R. F. Thorne 52764 1979-05-01
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Miguel Island. West of Simonton cove, 34.0507 -120.4093, 30m
E. R. Blakley 4247 1961-04-29
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Miguel Island. North slope of Green Mt., 34.0425 -120.3897, 183m
R. F. Thorne 52698 1979-04-30
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Miguel Island. Toward center of the island between Green and San Miguel Mts., 152m
R. N. Philbrick B65-1528 1965-08-25
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Miguel Island. Eat slope at summit just south of Nifty Rock, Harris Point., 98m
RSA0578232 L. S. Rose 69033 1969-06-12
United States, California, Marin, 3 miles SE of Nicasio. Lucas Valley grade near top., 38.043997 -122.641937, 183m
Joseph P. Tracy 7954 1927-05-01
United States, California, Humboldt, Sand dunes near Samoa, on Humboldt Bay, 40.8239 -124.1871, 6m
R. F. Thorne 35159 1965-08-05
United States, California, Humboldt, Samoa Dunes, 40.8239 -124.1871, 3m
T. Gertrude Williamson 251 1924-07-12
United States, California, Humboldt, Between Trinidad and Arcata, 40.96434 -124.11426
Joseph P. Tracy 6212 1923-05-19
United States, California, Humboldt, Trinidad, 41.06 -124.142, 3m
H. S. Yates 5561 1936-05-01
United States, California, Santa Cruz, Mouth of Pojaro River; Capitola, 36.8512 -121.8102, 3m
H. S. Yates 5727 1936-06-18
United States, California, Humboldt, Near mouth of Little River, 41.0243 -124.1097, 5m
J. Wendell Howe s.n. 1933-05-23
United States, California, Humboldt, Somoa, 40.7976 -124.203
H. L. Person s.n. 1932-05-11
United States, California, Humboldt, Near Arcata; Eureka, 40.87303 -124.08886, 15 - 15m
R. I. Bonn 6 1965-03-12
United States, California, Humboldt, four miles west of Arcata on Lanphere Rd., 40.89895 -124.13837
Jeannie Gregory 3191 2009-06-11
United States, California, San Diego, Mesa Grande, Nature Conservancy (Wheatly Property), 2 miles W of Morettis Junction (Pala Road and Hwy. 79) E of Mesa Grande Road, 2.5 miles S of dam at Lake Henshaw., 33.1981944 -116.7553056, 1042m
Naomi Fraga 3542 2010-07-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino National ForestVicinity Heart Bar, Santa Ana River Trailhead; Moonridge 7.5 minute, 34.15326 -116.77907, 2125m
David Pritchett VAFB-28-87 1987-05-23
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vernal wetland, 35th Street. Vandenberg Air Force Base., 73m
RSA0222018 Lyman D. Benson 15999 1959-08-16
Canada, Northwest Territories, Keewatin, Bay south of the Air Station, Coral Harbour. Drainage Area: Hudson Bay., 6m
Pam De Vries 7533 2009-06-17
United States, California, Kern, Western Transverse Range; San Emigdio Mtns. Region; Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge; ca. 3.0 air miles SE of the junction of Cerro Noroeste and Klipstein Cyn Rd.; Santiago Creek 7.5 USGS Quad, 34.9067 -119.3743, 1380m
Pam De Vries 7533 2009-06-17
United States, California, Kern, Western Transverse Range; San Emigdio Mtns. Region; Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge; ca. 3.0 air miles SE of the junction of Cerro Noroeste and Klipstein Cyn Rd.; Santiago Creek 7.5 USGS Quad, 34.9067 -119.3743, 1380m
L. M. Moe 2124 2001-06-22
United States, California, Kern, Plants of Ft. Tejon State Park. Scattered in partial shade on N-facing slope above Johnson Canyon., 34.872346 -118.896857, 1006m
Pam De Vries 7685 2010-06-14
United States, California, Kern, Western Traverse Range; San Emigdio Mountains; Ballinger Canyon 7.5 USGS quadrangle; Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge, appx. 4.5 air mile SSE of the intersecrtion of Cerro Noroeste Rd and Hwy 33.South end of Management Unit 3, 0.25 mi east of Cerro Noroeste Rd, along road south of flight pen., 1306m
RSA0026157 Barbara Ertter 17448 2000-07-29
United States, California, Contra Costa, Lower Donner Canyon just above Donner Cabin site, on north side of Mount Diablo., 213m
Malcolm A. Nobs 1204 1949-08-03
United States, California, Humboldt, Salt marshes bordering Humboldt Bay, ca. 2 miles north of Eureka, 40.81309 -124.10731
H. S. Yates 5916 1936-06-24
United States, California, Mendocino, Fort Brag, 39.44548035 -123.8020554, 2m
Milo S. Baker 11217 1945-09-13
United States, California, Marin, Roadside just East of Estero Crossing on road to Pt. Reyes Peninsula, 38.091383 -122.923293
R. F. Thorne 35313 1965-08-09
