CSCN-V-0031464 Ronald R. Weedon 7112 1974-08-10
Canada, Saskatchewan, Ca. 3 mi E of Moose Jaw on Hwy 39-1.
CSCN-V-0031515 Evelyn Skidmore 192 2001-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Shirley Basin: County Road 62, ca 24 air mi NE of Medicine Bow, east side of Medicine Bow River., 2138m
CSCN-V-0031521 Tom Cramer 2734 1994-08-04
United States, Wyoming, Lincoln, Green River Basin: east end of Fontenelle Gap, ca 15 air mi W of Fontenelle Reservoir., 42.0931 -110.4189, 2134m
CSCN-V-0031476 Ada Leishman 114 1976-07-05
United States, Nebraska, Garden, Leishman Ranch., 42.001508 -102.283624
CSCN-V-0031502 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 6039 1990-05-21
United States, Nebraska, Wheeler, Buffalo Flats area, 9 mi W, 4 mi N of Cumminsville., 42.055261 -98.737495
CSCN-V-0031505 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 17102 2003-07-20
United States, North Dakota, McKenzie, Grassy Butte, 6.5 mi E. Little Missouri National Grassland: S of FS Road FH10., 47.393889 -103.107222, 692 - 695m
CSCN-V-0031483 Ronald R. Weedon 7665 1980-09-01
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Joe Nelson Ranch, S of windmill pond., 41.841383 -102.712091
CSCN-V-0031508 Richard P. Williams 4903 1983-06-28
United States, North Dakota, Ward, 4 miles south, 5 miles west of Berthold.
CSCN-V-0031490 Joyce Phillips Hardy 2430 1990-07-29
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, 1.5 mi W of Antioch on Hwy #2, 14.1 mi E of Sheridan/Grant line on Hwy #2., 42.067929 -102.612479
CSCN-V-0031517 Ronald L. Hartman 14044 1982-07-19
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Ice Slough, ca 9 air mi WNW of Jeffrey City., 1966m
CSCN-V-0031470 Joyce Phillips Hardy 2224 1989-06-06
United States, Nebraska, Banner, T20N R54W S22, SW1/4 of SW1/4., 41.686782 -103.540542
CSCN-V-0031471 Joyce Phillips Hardy 2224 1989-06-06
United States, Nebraska, Banner, T20N R54W S22, SW1/4 of SW1/4., 41.686782 -103.540542
CSCN-V-0031523 Laura Welp 432 1994-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Great Divide Basin Area: Great Divide Basin: Twelvemile Gulch, ca 11 air mi E of Black Rock; ca 12 air mi WSW of Chalk Butte., 41.864167 -108.625833, 2060 - 2067m
CSCN-V-0031480 Jeri J. Duhachek 76 1986-06-24
United States, Nebraska, Madison, Jefferson Precinct., 42.043376 -97.760091
CSCN-V-0031498 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 14192 1998-08-18
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Along S boundary fence of Pasture 9B, Oglala National Grasslands, ca 14 mi due N of Harrison., 42.90051 -103.882952
CSCN-V-0031506 Sherrie R. Landsem 3 1984-06-01
United States, North Dakota, Ramsey, R60W T158N S28, SE1/4., 48.4797211 -98.3958359
CSCN-V-0031513 B.E. Nelson 48793 1999-08-19
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Laramie Plains: Lori Lake ENE of Wyo Hwy 12 or Herrick Lane, ca 12.5 air mi NW of Laramie., 2179m
CSCN-V-0031514 Evelyn Skidmore 280 2001-08-01
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Laramie Plains: County Road 51 at the Laramie River, ca 7.5 air mi N of Laramie., 2185m
CSCN-V-0031520 Timothy W. Chumley 97 1994-08-16
United States, Wyoming, Laramie, Southern Powder River Basin/Southeastern Plains: along Lodgepole Creek on both sides of County Road 148, 5 air mi N of I-80, ca 23.4 air mi ENE of Cheyenne; ca 2.5 air mi N of Burns., 41.2397 -104.361, 1658m
CSCN-V-0031495 Julie M. Lancaster 71 2003-06-11
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Harrison, 11 mi S, 2.5 mi W. Cherry Ranch (Nature Conservancy Preserve) along the Niobrara River., 42.530389 -103.931139, 1378 - 1384m
CSCN-V-0031500 Leslie Stewart-Phelps 97 2001-05-15
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Cherry Ranch. Harrison, 11 mi S, 2 mi W., 42.53077 -103.931796, 1378m
CSCN-V-0031501 Leslie Stewart-Phelps 327 2001-08-07
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Cherry Ranch. Harrison, 11 mi S, 2 mi W., 42.527139 -103.922, 1378m
CSCN-V-0031492 Jean M. Snyder 94 1984-05-30
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, T30N R44W S33., 42.539383 -102.480343
CSCN-V-0031516 Steven B. Rolfsmeier 17013 2003-07-11
United States, Wyoming, Crook, Moorcroft, 6.75 mi N, 9.25 mi E. Keyhole Reservoir: upper end of Cottonwood Creek bay., 44.366667 -104.761111, 1250m
CSCN-V-0031503 Edward S. DeKeyser 128 1993-05-26
United States, North Dakota, Eddy, NW1/4 Sec. 35 T149 R63W.
