77583 Johnstone, Chris 595 2006-08-21
United States, Virginia, Richmond, Totuskey Creek Watershed, 37.9086111 -76.6158333
64461 Baldwin, Patrick 675 1992-10-22
United States, Virginia, Hampton City, Langley Research & Development Park, 37.085892 -76.389356
31408 Bradley, Ted 5540 1973-05-29
United States, Virginia, Fairfax, Pohick Creek and Old Colchester Rd, 38.698415 -77.202003
Dr. C.C. Crampton 640 1913-00-00
United States, Illinois, ILLINOIS, Kankakee Co, Kankakee reg.
v0336713WIS Lange, Kenneth I. s.n. 1974-06-30
United States, Wisconsin, Polk, Interstate State Park, 45.389129 -92.657429
v0067693WIS Cawley, E. T.; Koeppen, Robert C. 571 1958-08-16
United States, Wisconsin, Winnebago, Winnebago. Near Winnebago, along double railroad tracks, 44.07575636 -88.53317921
v0067592WIS Nee, M. 15814 1977-08-21
United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Wauzeka. Floodplain forest bounded by Kickapoo River, Wisconsin River and railroad, 0-2mi E of Wauzeka., 43.08851101 -90.82928126
v0067612WIS Struik, Gwen s.n. 1957-05-11
United States, Wisconsin, Green, Spring Grove. "Spring Grove" Ecol. Sta. #1032; CTH K near CTH OK, 42.5230161 -89.45453035
v0067596WIS Zimmerman, James H. 3208 1950-07-08
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Mount Horeb, 43.05353099 -89.76992653
v0067585WIS Weber, P.; Ugent, Donald, Zimmerman, James H. s.n. 1959-09-03
United States, Wisconsin, Bayfield, Mason. Banks of White River, E of Hwy 63, E of Mason, 46.43517891 -91.03992129
v0067605WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Long, R., Rudolph, Em. D. 13811 1959-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Mccartney. Horse Thief Hollow, 0.5mi E of McCartney along Mississippi River, 42.68095788 -90.84196566
v0067584WIS Brown, Robert T. 231 1948-07-23
United States, Wisconsin, Adams, Friendship. 2.25 mi N of Friendship, 44.00331513 -89.80762749
v0069270WIS Thompson, Kathy L. 668 1991-08-06
United States, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Nelson Trevino Bottoms State Natural Area. I mi. N of Waubesha, MN. Also T22N, R14W, S. 1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13; T23N, R14W, S. 33,34,35; T22N, R13W,S. 6; Northcentral area
v0067671WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 16541 1960-05-29
United States, Wisconsin, St. Croix, Across from Marine, MN, 45.20179215 -92.75925656
v0067691WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Kane, James, Marcks, Brian G. 24207 1965-06-12
United States, Wisconsin, Waupaca, North Readfield. 1mi N of North Readfield on CTH W, 44.28665 -88.76955
v0067652WIS Leitner, Lawrence A. 650 1988-06-08
United States, Wisconsin, Racine, Sander's Park Hardwoods State Natural Area, 42.67342739 -87.84072966
v0427152WIS Derek S. Anderson; Stephanie P. Lyon, Lawton S. Riness, Lillian G. Johnson, Kayla A. Witt, Alexa, D. Nicola 3981 2022-06-04
United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Rush Creek State Natural Area. About 7.9 km southwest of De Soto. About 150 m northeast of the intersection of Rush Creek Rd. and State Hwy. 35., 43.368104 -91.136792
v0067611WIS Struik, G.; Christensen, M., Bray, R. s.n. 1956-08-08
United States, Wisconsin, Green, Juda. 1mi SW of Juda, Juda Prairie along railroad tracks, 42.56771909 -89.51373319
v0067655WIS Nee, M. 16245-a 1978-06-18
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Boscobel. Wisconsin River valley bluff, above Hwy. 60. 4mi NE of Boscobel, 43.19702352 -90.65946832
v0067609WIS Hansen, Bruce F.; Nee, M. 2718 1974-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Burton. ca. 5mi NE of Burton, 42.75305422 -90.77321922
v0113471WIS Fields, Douglas M. 1854 1994-08-09
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Jump River, 45.35649 -90.79156
v0425549WIS John G. Zaborsky; Paul Marcum, Jean Mengelkoch, Susan McIntyre, Sunshine Love 4829 2022-06-04
United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Sugar Creek Bluff, Mississippi Valley Conservancy property south of Ferryville, 43.345748 -91.075901
