GAS032501 Johnson, A. M 3927 2013-00-00
United States, New York, St. Lawrence County, Town of DeKalb. Growing on a rock face on the S side of River Road
1561718 Alan E. Brant 4684 2001-05-31
United States, Missouri, Iron, T34, R1E, NE4, Sec 26. Johnson Mountain Quadrangle. Margins of igneous glades on low cliffs and ledges on northwest-facing slopes of Bell Mountain, Bell Mtn. Wilderness. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Inventory., 37.6166667 -90.9, 396 - 427m
1566893 Gale R. Trussell 120616 1974-05-20
United States, Missouri, Collected from the slopes and rocky crevices of gray ghost bluff, by the niangua River. The forest is deciduous oak hickory with the lower slope having rich Leafmold soils and some wet sites. By the niangua river., 265m
1565747 Carrol F. Eaglesfield 146 1996-05-18
United States, Missouri, Henry, Fewel WLA. Wooded, wet creek bank.
8784 Peter H. Raven 27640 1988-05-29
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. S end of large pasture, ca. 0.3 mi (500 m) N of confluence of Parker Creek with Big River., 38.125 -90.675, 185m
8766 Peter H. Raven 27793 1989-04-30
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of DeSoto. Township 39 N. Range 3 E. Section 11. Deep, shaded woods along a small tributary of Parker Creek, W of Parker Creek at a point ca. 0.35 mi (600 m) NNE of its confluence with Big River. Lower Jacks Fork., 38.125 -90.675, 185m
1593472 Alan E. Brant 4749 2001-08-10
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, T28N, R9E, SE4, Sec 10. Sturdivant Quadrangle. Dark Cypress Swamp Conservation Area Botanical Survey, ca. 1 mile southwest of Greenbrier (by air)., 37.1 -90.05, 110m
1740038 Gerrit Davidse 3536A 1973-07-07
United States, Missouri, Saint Charles, Ca. 3 miles soutwest of Defiance, along state Highway 94., 38.6030556 -90.7988889
1688015 Joe Ryan 1438 1989-09-15
United States, Missouri, Boone, In moist woods on e facing slope, about 200 m e of 163 hwy and 100m s of the icebox parking lot entrance., 206m
1646453 Matthew R. Lary 12 1990-04-11
United States, Missouri, Boone, Rockhill Park in Columbia. 120 m from the S entrance. In an open woods of moist soil on a N-facing slope., 212m
1648404 Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. 26891 1970-06-06
United States, Missouri, Saint Clair, Open sandstone glades ca 1/2 mi E of Sac River. Ca 2 mi SW of Raney.
1648327 Ernest J. Palmer 56215 1953-07-20
United States, Missouri, Lawrence, Rocky partially shaded ledges, along bluffs of Sac River, 2 1/2 mi NE of Lawrenceburg.
1648341 William E. Harmon 1274 1968-09-20
United States, Missouri, Boone, Sandstone bluffs about 9 mi NE of Columbia; 1/2 mi N of Mount Hope Church.
1648220 Douglas G. LeDoux 1338 1974-03-03
United States, Missouri, Oregon, Plants collected at Greer Springs, 1 mi N of Greer, Mo on Hwy 19. A moist Oak-Hickory forest, on N facing slopes. Voucher specimens for NPS, survey of Natural Landmarks.
1648260 Julian A. Steyermark 76561 1954-08-16
United States, Missouri, Harrison, Along Sugar Creek, 3-3 1/2 mi N of Gilman.
1648287 Julian A. Steyermark 81226 1956-05-20
United States, Missouri, Osage, SW-facing wooded limestone bluffs (small) with chert and sandstone exposures on top, along E side of Osage River, 3 1/2-3 3/4 mi NW of Folk.
