United States, South Carolina, York
YU.114247 Mildred Baker; Hugh Cutler 1940-07-25
United States of America, Utah, San Juan, Colorado River, Shock Bar, 20 miles above Excalante River, 37.4 -110.7333, 1280m
ZION 11427 Fowler, J., May, C. L., Hak, J. 192 1991-07-10
United States, Utah, WASHINGTON, Zion National Park, Kayes Hanging Garden, 1400m
ZION 2583 Thorne, K. H., Franklin, B., Nelson, R. 5548A 1987-09-26
United States, Utah, WASHINGTON, Zion National Park, Crawford Wash. T41S, R9&1/2W, S31., 1292m
NEON032TC J. L. Jamison 11 2019-05-14
United States, Texas, Wise, Domain 11, The Caddo and Lyndon B. Johnson (CLBJ) National Grasslands Site, 33.39909 -97.57042, 289m
Paul E. Rothrock 2021-06-16
United States, Indiana, Monroe, Morgan-Monroe State Forest, above north shore of Bryant Lake near path to picnic area, 39.322965 -86.475115
Kate Watters 103 2009-05-21
USA, Arizona, Coconino County, Kaibab National Forest, Kanab Creek Wilderness,Kwagunt Canyon-Columbine Spring, Hanging garden with multiple terraces and a low gradient cienega in the Esplanade Formation, 36.510343 -112.579221, 1118m
M. Licher 3468 2012-06-27
USA, Arizona, Apache County, Upper reaches of Whiskey Creek, Canyon de Chelley, 36.13239 -109.17078, 2070m
Stevens, L.E. s.n. 2014-09-23
USA, California, Tuolumne County, Stanislaus National Forest, Mosspool Spring, SSI ID# 159376, Cherry Lake South Quad, 37.918113 -119.97738, 1167m
Kate Watters 407 2010-09-26
United States, Arizona, Coconino, Manzanita Canyon, Grand Canyon National Park, 36.186086 -112.02895, 1471m
Walter Fertig 20035 2002-07-09
United States, Utah, Garfield, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument: Big Horn Seep, ca 2 air miles S of UT Hwy 12 and 7 air miles ESE of Escalante. T35S R4E S33 NE4 of SW4., 37.714841 -111.470464, 1768m
Lucas C. Majure 6199 2016-08-31
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Muse Property, ca. 8 km SE of Decatur along Chapel Hill Rd, along Chunky Canal, 32.418464 -89.027571, 122m
Lucas C. Majure 5230 2014-06-13
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville at the corner of NE 53rd Ave. and NE 15th St., 29.702833 -82.30559, 50m
Lucas C. Majure 5277 2014-06-30
United States, Florida, Alachua, E of Gainesville off of St. Rd. 26, 1.3 km SW of junction with Hwy. 222, 29.679874 -82.233943, 25m
Lucas C. Majure 5302 2014-07-28
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Chunky Creek (Canal) off of Huey Rd, 6.4 km NE of the town of Decatur, 32.478692 -89.065213, 127m
Lucas C. Majure 5333 2014-08-08
United States, Mississippi, Kemper, just N of the town of Scooba off of Hwy. 45 S, S of Wahalak, ca. 0.3 km S of Wahalak Creek crossing, 32.890747 -88.503115, 58m
Lucas C. Majure 5308 2014-07-28
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Majure Property, ca. 3.5 km SE of Decatur along Chapel Hill Rd., 32.428604 -89.07241, 146m
Lucas C. Majure 5310 2014-07-28
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Majure Property, ca. 3.5 km SE of Decatur along Chapel Hill Rd., 32.428604 -89.07241, 146m
Lucas C. Majure 5330 2014-08-06
United States, Mississippi, Forrest, Marino property, ca. 9 km SE of the town of Petal off of Luther-Carter Rd., 31.29818 -89.183551, 66m
Lucas C. Majure 5014 2014-04-26
United States, Florida, Alachua, ca. 17.5 km E of Gainesville, at junction of Co. Rd. 234 and St. Rd. 26, 29.69947 -82.18077, 48m
Lucas C. Majure 5106 2014-05-19
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, NE park in W-Central part of park, 200 m S of NE 16th Ave. & 150 m E of NE 2 St., 29.665287 -82.321191, 58m
Lucas C. Majure 5167 2014-05-31
United States, Georgia, White, ca. 7.25 km NW of Helen, and 3.5 km W of Unicoi Turnpike (Hwy. 17), 34.75177 -83.7874, 508m
R.C. Clark 21716 1988-07-31
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Xeric oak-pine-heath woods, vicinity of Star Gap Arch.