CSCN-V-0031494 Dave Spires 1535 1974-07-13
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Near Floyd Lake., 42.016488 -102.432099
CSCN-V-0031512 B.E. Nelson 43208 1998-06-03
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Plains/Southeastern Wyoming: Laramie Plains: above Fourmile Creek W of the Laramie River on Howell or County Road 51, ca 14.8 air mi NW of Laramie., 2158 - 2164m
CSCN-V-0031484 Ronald R. Weedon 7692 1980-09-01
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Cane Meadow, ca. 100 yards S of Nelson Ranch and Frieberger Ranch border, E of sandhills road through meadow., 41.841685 -102.7155572
CSCN-V-0031485 Ronald R. Weedon 7692 1980-09-01
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Cane Meadow, ca. 100 yards S of Nelson Ranch and Frieberger Ranch border, E of sandhills road through meadow., 41.841685 -102.7155572
CSCN-V-0031478 Dave Spires 1555 1974-07-13
United States, Nebraska, Garden, Ca 1/2 mi E of Mohall Lake., 41.924299 -102.360048
CSCN-V-0031518 Joyce Phillips Hardy 720 1979-07-08
United States, Wyoming, Goshen, Lay Ranch. Sheep Creek., 42.148199 -104.053671
CSCN-V-0031482 Ronald R. Weedon 7412 1979-09-11
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, Joe Nelson Ranch in NE part of county. South Oklahoma meadow., 41.894301 -102.703532
CSCN-V-0031474 Dave Spires 1041 1974-05-29
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, Ca 9.5 mi N of Hemingford. Box Butte Reservoir., 42.455251 -103.0985
CSCN-V-0031486 Bill Bowlin 2 1985-05-12
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, South Morrill Sandpits; 50 yards WSW of big cottonwood where main road turns south., 41.93246 -103.939099
CSCN-V-0031473 Hugh Fugleberg 64 1973-09-19
United States, Nebraska, Dawes, South of Chadron 5.6 miles, 0.3 east. Near city reservoir., 42.744844 -103.004481
CSCN-V-0031481 Patrick Goltl 5 1990-09-22
United States, Nebraska, Morrill, 1/4 of a mile south from Bridgeport river bridge. 1/8 of a mile east of Highway 385, ca Schmunk's Lake., 41.672919 -103.095571
CSCN-V-0031475 David M. Sutherland 3821 1974-06-07
United States, Nebraska, Dixon, Ponca State Park., 42.603092 -96.712625
CSCN-V-0031493 Dave Spires 1093 1974-06-08
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Walgren Lake, 2 mi E of Hay Springs on Hwy 20, then 3 mi S., 42.640451 -102.626147
CSCN-V-0031499 Dave Spires 1602 1974-07-19
United States, Nebraska, Sioux, Ca 2 mi E of Agate Fossil Beds. Niobrara River., 42.435654 -103.675558
CSCN-V-0031507 Monica C. Rohde 1515 1980-07-23
United States, North Dakota, Stark, 0.5 mi E Gladstone.
CSCN-V-0031522 Ralph W. Fink II 149 1999-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Sweetwater, Killpecker Sand Dunes, Red Desert.