1624355 Robbin C. Moran 4174 1989-06-18
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Plants of the Ozarks: 6.5 mi (10.5 km) W of Desoto. Weedy roadside S end of large pasture, ca 0.3 mi (500 m) N of confluence of Parker Creek with Big River. On banks. Along lower part of driveway to the cabin., 185m
1623925 H. van der Werff 7429 1985-08-03
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, 6.5 mi w of desoto. T.39n, r.3e, sec.11. Deep shaded woods along a small Tributary of parker creek, w of parker creek at a point 0.35 mi n-ne of its Confluence with big river. Lower jacks fork. On rocks along stream, in forest., 38.125 -90.675, 185m
1632367 Julian A. Steyermark 13990 1934-07-29
United States, Missouri, Perry, Crevices of St. Peter sandstone bluffs along Shawanee Springs branch (Taylor Springs branch) of Cinq Hommes creek, 3 mi W of Perryville.
1632527 Melvin L. Conrad 8526 1979-08-09
United States, Missouri, Randolph, Small Creek.
879567 Alan E. Brant 3111 1994-09-23
United States, Missouri, Madison, T33N, R7E, E2, Survey 839. Bottoms and slopes above west side of Mill Creek, west of gravel road on Holmes property. Rhyolite., 37.5333333 -90.3166667
1749329 Alan E. Brant 5140 2002-06-19
United States, Missouri, Washington, Palmer Quadrangle. T36N, R1E, NE, SW, Sec. 13. Small limestone glade complex on west-facing slopes above tributary of south branch of Clear Creek. Mark Twain National Forest Botanical Survey., 37.8333333 -90.8333333, 345m
3537328 Tim E. Smith 2568 1987-07-17
United States, Missouri, Clay, Ca. 2.0 mi W of Missouri City, Western Section of Glaciated Plains Natural Division rocky stream bed of dry creek. On limestone boulder by stream, 39.23055 -94.33305
3536069 Joe Ryan 2050 1992-08-10
United States, Missouri, Reynolds, N side of County Highway K on W side of the Black River base of E-facing wooded slope in dolomite outcrops, 37.33666 -90.7625
3536175 Roger W. Sanders 75008 1975-07-05
United States, Missouri, Greene, Along James River, ca. 3 km S of Springfield wooded stream valley and narrow floodplain; loamy alluvial, cherty-limestone outcrops. Locally common on mossy outcrops and in crevices., 37.10194 -93.325
3538118 Julian A. Steyermark 20826 1936-11-08
United States, Missouri, Stoddard, West of Heagy top of sandstone bluffs
3538267 Julian A. Steyermark 40399 1941-06-25
United States, Missouri, Linn, Environs of Locust Creek, Pershing State Park, 4 mi SW of Laclede sandstone bluff slopes, 39.75555 -93.22222
3538227 Julian A. Steyermark 25748 1937-09-03
United States, Missouri, Lewis, Along ravine tributary to Middle Fabius River, 4 mi NE of LaBelle crevices of sandstone bluffs, 40.14416 -91.84611
3538184 Julian A. Steyermark 24597 1937-08-11
United States, Missouri, Johnson, Cave Hollow, between old and new cemetery, near Warrensburg sandstone ledges
3538141 Julian A. Steyermark 22833 1937-07-01
United States, Missouri, Ozark, Turkey Creek, 2 mi NW of Hammond limestone bluffs along spring branch of creek, 36.67416 -92.6325
3538319 Julian A. Steyermark 6160 1938-06-24
United States, Missouri, Ray, Along Middle Fork of Crooked River, 2 mi N of Rayville shaded boulders on top of limestone bluff, 39.37416 -94.16388
3538386 Julian A. Steyermark 7111 1932-07-17
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Above Jam Up bluff 6 mi N of Montier shaded mossy limestone boulders
3538380 Julian A. Steyermark 7017 1930-10-26
United States, Missouri, Washington, Summit of Hughes Mountain, 4 mi SW of Irondale crevices of granite bluffs
3538471 Julian A. Steyermark 9369 1933-09-03
United States, Missouri, Randolph, Along Silver Spring Creek, 2 mi S of Huntsville wooded sandstone slopes