R.C. Clark 21718 1988-07-31
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Xeric oak-pine-heath woods, vicinity of Star Gap Arch.
R.C. Clark 21724 1988-07-31
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Xeric oak-pine-heath woods, vicinity of Star Gap Arch.
R.C. Clark 22966 1993-09-12
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Margin of fen seepage area east of Wolfpen Creek; ca. 0.3 mi north of crossing of Ky hwy 715
K. Johnson 99 1987-06-19
United States, Kentucky, Wolfe, West-facing xeric oak-pine-heath woods above Chimney Top Creek; on Forest Service Rd. 10 (Chimney Top Scenic Parkway) 0.8 mi. s. of Chimney Top Rock trailhead., 366m
R.C. Clark 21856 1988-09-16
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Low ground along creek branch, ca. 0.35 mile east of east end of Nada Tunnel
Thomas McFadden 495 2017-06-05
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Along Gladie Creek, on cobble bar ca. 0.5km N of KY 715, 37.843134 -83.60561
Thomas McFadden 560 2017-07-07
United States, Kentucky, Menifee, Abandoned road located in back of Job Core property. Near rock wall located ca. 150 meters N off start to road., 37.864137 -83.648117
Walter Fertig 2008-07-03
USA, Utah, San Juan, Colorado Plateau: Rainbow Bridge National Monument, ca 4.8 air miles N of the AZ state line. T43S R8E S1 NW4 SE4, 37.07685 -110.963683, 1128m
R.C. Clark 21052 1985-07-14
United States, Kentucky, Powell, Mixed woods at jct. of Daniel Boone National Forest Trail 221 and King Branch.
Walter Fertig 25977 2010-07-25
United States, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, John R Canyon, ca 0.1-0.2 miles E of confluence with Kanab Creek, ca 3 miles N of junction of Kanab Creek and US Hwy 89, ca 7 air miles N of Kanab. T42S R6W S21 NW4NW4, 37.148695 -112.535954, 1594m
Walter Fertig 33371 2018-08-22
USA, Washington, Chelan, West bank of Columbia River, Chelan PUD pond on terrace W of river and E of WA Hwy 97, 1.2 miles N of Beebee bridge and ca 2 air miles E of Chelan. T27N R3E S17 SW4 SE4 SE4, 47.832694 -119.968111, 216m
Lucas C. Majure 7706 2019-04-14
United States, Florida, Gadsden, At rest stop off of Interstate 10 E, just W of Tallahassee and E of Marianna, beside the Chattahoochee River, 30.62553 -84.89225, 66m
Lucas C. Majure 7769 2019-04-21
United States, Florida, Alachua, NE 16th Ave. Park, aka Tom Petty Park, 29.665209 -82.321381, 84m
Walter Fertig 1140 1989-07-16
USA, Connecticut, Hartford, North Granby, Mountain Road woodlot, 1/8 mile west of junction with Route 189., 41.995218 -72.837704, 163m
Lucas C. Majure 8279 2020-05-05
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Majure Property off of Chapel Hill Rd. ca. 1.5 mi SE of the town of Decatur, 32.42764 -89.071006, 147m
Lucas C. Majure 8282 2020-05-05
United States, Mississippi, Newton, Majure Property off of Chapel Hill Rd. ca. 1.5 mi SE of the town of Decatur, 32.42764 -89.071006, 147m
Lucas C. Majure 8257 2020-05-02
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, At the corner of Hwy. 57 near the junction with Bilbo Rd. along Fourmile Branch, ca. 9 mi N of Vancleave, 30.66843 -88.7473, 35m