v0332732WIS Ryckman, Raymond E.; Ryckman, Joseph V., Ryckman, A. E., Ryckman, E. T. 85 1961-07-16
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Pan American Research Institute Field Station, Monticello Twp., 42.5153379 -90.1815106
v0415497WIS Nee, M. H. 65283 2019-07-25
United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Prairie du Chien, St. Feriole Island, Marais de St. Feriole (St. Feriole Slough), by boat landing., 43.059722 -91.151944, 190m
v0067634WIS Cheney, L. S. 2909 1893-08-04
United States, Wisconsin, Marathon, Granite Heights. Valley of the Wisconsin River near Granite Heights, 45.05997 -89.63957
v0332733WIS Ryckman, Raymond E. 85.1 1961-07-16
United States, Minnesota, Wadena, 10 mi N of Staples, 46.500297 -94.792241
v0067663WIS Nee, M. 14517 1976-05-31
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, [SW of Boaz], 43.27219603 -90.5839266
v0067631WIS Ryckman, R. E.; Ryckman, E. T., Ryckman, J. V. s.n. 1961-06-16
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, P.R.I. [Apparently at or on WI - IL border], 42.51536783 -90.18153535
v0067613WIS Struik, Gwen s.n. 1954-07-31
United States, Wisconsin, Green, Spring Grove. Ecol. Sta. #1032; CTH K near CTH OK, 42.52674937 -89.45950661
v0323604WIS Nee, M. 62344 2015-07-07
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Smith Slough and Sand Prairie Natural Area, 1.15 km. W of Hwy. 133 in Lone Rock; woods and edge of Wisconsin River at E end of the RR bridge, 43.1819444 -90.2302778, 221m
v0329792WIS Hollingsworth, Tiffany 55 1998-10-10
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, 0.25mi S of Hwy 81, 42.81621876 -90.82492798, 305m
v0125755WIS Cochrane, Theodore S.; Cochrane, Barbara A. 7887 1977-05-08
United States, Wisconsin, Washington, Kewaskum Woods SNA, Southern Unit, just E of Milwaukee River, between Hwy 28 and CTH H, 1 mi. due SE of Kewaskum, 43.50825662 -88.20353027
v0293250WIS Nee, M. 58176 2011-10-05
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Along flowing channel, about halfway between Garner Lake and Lower Lake, Wisconsin River floodplain, 43.1925 -90.6263889, 167m
v0067680WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Kane, James, Marcks, Brian G. 24814 1965-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Sheboygan, Cascade. Kettle Moraine State Forest: 2mi NW of Cascade just S of CTH N, Twp. of Lyndon, on Nichols Creek, 43.68696987 -88.03271892
v0069273WIS Nee, M. 43757 1993-08-13
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Blue River. 2 mi W of Blue River. Garner Lake area, 43.19691268 -90.60953738
v0067624WIS Allen, D. G.; Wright, P. L. s.n. 1938-06-03
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Wollin's Woods, Milford Twp.
v0067602WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Reid, Archie, Ichida, A. 10342 1957-09-17
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Tufa Falls, 3 mi. SSW of Platteville, 42.67832848 -90.49949601
v0067587WIS Baird, E. A. s.n. 1920-08-21
United States, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Fountain City, 44.13191 -91.71876
v0067601WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 20578 1962-07-07
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Wyalusing State Park: Upper Mississippi River Refuge, 42.9758788 -91.12377674
v0067623WIS Cross, R. C. 142 1959-07-24
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Tower Hill State Park, along E boundry of park, 43.15427333 -90.04451995
v0113499WIS Fields, Douglas M. 502 1993-08-07
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Black River, 45.11634308 -90.57486788
v0067665WIS Swezey, G. D. s.n. 1876-06-22
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, Beloit, 42.50835 -89.03178
v0069272WIS Leitner, Lawrence A. 2523 1989-05-17
United States, Wisconsin, Dodge, Mayville Ledges State Natural Area, 43.45926208 -88.53641232
v0067583WIS Sörensen, Paul D. 4303 1962-08-20
United States, Wisconsin, Adams, woods bordering creek 14-mile Creek, 44.20613188 -89.80838141
v0067595WIS Zimmerman, James H. 3068 1950-06-20
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Monona. Belle Isle, SE shore of Lake Monona, 43.05469204 -89.33538421