CSCN-V-0031491 Mary Peters 12 1975-06-10
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, 17.3 mi S Hay Springs on 87, then S on county road 2 miles., 42.409284 -102.712209
CSCN-V-0031488 Dan Bowlin 45 1973-06-25
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Smith Lake., 42.410364 -102.452326
CSCN-V-0031489 Steven P. Churchill 1567 1973-07-07
United States, Nebraska, Sheridan, Walgren Lake, state area (old name - Alkali lake, natural)., 42.639936 -102.626483
CSCN-V-0031487 Paul A. Morrill 49 1972-06-04
United States, Nebraska, Scotts Bluff, Morrill 1 mi W 1/2 S 1/2 W., 41.955639 -103.956505
CSCN-V-0031504 Monica Rohde 1771 1980-08-21
United States, North Dakota, McKenzie, 14 mi S, 3 mi W Watford City. North Unit, Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Bank of Squaw Creek, near entrance to Squaw Creek Campground.
CSCN-V-0031472 Ronald R. Weedon 7196 1975-06-16
United States, Nebraska, Cheyenne, Chamber Springs area ca. 11 mi W of Sidney., 41.091063 -103.130048
145802 collectors: H Harrington 18 1944-06-06
United States, Colorado, Alamosa County, E of Great Sand Dunes, San Luis Valley, 37.74 -105.5, 2286m
145799 collectors: S O'Kane et al 2453 1986-07-07
United States, Colorado, Alamosa County, ca 8 mi E of Alamosa ca 1 mi N of US Hwy 160, 37.49 -105.73, 2294m
145805 collectors: H Harrington 2500 1947-05-04
United States, Colorado, Baca County, along Sand Ck about 25 mi S of Pritchett, 37.02 -102.82, 1219m
145800 collectors: C Crandall 1890-07-05
United States, Colorado, Clear Creek County, Gray Mt, 39.63 -105.81, 2895m
145798 collectors: P Douglas 1867 1988-06-05
United States, Colorado, Conejos County, 1 mi S of Osier Park, 5.7 mi WSW of Cold Springs, 36.99 -106.33, 2800m
145814 collectors: C Crandall 1894-08-06
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, Gypsum, 39.64 -106.95
145816 collectors: C Crandall 1894-08-06
United States, Colorado, Eagle County, Gypsum, 39.64 -106.95
145804 collectors: J Christ 550 1935-06-23
United States, Colorado, El Paso County, Turkey Ck Canyon, 38.61 -104.91
145801 collectors: J Holzinger 1896-06-06
United States, Colorado, Fremont County, near Canon City, 38.44 -105.21, 1676m
145809 collectors: P Nicholas 282 1981-08-18
United States, Colorado, Garfield County, Main Elk Ck, 39.61 -107.56
145810 collectors: G Jones 41270 1965-06-26
United States, Colorado, Gilpin County, Missouri Gulch at jct of Stewart Gulch N of Central City, 39.83 -105.51, 2834m
145812 collectors: N Russell 10255 1959-07-08
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, 18 mi E of Gunnison by US 50, 38.46 -106.61, 2529m
145813 collectors: A Ward 1955-06-29
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Gunnison River 2 mi above Sapinero, 38.48 -107.28
145815 collectors: L Scheideman F14-122 1967-06-13
United States, Colorado, Gunnison County, Ohio Ck, 38.56 -106.92, 2407m
145811 collectors: R Walter 4103 1974-06-22
United States, Colorado, Jackson County, 1.2 mi W of Cowdrey on CO Hwy 312, E of Trick Ranch bldgs, 40.86 -106.2, 2377m
145808 collectors: Mooradian 72-151 1972-07-06
United States, Colorado, Jefferson County, Bear Ck area E of Morrison, 39.66 -105.15, 1737m
162981 collectors: J Cowen 1893-07-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, 39.66 -105.15
145861 collectors: J Cowen 1893-05-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County
145867 collectors: R Walter BDSR-356 1970-08-07
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ben Delatour Scout Ranch, N of ephemeral pond 1/2 mi S of Camp Deming entrance, 40.74 -105.54, 2423m
145871 collectors: C Crandall 1895-05-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ft Collins, 40.57 -105.09, 1524m
145872 collectors: C Crandall 1895-05-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ft Collins, 40.57 -105.09, 1524m
145870 collectors: C Crandall & Cowen 1895-05-25
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Ft Collins, river flats, 40.6 -105.08, 1524m
145866 collectors: K Kelley A-95 1972-08-06
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Hewlett Gulch, 40.71 -105.31, 1828m
145868 collectors: D Medin & G Carlson 840 1961-06-28
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Hewlett Gulch, 40.71 -105.31, 1920m
145865 collectors: E Neese 16014 1984-08-04
