2767817 Alan E. Brant 5877 2005-06-15
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Bunker Quadrangle. T31N, R2W, SW, SE, Sec. 1. East branch of Bounds Branch. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.40055 -91.22111, 317m
2751604 Edward R. Grose 1013 1951-05-27
United States, West Virginia, Upshur, Swampy land, Sago.
273332 Alan E. Brant 2125 1991-06-09
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, 0.3 miles S of the crossing of Arbuckle Creek at Summer Lee Road, Oak Hill, West Virginia. Floodplain and wetlands along creek., 42.0833333 -81.15
102194298 Alan E. Brant 488 1984-06-19
United States, West Virginia, Greenbrier, Rupert quadrangle, UTM grid: 297978. Roy Hunter farm, Miller Rd, Crawley. Scrub/shrub emergent wetland, mostly in openings with Glyceria striata, Poa trivialis, Cicuta maculata, Carex lurida, Galium obtusum.
102194299 Alan E. Brant 229 1983-06-07
United States, West Virginia, Greenbrier, Rupert Quadrangle, UTM grid: 301005. U.S. Rt. 60, Rupert (Shawvers Crossing). Emergent wetland with C. granularis, Leersia oryzoides, Eleocharis obtusa.
2751132 Bill Summers 3356 1990-06-24
United States, Missouri, Butler, Wet bottomland woods east of Poplar Bluff Country Club, on Highway W, T25N, R6E, E 1/2, S20.
103406385 Alan E. Brant 10245 2023-05-26
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, L-A-D Foundation's Wet Hollow Seep/Fen complex, Egyptian Tract, Missouri Dept. of Conservation Contract. Lesterville SE Quadrangle., 37.347723 -90.835615, 220m
103406394 Alan E. Brant 10246 2023-05-26
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, L-A-D Foundation's Wet Hollow Seep/Fen complex, Egyptian Tract. Lesterville SE Quadrangle. Missouri Dept. of Conservation Contract. Lesterville SE Quadrangle., 37.347723 -90.835615, 220m
2694172 L.J. Uttal 13179 1984-06-02
United States, Virginia, Montgomery, Calcic meadow about font of Stroubles Creek, Clay and Wharton Streets, SE, Blacksburg. Abundant, principal sedge of site.
2694129 Stanley D. Jones 2691 1989-05-07
United States, Texas, Tyler, 1.1 mile east on FR 256 from its jct. Hwy 69 to Lake Texas. North end of Lake Texas at the end of the lake and below the spillway. Wooded swampy area with sandy acidic soil. Associates sweetgum, oaks, bog-rush, other caric-sedge, flat-sedge, green-briar, Magnolia virginicus, Myrica ceriferra, Sphagnum and Pogonia ophioglossoides.
2695197 Phillip E. Hyatt 8616 1999-05-28
United States, North Carolina, Macon, -15". East face of Albert Mountain at about -50 feet elec. Deciduous woods, growing infrequently along trail to fire tower., 35.05 -83.46666, 1524m
2695489 Phillip E. Hyatt 5887 1994-04-27
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, (See Hitchcock Woods map for landmarks) South of Cathedral Aisle, downstream from Barton's Pond Bridge between pond and bridge Mixed wetland woods, seep at base of hill with sphagnum moss and cinnamon fern; silky muck!
103406520 Alan E. Brant 10253 2023-05-26
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, L-A-D Foundation's Wet Hollow Seep/Fen complex, Egyptian Tract. Missouri Dept. of Conservation Contract. Lesterville SE Quadrangle., 37.347723 -90.835615, 220m
2695019 Phillip E. Hyatt 8619 1999-05-28
United States, North Carolina, Macon, +/-15". East face Albert Mountain about 5000 -50 feet elev., 35.05 -83.46666, 1524m
101482643 Alan E. Brant 2129 1991-06-09
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, 0.3 miles S of the crossing of Arbuckle Creek at Summer Lee Road, Oak Hill, West Virginia. Floodplain and wetlands along creek., 42.0833333 -81.15
273421 Alan E. Brant 2129 1991-06-09
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, 0.3 miles S of the crossing of Arbuckle Creek at Summer Lee Road, Oak Hill, West Virginia. Floodplain and wetlands along creek., 42.0833333 -81.15
103406983 Alan E. Brant 10289 2023-06-08
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, L-A-D Foundation's Egyptian Tract Seep/Fen Complex, Wet Hollow, a tributary of Mayberry Branch. Missouri Dept. of Conservation funded botanical inventory., 37.343722 -90.825769, 216m
101482588 Alan E. Brant 2125 1991-06-09
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, 0.3 miles S of the crossing of Arbuckle Creek at Summer Lee Road, Oak Hill, West Virginia. Floodplain and wetlands along creek., 42.0833333 -81.15
101482642 Alan E. Brant 2129 1991-06-09
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, 0.3 miles S of the crossing of Arbuckle Creek at Summer Lee Road, Oak Hill, West Virginia. Floodplain and wetlands along creek., 42.0833333 -81.15
2695349 Phillip E. Hyatt 5888 1994-04-27
United States, South Carolina, Aiken, South of Cathedral Aisle, downstream from Barton's Pond Bridge between pond and bridge Mixed wetland woods, seep at base of hill with sphagnum moss and cinnamon fern; silky muck!