3535399 G. Reese 1349 1982-04-29
United States, Missouri, Bates, common in wet-mesic areas of box canyon, 38.24166 -94.30388
3535390 G. Reese 1310 1982-04-03
United States, Missouri, Henry, dry-mesic sand forest, 38.2875 -93.80555
3530049 Ernest J. Palmer 42134 1933-08-06
United States, Missouri, Vernon, 3 mi S of Moundville along shaded sandstone ledges
3529995 Ernest J. Palmer 40898 1933-06-29
United States, Missouri, Shelby, Near Bethel rocky ledges along river bluffs, 39.87666 -92.02388
3530018 Ernest J. Palmer 41160 1933-07-03
United States, Missouri, Adair, 4 mi N of Kirksville partially shaded sterile banks along small stream
3529810 Ernest J. Palmer 17978 1920-06-21
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Near Cape Girardeau rocky woods
3529909 Ernest J. Palmer 39277 1931-05-05
United States, Missouri, Cooper, Near Booneville along rocky bluffs of creek
3529897 Ernest J. Palmer 3568 1912-04-19
United States, Missouri, Dunklin, Campbell low woods, 36.49333 -90.075
3529926 Ernest J. Palmer 4617 1913-10-11
United States, Missouri, Stone, Galena clifts of limestone rocks, 36.80527 -93.46638
3529918 Ernest J. Palmer 4210 1913-09-09
United States, Missouri, McDonald, Noel limestone ledges, 36.54555 -94.485
3503093 Benjamin F. Bush 14912 1935-07-04
United States, Missouri, Cedar, rocky barrens
3503067 Benjamin F. Bush 14735 1935-05-02
United States, Missouri, Saline, on rocks
3502867 Benjamin F. Bush 13717 1934-06-11
United States, Missouri, Morgan, sandstone
3504049 Benjamin F. Bush 5904 1909-07-08
United States, Missouri, Clark, Dumas on rocks, 40.52111 -91.63527
3503747 Benjamin F. Bush 4297 1907-04-23
United States, Missouri, Taney, Swan on rocks, 36.79527 -93.0625
3503806 Benjamin F. Bush 4456 1907-05-15
United States, Missouri, Christian, Chadwick on shaded rocks, 36.93 -93.05666
3503445 Benjamin F. Bush 2030 1891-10-17
United States, Missouri, Jackson, Missouri River Bluffs damp shaded rocks, common along bluffs
3505787 Cavender, K. 118 1983-07-11
United States, Missouri, Miller, Trail of the Four Winds along gully running down a N-facing slope, 38.1025 -92.56055
1388972 Alan E. Brant 4271 1999-06-18
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. T29N, R8E, SW4, SE4, Sec. 15 and further along same little maintained graveled county road (road unnumbered) in sections 22, 23 and 27, Castor River Conservation Area and adjacent private lands., 37.16666 -90.13333, 121m
3521874 Jarvis E. Hudson 176 1974-06-03
United States, Missouri, Ralls, Salt River Basin, between Highway J and Lick Creek growing on rock on steep east-facing slope in oak-maple woods, 39.49194 -91.66722, 207m
3521921 Jarvis E. Hudson 323 1974-06-11
United States, Missouri, Monroe, Southeast of Buck Creek, S of Stoutsville, permnanent reservoir rare in oak-hickory woods on north-facing slope near stream, 39.53444 -91.86083
3525738 Douglas Ladd 4577 1980-06-11
United States, Missouri, Dallas, Bennett Spring State Park, Spring Valley, 0.3 mi S of Bennett Spring growing on large shaded chert boulder in stream bed of valley, 37.70416 -92.85666
3525779 Douglas Ladd 5585 1981-09-02
United States, Missouri, Laclede, Bennett Spring State Park, at bottom of Poker Hollow ravine shaded outcrop along stream bed at bottom of ravine, 37.72861 -92.85055
3525137 James S. Key 850 1971-09-18
United States, Missouri, Montgomery, Draw running N from SW4 into Loutre River in NW4, 38.96138 -91.6275
3526454 M.C. Lodewycks 379 1937-06-06
United States, Missouri, Saint Louis, Valley east of hill backof Lodge, Ranken Estate valley
3526998 C.O. Marvin 432 1972-06-10
