259922 Gary Mason 480 1973-09-15
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Dawes County, Neb. 5.5 mi south of Chadron on hwy. 385 then 0.3 mi. east. Growing in roadside bushes (choke cherry and wild plum). Soil--sandy-loam.
170843 W. C. Knight s.n. 1882-00-00
United States, Nebraska, Gage, Gage [Co.?]
170838 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1915-08-05
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine, Cherry county, Nebraska., 42.872783 -100.550967
170855 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1915-08-05
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine, Neb. Cherry County., 42.872783 -100.550967
170859 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1889-07-31
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine, Cherry county, Nebraska., 42.872783 -100.550967
170856 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1912-08-12
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Valentine, Neb. Cherry County., 42.872783 -100.550967
63366 Charles Edwin Bessey s.n.
United States, [No info. recorded]
296366 Robert Klein 163 1998-08-16
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lancaster County, NE, USA. Wilderness Park. Salt creek tangent to Union Pacific railroad, n of 14th St parking lot.
63365 Charles Edwin Bessey s.n. 1886-07-22
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Manitou, Colo.
63375 Arthur Leroy Hershey s.n. 1936-09-02
United States, New Mexico, Sandoval, Sandoval County, New Mexico. Seven Springs. Alt.: 8700.
269163 Paula Seevers s.n. 1984-09-01
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Branched Oak Lake, Lancaster Co. Lakeshore, shrubby.
170853 John Mallory Bates s.n. 1908-09-00
United States, Nebraska, Webster, Red Cloud, Neb.
170846 Per Axel Rydberg s.n. 1890-08-00
United States, Nebraska, Saunders, Wahoo, Neb.
170839 Albert Fred Woods 311 1892-08-00
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, War Bonnet Canon. Sioux County.
63362 H. F. Tesch s.n. 1892-07-20
United States, Illinois, St. Clair, Freeburg, Ill.
272619 Ernst Athearn Bessey s.n. 1896-07-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs.
272620 Ernst Athearn Bessey s.n. 1896-07-17
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Colorado Springs.
170845 Per Axel Rydberg 1539 1893-07-13
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, Near the Forks of Dismal River, Hooker County, on river bank.
170848 Per Axel Rydberg 1539 1893-07-13
United States, Nebraska, Hooker, Near the Forks of Dismal River, Hooker County, on river bank.
231706 Roscoe Nathan Pound s.n. 1887-08-00
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Saltillo, Nebraska.
170836 William Cleburne s.n. 1902-09-08
United States, Nebraska, Douglas, Wooded ravine between Albright and Missouri river, Sarpy county, Nebraska.
170852 Raymond John Pool s.n. 1911-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Monroe Canyon.
170844 Raymond John Pool s.n. 1911-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Monroe Canyon.
170840 Raymond John Pool s.n. 1911-06-22
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Monroe Canyon.
63360 A. Isabel Mulford s.n. 1892-08-31
United States, Colorado, El Paso, Manitou.
256409 Paul Russell Shildneck C-7094 1974-09-12
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Alluvial soil on west shoulder of Rulo-White Cloud Road, Richardson County, Nebr.
242520 Henri Sather s.n. 1942-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater, Lake Itasca, Minn. (R. & W. Pine Stand.)
265912 Gary E. Larson 3134 1973-07-18
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau, Bottineau County. 7 mi N, 2 1/2 mi W Bottineau. At edge of woods around Strawberry Lake.
63358 Lester Frank Ward s.n. 1877-08-00
United States, District of Columbia, Washington
291800 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 11444 1994-09-05
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, In open ground in floodplain on N side of the Elkhorn River, Black Island Wildlife Management Area, 2 1/2 mi. E, 1 mi. S of Pilger.
302667 Robert Bruce Kaul 7432 1996-07-12
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Clambering on shrubs above Minnechaduza Creek northeast of Valentine, 42.881653 -100.559987
63372 Charles Spencer Crandall 2255 1896-08-12
United States, Colorado, Canon W. of Palmer Lake, Alt. 7-8,500 ft.
246763 Irene Nelson 47 1951-08-16
United States, Nebraska, Sarpy, Swampy area near rail road track. Central part of Fontanelle Forest. Full sun.
268920 Steven P. Churchill 12465 1983-07-07
United States, Nebraska, Keya Paha, Ca. 4.8 km E of Norden and 6.4 km S, along Turkey Creek. Plant vine on low trees and shrubs in dry tributary creek leading to Turkey Creek., 42.8033333 -99.9916667
63369 Herbert C. Hanson A 655 1923-07-23
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Walnut Canyon near Flagstaff. Altitude: 6200 ft.