2694071 Edwin L. Bridges 6573 1988-05-04
United States, Texas, Henderson, Stream valley seepage mucky peat bog, on small stream near SW corner of Koon Creek Club, above 2 small lakes and below one lake, ca. 1.1 mi N of Anderson co. line, 0.7 mi S of Wilson lake, Cross Roads 7.5' Quad, Cross Roads Bog, Geology-Queen City Sand (Eocene). Soils-Leagueville-Henco (Arenic and Grossarenic Paleaquults). Community dominated by Myrica cerifera/Cladium mariscoides-Carex atlantica-Sarracenia alata., 32.04305 -95.87555, 104 - 107m
2693908 Charles T. Bryson 4169 1986-04-15
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, 3 mi. se Hurley; n of Hwy 614. Sec 2, R5W, T5S. edge and under Nyssa in low, sandy, area.
2694971 Phillip E. Hyatt 9198 2000-05-03
United States, North Carolina, Graham, West of Robbinsville, about 200 meters downstream from Santeelah Dam; common in controlled flow riverbed
2694310 Phillip E. Hyatt 5867 1994-04-18
United States, South Carolina, Barnwell, North edge of timber compartment 82, 2 miles south of Dunbarton along tributary to Meyer's Branch; summy sedgy floodplain, woods edge in seep next to creek; densely cespitose; acid sandy soil., 33.18194 -81.56805
2672465 Charles T. Bryson 4169 1986-04-15
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, 3 mi. se Hurley; n of Hwy 614. Sec 2, R5W, T5S. edge and under Nyssa in low, sandy, area.
100858078 Paul M. McKenzie 2584 2015-05-07
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Army COE Blakely Mt. Dam Recreation Area, ca. 0.73 mi. SE of the center of dam top., 34.566194 -93.191806, 131m
100869470 Susan Farrington 15-05 2015-05-28
United States, Missouri, Howell, Carmen Springs Natural Area. Mark Twain National Forest. Dyestone Mountain Quad., 36.9417 -90.0778
2671554 Douglas Ladd 13603 1989-05-23
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Brown Sand & Gravel, In shaded sandy seep near office building, ca. 3 miles NE of Dexter. SW1/4 NW1/4 Sec 1 T25N R10E.
2672613 J.H. Tiney 6208 1944-07-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Quaking bog: Gloucester loam. Poutwater Pond, Holden.
2672644 J.H. Tiney 6211 1944-07-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Quaking bog: Gloucester loam. Poutwater Pond, Holden
2672562 John Davis 1469 1920-06-22
United States, North Carolina, Buncombe, Ridge Crest, Buncombe.
2671914 Steve L. Orzell 261B 1981-05-31
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Sedge-shrub fen in Valley of Big Creek, at base of E-facing valley slope on W side of Big Creek; T31N R02W S05 NW4 of SW4.
2672190 Ernest J. Palmer 24928 1924-05-15
United States, Arkansas, Garland, Sandy bogs, near High Point
2672348 Susan A. Reznicek 7454 1985-05-14
United States, Alabama, Clay, Talladega National Forest, NE 1/4 sect. 23, T21S R4E, ca. 3 1/2 miles NE of Sylacauga and ca. 1 1/2 miles N of Hwy 148. Moist Liquidambar-Liriodendron woods along stream.
2671867 Steve L. Orzell 927 1983-05-28
United States, Missouri, Wayne, NEQ, SWQ, SEQ Sec. 29, T29N, R7E, Lowndes 7.5' Quad.; ca. 2 mi SE of Hiram, base of slope E side Of Bear Creek, property of Mr. Owen Hughey. Common on thick hummocks of Thuidium delicatulum, Cliamcium americanum, Solidago patula, Impatiens capensis, Carex bromoides, and Osmunda regalis in a seep forest-Acer rubrum? Alnus serrulata dominted.
1683033 Rebecca A. Haefner 499 1979-05-30
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Juden woods pond, sink-hole pond. T3n,r13e,sec.14 2 1/2 sur 787,sw corner sur 176, Sw, sw, cape girardeau 7 1/2", 1967. Located ca. 15 Miles n of st. Hwy. 74, 2 Km w of i-55. Owned by c.a.juden, sr., 110m
2670534 Alan E. Brant 5825 2005-05-25
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Midridge Quadrangle. T31N, R3W, SE, SE, Sec. 23. Tributary of Big Creek. Hanging fen and bottoms. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.35944 -91.23444, 311m
272022 Alan E. Brant 2039 1990-05-21
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, 0.3 miles N of US 60 on unmarked black top road which is 2.0 miles E of junction with state road 19., 38.1666667 -81.1
2751237 Alan E. Brant 229 1983-06-07
United States, West Virginia, Greenbrier, Rupert Quadrangle, UTM grid: 301005. U.S. Rt. 60, Rupert (Shawvers Crossing). Emergent wetland with C. granularis, Leersia oryzoides, Eleocharis obtusa.
2751179 Bill Summers 5067 1992-05-25
United States, Missouri, Iron, 1 mile east of Minimum on Highway C; calcareous fen, both sides of road; T31N, R04E, S11, SE 1/4.
2751157 Alan E. Brant 488 1984-06-19
United States, West Virginia, Greenbrier, Rupert quadrangle, UTM grid: 297978. Roy Hunter farm, Miller Rd, Crawley. Scrub/shrub emergent wetland, mostly in openings with Glyceria striata, Poa trivialis, Cicuta maculata, Carex lurida, Galium obtusum.
GAS009600 O.M., E. 1368 1958-07-19
United States, South Carolina, Jasper County, Sav.N.W. L. Refuge
GAS009599 Mellinger, Marie B. 674 1959-04-12
United States, Georgia, Chatham County, Wet ditch, woods edge, Hy.21, near Bourne Ave.
GAS003578 Jones, Samuel B. 20808 1971-05-18
United States, Georgia, Harris County, Harris Co.