v0067589WIS Nelson, Mikkel M. 134 1984-05-21
United States, Wisconsin, Burnett, Floodplain of St. Croix River, 45.71906288 -92.86270881
v0067649WIS Johnson, Miles s.n. 1960-06-25
United States, Wisconsin, Pierce, Clifton. Edge of Kinnickinnic River, 44.82655362 -92.730921
v0067620WIS Schaack, Clark; Schaack, Barbara 2384 1989-07-01
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Mineral Point. vicinity of Rock Branch Trout Stream just S of Mineral Point on Hwy 73., 42.83612104 -90.14236985
v0067625WIS Nee, M. 20645 1981-05-17
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Fort Atkinson. along NE side of Bark River, just above the confluence with Rock River, 0.5mi E of Fort Atkinson, 42.92013379 -88.82205263
v0067593WIS Nee, M. 15814 1977-08-21
United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Wauzeka. Floodplain forest bounded by Kickapoo River, Wisconsin River and railroad, 0-2mi E of Wauzeka., 43.08851101 -90.82928126
v0067662WIS Nee, M. 5915 1973-07-02
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Lone Rock. Along Bear Creek at CTH JJ bridge, 3mi NW of Lone Rock, 43.21528495 -90.22470561
v0067678WIS Liesner, Ronald L. 41 1964-06-23
United States, Wisconsin, Shawano, [S of Bonduel, along Hwy 47], 44.69807859 -88.43399582
v0067650WIS Heddle, J. s.n. 1936-06-21
United States, Wisconsin, Racine, Racine
v0067628WIS Sohmer, S. H. 7321 1972-09-24
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, La Crosse. La Crosse, Myrick Pk. Marsh. Causeway beginning at Myrick Pk. Zoo, 43.82136 -91.22541
v0067674WIS Barnes, Wm. J. 287 1966-07-16
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, in Hemlock Draw, 43.35822487 -90.06324218
v0067629WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 9596 1957-07-09
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Benton. Stone Bluffs above Galena River, 3.5mi S of Benton, 42.51795021 -90.3923592
v0067648WIS Hansen, Bruce F.; Nee, M., Phillips, Marc N. 3967 1976-09-14
United States, Wisconsin, Pierce, across main channel of Mississippi River; 0.25mi N of Red Wing, MN, 44.56956744 -92.54369363
v0067687WIS Gale, Harriet; Struik, Gwen s.n. 1957-06-17
United States, Wisconsin, Vernon, Ontario. [S of Ontario] N-facing slope near Kickapoo River, 43.68930643 -90.6018235
v0067659WIS Nee, M. 16244 1978-06-18
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Boscobel. Wisconsin River valley bluff, 4mi NE of Boscobel., 43.19702352 -90.65946832
v0067599WIS Hulick, B.; Larson, R., Liddicoat, S. s.n. 1982-05-13
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. 3mi SE of Madison, 0.5mi N of Hwy. 12/18, 0.5mi E of CTH AB, 43.05651025 -89.23809492
v0067681WIS Cheney, L. S. 3180 1894-06-25
United States, Wisconsin, Taylor, Goodrich
v0067660WIS Nee, M. 6309 1973-07-26
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Ithaca. 3mi NE of Ithaca. E and SE facing Cambrian sandstone cliffs above Willow Creek valley, 43.37644884 -90.26899864
v0067594WIS Heddle, J. R. 529 1907-07-09
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. Lake Mendota, W of Madison
v0067646WIS Hansen, Bruce F.; Nee, M., Phillips, Marc N. 4430 1976-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Pierce, El Paso. Along Rush River, 1.5mi NW of El Paso; 3.5mi SE of Martell, 44.79134112 -92.36533819
v0067676WIS Peters, Linda 228 1973-10-05
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, S of CTH W [E of Baraboo] Potter Estate, 43.45987775 -89.65059803
v0067603WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Salamun, Peter J. 10220 1957-08-28
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Wyalusing State Park: Upper Mississippi River Refuge, 42.9758788 -91.12377674
v0067670WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 16462 1960-05-29
United States, Wisconsin, St. Croix, Across from Marine, MN, 45.20179215 -92.75925656
v0067619WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 10509 1958-05-20
United States, Wisconsin, Green, Abraham's Woods
v0067679WIS Goessl, Chas. s.n.
