Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Sagittaria graminea graminea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-34 of 34

Missouri Botanical Garden

102465233Melvin L. Conrad   59051971-08-07
United States, Missouri, Macon, Santa Fe Lake, 1 mi E of La Plata along lake, rooted in mud 1 ft deep

102465250Melvin L. Conrad   92931981-06-10
United States, Missouri, Clark, Wayland, 1.0 mi SE; William Logan property. NE portion of marsh marsh. Submerged. ribbon leaf rosette. narrow broader blade immersed, 40.38722 -91.55916, 152m

102465248Melvin L. Conrad   103311985-05-28
United States, Missouri, Randolph, Middle Fork of the Chariton River, SW side of Hwy 3 & S of the Thomas Hill Reservoir river, 39.50916 -92.67194, 204m

1642965Julian A. Steyermark   190951935-05-25
United States, Missouri, Texas, Sink-hole pond in upland oak-hickory woods, between Eunice and Yukon.

1767850Ernest J. Palmer   643901956-10-05
United States, Missouri, Christian, In shallow water of smal pond, 1 1/2 miles NE of Lindenlure.

1767889Brian S. Edmond   811993-05-02
United States, Missouri, Pike, Weedy pond in Spencer (now Traynor) farm pasture, E of Central Stone Quarry., 223m

1761225Bill Summers   89221998-09-06
United States, Missouri, Howell, Ca 7 mi E of Willow Springs on Highway 60, then 2.5 mi N on Highway RA.

3025077Thomas E. Toney   951966-10-12
United States, Missouri, Boone, In Columbia's waste water plant lake.

1643526Benjamin F. Bush   2491889-09-23
United States, Missouri, Carroll, Range from new england to mo.

1606920Rebecca A. Haefner   H-77-271977-07-02
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Little dixie lake, experimental ponds, ww and ra, ca 12 mi e of columbia. T.48n, r.11w, sec.26,35.

3537833Solecki, M.K.   9731982-05-28
United States, Missouri, Vernon, shallow fresh marsh adjacent to artificial lake, 37.86 -94.42722

1643842Chester T. Dziekanowski   12101968-04-03
United States, Florida, Gulf, 5 miles s on hwy. 71 From honeyville

1643684Samuel B. Jones   232551979-06-14
United States, Georgia, McIntosh, Sapelo island; wet ditch near marine institute lab. 0.9 M. Tall

1643601Alfred S. Goodale   28311927-07-01
United States, Massachusetts, Arherst and vicinity, moore's corner, leverett; muddy shore of mill pond

100859689Simone Johnson   792013-08-01
United States, Missouri, Callaway, Prairie Fork Conservation Area., 38.8933 -91.7375, 247m

100338429Joseph W. Blankinship   s.n.1888-09-22
United States, Missouri, Greene, No locality given

3554447Westrich, D.J.   s.n.1979-07-20
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Champ Lewis property, 2 mi W of Cape Girardeau waters edge of farm pond

1615731Brian S. Edmond   1911993-06-27
United States, Missouri, Pike, Weedy pond in Spencer (now Traynor) farm pasture, E of Central Stone Quarry., 223m

1643044Julian A. Steyermark   191371935-06-01
United States, Missouri, Wright, Pond west of Mountain Grove.

1673368Brian S. Edmond   2511993-07-10
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Mark Twain National Forest: CoRd 240 to USFS 1567 to end of the gravel, then walk ca 1/2 mi down path that leads straight from gravel to a large manmade pond dominated by Brasenia. Associates: Alisma, Cephalanthus, Dulichium, Utricularia, Eleocharis., 300m

3509125Melvin L. Conrad   43311967-09-23
United States, Missouri, Adair, Kirksville, 2.4 mi S11degE; College Farm pond margin, shallow water, root in muddy substrat, 293m

1644059David B. Dunn   164781970-03-30
United States, Florida, Manatee, Along Hwy. 675. Oak-palmetto with bogs and drainage ditches. Open sunny areas. Ca. 5 mi from Jct. Hwy. 301 & 675. Soil of beach sand blown inland or formed in development., 3 - 5m

3509157Melvin L. Conrad   48691968-07-22
United States, Missouri, Adair, Kirksville, 2.4 mi S11degE; College Farm margin of pond, in shallow water

102942331Steve R. Turner   15-1232015-07-31
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, East of Otter Slough CA; immediately northwest of intersection of Hwy ZZ and Hwy H; in mud and standing water in agricultural runoff ditch., 36.725 -90.0825, 98m

1644125Julian A. Steyermark   788261955-06-26
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Swamp in valley tributary to South Fork of Janes Creek, 6 mi (by air) E of Thayer.

1643985John H. Kellogg   259541932-05-23
United States, Missouri, Butler, Near Poplar Bluff. Roadside ditches.

1643753Francis P. Daniels   s.n.
United States, "New England specimen" written on label.

3534444Grant L. Pyrah   4049a1979-07-09
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Near Halltown pond, 37.19333 -93.62527

1662327Brian S. Edmond   1611993-06-15
United States, Missouri, Pike, Weedy pond E of Central Stone Quarry in Spencer (now Traynor) farm pasture. Associates: Gratiola, Potamogeton, Brasenia., 223m

3537302Robert Smith   11959-04-24
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, Mingo Wildlife Refuge swamp; edge of road 5 mi in

3536507Schulte, P.   2241979-07-23
United States, Missouri, Scott, SE of Benton marshy roadside area

1643920David B. Dunn   166251970-04-03
United States, Florida, Highlands, Near highlands hammock state park. Pine-oak woodland, abundant spanish moss., 6m

3535787Rugge, M.   51991-09-28
United States, Missouri, Adair, Kirksville, 1.0 mi S; Ecology plots, W of Hwy 63 acrss Day's Inn; 1' from E pond edge. water 1' - 2' deep. 3 petals, white

University of Georgia Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
GA275450Richard Carter   174852007-03-30
U.S.A., Georgia, Camden, 0.3 mi E Tarboro jct. Hwy GA 252 and Refuge Rd, by Refuge Rd, 31.01065 -81.8000167

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