16050 Bojórquez Bojórquez Germán Aurelio 1431 1994-10-05
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 3 km al O de El Dorado, carretera El Dorado a Ponce., 24.319 -107.453, 5m
16048 Vega Aviña Rito 4316 1992-02-28
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, Al O de El Dorado, carretera El Dorado a Ponce., 24.323 -107.367, 5m
16046 Vega Aviña Rito 7637 1994-11-08
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 5 km al E del poblado de Tacuichamona, ladera de exposición O., 24.344 -107.04, 200m
10700 Ayala Espinosa Jesús Alberto 134 1984-12-01
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 30 km al E de Culiacán, camino Culiacán a Tamazula., 24.775 -107.156, 200m
14124 Vega Aviña Rito 5784 1994-05-06
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, Carretera Culiacán a presa Adolfo López Mateos "El Varejonal", cercanías de La Anona., 25.05 -107.5, 300m
14993 Bojórquez Bojórquez Germán Aurelio 1164 1994-09-20
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, Al NE de San Román., 24.697 -107.147, 200m
14994 Vega Aviña Rito 6236 1994-08-26
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 5 km al S de Culiacán, carretera Culiacán a Mazatlán, cerro El Tule, camino a la estación de microondas., 24.722 -107.354, 400m
16044 Bojórquez Bojórquez Germán Aurelio 1281 1994-09-20
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, Al NE de San Román., 24.697 -107.147, 200m
16039 Vega Aviña Rito 7381 1994-10-29
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 500 m de Mirasoles, al pie de la ladera N del cerro La Chiva., 24.991 -107.518, 200m
16399 Vega Aviña Rito 7467 1994-11-02
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 500 m al S de Jesús María, carretera Culiacán a presa Adolfo López Mateos "El Varejonal"., 25.074 -107.456, 220m
15927 Vega Aviña Rito 7200 1994-10-01
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 15 km de Sanalona, camino Culiacán a Tamazula, entre Arroyo de la Higuera y El Rincón., 24.849 -107.042, 200m
15933 Vega Aviña Rito 7265 1994-10-12
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 5 km al S de Culiacán, carretera Culiacán a Mazatlán, ladera E del cerro El Tule, base del cerro, camino a la estación de microondas., 24.717 -107.346, 120m
16777 Vega Aviña Rito 7912 1995-01-28
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 2 km al O del poblado El Varejonal, orilla del río Humaya, ladera S del cerro., 25.095 -107.407, 100m
13645 Vega Aviña Rito 5410 1994-03-14
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 5 km al E del poblado de Tacuichamona, ladera de exposición O., 24.342 -107.038, 300m
5345 Vega Aviña Rito 1176 1984-04-04
MEXICO, SINALOA, CULIACÁN, A 17.5 km al S de Culiacán, carretera Culiacán a El Dorado, Escuela Superior de Agricultura., 24.625 -107.442, 10m
1050 N. Sandoval-Mata 450 2017-09-14
México, Guanajuato, San Miguel de Allende, Ladera Norte, sendero poniente a orillas de la cañada, Jardín Botánico y ANP "El Charco del Ingenio", 20.91985278 -100.7287083
1190 L. Hernández S. 7844 2018-08-12
México, Querétaro, Corregidora, Parque ecológico El Batán, 20.51305556 -100.4386111
1685 Rubio García Oscar 844 2014-05-15
México, Querétaro, Toliman, 4.3 km al NE de San Antonio de la Cal, Tolimán, 20.78469444 -99.90652778
1794 M. Castañeda-Zárate 1828 2021-06-12
México, Puebla, Tehuacan, Magdalena Cuayucatepec, 18.55613889 -97.47820556
R.A. Evers & Clara V. Evers 109978 1972-11-10
United States, Florida, Monroe, Wooded area adjacent to KOA Campground, Key Largo.
Steven R. Hill 28225 1996-06-07
Dominica, Lesser Antilles, Dry forest north of Colihaut, Anse a Liane, north side of ravine along trail. Elevation 200 to 250 feet, steep slopes above Caribbean. Clement James property.