United States, Missouri, Warren, About 6 1/2 mi S of Warrenton growing on a wooded north facing sandstone bluff
3527730 S. McReynolds 750679 1975-05-21
United States, Missouri, Camden, In River Cave Sinkhole on the Ha Ha Tonka property on State Road K near Camdenton sinkhole
3527470 Maureen McHale 99-135 1999-05-21
United States, Missouri, Shelby, Lakenan Forest, ca. 2 1/2 mi N of Lakenan dry-mesic forest; base of ravines, 39.71027 -91.94916
3510583 Melvin L. Conrad 11963 1988-09-17
United States, Missouri, Shannon, Eminence, 18.0 mi SW; Jack's Fork of Current River soil at base of limestone boulder
3512010 Melvin L. Conrad 12278 1989-06-02
United States, Missouri, Crawford, Reis Bio Station; Huzzah Creek, between station & Hwy 8 bridge small branch stream, rock crevice in moss mat
3509200 Melvin L. Conrad 5754 1970-10-03
United States, Missouri, Sullivan, Milan, 5.0 mi N
3509170 Melvin L. Conrad 5010 1968-09-03
United States, Missouri, Adair, Kirksville, 4.8 mi S60degW
3508755 Roger D. Collett 24 1985-09-02
United States, Missouri, Dade, 1 mi W of Bona on Highway 215, 37.55277 -93.69888
3518905 Hein, S. 2 1982-07-02
United States, Missouri, Macon, Hein Property bottom of NW slope. increasingly rare, 39.89666 -92.805
3515595 Frederick Dunlap s.n. 1962-06-21
United States, Missouri, Platte, 1 mi S of E end of Route HH low rocky outcrop back from S shore of Basswood Lake, 39.37611 -94.68555
3514480 John Davis s.n. 1909-09-20
United States, Missouri, Pike, Falicon farm, near Clarksville river bluffs
3514492 John Davis s.n. 1912-05-26
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Whiteside limestone ledges, 39.18527 -91.01666
3514489 John Davis s.n. 1911-05-31
United States, Missouri, Marion, Schultz south pasture, near Hannibal pasture
100509231 Alan E. Brant 7149 2012-05-16
United States, Missouri, Bollinger, Gipsy Quadrangle. T29N, R8E, SE, NW, Sec. 4. Possibly altered natural pond at head of a north-facing small drainage., 37.21465 -90.17751, 186m
100637158 Gerrit Davidse 40529 2013-05-17
United States, Missouri, Perry, At intersection of State Hwy. P and Dry Fork Creek., 37.7425555 -89.7562222, 124m
3551267 Bill Summers 4417 1991-05-23
United States, Missouri, Phelps, Wilkins Spring, 3 1/2 mi. north of Flat. around sandstone ledges on a east-facing wooded slope., 37.82888 -91.94222
3552848 Ralph L. Thompson 147 1971-05-18
United States, Missouri, Webster, W of County Z, about 5 mi from Fordland fox Ford limestone bluff, 37.09333 -92.92972
3552740 Mary Susan Taylor 5560 1985-08-11
United States, Missouri, Jefferson, Mastodon State Park; 15.0 mi S of St. Louis limestone ridge, mixed deciduous forest, 38.3794 -90.3921
3552700 Mary Susan Taylor 5461 1985-04-23
United States, Missouri, Camden, Ha Ha Tonka State Park at picnic table area close to River Cave, ca. 5 mi SW of Camdenton, 37.97472 -92.76722
3561149 Schubkegel, S. (SEMO) 76 1985-05-03
United States, Missouri, Camden, Rippling Waters Resort; Lake of the Ozarks
3555466 George Yatskievych 87-18 1987-09-06
United States, Missouri, Sainte Genevieve, Hawn State Park, along Pickle Creek Trail scattered patches on open SW-facing granite slope, with junipers, oaks, and pines, 37.83972 -90.2275, 189m
3556876 D.A. Young 1552 1978-05-24
United States, Missouri, Barry, Hwy M, 3.5 mi from Big M Campground limestone bluff along creek
3555222 George Yatskievych 95-23 1995-05-15
United States, Missouri, Carter, Top of Stegall Mountain just N of fire tower, Peck Ranch Conservation Area in area of rhyolite glade openings in dry igneous upland forest; large colony on shaded ledge at edge of gladeunder Quercus, 37.07861 -91.19111, 410m
