TEX00287164 William R. Carr|David Wolfe|Paul D. Turner 16863 1997-08-20
United States, Texas, Nueces, S side of road to ammo storage area, W end of Demit Island, ca. 2.4 airmiles NE of jct. St. Rt. 358 (SPID) and Waldron Rd. Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. Oso Creek NE Quadrangle., 27.69306 -97.25444
TEX00287167 Archie D. Wood 726 1963-10-04
United States, Texas, Starr, 14 miles east of Rio Grande City.
TEX00287169 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Joe C. Johnson|Grady L. Webster 48-92 1948-12-04
United States, Texas, Willacy, Redfish Bay.
TEX00287168 William R. Carr|David Hernandez 14160 1994-09-14
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, S side of overhead utility line, W side of main N-S road from a point 2.1 roadmiles N of gate in US Rt. 83, or ca. 1.7 airmiles NE of jct. US Rt. 83 and F.M. 886 south at Sullivan City. Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Yturria Brush Tract, 26.28806 -98.53139
TEX00287170 Raymond J. Fleetwood 8147 1965-11-23
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge.
TEX00336259 Barton H. Warnock W840 1940-09-08
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Rare on ledges above waterfall in Fern Canyon, north of Alpine, Texas.
TEX00336260 Ellen Keough 111 1964-09-23
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Lower rocky slopes at base of boulders between dining hall of Mitre Peak Girl Scout Camp at Fern Canyon and different camp sites, ending at Comanche unit.
TEX00336261 Mary L. Butterwick|J. Lamb 1702 1975-09-29
United States, Texas, Presidio, On E facing talus slope of Rincon Mt, which overlooks Fresno Creek on the Big Bend Ranch.
TEX00336262 Mary S. Young s.n. 1914-08-11
United States, Texas, Presidio, Foothills of the Chinati Mts.
TEX00336263 L. C. Hinckley 1935 1941-07-09
United States, Texas, Presidio, Lower Musgrave Canyon, Tierra Vieja Mts., 30.39304 -104.635474
TEX00336265 Barton H. Warnock 20421 1964-06-17
United States, Texas, Brewster, 18 miles south of Marathon.
TEX00336266 Barton H. Warnock W836 1940-06-24
United States, Texas, Brewster, Rare at base of bluff--Bluff Cave, northwest of Alpine, Texas.
TEX00336267 Marshall C. Johnston 3604 1958-11-08
United States, Texas, Brewster, Hill 12 miles south of Marathon.
TEX00336268 Herbert C. Hanson s.n. 1919-08-03
United States, Texas, Brewster, Boquillas, Texas.
TEX00336271 Ernest G. Marsh, Jr. 27 1937-06-25
United States, Texas, Brewster, Chisos Mts.
TEX00336272 Barton H. Warnock 827 1937-06-21
United States, Texas, Brewster, Fresno Spring, Chisos Mt. area.
TEX00336273 Marshall C. Johnston|Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Billie Lee Turner 3501 1954-05-01
United States, Texas, Webb, 11 mi. NW of Laredo.
TEX00336275 William R. Carr 11493 1991-09-25
United States, Texas, Nueces, In openings in woodland, just W of old landfill, on sand road leading S from patrol road, ca. 1200 ft. S, 800 ft. E of S end of N-S runway, S edge of Naval Air Station Corpus Christi. Oso Creek NE Quadrangle., 27.68194 -97.28611
TEX00336276 Billie Lee Turner 80-75M 1980-05-19
United States, Texas, Zapata, Ca. 5 mi. NE of San Ygnacio along county road to Aguilares., 27.0802 -99.3697
TEX00336278 Marshall C. Johnston 53175.16 1953-11-24
United States, Texas, Kenedy, Beneath mesquite near swale, western part of Saltillo Pasture, Norias Division of King Ranch.
TEX00336279 Archie D. Wood 773 1966-07-01
United States, Texas, Starr, 3 mi. N of Rio Grande City, Texas.
TEX00336281 Robert Runyon 137 1927-11-04
United States, Texas, Starr, 10 miles East of Rio Grande.
TEX00336282 Benjamin Carroll Tharp|Joe C. Johnson|Grady L. Webster 48-94 1948-12-05
United States, Texas, Starr, Sullivan City.
TEX00336283 Archie D. Wood 726 1963-10-04
United States, Texas, Starr, 14 miles east of Rio Grande City.
TEX00336284 Rodolfo Sanchez|Enrique Rodriguez|William Larrey McCart 8343 1962-04-21
United States, Texas, Starr, Farm Road 1017, 6 miles northwest of La Gloria, Texas.
TEX00336285 Archie D. Wood 773
United States, Texas, Starr, 3 miles north of Rio Grande City.