B.S. Amorim, K. Pinheiro, E. Córdula 284 2008-03-13
Brazil, Pernambuco, Brasil, Pernambuco, Mirandiba, Cipaúba. Plantas da Caatinga. (Universidade Federal De Pernambuco Laboratório de Morfo-Taxonomia Vegetal Herbário UFP). (Apoio: Fundação O Boticáriio de Proteção à Natureza / CNPq / UFPE).
B.S. Amorim, K. Pinheiro, E. Córdula 281 2008-03-13
Brazil, Pernambuco, Brasil, Pernambuco, Mirandiba, Cipaúba. UFP 57.292. Plantas da Caatinga. (Universidade Federal De Pernambuco Laboratório de Morfo-Taxonomia Vegetal Herbário UFP). (Apoio: Fundação O Boticáriio de Proteção à Natureza / CNPq / UFPE).
Steven R. Hill, Michael Nee & Aquilino Molina 37260 2007-04-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, PROV. IBáñEZ. Along Río Piraí at Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway bridge at Tarumá. Elevation 590 meters. Coordinate Datum: WGS84/NAD83., -18.108056 -63.456944
IND-0080421 Charles C. Deam 60877 1941-02-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, On Plantation Key, 24.978953 -80.550127
IND-0080420 Charles C. Deam 60503 1941-01-15
United States, Florida, Monroe, along the road to Gordon's Cove, probably about 8 miles south of the T in Road 4A on Key Largo., 25.182208 -80.364347
IND-0080419 Charles C. Deam 61081 1941-03-12
United States, Florida, Monroe, about 0.5 mi. south of Islamorado on Upper Matecumbe Key, 24.914396 -80.639446
IND-0080418 Charles C. Deam 65848 1949-02-17
United States, Florida, Collier, at Goodland on Marco Island, 25.925439 -81.6471
IND-0080417 Charles C. Deam 65510 1948-12-22
United States, Florida, Collier, On Goddland [Goodland] Point, 25.925439 -81.6471
IND-0080416 Charles C. Deam 65848 1949-02-17
United States, Florida, Collier, at Goodland on Marco Island, 25.925439 -81.6471
UTC00226038 R.E. Gereau 1097 1983-03-24
United States, Arizona, Pima, City of Tucson; east side of 'A' Mountain near summit, 32.2333333 -110.9833333, 880m
UTC00263518 Walker, Sally s.n. 1976-10-02
United States, Arizona, pima, Tucson mountain park, 762m
UTC00263532 Sally Walker 1974-11-07
UNITED STATES, ARIZONA, PIMA, Base of Hugh Norristrial Tucson mt. Park, 762m
KHD00046171 C. E. Butler 1958-05-09
15697 Graham, S. 1963-12-26
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00082270 S. Mori 18802 1988-01-04
United States, Florida, Monroe, Lower Matecumbe Key. Vacant lot at roadside.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00082271 David J. Keil 5927 1969-10-18
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, White Tank Mountains RP; E side of park. Mountain slopes E of Beacon on Jeep Trail. Granitic mountain mass.
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081358 Susan W. Hutchinson 5377 1931-04-00
United States, Arizona, Maricopa
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081359 Esther Dickey 51 1962-11-17
United States, Texas, Webb
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081360 Gerardo Garcia 8404 1962-10-28
United States, Texas, Zapata
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081361 Anita Sanchez 28 1962-11-14
United States, Texas, Webb
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081362 Francis Duckett 234 1933-10-22
United States, Florida, Monroe
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081363 Susan W. Hutchinson 6836 1931-09-00
United States, Arizona, Pima
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081365 E. P. Killip 40924 1951-02-26
United States, Florida, Monroe
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081366 F. R. Fosberg 7758 1932-04-02
United States, Arizona
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081367 N. F. Fleming 0143 1978-03-27
United States, Florida, Monroe
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081368 Eric Sundell 1936 1977-05-18
United States, Florida, Monroe
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081369 Stephen D. Koch 77396 1977-11-08
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081370 E. Ucan 1533 1981-09-29
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081371 D. A. White 169 1982-07-12
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081372 D. A. White 206 1982-07-16
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081373 Steven P. Darwin 1231 1979-01-12
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081389 P. Fryxell 755 1968-09-09
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00181809 Robert R. Haynes 4451 1975-01-01
United States, Florida, Monroe, Near Atlantic Ocean about 1 mile south of Key Largo.