285060 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8064 1990-09-19
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Lancaster County. On fencerow just N of entrance gate at Reller Natural History Research Area, 1 mi. W, 3/4 mi. S of Sprague.
264161 Harry E. Ahles 87629 1979-09-28
United States, Massachusetts, Franklin, Franklin County. Thickets, Deerfield center.
63368 John M Davis s.n. 1913-07-01
United States, Missouri, Marion, Near Mark Twain's cave, Marion county, Missouri, near Hannibal, dry soil.
63370 John M Davis s.n. 1913-07-07
United States, Missouri, Marion, Near Mark Twain's Cave, Marion Co, Mo. Dry soil.
63361 Jesse H. Holmes s.n. 1888-08-00
United States, Virginia, Loudoun, Loudon Co.-Virginia.
256397 Paul Russell Shildneck C-7114 1974-09-12
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Alluvial soil on floodplain of small stream in wooded hills by south shoulder of Rulo-White Cloud Road. Richardson County, Nebraska.
258408 Steven P. Churchill 5104 1975-05-12
United States, Nebraska, Pawnee, Pawnee County: 8 miles south of Tecumseh on Hwy 50 and .8 mile west. In Quercus Arisaema, Carex, Osmorhiza &c.
318266 Loy R. Phillippe 41665 2009-06-17
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Cherry County: 42.90238 Latitude, 100.47098 Longitude. 2300 Ft. Elev.; Quadrangle: Cornell Dam; T34N, R27W, East central NW1/4 SW1/4 Sect. 23. Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge, just east of Valentine, Nebraska along and south side of Nebraska Route 12. Collected on south side of the Niobrara River below the falls at Fort Falls and along the Niobrara River.; Mixed deciduous ravine valley forest community, valley of Falls Creek and a little south along the Niobrara shore. Growing on north-facing wooded slope at base of cliffs along the Niobrara with Acer negundo, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Ostrya virginiana, Prunus virginiana, Rosa woodii, Rubus occidentalis, Parthenocissus vitacea, Toxicodendron radicans var. rydbergii, Apios americana, Calamagrostis stricta, Carex sprengelii, Phragmites australis, Polygonatum biflorum, Solidago canadensis, Stellaria longifolia, Thalictrum dasycarpum, etc. Vine., 42.90238 -100.47098
298875 Robert F. Steinauer 630 1999-08-03
United States, Nebraska, Stanton, Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area. Climbing on Salix sp. in road ditch.
298876 Robert F. Steinauer 629 1999-08-03
United States, Nebraska, Stanton, Wood Duck Wildlife Management Area. Climbing on Salix sp. in road ditch.
276519 Robert Bruce Kaul 5944 1987-07-13
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Seward County: Brushy area along Middle Oak Creek, just west of Branched Oak Lake. With Clematis virginianna, Solidage spp, Monarda fistulosa, Fraxinus pensylvanica.
246909 Charles M. Trailer 32 1972-09-05
United States, Iowa, Guthrie, Wooded area nine miles north of Adair, Guthrie County, Iowa. Growing near open ditch way. Vine wound around hazel bushes. On west slope in sandy soil.
246908 Charles M. Trailer 32 1972-09-05
United States, Iowa, Guthrie, Wooded area nine miles north of Adair, Guthrie County, Iowa. Growing near open ditch way. Vine wound around hazel bushes. On west slope in sandy soil.
322936 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 20793A 2013-08-31
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Chadron, 9.8 mi S, 0.25 mi W. Pine Ridge Escarpment: E side Norwesca Rd. T31N R48W SEC06 NE╝ SW╝ SW╝. 42.68704 N, 103.00462 W, WGS84 (det aerial photo). Elev 3940-3960 ft (det topo map). Open Pinus ponderosa wooded bank above valley of Chadron Creek (White River drainage). Gently sloping. Part shade. Locally common climbing on dead shrubs., 42.68704 -103.00462
258392 Steven P. Churchill 5013 1975-05-10
United States, Nebraska, Washington, Washington County: 3 miles southeast of Blair near Fort Calhoun Power Plant. On ground in woods at base of low east-facing bluffs; with Botrychium, Osmorhiza &c.
312058 Robert F. Steinauer 2730 2006-06-28
United States, Nebraska, Cherry, Sandy soils at base of steep north-facing slope, south side of Dad's Lake. With Prunus virginiana and Vitis riparia., 42.49179 -100.65653
261622 Eric A. Bourdo 12,256 1965-09-06
United States, Michigan, Houghton, Rich lowland along Otter Creek, at Otter Lake, Houghton County, Michigan.
170851 John L. Morrison 1244 1934-07-16
United States, Nebraska, Cass, Along the C.B. & 2 tracks, near Cedar Creek, Cass county, Nebraska.