TEX00336286 William R. Carr|Martin Whiting 13171 1993-10-06
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, N end of Sector C, La Reforma National Guard Training Area, along major track ca. 3.5-3.6 airmiles SSW of jct. F. M. 1017 and county road to Delmita. San Isidro Quadrangle., 26.63528 -98.38917
TEX00336287 Stanley D. Jones|Gretchen Jones 10869 1994-02-18
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, 1.1 mi. eastward on El Rucio Road from its jct. with US 281, then 0.5 mi. N on a sandy ingress/egress road to O. Zamora's property (private).
TEX00336288 Allan D. Zimmerman|Jackie M. Poole 2294 1985-10-12
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Vicinity of Laguna Sal Del Rey: Ca. 1 mi. northwest of the Laguna, ca. 5 mi. east of Linn, ca. 2 mi. north of the highway. Remnant patch of disturbed scrub at upper end of small stock tank.
TEX00336290 Charles E. R. Cameron 274 1937-08-10
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, McAllen, Texas.
TEX00336291 Mary Louis (Mrs. Elmer) Walker (George) 78 1942-08-08
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Rio Grande Valley.
TEX00336292 Ivan Shiller M46 1941-01-01
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Hidalgo County, Texas.
TEX00336293 Marshall C. Johnston 541391 1954-09-13
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Six miles south of Linn.
TEX00336294 Robert Runyon 5070 1941-06-08
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, La Joya.
TEX00336295 Elzada U. Clover 1785A 1934-02-13
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Goodwin's Club House near Mission., 26.197012 -98.337411
TEX00336296 Thelma Ratcliff [Mrs. E. J.] Walker 3 1942-02-02
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, La Joya, Texas.
TEX00336297 Robert Runyon 1711 1937-05-13
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, 10 miles N of Edinburg on side of Highway No. 66.
TEX00336298 Ivan Shiller 3010
United States, Texas, Cameron, Cameron County.
TEX00336299 Raymond J. Fleetwood 3478 1961-02-24
United States, Texas, Cameron, Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge.
TEX00336300 Robert Runyon 16 1925-10-08
United States, Texas, Cameron, Rio Grande, Texas.
TEX00440976 J. J. Clark 823 1984-10-26
United States, Texas, Presidio, Lower Shutup. Solitario.
TEX00459836 Amie Treuer-Kuehn III-1463 2009-12-08
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, Collected in residential development off FM road., 26.41151 -98.07046
TEX00029504 José L. Panero Estévez|Juan Ismael Calzada 4492 1994-08-06
Mexico, Oaxaca, Mixtequilla. Senda a las ruinas del Cerro Guiengola. Dto Tehuantepec, 16.38194 -95.3075
TEX00074601 Laurence J. Dorr|Tom Atkins 2368 1982-05-21
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Bustamante, rd to Bustamente N of La Presita, 10.3 mi NW of Hwy 70
TEX00074602 Laurence J. Dorr|James W. Grimes|Kevin C. Nixon|Scott Sundberg 2483 1982-10-21
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Sabinas Hidalgo, Hwy 85, ca 12 mi S of Sabinas Hidalgo (10.2 mi N of Mamalique turnoff), 26.33333 -100.11667
TEX00074603 Andrés Rodríguez|Miguel Agustín Carranza 924 1983-09-17
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Allende, Río Ramos, 25.26667 -100.03333
TEX00074604 S. Guerrero A.|M. Huerta M.|T. B. Olivia 469 1992-10-12
Mexico, Jalisco, Zapopan, La Soledad a 5-6 Km de Ixcatan
TEX00074605 Richard S. Felger|John Miller Cooper 15333 1966-12-20
Mexico, Sonora, Isla Turners (=Datil). Small island off S shore of Isla Tiburon; NW side of island, 28.71667 -112.29167
TEX00074606 Salomón Maya J. 4063 1986-10-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Cordon El Baúl, en cerro al N de Cerro de La Piña, ca 8-9 Km al N de Cerro Baúl, ca 30 Km en línea recta al N de San Pedro Tapanatepec SAN MIGUEL CHIMALAPA, 16.65 -94.16667
