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Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Enneapogon desvauxii (Pappophorum wrightii, Enneapogon lophotrichus, Enneapogon phleioides, Enneapogon wrightii, Pappophorum boreale, Pappophorum brachystachyum, Pappophorum fasciculatum, Pappophorum figarianum, Pappophorum jaminianum, Pappophorum mexicanum, Pappophorum nanum, Pappophorum phleoides,... (show all)
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Page 15, records 1401-1500 of 1900

University of Arizona Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
442381Sue Carnahan   48852021-08-28
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Cieneguita Canyon, Grosvenor Hills; Coal Mine Spring property (AZGFD)., 31.55672 -110.86915, 1486m

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
445999Stephen Hale   67332022-09-15
Mexico, Sonora, Sierra Murrieta, Vicinity of Las Tierras de Jimenez, 15.21km (9.45 mi.) SW Bacanora., 28.8977864 -109.5277615, 1377m

University of California at Davis Herbarium

Shannon M. Still   6752010-04-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino County: BLM Property. In Ivanpah Valley., 35.4834301221488 -115.451761426859, 991m

Jim Andre   110182009-09-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, San Bernardino County: Eastern Mojave Desert, New York Mountains, vicinity of historic Slaughterhouse Mine, NE end of NY Mtns., 35.3161111112684 -115.272777777693, 1243m

University of California, Riverside Plant Herbarium

John C. Roos   48991950-08-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, north side of Clark Mountain. About 1 mile southwest of Coloseum Mine, 35.56028 -115.58139, 1646m

Barry A. Prigge   22761977-10-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, Striped Mountain, 6 air miles south of Mountain Pass, 35.38556 -115.52167, 1585m

Barry A. Prigge   23571977-10-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, Providence Mountains: Bonanza King Mine area on slope north of ruins, 34.98194 -115.50528, 1311m

Hyrum B. Johnson   s.n.1977-09-08
United States, California, San Bernardino, Castle Peaks area in eastern New York Mountains, near Stagecoach Spring, 35.36 -115.10583, 1280m

John C. Roos   49701950-09-03
United States, California, San Bernardino, south side of Clark Mountain, NW of Mountain Pass, 35.51333 -115.57667, 1829m

R.D. Worthington   280461998-09-20
United States, New Mexico, Eddy, Sitting Bull Falls Recreation Area, 32.24556 -104.69639, 1418m

A.C. Sanders   31351982-10-05
United States, Texas, El Paso, Hueco Tanks State Historical Park, eastern edge of the county north of Hwy 180, rock outcrops near the campground, 31.91667 -106.0375, 1402m

R.D. Worthington   115371983-10-01
United States, New Mexico, Hidalgo, Pyramid Mtns, hills about Lordsburg Cemetery, 32.325 -108.725, 1380m

R.D. Worthington   91711982-11-06
United States, Texas, El Paso, 0.9 mile [airline] WNW of Trans-Mountain Road and Gateway South, 31.90361 -106.45611, 1341m

R.D. Worthington   125611984-09-09
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, 11.5 miles east of Dell City, 31.92361 -105.02139

R.D. Worthington   147031986-08-23
United States, New Mexico, Doña Ana, Guzman’s Lookout Mtn, south side, 31.82111 -107.225, 1400m

C.D. Bertelsen   89--5141989-08-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson Mountain Park; NE of Gates Pass, 32.22964 -111.09072, 1024m

L.J. Toolin   22991990-10-05
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Rock Corral Canyon; along road in canyon along a mile stretch, 31.56225 -111.15603, 1200m

Lyman Benson   110341941-09-29
United States, Arizona, Pima, Santa Rita Mtns, Florida Canyon, 31.76806 -110.84889, 1280m

Steven P. McLaughlin   51151988-09-07
United States, Arizona, Graham, Marijilda Canyon Road, 2.2 mi north of Hwy 366, 32.7 -109.78333, 1250m

Frank C. Vasek   660914--0551966-09-14
United States, Arizona, Cochise, Silver Creek Road [Paradise Rd] to Paradise, 1.5 miles north-northwest of Portal, 31.92278 -109.16444, 152m

A.C. Sanders   66841986-07-02
Mexico, Durango, Mapimi, top of Puerto de la Cadena (pass through Sierra de la Cadena), 28 km west of Mapimi on Hwy 30, 25.86667 -104.1, 1524m

R.D. Worthington   144791986-08-02
Mexico, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, S side of Sierra Juarez, 31.70911 -106.54011, 1350m

