1606562 Rebecca A. Haefner H-77-52 1977-08-02
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Little Dixie Lake, incidental ponds near Manager's house. WW and RA ca 12 mi E of Columbia. Emergent, rooted in muddy bottom of pond, water < 12 in deep. Flrs. purple.
1657049 Rebecca A. Haefner 1163-A 1979-06-26
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Pickerelweed Pond Natural Area. Upland sinkhole pond. Marshy habitat surrounded by oak-hickory forest in Cuivre River State Park. W of park road 147., 195 - 201m
1671274 Melvin L. Conrad 9514 1981-08-19
United States, Missouri, Randolph, Bottomland deciduous woods. Se1/4 of s10, t54n, r16w. Aeci strip mine project.
1671300 Melvin L. Conrad 9292 1981-06-10
United States, Missouri, Clark, Ne portion of a marsh owned by william logan about 1 mile se of wayland (t65n, R6w, sect. 33, Sw1/4), 152m
1671176 Benjamin F. Bush 2548 1892-09-15
United States, Missouri, Ray
1671153 James W. Cunningham s.n. 1934-06-25
United States, Missouri, Butler, Marsh near poplar bluff
1670900 Rebecca A. Haefner 3065 1980-05-21
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, On same herbarium sheet as record #7418; pickerelweed pond natural area. Upland Sink-hole pond. Marshy habitat surrounded by oak-hickory forest in cuivre river St. Park. S 1/2, sec. 5, T49n, r1e (elsberry 15", 1934). W of park road 147, 195m
1670878 Rebecca A. Haefner 1865 1979-09-28
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Pickerelweed pond natural area. Upland sink-hole pond. Marshy habitat Surrounded by oak-hickory forest in cuivre river state park. S1/2, sec. 5, T49n, r1e (elsberry 15", 1934) w of park road 147; on same herbarium sheet as Record #7419, 195m
1670820 Ernest J. Palmer 56232 1953-07-21
United States, Missouri, Newton, Swampy ground, about spring. Sagmount, 2 mi S of Saginaw
1670796 Julian A. Steyermark 8887 1933-08-29
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Dardenne lake near peruque
1670998 John H. Kellogg 26096 1933-08-29
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Dardenne lake, near peruque; in lake
3518631 Rebecca A. Haefner 1163 1979-06-26
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Pickerelweed pond natural area. Upland sinkhole pond. Marshy habitat surrounded By oak-hickory forest in cuivre river state park. Elsberry 15, 39.03944 -90.92611
1670699 Julian A. Steyermark 82860 1956-10-06
United States, Missouri, Pike, Natural sink-hole pond surrounded by quercus palustris, t55n, r3w, sect. 28, 5 Miles sw of ashburn; common and dominant with nelumbo
1627682 Rebecca A. Haefner 1163-B 1979-06-26
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Pickerelweed Pond Natural Area. Upland sink-hole pond. Marshy habitat surrounded by oak-hickory forest in Cuivre R. St. Pk. W of park road 147., 195 - 201m
3570469 Bruce Schuette 0197 1983-07-30
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, pond, pickerelweed na, in shallow water around the border of pond. just west of park road at turnoff to campground. sinkhole pond, only site for this species in park., 39.03944 -90.92611
3534445 Grant L. Pyrah 4050 1979-07-23
United States, Missouri, Newton, Neosho neosho Fish Hatchery, 36.86888 -94.36777
1627694 Rebecca A. Haefner H-77-52-X 1977-04-20
United States, Missouri, Boone, U. of Mo. Wildlife Mgt. Area at Ashland Pond on E side of area's gravel road c 1/4 mi from Y. Pickerelweed Pond ~1/2 ac. Growing in colonies emerging from < 1 ft water at muddy margin.
611950 W. Zaenker 171 1994-07-28
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis City, 38.6 -90.25, 160m
1757343 Baadi Tadych OF-4 2002-06-16
United States, Missouri, Boone, Collected on property belonging to Otto Fajen. Restored strip pit area of approx. 40 acres along Maupin Lane, E off of Route Z., 91m
1670911 Murray 49060 1946-06-25
United States, Missouri, Boone, Stephens lake
101889098 Rebecca A. Haefner H-77-52 1977-08-02
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Little Dixie Lake, incidental ponds near Manager's house. WW and RA ca 12 mi E of Columbia. Emergent, rooted in muddy bottom of pond, water < 12 in deep. Flrs. purple.
101896274 Ernest J. Palmer 56232 1953-07-21
United States, Missouri, Newton, Swampy ground, about spring. Sagmount, 2 mi S of Saginaw
102942323 Steve R. Turner 15-113 2015-07-29
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Busch Wildlife Area, eastern margin of Lake 34, growing in shallow water with muddy bottom., 38.7233 -90.7322, 162m
103439978 W.F. Kubichek 143 1921-08-00
United States, Minnesota, Aitkin, Rice Lake, Aitken Co.