United States, California, Humboldt, Big Lagoon County Park, 41.1628 -124.1331, 3m
Joseph P. Tracy 8894 1930-07-21
United States, California, Humboldt, Cape Mendocino, south of point of the Cape, 40.3981 -124.3779, 3 - 30m
J. T. Howell 22175 1946-07-04
United States, California, Marin, Dillon's Beach., 38.248419 -122.96698
RSA0029445 R. F. Thorne 35470 1965-09-19
United States, California, Del Norte, 1-2 miles SE of Cresent City, 3m
W. A. Silveus 2946 1938-07-08
United States, California, Mendocino, [No additional locality data]
D. E. Anderson J-1260 1971-06-28
United States, California, Humboldt, 2.5 miles South of Blue lake along Mad River, 40.8534 -123.9914
A. A. Beetle 2903 1941-07-08
United States, California, Mendocino, Fort Bragg sand dunes on coast at mouth of north fork of Noyo River, 39.4283 -123.8088
Lyman Benson 1818 1929-07-15
United States, California, Humboldt, Clam Beach, Trinidad
Pam De Vries 7533 2009-06-17
United States, California, Kern, Western Transverse Range; San Emigdio Mtns. Region; Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge; ca. 3.0 air miles SE of the junction of Cerro Noroeste and Klipstein Cyn Rd.; Santiago Creek 7.5 USGS Quad, 34.9067 -119.3743, 1380m
OBI156629 Elinor Lehto 1217 1962-08-13
United States, Washington, Walla Walla, Southwest of Walla Walla at "Walatpu" Whitman National Memorial
Greg Wilvert 442 2005-05-28
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, N end of Padrones Cyn. 35°01'12"N x 119°38'07"W
OBI149146 Greg Wilvert 493 2005-06-29
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Wells Spring., 35.032222 -119.684167
OBI156980 David J. Keil 27860 1998-06-24
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Valley Hills NW of Santa Lucia Canyon Rd. and NE of Pine Canyon Rd.
OBI156630 Lewis S. Rose 68137 1968-07-16
United States, California, Mono, Conway Summit, 38.08752 -119.181946, 2499m
OBI156628 Tom Schweich 1169 2015-06-24
United States, California, Mono, Mono Valley At the current end of Forest Road 03N09 “No. Mono Gravel Pit,” 1 km south of the intersection of California Highway 167 and Cottonwood Canyon Road, and 15 km northwest of Lee Vining., 38.07318198 -119.039007, 1962m
Jordan Collins 1929 2023-06-03
United States, California, Los Angeles, Western Transverse Ranges, Angeles National Forest, Liebre Mountains, Redrock Mountain Bioregion. Fish Canyon, trailside on W side of riparian course. Ca. 805 air meters N of Cienaga Campground, N of Warm Springs Mountain., 34.625472 -118.637539, 643m
OBI156936 David J. Keil 19095 1986-03-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nature conservancy Research Trip to the Carissa Plain. South end of Soda Lake at jctn of Simmler-Soda Lake rd with Soda Lake rd. T31S, R20E, sec 20 and 29, 35.19577 -119.85955
OBI156919 Arthur W. Hazebrook 214 1993-05-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Nipomo Dunes Complex, riparian corridor along N base of Big Coreopsis Hill
OBI156954 David J. Keil 18001 1983-10-21
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Just S of Creston along hwy 229 on Lasma property, 35.478577 -120.542967
OBI156914 Larry E. Brown 1809 1970-05-24
United States, California, Kern, In San Joaquin Valley near Buttonwillow, 35.40081 -119.469292
OBI156947 Ruth Davis 64 1964-04-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, See Cyn, about 9 mi from San Luis Obispo
OBI156950 Craig Woods 54 1978-05-23
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, W side of Carrizo Plain about midway between hwy 58 and Soda Lake San Diego Cr rd, and along Sim. soda lake san diego cr rd
OBI156942 Eric Wise 826 1981-06-29
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Twin Lake of Dune Lakes
OBI156934 David J. Keil 17164 1983-06-26
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Shandon. Along San Juan Crk
OBI156948 David J. Keil 19652 1986-05-31
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Along Turri rd ca. 1/4 mi E of S Bay Blvd, N of Rd, 35.3351 -120.8195
OBI156962 David J. Keil 31906 2013-08-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay State Park. Between 1743 and 1800 Turri Road (from 35.330341°, -120.812458° to 35.327170°, -120.808337°), 35.328483 -120.810669, 9m
OBI156967 E.R. Blakley 4267 1961-04-30
United States, California, Santa Barbara, San Miguel Island. Willow Cyn one mi S E of old ranch house, 34.0297 -120.337, 76m