3555281 George Yatskievych 94-57 1994-05-16
United States, Missouri, Newton, Wildcat Glade Natural Area on W side of Wildcat Park, SW end of Joplin on SE side of Interstate 44, ca. 1 airmi SW of State Highway 86 junction chert glade on E- and W-facing slopes; scattered at base of slope under shrubsdominated by Coreopsis lanceolata and grasses, 37.03361 -94.52388, 290 - 305m
3575016 Deborah Rowan 888 1994-07-01
United States, Missouri, Madison, Along Castor River, follow County Road DD 3-4 miles S of Marquand to County Road 320. Follow County Road 320 for ca. 3-4 miles until it heads W. Upslope 30-75 feet from the river open rocky area along river, 37.33444 -90.13611
3575004 Deborah Rowan 859 1994-06-23
United States, Missouri, Madison, Little Cedar Mountain, ca. 4-5 air miles SW of Cherokee Pass, along County Road C, 37.45777 -90.37027
3573677 Pat C. Walker s.n. 1994-10-10
United States, Missouri, Douglas, Ca. 6 mi S of Mansfield along W side of State Highway 5 on embankment on S side of waterfall embankment, shaded by grasses and perennialscoreopsis, poison ivy, wild raspberry
3573685 Leland J. Gier 12861 1960-08-08
United States, Missouri, Henry, roadside, 38.30916 -93.52805
3570699 Bruce Schuette 0160 1983-07-10
United States, Missouri, Lincoln, Cuivre River State Park, wild area, big sugar creek, on a west facing hillside below a small glade. upland forest, dry-mesic limestone forest., 39.03944 -90.92611
3571916 George Yatskievych 87-64 1987-09-20
United States, Missouri, Dade, Bona Glade Natural Area, 1 mi W of Bona on N side of Highway 215, just E and S of Lake Stockton shoreline open sand-stone glade with scattered patches of mosses and lichens, surrounded by dry oak forest; shady ledge in shallow drainage, under oaks, 37.55 -93.6833333, 274 - 287m
3566187 Nancy Glore 293 1985-10-12
United States, Missouri, Madison, Silvermines on trail
3565217 Otto Ohmart 1002 1976-06-08
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Trail of Tears State Park; NW corner
100155044 Alan E. Brant 6667 2008-07-14
United States, Missouri, Dent, Montauk Quadrangle Pigeon Creek Project, (D. Hartig Property). Ozark Regional Land Trust Botanical Survey. Bottomland Forest & dolomite bluffs along Pigeon Creek., 37.48 -91.7186111, 310m
3563415 Baumann, M. (SEMO) 99 1965-05-02
United States, Missouri, Cape Girardeau, Millersville, 37.43277 -89.79944
100647251 George Yatskievych 84-64 1984-07-01
United States, Indiana, Martin, Ca. 1.5 mi. W of Shoals atop sandstone bluffs overlooking E Fork of White River, S of Highway 50., 177m
100234533 Carl J. Rothfels 2839 2009-05-23
United States, North Carolina, Wake, Mitchell Mill State Natural Area, SW side of Hwy 96 at the Little River., 35.91719 -78.3902, 88m
100859547 Jamie Hill 78 2013-05-29
United States, Missouri, Cedar, Bluff Springs Conservation Area., 37.7833 -93.75
100859441 Erin Skornia 167 2013-06-04
United States, Missouri, Howard, Davisdale Conservation Area., 39.005 -92.6317
100866051 Alan E. Brant 7964 2015-07-21
United States, Missouri, Wayne, Graves Mountain Conservation Area-Compartment 3 botanical survey. West-facing igneous outcrop area about mid-slope, Green Mountain., 37.25692 -90.55421, 262m
100339894 Robin C. Kennedy TP-2010-1 2010-04-19
United States, Missouri, Callaway, University of Missouri Tucker Prairie Research Station. ~20 mi. E of Columbia, along the S side of U.S. Interstate Hwy 70. In woods at W edge of prairie., 38.9472222 -91.9958333, 271m
100803578 Nels J. Holmberg 5005 2014-05-06
United States, Arkansas, Benton, Hobbs State Park Conservation Area, Shaddox Hollow., 36.3201444 -93.9691222, 366m