LSU:Vascular Plants
LSU00221440 Brian S. Early 2543 2022-10-08
United States, Texas, Willacy, East Foundation-El Sauz Ranch, 37216 TX-186, Port Mansfield, 26.595235 -97.476035
LSU-NO:Vascular Plants
NO0081364 Lydia Earles 21 1962-11-17
United States, Texas, Webb
LL00287157 Barton H. Warnock|J. O. Parks|Billie Lee Turner 8839 1949-07-23
United States, Texas, Jeff Davis, Horse Thief Canyon, Kokernot Ranch.
LL00287158 Donovan S. Correll|Helen B. Correll 30516 1964-11-07
United States, Texas, Presidio, Along Rio Grande about 10 miles west of Lajitas.
LL00287165 Donovan S. Correll 35454 1967-12-13
United States, Texas, Zapata, About 4 miles northeast of San Ygnacio., 27.0721 -99.3821
LL00287166 Cyrus Longworth Lundell|Donovan S. Correll 15190 1958-09-24
United States, Texas, Kenedy, King Ranch, off U.S. Hy #77, north of Rudolph.
LL00336264 Barton H. Warnock|Billie Lee Turner 8313 1948-10-31
United States, Texas, Brewster, Along road on limestone hills about 4 miles west of Hot Springs; Big Bend Nat. Park.
LL00336269 Barton H. Warnock 13064 1955-08-10
United States, Texas, Brewster, Along highway - at Dead Man's Cut; Big Bend Nat. Park.
LL00336270 Donovan S. Correll 33851 1966-09-23
United States, Texas, Brewster, Drainage area south side of Burro Mesa, Big Bend Nat'l Park., 29.234236 -103.404764
LL00336274 Donovan S. Correll|Helen B. Correll 32137 1965-12-25
United States, Texas, Webb, Tamaulipas desert area, 14 mi. N of San Ygnacio.
LL00336277 Donovan S. Correll|Dieter C. Wasshausen 27694 1963-06-12
United States, Texas, Zapata, On hills and brushy slopes on east side of Zapata., 26.9073 -99.2714
LL00336280 Cyrus Longworth Lundell|Amelia A. Lundell 9895 1941-04-02
United States, Texas, Starr, Off U.S. 83, west of Sullivan City.
LL00336289 Donovan S. Correll 32342 1966-03-18
United States, Texas, Hidalgo, On hills about small lake about 1 mile N of Los Ebanos.
LL00074650 Mary L. Butterwick 101 1973-03-18
Mexico, Yucatan, Actum Spukil ca 2 mi S of Kalcetoc
LL00074655 Hinton 11206 1935-10-10
Mexico, Estado de Mexico, Temascaltepec, Temascaltepec, 19.04944 -100.04611
LL00074660 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom L. Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 8236B 1972-07-03
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, 12 Km N of El Cubo, 43 Km N of Charcas, on rd to Catorce, 23.43333 -101
LL00074661 Jerzy Rzedowski 3232 1954-06-23
Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Alrededores de Santa María del Río
LL00074662 Eizi Matuda 4857 1941-07-19
Mexico, Chiapas, Between Mazapa and Motozintla
LL00074663 Hinton 10982 1937-11-29
Mexico, Guerrero, Atoyac 20 m Galeana Gro.