OBI156932 Joy Nishida 505 1982-07-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, 1.7 mi S of American Cyn campground, 35.258503 -120.269048, 488m
OBI156952 Julie M. Vanderwier s.n. 1980-11-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Indian Knob Tar Sands, 35.197821 -120.66211
OBI156961 Larry E. Brown 2014 1970-05-22
United States, California, Inyo, Along US 395 at Lone Pine
OBI156951 Larry E. Brown 2021 1971-05-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Along hwy 1 N of San Simeon
OBI156944 Larry E. Brown 2028 1971-06-06
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Between State Rte 58 and Creston
OBI156945 Larry E. Brown 2037 1971-06-17
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Beside Cholame Crk at turnoff to Palo Prieto Cyn rd
OBI156922 Larry Kelly 308 1988-10-01
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Pismo marsh between Pismo State Beach campground and Grand Ave, 35.11692 -120.62917
OBI156916 LynneDee Oyler 572 1988-08-31
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Moonshadow Ranch, equestrian. 215 acres on SE corner of 46 and Hwy 1, 35.50931 -121.02243
OBI156933 Mike Stiles 54 1986-05-21
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, One mi S of Tefft Ave on S Oakglen Ave, Nipomo
OBI156929 Robert F. Hoover 6103 1946-06-01
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, N end of Morro Bay, 35.39794 -120.8672
OBI156953 Robert F. Hoover 9118 1964-07-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, along railway
OBI156935 Robert F. Hoover 9119 1964-07-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita, along railway
OBI156957 David J. Keil 22942 1992-00-00
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Laguna Lake City Park. Along Madonna road in grassy strip with lawn, 35.264 -120.683, 35 - 170m
OBI156956 David J. Keil 18887 1985-06-19
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Just north of golf course and Butte Drive, Los Osos, Cuesta by the Sea, 35.317878 -120.854918
OBI156955 David J. Keil 20348 1987-09-27
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Irish Hills, San Luis Range. Froom Ranch on southwestern side of Los Osos Valley Road, just west of junction with Calle Joaquin and US 101., 35.246465 -120.687863, 35 - 135m
OBI156913 Austin P. Griffiths s.n. 1983-08-18
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Guadalupe Dunes Region. Near mouth of Santa Maria River, 10m
OBI156964 Austin P. Griffiths s.n. 1980-07-02
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Oceano Dunes. Along drainage canal ca 2 mi S of Oceano ramp, 35.093626 -120.629103, 20m
OBI156920 Austin P. Griffiths s.n. 1983-09-04
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Pismo Dune Region; On Hwy 1 between 24th and 25th Sts, now being cleared for "development", 35.098249 -120.603055, 20m
OBI156921 Austin P. Griffiths s.n. 1983-07-25
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Oceano Dunes. NW edge of Oso Flaco Causeway, 35.03 -120.6175, 30m
OBI156963 Austin P. Griffiths s.n. 1983-08-18
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Oceano Dunes Region. At NW end of Causeway, Oso Flaco Lake, 35.03 -120.6175
OBI156965 D. R. Miller 697.669 1997-06-22
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, PIne Mt Region. Near Tobacco crk below Stag flats, 35.723804 -121.078039
OBI156958 D. R. Miller s.n. 1992-06-30
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Lucia Mts. E slope of Pine Mtn. At George's pond, 35.69367 -121.08185
OBI156938 David J. Keil 20828 1988-00-00
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay - Rolling Hills between Downing Ave. and South Bay Blvd.; North of California Rte 1, 35.36996 -120.834427, 143m
OBI156939 David J. Keil 22670 1991-10-26
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg Air Force base, North base. Barka Slough, near eastern boundary of base along San Antonio Creek. Areas of freshwater marsh, riparian woodland, and salt-marsh meadow., 34.771 -120.4674
OBI156940 David J. Keil 27631 1998-06-05
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Lower slopes of Caliente Range on road to Selby Camp near old farm. 3.5 miles SE from Soda Lake Rd.
OBI156941 David J. Keil 28185 1998-10-09
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Elkhorn Plain, Elkhorn Road at Kern Co. line.