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Jack Spring Fk of Sand Ck, 5 mi S of WY border, 6 mi W of I-25, 40.93 -105.02, 1828m
145875 collectors: J Cowen 1893-05-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Poudre Bottom, 40.56 -105.02
145873 collectors: C Crandall 1890-05-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Poudre Bottom, 40.56 -105.02
145876 collectors: J Cowen 1893-07-10
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Poudre bottom, 40.56 -105.02
145874 collectors: C Crandall 1896-05-12
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, River flats, 40.57 -105.03
145864 collectors: C Crandall 1898-05-26
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, River flats W, 40.63 -105.16
145860 collectors: C Crandall 1890-06-20
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Trail Ck, 40.9 -105.46
145869 collectors: R Myers 53 1972-07-30
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, Youngs Gulch 3 mi NW of Poudre Park, 40.66 -105.35, 1905m
145859 collectors: J Cowen 1891-05-11
United States, Colorado, Larimer County, bank of Poudre, 40.56 -105.02
145831 collectors: H Harrington 7359 1954-05-30
United States, Colorado, Las Animas County, 6 mi S of Kim, 37.16 -103.35, 1676m
145818 collectors: H Harrington 2679 1947-05-24
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, 10 mi E of Whitewater, 38.99 -108.26, 1889m
145824 collectors: D Wilken & S Tabar 13052 1977-06-04
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, Plateau Ck along Hwy 65, 7.7 mi E of jct with I-70, 39.18 -108.16, 1524m
145832 collectors: G Kittel et al 1096 1991-07-02
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, Unaweep Seep along State Hwy 141 Unaweep Canyon 8 mi NE of Gateway, 38.76 -108.89
145820 collectors: W Weber 3860 1948-05-22
United States, Colorado, Mesa County, between Fruita & bridge over CO River on Natl Mon Rd
145826 collectors: H Harrington 1975 1946-06-22
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Bench of Yampa Canyon, 40.42 -108.49, 1981m
145827 collectors: W MacLeod 9a 1960-06-16
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Blue Mt, Bobcat Spring, 40.24 -108.86, 2255m
145830 collectors: H Harrington 8871 1959-07-02
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Castle Park near Mantles Ranch, Dinosaur Natl Mon, 40.47 -108.88, 1584m
145836 collectors: S O'Kane 3116 1987-06-15
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Dinosaur Natl Mon, Limestone Springs on Limestone Mt, 40.58 -108.92, 2219m
145835 collectors: S O'Kane 3153 1987-06-25
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, Dinosaur Natl Mon, first major draw E of Big Joe Draw, N of Starvation Valley, 40.51 -108.84, 1996m
145819 collectors: W Baker & S Kennedy 83-102 1983-07-05
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, The Pines, along Talamantes Ck ca 2 mi S of summit of Diamond Peak, 40.92 -108.88, 2377m
145822 collectors: M MacLeod 50b 1961-06-07
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, bank of Conway Spring, 150 ft W of rd leading into Lodore Ranger Sta, 17.6 mi NW of Greystone, 40.8 -108.93, 1637m
145821 collectors: M MacLeod 5b 1961-06-18
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, bank of Green River, Lodore Ranger Sta, 18 mi NW of Greystone, 40.54 -108.73, 1631m
145828 collectors: H Harrington 8898 1959-07-03
United States, Colorado, Moffat County, stream edge from spring near Haslems Ranch on Blue Mt, 40.26 -108.86, 2286m
145829 collectors: H Harrington & E Smith 1186 1945-06-23
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, McElmo Canyon ca 20 mi W of Cortez, 37.33 -108.84, 1706m
145825 collectors: 1944-06-24
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, Morfield Canyon, Mesa Verde Region, 37.22 -108.41, 2133m
145823 collectors: 1944-06-26
United States, Colorado, Montezuma County, along Mancos River below Soda Tipoff, Mesa Verde Region, 37.27 -108.36
145842 collectors: H Harrington & E Smith 1330 1945-06-26
United States, Colorado, Park County, E of Como, 2865m
145841 collectors: N Berg 1897-06-16
United States, Colorado, Pueblo County, Pueblo, 38.26 -104.61
145851 collectors: S Tabar & J Walker 223 1981-07-07
United States, Colorado, Rio Blanco County, 38.26 -104.61, 1661m