K.C. Nixon   8881977-12-16
Mexico, Baja California (norte), Ensenada, 11 mi E of El Parador on Mex Hwy 1 to Bahía de Los Angeles, 32.50239 -116.833, 10m

F.M. Reed   62011929-01-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Station 18, 12 mi N of San Ignacio

F.M. Reed   61531929-01-30
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Station 18, 12 mi N of San Ignacio

A.C. Sanders   11841980-03-24
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Mulege, 8 mi NW of San Ignacio along the hwy at the road junction to Punta Abreojos, 27.32889 -113.11694, 143m

Jon P. Rebman   77032001-10-22
Mexico, Baja California Sur, Comondú, 50 miles east of Ciudad Constitución, east of Tijuana at abandoned ranch, 25.20028 -111.02917, 450m

Jim André   85682007-10-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mountain Range, along powerlie road on north side of Clark Mountain c. 4.3 m east of Excelsior Mine Road, 35.57533 -115.65628, 1159m

Jim André   85552007-10-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mountain Range, along Yates Well Road, on north side of Clark Mountain c. 2 miles south of powerline road, 2 miles west of Colosseum Mine, 1 mile WNW of Yates Well, 35.56242 -115.60061, 1456m

Jim André   85812007-10-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Clark Mountain Range, along powerline road on north side of Clark Mountain, c. 3.5 mi east of Excelsior Mine Road, 35.57475 -115.65786, 1164m

Jim André   86822007-11-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, c. 0,2 mi south of transmission line road on north side of Clark Mountain, c. 2 mi west of Keaney Pass, just east of Yates Well Road, 35.59203 -115.60586, 1316m

Jim André   86682007-11-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, along transmission line corridor, c. 2 mi east-northeast of Keaney Pass in the Mesquite Wilderness, 35.59936 -115.53925, 1278m

Jim André   86622007-11-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, along transmission line corridor, just east of Keaney Pass, in the Mesquite Wilderness, 35.59344 -115.52078, 1228m

Jim André   87742007-10-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, west side of Ivanpah Valley along Yates Well Road, near base of Colosseum Gorge, c. 2.5 mi north of Hwy I-15, 35.545 -115.51528, 1159m

Jim André   98452008-09-18
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ivanpah Mountains, near Standard Mine #2, c. 5 mi. NE of Cima Dome, 35.36388 -115.53513, 1519m

Michael Honer   32092008-09-06
United States, California, San Bernardino, south end of Clark Mountain, along pipeline service road c. 3.8 miles east of Mountain Pass, 0.3 mi. SE of I-15, 1 mi. SW of Nipton Road, 35.45993 -115.45923, 1150m

Jim André   110182009-09-22
United States, California, San Bernardino, New York Mountains, vicinity of historic Slaughterhouse Mine, NE end of NY Mtns, 35.31618 -115.27287, 1243m

Jim André   113062009-10-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Von Trigger Hills, c. 0.3 mi. west of Von Trigger Spring, 35.05556 -115.15639, 1163m

Jim André   113542009-10-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Hackberry Mountains, northeast end of Hackberry Mountain c. 1 mile west of Ivanpah/Lanfair Road, 35.075 -115.17917, 1203m

Jim André   202192011-09-16
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve; New York Mountains, mouth of Caruthers Canyon, 0.6 mile north of NY Mountain Road, 0.3 mile west of main stem of Caruthers Canyon Rd; New York Mountains, 35.2248 -115.30418, 1671m

Jim André   202602011-09-09
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve; New York Mountains, 0.2 mi. south of New York Mountain Road, 0.6 mi. WSW of junction with Caruthers Cyn Rd, on south side of hill at historic mining site; New York Mountains, 35.2156 -115.3045, 1636m

Duncan S. Bell   40572012-09-04
United States, California, San Bernardino, Kokoweef Mountain; east side of mountain, c. 0.25 air mi northeast of Kokoweef summit; Mojave Desert; East Mojave Desert region, 35.42258 -115.49308, 1672m

Jim André   199972007-10-15
United States, California, San Bernardino, south base of metamorphic hill, c. 5 mi west-southwest of Primm, 2 mi. north of Yates Well exit; Ivanpah Valley, 35.56335 -115.45322, 868m

Jim André   221382012-09-27
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve; east of the New York Mtns, along Hart Mine Road 0.7 mile east of the junction with Ivanpah Road; Castle Peaks, 35.28887 -115.22527, 1443m

Jim André   23159B2012-09-12
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ivanpah Mountains, Mojave National Preserve; near Standard Mine No. 2, south of Striped Mountain; Ivanpah Mountains, 35.36342 -115.53568, 1543m