TEX00074607 Steve J. Siedo|Justin K. Williams 241 1996-12-31
Mexico, Jalisco, Collected at Chamela Biological Preserve, near rd at entrance
TEX00074608 Steve J. Siedo|Justin K. Williams 483 1997-07-03
Mexico, Tamaulipas, rd from Aramberri to Zaragoza, 1.8 mi S of Aramberri, 24.06667 -99.8
TEX00074609 Steve J. Siedo|Justin K. Williams 485 1997-07-03
Mexico, Tamaulipas, rd from Aramberri to Zaragoza, 1.8 mi S of Aramberri, 24.06667 -99.8
TEX00074610 Ana Lilia Reina G.|Thomas R. Van Devender 97-472 1997-03-31
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, 3.5 Km W of Santa Ana rd, 4.8 Km E of San Nicolas rd on Méx 16, 28.42778 -109.14722
TEX00074611 Salomón Maya J. 1908 1985-07-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, Paso de La Garza del Río Portamonedas, aguas abajo de Las Guayabitas. ca 3 Km en línea recta al N de Benito Juárez, ca 42 Km en línea recta al N de San Pedro Tapanatepec SANTA MARÃA CHIMALAPA, 16.73333 -94.15
TEX00074612 W. Trauba SN 1997-09-06
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, 3.4 Km N of Yécora, on rd to Agua Blanca, 28.40306 -108.92639
TEX00074613 O. Kye 23459 1904-07-01
Mexico, Queretaro
TEX00074614 Edward Palmer 173 1885-08-01
Mexico, Chihuahua, SW Chihuahua
TEX00074616 Elaine Joyal 1950 1992-04-18
Mexico, Sonora, Rancho El Palmar, 20 Km E of Onavas; SE from ranch house, 28.48333 -109.38333
TEX00074617 Stephen D. Koch|Paul A. Fryxell|D. Altman 87188 1987-10-09
Mexico, Michoacan, Aquila, 3 Km al N de Tizupan (109 Km al NW de Playa Azul) por el camino a San Pedro
TEX00074618 Robert Jones 2001 1991-06-16
Mexico, Chiapas, Berriozabal, 7 mi N Berriozabal
TEX00074619 Esteban Manuel Martínez S.|Rafael Torres Colín|Pedro Tenorio L.|C. Romero de T. 2655 1982-09-16
Mexico, Guerrero, Alpoyeca, 8 Km al ? de Tlapa, camino Tlapa-Huamuxtitlán, puente el Salado
TEX00074620 Edgar Cabrera C.|H. de Cabrera 9080 1985-07-20
Mexico, Yucatan, 12 Km al W de Humucma, sobre la carr Mérida-Celestun
TEX00074621 Edgar Cabrera C.|H. de Cabrera 9141 1985-07-22
Mexico, Yucatan, En los alrededores de la zona Arqueológica de Xlapac, a 27 Km al SW de Oxkutzcab
TEX00074622 Hinton 23876 1993-11-09
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, La Escondida; Dolores
TEX00074623 Irene Díaz Vilchis|Francisco González Medrano|Andrés Hernández G. 248 1988-09-14
Mexico, Hidalgo, Ajacuba, Cerro del tezontle, Sa del Méxe, ej. Santiago Tezontlale, al NW de poblado S. Tezontlale, 20.16833 -99.11667
TEX00074624 Hinton 23717 1993-10-23
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Aramberri, La Escondida; Dolores
TEX00074625 Andrew C. Sanders|G. K. Helmkamp 13295 1993-03-16
Mexico, Sonora, Alamos, Alamos wash just E of the cemetery on the E edge of Alamos, 27.03333 -108.925
TEX00074626 Joan E. Fryxell 184 1979-07-30
Mexico, Puebla, S of Tehuacán and just N of Zapotitlán
TEX00074627 José A. Villarreal|Paul A. Fryxell|Jesús Valdés Reyna|P. Peterson 5494 1989-10-20
Mexico, Coahuila, La Cuchilla, 5.5 Km al E Carr 40 Sa del Refugio (S de la Cuchilla) Exposición NE, 25.56667 -102.81667
TEX00074628 Clark P. Cowan|Kevin C. Nixon|Marshall C. Johnston|Allan D. Zimmerman|R. Allen 3778 1983-04-11
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Villaldama, 9.6 Km (6 mi) W of Ojo de Agua de Sabinas Hidalgo; 16.6 Km (10.4 mi) W of S. Hidalgo
TEX00074629 Antonio Salinas T.|A. Reyes|Esteban M. Martínez 4764 1988-08-18
Mexico, Puebla, Mun. Miahuatlán al SW de Coxcatlán, sobre la terracía a Axusco
TEX00074630 Guy L. Nesom|Julia Wells 6644 1988-09-12
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Rioverde, 5.6 mi E of jct to El Centro in Río Verde on Hwy 70/86, 21.9 -99.88333
TEX00074631 Janice G. Saunders|Bill Scherrer|Kevin C. Nixon 1375 1985-10-20
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, on Hwy 70 (Hwy 86) between SLP and Santa Catarina, 9.8 mi W of Santa Catarina