285059 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 8064 1990-09-19
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, On fence row just N of entrance gate at Reller Natural History Research Area, 1 mi. W, 3/4 mi. S of Sprague; with Polygonum scandens.
314689 Michael P. Gutzmer s.n. 2006-07-23
United States, Nebraska, Platte, On sandy loam of the Loup River bottoms, southeast of Columbus.
261623 Noel Herman Holmgren 7208 1973-08-15
United States, New Mexico, Taos, Taos Co, New Mexico. Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Costilla Creek, 7.8 (6 airline) miles southeast of Amalia. Elevation 8500 feet. At base of talus. Climbing on a shrub and over boulders at base of talus.
321848 Kathleen L. Young s.n. 1976-06-07
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Near schoolhouse on Flying X Ranch, R71W T22N Sec28.
63371 s.n. 1902-08-00
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wis.
318934 Michael P. Gutzmer s.n. 2012-08-29
United States, Nebraska, Thurston, Missouri River floodplain, along road near wooded bluffs., 42.25072 -96.3614
317083 Robert C. Lommasson s.n. 1976-10-03
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, W. Stagecoach Rd near SW 29th St. Roadside Ditch scrambling over dead brush. Leaves both lobed and unlobed.
273822 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 4062 1987-09-07
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Edge of woodland along roadside and above Middle Cr, 4 mi. S, 2 mi. E of Garland.
170842 Anna Louise Lallman s.n. 1930-10-08
United States, Nebraska, Washington, In woods along Bell Creek, 8 miles north of Arlington, Washington Co, Nebr.
63359 Jared Gage Smith s.n. 1886-08-09
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Middle Cr, Lincoln, Nebr.
317079 Robert C. Lommasson 1673 1973-09-22
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Kid Wade Canyon, northern Holt Co.
63374 William L. Tolstead s.n. 1933-07-25
United States, Iowa, Winneshiek, Toledahl, eastern boundary of Winneshiek county, Iowa, in valley of the Upper Iowa river.
277933 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 5854 1989-10-04
United States, Nebraska, Seward, In low ground along E side of Plum Cr, on the S side of E. Hillcrest St, just E of Seward; with Clematis.
258771 Steven P. Churchill 5512 1975-05-31
United States, Nebraska, Cuming, 6 miles southeast of Beemer on Hwy US 275. Lowland floodpalin: vine along edge of railroad track ditch.
170847 Frederic Edward Clements 2815 1893-08-02
United States, Nebraska, Holt, Brush Creek. Holt Co.
239838 Gerald Kench Arp 1018 1970-06-20
United States, Colorado, Mesa, Mesa Co.: 21 mils S of Grand Junction, Colo; on hill north of East Creek in Uniweep Canyon.
272733 Robert Bruce Kaul 5510 1986-09-04
United States, Nebraska, Seward, Seward County: Brushy area just inside the county line, west of Branched Oak Lake, NW 140th ST. With Clematis virginiana.
309585 Peter H. Raven 27700 1988-09-17
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. Scrubby bottomland along Big River ca. 50 m below (W of) mouth of Parker Creek. 38o 07'30''N 90o 40'30''W 170 m Scrambling over streamside vegetation; pistillate flowers., 38.125 -90.675
309641 Peter H. Raven 27699 1988-09-17
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. Scrubby bottomland along Big River ca. 50 m below (W of) mouth of Parker Creek. 38o 07'30''N 90o 40'30''W 170 m Scrambling over streamside vegetation; pistillate flowers., 38.125 -90.675
285716 Steven Bruce Rolfsmeier 7510 1990-08-24
United States, Nebraska, Lancaster, Covering cement embankment along Antelope Cr, just S of railroad tracks, W of 16th St, N of UNL campus, Lincoln.
302666 Robert Bruce Kaul 7493 1996-09-28
United States, Nebraska, Richardson, Vine on shrubs at forest edge on the Missouri River bottoms at the base of Indian Cave bluff.