OBI156946 David J. Keil 29509 2001-05-29
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Western outskirts of Atascafero in Santa Lucua Mountains. 3-F Meadows area proposed for housing development. Site accessed by San Marcos Road. Ca. 700 acre parcel., 35.463814 -120.69647, 549m
OBI156943 David J. Keil 29597 2001-06-15
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Camp San Luis Obispo. Chorro Creep drainage. Chorro Creek Bog Thistle exclosure. Vicinity of 35.3442°N, 120.6800°W, 35.3439 -120.6804, 244m
OBI156960 David J. Keil s.n. 2000-09-07
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Santa Margarita Ranch, 35.395583 -120.613676
OBI156925 Debora Guillot 3.26 1993-07-08
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Simeon State Park. W section, 35.5914 -121.1186
OBI156949 E. Neese, E. Painter HL2630 1996-05-23
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett (Training Area 2), Coleman Reservoir, ca 0.8-1 air km N of Upper Milpitas Rd, ca 1-1.5 air km S of reservation boundary, 1.6 air km W of Mission Crk,ca 2.0 air km NE of Milpitas Reservoir, 36.0828 -121.2835
OBI156918 E. Painter, E. Neese HL1958 1995-06-30
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett (Training Area 3), ca. 0.3 air km NE of Upper Milpitas Rd, ca. 1.0 air km E of Mission Crk, ca 6 air km due W of Jolon Crk. UTMs zone 10S, 658250 E, 3992300 N, 36.060882 -121.303805, 400m
OBI156966 George Butterworth 197 1997-11-03
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, T31S, R20E, S29. 10 yds from Simmler rd, 200 yds E of Soda Lake rd, 35.2025 -119.85548, 584m
OBI156968 Greg Wilvert 442 2005-05-28
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, SE half of the Caliente Range. N end of Padrones Cyn, 35.02 -119.635278, 898m
OBI156926 Jan Barber 40 1993-07-03
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Simeon State Park, in ravine near fenceline NE of Washburn campground, 35.591915 -121.116247
OBI156924 Jan Barber 54 1993-08-05
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, San Simeon State Park; footpath W of day-use area, 35.591915 -121.116247
OBI156915 Matt Falconer s.n. 1993-05-19
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Near the old bridge that crossed the Santa Ynez River, W of 13th St bridge, 34.68675 -120.5873
OBI156917 E.Neese, E. Painter HL877 1994-09-13
United States, California, Monterey, Fort Hunter Liggett (Training Areas 22, 25), ca. 0.05 to 0.1 km NE of San Antonio River channel, ca 2.5 air km NNW of Quail Top, ca 0 to 0.2 rd km (0 to 0.1 mi) SE of jctn of Tule and Sam Jones Rd. UTMs:zone 10S, 668600 to 668900 E, 3975400 to 3975800 N, 35.908995 -121.132302, 250m
Michael Curto 652 1990-06-05
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Cuyama River Valley, Ca Hwy 166 ca. 11km W of Cottonwood Valley Rd, T12N R30W, 460m
OBI167342 Michael Walgren 53 2008-07-24
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Immediately S of the San Simeon Pier and N of Broken Bridge Crk, 35.64286 -121.18477
OBI156923 N. Misa Werner 184 1997-05-11
United States, California, Kern, Bitter Crk Natl Wildlife Refuge. 1.9 mi from main gate on Cerro Noroeste Rd in small cyn across from water tank, 34.916141 -119.405308
OBI156928 R. Mike Arens 82 1994-06-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Calif Polytechnic State Univ campus. In Poly Cyn near Botanical Garden foot bridge, 35.31344 -120.65194, 152m
OBI156927 Sue Weis 42 1993-06-17
United States, California, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg AFB, N bank of Santa Ynez River at the end of 35th St, 34.6929 -120.5833
OBI156959 Ann Cochran 8 1986-07-12
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Township 30S, T30S,R18E, sect 36 and T30S, R19E, sect 31, 610m
David Keil 34702 2017-05-12
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Avenales Ranch headquarters on Avenales Ranch Road, 35.205632 -120.191787
OBI156930 David Keil 34198 2016-05-17
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Southern foothills of San Luis Range. Wild Cherry Ranch west of Avila Beach., 35.184195 -120.760818, 190m
OBI156912 David Keil 29143 2000-11-10
United States, California, San Luis Obispo, Camp San Luis Obispo. Chorro Creek Drainage avove Chorro Resevoir. Vicinity of type locality of Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense (Chorro Creek blog thistle)., 35.34111 -120.68444, 219 - 256m