LL00074671 Robert Merrill King 911 1958-06-30
Mexico, Oaxaca, Along the Hwy to Tehuantepec (rte 185), 6 Km N of Salina Cruz
LL00074672 J. T. Baldwin 14225 1950-04-25
Mexico, Yucatan, Mérida
LL00074676 Hinton 15326 1939-10-13
Mexico, Michoacan, Apatzingan, Aguaje
LL00074680 Stephen D. Koch|Paul A. Fryxell 77396 1977-11-08
Mexico, Michoacan, Zinapecuaro, Extremo SE del Lago Cuitzeo, 1--2 Km al E de Coro
LL00074682 Reed C. Rollings|Rolla M. Tryon 5889 1958-11-16
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, W edge of Monterrey
LL00074688 H. M. Parker 402 1971-07-11
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, On Méx 85 at NE edge of Monterrey
LL00074689 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom L. Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 7973 1972-06-18
Mexico, Nuevo Leon, S part of Cerro Pedregoso, 1.5 Km W of El Peñuelo, 24.56667 -100.78333
LL00074695 John R. Crutchfield|Marshall C. Johnston 5486 1960-09-14
Mexico, Tamaulipas, 34 mi S of Matamoros on the rd to San Fernando
LL00074699 Jackie M. Smith|Mary L. Butterwick|Michael D. Whalen 369 1974-10-22
Mexico, Chihuahua, 32 mi SE of Jiménez on Hwy 49
LL00074701 James S. Henrickson|Scott Sundberg B6335 1971-09-03
Mexico, Zacatecas, 19 mi NNE of Nieves, at El Puerto del Muerto, 24.15 -103
LL00074702 James S. Henrickson|Scott Sundberg 12407 1973-08-14
Mexico, Durango, Ca 14 mi WSW of Torreón, 2 mi W of Hwy along rd to Microondas Est. Sapioris, 25.3 -103.71667
LL00074703 James S. Henrickson|Scott Sundberg 13040 1973-09-16
Mexico, Chihuahua, 23.2 (rd) mi S of Cd Jiménez, along Hwy 49 in Cerros Colorados, along rd to Microondas E Colorado; at jct of rd to Microondas E Colorado, 26.95 -104.6
LL00074709 Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.|Marshall C. Johnston 9787 1972-10-21
Mexico, Chihuahua, N end of E side of Sa del Cuchillo Parado, 29.61667 -104.91667
LL00074710 Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C.|Marshall C. Johnston 10547-A 1973-04-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, 11 Km S of La Perla on the Hwy S to Camargo, 28.21667 -104.575
LL00074711 Fernando Chiang C.|Tom L. Wendt|Marshall C. Johnston 8961 1972-08-27
Mexico, Chihuahua, 5.5 Km NW of Rancho San Miguel, on the Las Pampas Ranch, 27.43333 -104.65
LL00074712 D. S. Correll|Ivan M. Johnston 19987 1958-07-23
Mexico, Durango, 26 mi SW of Torreón, rte 31
LL00074713 Marshall C. Johnston|Tom L. Wendt|Fernando Chiang C. 10403 1973-03-25
Mexico, Durango, Estación Microondas Sapioris, ca 30 Km SW of Gómez Palacio on Hwy toward Durango, 25.40833 -103.71667
LL00074715 Cyrus Guernsey Pringle SN 1884-04-02
Mexico, Sonora, Pacific Slope, hills near Pitiquito
LL00074717 Annetta Carter|Annie M. Alexander|Louise Kellogg 2134 1947-12-06
Mexico, Baja California Sur, LLano de Magdalena, 11.5 Km S of San Domingo
United States, Texas, Hidalgo
United States, Arizona, Maricopa
United States, Arizona, Pinal
United States, Florida, Monroe
United States, Arizona, Pinal
UNCC_47984 Basinger, Mark; Basinger, Myra 2013-12-24
United States, Florida, Monroe, Long Key State Park, mile marker 67.5 along US 1, Golden Orb Trail, coastal hammock
UNCC_48021 Basinger, Mark; Basinger, Myra 2013-12-25
United States, Florida, Monroe, Crawl Key, paved biking/ hiking path parallel to US 1 from Kyle Ave. to Banana Blvd, margin of coastal hammock
B110489 C. C. Deam 60503 1941-01-15
United States, Florida, Monroe