321884 Robert Bruce Kaul 8485 2013-08-24
United States, Nebraska, Otoe, Abundant along Steamboat Trace Trail, 4 mi S and 5 mi E of Nebraska City, sprawling on the ground and climbing on shrubs. 40.595307 deg N, 95.78719 deg W. Elev. ca 930 ft., 40.595307 -95.78719
321882 Robert Bruce Kaul 8485 2013-08-24
United States, Nebraska, Otoe, Abundant along Steamboat Trace Trail, 4 mi S and 5 mi E of Nebraska City, sprawling on the ground and climbing on shrubs. 40.595307 deg N, 95.78719 deg W. Elev. ca 930 ft., 40.595307 -95.78719
321883 Robert Bruce Kaul 8485 2013-08-24
United States, Nebraska, Otoe, Abundant along Steamboat Trace Trail, 4 mi S and 5 mi E of Nebraska City, sprawling on the ground and climbing on shrubs. 40.595307 deg N, 95.78719 deg W. Elev. ca 930 ft., 40.595307 -95.78719
66213 R.R. Halse 7009 2006-08-15
USA, Oregon, Benton, Along east Ingram Island Road ca 0.4 miles east from its junction with Old River Road, ca 2.5 air miles east of Monroe., 44.31333 -123.24255, 82 - 82m
66214 M.J. Williams 76-112 1976-08-30
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Verdi., 39.5180556 -119.9886111, 1494m
66215 A. Tiehm 10135 1985-08-10
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range, McCoy Creek on the east side of the range, 3.8 road miles west of main Spring Valley road, near the creek crossing, 39.372884 -114.566718, 2439m
66216 A. Tiehm 9875 1985-07-01
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Schell Creek Range, McCoy Creek on the east side, 3.8 road miles west of main Spring Valley road, near the creek crossing, 39.372834 -114.561826, 2438 - 2438m
66217 M.J. Williams 77-120 1977-09-19
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Donati Lane, E of Sparks., 39.559973 -119.730437, 1372 - 1372m
66218 M.J. Williams 1002 1972-09-09
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Along Hwy 40, W of Reno., 39.509326 -119.896629, 1402m
66219 M.J. Williams 81-156-1 1981-07-25
USA, Nevada, Elko, Sadler Ranch, Huntington Valley, 40.20339 -115.74631, 1707 - 1707m
66220 L.C. Higgins 26005 2004-08-11
USA, Utah, Washington, Pine Valley., 37.394736 -113.525456, 1990m
66221 R.R. Halse 481 1971-07-12
USA, Arizona, Apache, Canyon de Chelly National Monument; A single plant found in upper Canyon del Muerto., 36.274 -109.206, 2104m
66222 R.A. Allen 453 1937-08-16
USA, Nevada, Storey, 3 mi. NW Virginia City, 39.350069 -119.651944, 1890m
66223 M.J. Williams 83-96-1 1983-07-17
USA, Nevada, Humboldt, [Above Little Humboldt River,] 10.6 miles W of saline flat [of collection site 83-95]., 41.41821 -117.358389
66224 N.H. Holmgren 7208 1973-08-15
USA, New Mexico, Taos, Sange de Cristo Mts, Costilla Creek, 7.8 (6 airline) mi SE of Amalia, 36.8651 -105.0437, 2591m
66225 P.A. Lehenbauer s.n. 1934-04-18
USA, Nevada, Washoe, Surprise Valley Road., 39.997916 -119.630469
66226 P. Train 1095 1937-09-20
USA, Nevada, White Pine, Bird Cr, headwaters and canyon, Schell Cr. Range, 39.457828 -114.637812, 2438 - 2438m
66227 F.H. Landau 757 1999-08-01
USA, Nevada, White Pine, North Snake Range, Humboldt National Forest, West-facing hillside, just above ranch house, ca. 1.25 miles east of Black Horse, near reservoir along Miller Basin Wash, 39.158579 -114.265533, 2053m
66228 L. Wise s.n. 1973-09-02
USA, Nevada, Carson City, [Sierra Nevada, Carson Range,] 1 mile W of Carson City on Ash Canyon Road., 39.173967 -119.797701, 1494m
66229 O.B. Metcalfe 363 1903-08-03
USA, New Mexico, Socorro, Mogollon Mountains, on or near the west fork of the Gila River., 33.323071 -108.511932, 2286m
99175 A. Tiehm 18062 2017-08-22
USA, Nevada, Elko, Jarbidge Mountains, Jarbidge Canyon, 1.4 road miles S of the S edge of Jarbidge on main road to Elko, 41.851017 -115.428183, 1951m
108636 G.L. Clifton 40028 2003-07-26
USA, Nevada, White Pine, [Snake Range,] South Fork Lexington Creek., 38.851241 -114.164521, 2079m
115714 A. Tiehm 19290 2022-09-21
USA, Nevada, Lincoln, Wilson Creek Range, Horsethief Mtn, Eagle Valley Canyon, 0.7 road miles S of Eagle Valley Reservoir dam on highway 85, 38.01377 -114.20552, 1707m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0032418 L.A. Hurley sn 1948-07-29
United States, New Mexico, Unplaced County, Bandelier National Monument.
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0032419 R. Fletcher 4124 1979-09-25
United States, New Mexico, Socorro, San Mateo Mountains, route 547, Bear Trap Canyon, 1 mile below Hugh Camp., 33.688658 -107.5475001, 2453m
UNM:Vascular Plants
UNM0032421 R.F. Peters sn 1958-05-18
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Wyalusing State Park.