36427 Whitmarsh, Lynne L 648 1979-09-18
United States, Virginia, Isle of Wight, Along bus Rt. 10, 0.3 mi S of intersection with Co. Rt. 621, SW of Burwell Bay., 37.052634 -76.673011
United States
42515 Train, E L 811 1977-10-11
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, Along Dragon Run 1/2 mi. west of Rt. 17.
42720 Watson, Frank D 907 1976-09-06
United States, Virginia, Nelson, On a S-facing slope above the Tye River by the Appalachian Trail crossing, 37.850268 -79.077675
43289 North, Gretchen 999 1982-05-28
United States, Virginia, Middlesex, Ravine on N side of VA Rt 33, ca 1.0 mi E of jct with US Rt 17, near Saluda, 37.605523 -76.592798
44460 Ware, Donna M Eggers 3662 1971-06-06
United States, Missouri, Webster, Near E margin of Cantre Creek, immediately S of first bridge downstream from MO Hwy. M crossing of Cantre Ck.; about 8 mi. E of Niangua.
45832 Ware, Donna M E 8328 1983-07-11
United States, Virginia, King George, Caledon State Park; about 0.25 mi W of Boyd's Hole on Boyd's Hole Road, 38.348446 -77.152899
51940 Vascott, Anna 747 1983-07-26
United States, Virginia, King and Queen, On Rt. 608, 0.3 mi. NE of the intersection with Rt. 678, at Glebe Swamp crossing, 1.5 mi. NE of Shacklefords., 37.55178 -76.713342
52912 Fleming, Gary P 585 1984-06-23
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, Eastern slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 4.6 miles S. of Marshall; elev. 860 ft., 38.79944 -77.838178, 262m
55059 Fleming, Gary P 3371 1988-07-10
United States, Virginia, Fauquier, On northern slope of the Rappahannock Mountains, 3.5 miles south of Marshall; elev. 920'., 38.810979 -77.845976, 280m
WJC0000553 J.E. Ebinger 13301 1964-06-20
USA, Illinois, Coles, Fox Ridge state park
WJC0000552 J.E. Ebinger 13398 1964-05-28
USA, Illinois, Coles, 4 miles west of charleston
WJC0000551 Helen Elmore 7161 1919-06-04
USA, Missouri, Callaway, Fulton, MO
WJC0000550 Wanda Ponder 4447 1945-09-15
USA, Missouri, Clay, William Jewell College Campus
Cane&Sharp 15.5.36
USA, Indiana
Paul E. Rothrock 2004-09-10
United States, Indiana, Grant, Upland, CR E650S, ca. 0.5 miles west of Taylor University campus., 40.459211 -85.519934
Rothrock, Paul 2022-05-30
United States, Indiana, Lawrence, north of Pete Pritchard Lane, northwest of Fayetteville, 38.875322 -86.614246
LCDI001054 Brian Kurtz 98.5 2013-06-20
USA, Iowa, Winnieshek, Malanaphy Springs State Preserve, 43.3474 -91.83746
OKLA70102 L.K. Magrath 20056 1997-09-20
USA, Oklahoma, Caddo, Methodist Camp Canyon; 7.3 mi S & E on SH 37, 0.5 W, 0.5 S & 0.6 W on Hinton.
Garrett Billings 2207 2023-10-14
United States, Alabama, Jackson, Walls of Jericho Forever Wild Tract: field near the Turkey Creek bridge and Clarks cemetery, 34.983855 -86.095419
Garrett Billings 2207 2023-10-13
United States, Alabama, Jackson, Walls of Jericho Forever Wild Tract: Near Hurricane Creek just north of Turkey Creek, 34.975756 -86.08639
Garrett Billings
United States, Alabama, Jackson, detailed locality information protected
Lucas C. Majure 10915 2024-07-03
U.S.A., Mississippi, Newton, Newton, just N of and along Interstate 20, west of Hwy. 15, along Potterchitto Creek., 32.342035 -89.139963, 133m