TEX00074632 Beryl B. Simpson 7038 1975-09-02
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 3 mi after turn off from rte 57--80 toward Guadalcazar
TEX00074633 Beryl B. Simpson 7063 1975-09-15
Mexico, Oaxaca, 4 mi N of Totolapan on rte 195
TEX00074634 Joan E. Fryxell 130 1978-10-22
Mexico, Sonora, on rd to Alamos, ca 15 Km from Hwy 15
TEX00074635 Laurence J. Dorr|Tom Atkins 2233 1982-05-16
Mexico, Coahuila, Hwy 22 at Puente Río Sabinas, 6.4 mi N of Melchor Muzquiz, 27.97 -101.57667
TEX00074636 Robert A. Bye 3601 1973-04-23
Mexico, Chihuahua, Batopilas, S side of Barranca de Batopilas, W of La Bufa, 27.025457 -107.743268
TEX00074637 José Luis Villaseñor Ríos|Brian M. Boom 2066 1980-03-23
Mexico, Michoacan, Carr Nueva Italia--Playa Azul, a 25 Km al SW de la desv al Infiernillo
TEX00074638 Ernest G. Marsh 1684 1939-05-05
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova, Monclova, 26.9 -101.41806
TEX00074639 Ernest G. Marsh 1714 1939-05-07
Mexico, Coahuila, Monclova, Monclova, 26.9 -101.41806
TEX00074640 Ernest G. Marsh 478 1926-07-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Sabinas River
TEX00074641 Ernest G. Marsh 478 1926-07-11
Mexico, Coahuila, Muzquiz, Sabinas River
TEX00074642 Harde LeSueur 783 1946-09-10
Mexico, Chihuahua, Mts NW of Chihuahua
TEX00074643 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 10321-B 1973-03-21
Mexico, Coahuila, About 1 Km NE of Mina La Reforma at top of alluvial fan SW side of the Sa de la Purisima, 26.69167 -101.81667
TEX00074644 Paul A. Fryxell|R. Maguill 3077 1978-08-13
Mexico, Sonora, 30 mi S of Benjamin Hill, at Microondas Station
TEX00074645 M. Domínguez L. 635 1993-12-03
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Los Cabos, Estero ' San José' San José del Cabo
TEX00074646 Rafael Hernández Magaña 9666 1984-08-16
Mexico, Zacatecas, Tabasco
TEX00074647 Edgar Cabrera C.|H. de Cabrera 8854 1985-07-01
Mexico, Campeche, 7 Km al N de Hecelchakan sobre la carr Mérida-Campeche
TEX00074648 Richard S. Felger|Goodman K. Larson|Jean R. Russell 85-584 1985-03-09
Mexico, Sonora, Cañón Nacapules, ca 6 Km N of Bahía San Carlos, S-facing slope near canyon entrance, 28.16667 -111.05833
TEX00074649 Hinton 19242 1988-10-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Galeana, El Sauce
TEX00074651 Tom L. Wendt|Emily J. Lott|Mike Mispagel 1894 1976-10-04
Mexico, Coahuila, Puerto Colorado ("El Sombrero") between Sa de la Fragua (to E) and Sa Colorada (to W); in area of red rock outcrop of Colorado Formation sandstone at divide of the puerto; W base of central slickrock area, on surrounding plateau
TEX00074652 Tom L. Wendt|David H. Riskind 1639 1976-09-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de la Gloria: Cañón El Cono, a side canyon of C. Chiliptín, draining in from N near El Chilpitín (small rancho)
TEX00074653 Tom L. Wendt|David H. Riskind 1639 1976-09-06
Mexico, Coahuila, Sa de la Gloria: Cañón El Cono, a side canyon of C. Chiliptín, draining in from N near El Chilpitín (small rancho)
TEX00074654 Janis B. Alcorn 2785 1979-04-20
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Ciudad Valles, Tantobal
TEX00074656 Jerzy Rzedowski 28751 1971-11-07
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Chalco, vertiente S del Cerro Tlapacoya, 19.266667 -98.9
TEX00074657 Fred A. Barkley|John B. Paxon|Grady L. Webster 719 1947-08-28
Mexico, Guanajuato, 10 mi W of Irapuato
TEX00074658 L. González Quintero 3012 1965-09-06
Mexico, Hidalgo, 8 Km al SSW de Alfajayucan
TEX00074659 Jerzy Rzedowski 6317 1955-08-30
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 5 Km al NE de Laguna Seca, Km 20 carr SLP-Antiguo Morelos
TEX00074664 Fred A. Barkley 14139 1944-01-01
Mexico, Guerrero, Acapulco de Juarez, 1 mi NE of Acapulco