Leelanau, South Manitou Island., 45.020041 -86.125085
1354806 Charles D. Richards 2381 1949-07-13
United States, Michigan, Baraga, At mouth of the Slate River.
1354807 Peter A. Hyypio 523 1955-09-17
United States, Michigan, Houghton, about 4 miles north of Kenton., 46.527632 -88.898491
1476043 Peter A. Hyypio 1343 1961-07-05
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, University of Michigan Botanical Gardens, Dixboro Site. 4.5 mi Northeast of Ann Arbor, in Clements Woods on roadside near Fleming Creek, 42.300243 -83.662835, 800 - 840m
1477067 S.H. Emerson s.n. 1924-10-00
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw, Ann Arbor, 42.270872 -83.726329
1477083 A. Dachnowski s.n. 1906-08-25
United States, Michigan, Marquette, Negaunee. Along road to Negaunee., 46.535485 -87.517389
1495897 Emma J. Cole 6595 1895-08-12
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Near Glen Park
1495898 Adams Jewett s.n. 1842-00-00
United States, Alabama, Mobile, Mobile
1495899 Adams Jewett s.n. 1841-09-01
United States, Ohio, Champaign, Urbana, 40.10839 -83.75243
1495900 Adams Jewett s.n.
United States, Alabama, Mobile, Mobile
1514317 David C. Dister 620 2015-09-04
United States, Michigan, Mason, Riverton Township, Section 36, 43.8312833 -86.29085
1515247 George L. Ames s.n. 1854-08-00
United States, Massachusetts, Berkshire, Williamstown, 42.6847 -73.2283
1515248 George L. Ames s.n. 1857-09-09
United States, Vermont, Bennington, East Dorset (Town of Dorset), 43.2588 -73.0515
1559092 Bradford S. Slaughter 1971 2017-09-13
United States, Michigan, Lake, Ca. 0.3 km E of S Deer Lake Rd, on N side of E 40th St., 43.916391 -85.578775
1559535 William S. Martinus 1210 2017-07-17
United States, Michigan, Allegan, Allegan State Game Area. 3.5 miles south of Fennville. 1000' south of 118th Ave, 20' east of 59th St., 42.5468055556 -86.11775
1593338 Lynden B. Gerdes 7318 2015-07-27
United States, Minnesota, St. Louis, T66N R16W S34NWSE. Superior National Forest. Approximately 7.26 miles NE of Buyck, MN. Hunting Shack River corridor along FR 199
1728056 not present s.n. 1884-08-00
no data, Locality is present but illegible/not translated for catalog no: 1728056
1728057 G. Wright s.n.
Hong Kong, no data, no data provided on label of catalog no: 1728057
1728061 S. S. Garrigues s.n.
no data, no data provided on label of catalog no: 1728061
1728065 G. M. Proskuriakova s.n. 1970-08-22
Russia, Moscow, Ramensky, Provincia Mosqua, districtus Ramenskoë, alnetum humidum prope st. Kratovo
1728067 G. Murata 44557 1983-08-07
Japan, Miyagi, Katta, Yokogawa-dani, S foot of Mt. Fubo-dake, 600m
1728069 C. Y. Chiao 2963 1930-08-06
China, Shandong, Qingdao, Li Chuan. Tsingtao, 100m
1728070 R. C. Ching 1040 1923-09-19
China, Gansu, Lanzhou, Between Choni and Lanchow, 2600 - 3000m
1674974 Bradford S. Slaughter 2855 2020-08-22
United States, Michigan, Grand Traverse, T26N R10W S07 NE1/4. Local on shaded bank above spring-fed ditch along Sharkey Road, just S of S Garfield Road, ca. 5.5 km NW of Mayfield, 44.668551 -85.561637
1569604 M. J. Oldham & W. D. Bakowsky 29571 2003-09-11
Canada, Ontario, Rainy River, Township: Roseberry, Manitou Mounds on Rainy River, Map: 52D/9 UTM: 20885 Square 15VD28
1569605 M. J. Oldham & D. F. Brunton 21378 1998-09-19
Canada, Ontario, Ottawa-Carleton, Township: Kanata, South March Highlands, E side of Goulbourn Forced Road, 200m S of railway crossing, Map: 31G/5 UTM 269201 Square: 18VF22, by "Trillium Woods" (Monck Environmental Park)
1569606 Ellen Elliott Weatherbee 2403 2014-05-27
Canada, Ontario, Manitoulin, 12th Concession, .2 mile east of the 20th Sideroad, north side of road, between road and an old log farm cabin
1569607 W. J. Cody, W. E. Kemp 15118 1965-09-23
Canada, Ontario, Carleton, March Twp, South March (1 1/2 miles south)