Lucas C. Majure 8262 2020-05-02
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, At the corner of Hwy. 57 near the junction with Bilbo Rd. along Fourmile Branch, ca. 9 mi N of Vancleave, 30.66843 -88.7473, 35m
Lucas C. Majure 8265 2020-05-02
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Off of Hwy. 90, just W of the city of Gautier along power line right of way., 30.39969 -88.70404, 1m
Lucas C. Majure 8267 2020-05-02
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Off of Hwy. 63 N, Just N of the city of Pascagoula and Interstate 10, 30.51051 -88.53533
Lucas C. Majure 8269 2020-05-02
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Off of Hwy. 63 N, Just N of the city of Pascagoula and Interstate 10, 30.51051 -88.53533
Lucas C. Majure 8271 2020-05-02
United States, Mississippi, Jackson, Off of Hwy. 63 N, Just N of the city of Pascagoula and Interstate 10, 30.51051 -88.53533
Dan Beckman 123 2020-09-18
United States, Arizona, Pima, Rincon Mountains, Upper Turkey Creek vicinity, 0.3 mi E of Deerhead Spring Trail and 0.2 mi S of Turkey Creek Trail, Saguaro National Park, 32.19239 -110.5269, 2073m
Lucas C. Majure 6822 2017-05-22
United States, Illinois, Jackson, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University, Touch of Nature Environmental Center, off of Giant City Rd., 37.62407 -89.1477, 168m
Lucas C. Majure 6840 2017-05-23
United States, Missouri, Dade, Just west of Everton before Jordan Creek off of Hwy. K West., 37.329572 -93.745028, 305m
Lucas C. Majure 6849 2017-05-23
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City, off of Hwy. 249 at the Zora St. Exit, 37.112821 -94.436391, 325m
Lucas C. Majure 6850 2017-05-23
United States, Missouri, Jasper, Webb City, off of Hwy. 249 at the Zora St. Exit, 37.112821 -94.436391, 325m
Lucas C. Majure 6847 2017-05-22
United States, Oklahoma, Creek, just W of Tulsa off of Interstate 44, just NE of Bristow, 35.866485 -96.354461, 267m
Mary Marine 45 2202-10-21
United States, Kansas, Crawford, Within Monohan, prairie between the main road and the gazebo, S of E 510th Ave, 37.351904 -94.802316, 283m
Lucas C. Majure 9099 2022-02-26
United States, Florida, Osceola, DeLuca Preserve, off of Hwy. 441, ca. 6 km S of YeeHaw Junction, 27.65343 -80.89487, 28m
Lucas C. Majure 9106 2022-02-26
United States, Florida, Osceola, DeLuca Preserve, off of Hwy. 441, ca. 6 km S of YeeHaw Junction, 27.65343 -80.89487, 28m
Lucas C. Majure 9107 2022-02-26
United States, Florida, Osceola, DeLuca Preserve, off of Hwy. 441, ca. 6 km S of YeeHaw Junction, 27.65343 -80.89487, 28m
Lucas C. Majure 4813 2014-04-26
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, off of NE 15th St. just S of junction with NE 53rd Ave. (Hwy. 232), 29.7028 -82.3056, 49m
Lucas C. Majure 4816 2014-04-26
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, off of NE 53rd Ave. (Hwy. 232), S side, ca. 0.75 km W of Hwy. 24 (Waldo Rd.), 29.7028 -82.2864, 48m
Lucas C. Majure 4818 2014-04-26