United States, Wisconsin, Sheboygan, Sheboygan, 43.75083 -87.71453
v0428891WIS Edward G. Voss 13811 1972-05-20
United States, Michigan, Muskegon, Ravenna Tp, ca. 3 mi. SSW of Ravenna, Rio Grande Creek., 43.149288 -85.95975
v0428892WIS Edward G. Voss 6603 1958-06-18
United States, Michigan, Lapeer, By South Branch, Flint River, sec. 36, Marathon Tp, and sec. 1, Oregon Tp, ca. 3 mi. SE of Columbiaville., 43.125933 -83.368435
v0161742WIS Mahlberg, Paul G. 384 1999-08-05
United States, Wisconsin, Door, Fish Creek. Wandering Road., 45.10505241 -87.2044217
v0067610WIS DeMaster, Doug s.n. 1972-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, [W of jct. hwys. 11 & 35], 42.53008793 -90.6317607
v0067616WIS Rice, M.; Rice, W. 2982 1975-06-12
United States, Wisconsin, Green, Cadiz. N side of Hwy. 11, 42.58718358 -89.76976845
v0067645WIS Patman, Jacqueline; Long, R., Struik, Gwen s.n. 1959-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Pierce, Prescott. Natural levee along the Mississippi River, [just S of Prescott], 44.72701264 -92.74992761
v0067640WIS Kline, V. s.n. 1973-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Monroe, [Along CTH F, E of St Marys], 43.79115589 -90.62171266
v0067692WIS Cawley, E. T.; Koeppen, Robert C. 571 1958-08-16
United States, Wisconsin, Winnebago, Winnebago. Near Winnebago, along double railroad tracks, 44.07575636 -88.53317921
v0067690WIS Leitner, Lawrence A. 1142 1988-06-13
United States, Wisconsin, Waukesha, Muskego, 42.89780489 -88.16186698
v0067684WIS Hansen, H. P. 220 1929-06-23
United States, Wisconsin, Vernon, Viroqua, 43.55692 -90.88874
v0067604WIS Iltis, Hugh H. 16018 1960-05-20
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, CTH Q, 43.01005402 -90.59625431
v0067667WIS Rice, M. 2344 1969-09-23
United States, Wisconsin, Rock, Turtle. Turtle Creek Floodplain at Lathers Rd. bridge, 42.56112301 -88.96317385
v0067632WIS Nelson, Peter K. s.n. 1946-06-25
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Darlington. W side of Darlington; Water-works Hill, 42.67544757 -90.12245489
v0067636WIS Goff, F. Glenn s.n. 1964-08-06
United States, Wisconsin, Menominee, Powerline Moonseed Hardwoods Stand #17, 45.00223348 -88.95351044
v0067607WIS Bergseng, Margaret Schmidt s.n. 1945-10-07
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Platteville. On Bell's Bluff, Roundtree Branch
v0067673WIS Zimmerman, James H. 1586 1946-11-02
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, Devils Lake State Park, Devils Lake
v0067598WIS Nee, M. 20821 1981-06-20
United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. Bascom Woods behind Limnology Lab. UW-Madison campus
v0067656WIS Nee, M. 16245-b 1978-06-18
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, Boscobel. Wisconsin River valley bluff, above Hwy. 60. 4mi NE of Boscobel, 43.19702352 -90.65946832
v0067630WIS Dennis, J. B.; Liesner, Ronald L. s.n. 1966-09-11
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, [At or near WI - IL border, S of Benton]
v0067591WIS Gale, Harriet; Struik, Gwen s.n. 1957-06-19
United States, Wisconsin, Clark, [Hwy 73 just E of int. with Hwy 95] Cunningham Creek, 44.50571052 -90.56340685
v0067677WIS Simon, Helen; Mickle, A. s.n. 1971-06-07
United States, Wisconsin, Sauk, 43.35829671 -90.02383091
v0067627WIS Hartley, Thomas G. 2801 1956-08-30
United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, La Crosse. Roadsise behind La Crosse Country Club golf course., 43.81969 -91.21086
v0067622WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Rudolph, E. 14496 1959-00-00
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Dodgeville. R. Hanson farm, "Pinnacle Farm", 43.08196266 -89.88724499
v0067586WIS Nee, M. 1051 1968-07-24
United States, Wisconsin, Buffalo, Mertes estate, along the Mississippi RIver, 44.07635108 -91.64131976
v0067600WIS Iltis, Hugh H.; Botany 160 Class 10326 1958-05-18
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Wyalusing State Park: above junct. Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers, East Wilderness Areas, 42.99585341 -91.09169379
v0229890WIS Stolt, Joie 04-118 2004-08-04
United States, Iowa, Allamakee, North Unit - southern forest. [NNE of Yellow River]
v0067658WIS Nee, M. 2610 1969-09-20
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, [SW of Twin Bluffs], 43.24536123 -90.36536681
v0067608WIS Wunderlin, R. P. s.n. 1960-09-27
United States, Wisconsin, Grant, Potosi, 42.68944 -90.71207
v0067688WIS Leitner, Lawrence A. 1803 1988-07-27
United States, Wisconsin, Washington, Kewaskum Maple-Oak Woods State Natural Area, 43.51007934 -88.20601847
v0308852WIS Wood, Kenneth W. 169 1964-05-05
United States, Tennessee, Campbell, 13 mi. S of Tenn./Ky. Border on US 25w
v0308851WIS Wood, Kenneth W. 73 1964-10-07
United States, Indiana, Wayne, Richmond, Earlham College and vicinity; Home of Dr. Markle, National Road West