Jim André   229732012-09-05
United States, California, San Bernardino, Mojave National Preserve, Castle Peaks, 0.4 mi east of Ivanpah Road, adjacent to the Boomerang Mine site, just east of New York Mountains; Castle Peaks, 35.32843 -115.26765, 1235m

Raul Gutierrez   28272012-10-02
United States, Texas, Winkler, 0.35 mi east of Ranch Road 1218 along FM 874, 31.93675 -103.03931, 274m

Jim André   319882013-09-21
United States, Arizona, Mohave, along Route 66 about 2 mi east of Peach Springs, just west of Yavapai County line, 35.55427 -113.3751, 1643m

Jim André   299792014-09-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Castle Mountains, far northeast end of range just inside California, NE of Hart Peak, 35.35552 -115.09798, 1318m

Jim André   299372014-09-24
United States, California, San Bernardino, Castle Peaks, Mojave National Preserve, south of Castle Peaks, east of New York Mountains, 1.8 miles ESE of Barnwell, 0.2 mile south of Hart Mine Road, 35.27977 -115.21145, 1412m

Jim André   368952016-09-02
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ivanpah Mountains, Mojave National Preserve, c. 0.3 mile east of Standard Mine No 2, c. 1.5 mile south of Striped Mountain, 35.36105 -115.53053, 1604m

Jim André   364902016-09-29
United States, California, San Bernardino, east end of Ivanpah Mountains, Mojave National Preserve, above Oro Wash, 4.0 miles north of Morning Star Mine, just northeast of Allured Mine (historic) area, 35.38158 -115.47398, 1302m

Onkar Singh   59022016-08-24
United States, Nevada, Clark, valley between the McCullough Mountains and the Highland Range, vicinity of tower M166-T3 of SCE Eldorado-Lugo 500kV transmission line, 35.66247 -115.07469, 1007m

R.D. Worthington   388952016-09-11
United States, Texas, Hudspeth, 11.2 road miles east along US Hwy 62 -180 from the Hueco Inn/Desert Haven and junction road to Hueco Ranch at roadside park/vista, 31.8466 -105.78153, 1605m

Glenn Rink   129712014-09-23
United States, California, San Bernardino, Ivanpah Dry Lake, 35.60972 -115.39917, 805m

University of Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
270504Lucas C. Majure   62392016-10-13
United States of America, Arizona, Coconino, Along Badger Canyon and adjacent areas just S of Hwy. 89A and N of the Grand Canyon, ca. 4 mi WSW of Marble Canyon, 36.776636 -111.659773

Image Associated With the Occurence
272328Lucas C. Majure   58592015-09-17
United States of America, Arizona, Pima, ca. 11.6 km E of the town of Vail off of E Marsh Station Rd, just N of I-10, 32.00036 -110.58007

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
291822Lucas C. Majure;Joe McAuliffe   54562014-10-27
United States, Nevada, Clark, 8.2 air km E of Nipton, CA in E-W mountain range just S of Nipton Rd. and W of Crescent Peak, 35.45442 -115.18436

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Clark County, NV

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, Texas, El Paso County, El Paso County, TX

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, New Mexico, Otero County, Otero County, NM

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, Texas, El Paso County, El Paso County, TX

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, Texas, Hudspeth County, Hudspeth County, TX

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
184161Ronald L McGregor; Larry J Harms; Albert J Robinson, Jr; R del Rosario; R Segal   6591963-07-14
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi, 10 mi E along Hwy 86 to Rioverde, 22.129501 -100.82726, 1966m

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
184162Ronald L McGregor; Larry J Harms; Albert J Robinson, Jr; R Rosario; R Segal   541A1963-07-12
Mexico, San Luis Potosí, Matehuala, 36 mi S along Hwy 57, 23.128925 -100.515621

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
184158Roy P Johnson   5/641963-00-00
Mexico, Sonora, Hermosillo, 42 mi S, Carretera 15, 28.457138 -111.048503

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
184159William E Booth   12601946-10-01
United States, Arizona, Pima, Tucson, 2 mi N, 32.25077 -110.92648

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
184160Vaughn Clayton   10482
United States, Utah, Washington, W foothills of Pine Valley, 37.391091 -113.514122

Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
442482Dina Clark   52752022-08-20
United States, Colorado, Las Animas, Campo, ca 13 mi SE; sandstone hoodos and escarpment on N side of Galinas Canyon, 37.0205367 -102.8524467, 1350m