United States, Florida, Alachua, Gainesville, off of NE 53rd Ave. (Hwy. 232), S side, ca. 0.75 km W of Hwy. 24 (Waldo Rd.), 29.7028 -82.2864, 48m
Lucas C. Majure 9297 2022-05-01
United States, Florida, Alachua, NE of Gainesville and NW of the town of Waldo, along NE CR1475 near junction with CR225, 29.8374 -82.2197, 41m
Walter Fertig 23286 2007-06-20
USA, Utah, Kane, Colorado Plateau: Zion National Park, Parunuweap Canyon, Dennett Canyon, ca 0.25 miles below confluence with East Fork Virgin River, ca 4 air miles ENE of Shunesburg, and 5 air miles E of Springdale. T41S R9 1/2W S31 SE4 SE4., 37.1751 -112.9083, 1326m
Lucas C. Majure 10028 2023-04-08
U.S.A., FL, Citrus, Homosassa, Off of Hwy. 490 beside Homosassa Methodist Church, 28.79099 -82.58107, 4m
Lucas C. Majure 10059 2023-04-18
U.S.A., FL, Clay, Middleburg, Black Creek Ravines Conservation Area, N of Hwy. 218, 30.06958 -81.83882, 10m
Lucas C. Majure 10061 2023-04-18
U.S.A., FL, Clay, Middleburg, Black Creek Ravines Conservation Area, N of Hwy. 218, 30.06958 -81.83882, 10m
Lucas C. Majure 10081 2023-04-21
U.S.A., Florida, Baker, John M. Bethea St. Forest, off of Moccasin Creek Circle from Hwy. 2, 30.51582 -82.23598, 41m
Lucas C. Majure 10298 2023-07-31
U.S.A., MS, Lauderdale, Chunky River, ca. 5.3 km W of Stuckey's Bridge, 32.274888 -88.879102, 81m
Lucas C. Majure 10083 2023-04-21
U.S.A., Florida, Baker, John M. Bethea St. Forest, off of Moccasin Creek Circle from Hwy. 2, 30.51582 -82.23598, 41m
Lucas C. Majure 10092 2023-04-21
U.S.A., Florida, Baker, John M. Bethea St. Forest, off of Moccasin Creek Circle Rd. from Hwy. 2, just S of the GA state line and N prong of St. Marys River., 30.5687 -82.22263, 27m
Garrett Billings
United States, Alabama, Jackson, detailed locality information protected
M. Licher 6668 2023-07-21
USA, Arizona, USA, Fred Haught Spring, Mogollon Rim, 34.488972 -111.224444, 2134m
175b 2023-07-05
United States, West Virginia, Fayette, Meadow River near Clifty, 38.1568 -80.941905
Garrett Billings 2457 2024-06-19
United States, Tennessee, Rutherford, Cherokee National Forest: Rodgers Ridge, along ATV road, 36.581586 -81.696175
Lucas C. Majure 10951 2024-07-05
U.S.A., Mississippi, George, off of Hwy. 57, S of Bendale., 30.68592 -88.73545, 39m
Lucas C. Majure 10104 2024-05-13
U.S.A., FL, Jackson, Alford, off of Fairview Rd. (Hwy. 167) W of Silver Lake and 17 Mile Pond., 30.5781 -85.3314, 73m
AJ Morse None 2015-06-02
United States, Kentucky, Garrard, SW of the dam at Maywoods., 37.489076 -84.441401
BRD121-12 Rachel Hackett RHHK296 2015-06-23
United States, Michigan, Oakland, Brandt Road Fen, 42.85323 -83.4695, 253m
LFN114-11 Rachel Hackett RHHK296 2015-06-04
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Liberty North Fen, 42.09079 -84.44956, 279m
MTH121-9 Rachel Hackett RHHK296 2015-06-10
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Mt Hope Road Fen, 42.30865 -84.20308, 259m
MTH240-7 Rachel Hackett RHHK296 2015-08-11
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Mt Hope Road Fen, 42.30933 -84.20572, 259m
GRF79-16 Clint Pogue CP416 2014-07-24
United States, Michigan, Jackson, Grand River Fen, 42.0821 -84.45695, 318m