University of Louisiana at Monroe Herbarium, R. Dale Thomas Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
NLU0399657C. W. Morden   9051984-08-11
United States, Texas, Presidio, 11 mi S of Marfa on Hwy 67.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
NLU0399658R. D. Worthington   11570.51983-10-16
United States, Texas, El Paso, Franklin Mts, canyon bottom near Trans-Mountain Rd. 0.7 mi. NNW top of South Franklin Mountain (31°52'30"N-106°29'35"W), 31.875 -106.493056, 1585m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
NLU0399659R. D. Worthington   171641988-09-03
United States, Texas, El Paso, Three Sisters Hills, about 1.5 air mi. N jct. I-10 with N. Mesa (31°52'N-106°33'30"W). S slope of N hill, 31.866667 -106.55, 1265m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
NLU0399660R. D. Worthington   186111990-10-14
United States, Texas, El Paso, Franklin Mts. , El Paso, west slope bajada of the Franklin Mts, 1.6 air mi. E of the middle member of the Three Sisters Hills, 1/4 mile NE from the 7300 block of Westwind (31 DEG 52'N, 106 DEG 32'30"W), 31.866667 -106.541667, 1288m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, New Mexico, Dona Ana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
United States, Arizona, Cochise

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
NLU0399765S. L. Hatch   58581990-10-12
United States, Texas, El Paso, 6.5 mi. S of the New Mexico/Texas border, W of the jct. of I-10 and Trans-Mountain Rd.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Enneapogon desvauxii Desv. ex Beauv.
Mexico, Coahuila

University of Michigan Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1131992José Vera Santos   21691941-10-15
Mexico, Locality placeholder for SQL ID 72943

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1428325F. W. Gould   79371957-10-21
Mexico, Durango, no data, 31 miles north of Zarca

Image Associated With the Occurence
1431592Rzedowski   249851967-10-31
Mexico, Aguascalientes, Tepezalá, ladera N del Cerro San Juán, 5 km al E de Tepezalá

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1412811Frederick J. Hermann   125861955-09-18
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412811

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1412812Leslie N. Goodding   461-451945-11-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412812

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1412813Charles S. Wallis   78951958-09-21
United States, Texas, Ochiltree, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412813

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1412814Orrick B. Metcalfe   14021904-09-25
United States, New Mexico, Sierra, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412814

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1412815J.M. Beals   s.n.
United States, New Mexico, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412815

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1412816C. Marvin Rogers   69221949-08-02
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412816

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1412817M. Marcelline   25821939-06-18
United States, New Mexico, Bernalillo, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412817

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1412818G. L. Webster & K. I. Miller   2041949-06-10
United States, Texas, Terrell, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412818

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1412819V. Havard   s.n.1881-00-00
United States, Texas, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412819

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1412820C. Marvin Rogers   64601948-09-09
United States, Oklahoma, Cimarron, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412820

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1412821Albert S. Hitchcock   37071908-09-21
United States, Arizona, Santa Cruz, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412821

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1412822Elzada U. Clover   71501943-09-14
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412822

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1412823Cyrus G. Pringle   s.n.1884-09-09
United States, Arizona, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412823

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1412824Cyrus G. Pringle   s.n.1881-06-27
United States, Arizona, Locality not transcribed for catalog no: 1412824

Image Associated With the Occurence
1121071Stanley Jones & Gretchen Jones   55141990-07-19
Mexico, Hidalgo, Santa Bárbara; 300 m W on Mex 45 from its jct, with Puente Presa Madero, W of Huichapan, 20.3767 -99.669, 2134m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1121072B. Emery   3051955-10-06
Mexico, Zacatecas, Colonia el Porvenir; 30 mi N of Zacatecas, 23.2078 -102.577

Image Associated With the Occurence
1121073Rogers McVaugh   173941958-08-27
Mexico, Jalisco, Las Uñas; 20 mi N of Tepatitlán on road to Yahualica, Barranca of río Verde, 21.1052 -102.782, 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1121074Annetta Carter   48841964-11-02
Mexico, Baja California Sur, La Altagracia; NW slopes of Mesa de Alta Gracia, SW of La Cumbre de Alta Gracia, 25.6562 -111.42, 600 - 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1121075Annetta Carter | Mario Sousa   51851966-10-16
Mexico, Baja California Sur, San Francisco de Asis; SW of El Aguaje; between Arroyo Hondo and Arroyo de las Palmas, NW slopes of Cerro Giganta, 26.1333 -111.583, 855m

Page 15, records 1401-1500 of 1900


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