Joseph L. M. Charboneau 4213 2011-05-29
U.S.A., Montana, Valley, Foss Coulee, S of Shipp Road, ca 5.5 air mi S of Glasgow Base Ponds, ca 2.5 air mi SW of St. Marie; ca 13 air mi NNE of Glasgow., 48.3722 -106.5762, 820 - 832m
562579 Robert S. Kirkpatrick 3348 1984-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Hot Springs, Absaroka Mountains: ca 21 air mi SSW of Meeteetse, in the vicinity of the headwaters of West Grass Creek., 43.895 -109.0631, 2652 - 2774m
Emma E. Freeland 5647 2013-06-16
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Tobacco Root Mountains: Sureshot Creek, ca 16 air mi NW of Ennis, ca 4 air mi NE of Lady of the Lake Peak., 45.5428 -111.8929, 2159 - 2195m
352191 Keith H. Dueholm, Ronald L. Hartman 9278 1980-05-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Washakie, Big Horn Mountains: above Crooked Creek, Big Trails Stock Trail, 5.5 road mi ESE of Big Trails., 43.7519 -107.2216, 2012m
667710 Amy J. Roderick, Frank Blomquist 4965 1998-06-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Upper North Platte and Laramie River Drainages: Seminoe Mountains: School Creek, ca 1.7 air mi NW of Bradley Peak; ca 5.2 air mi E of Ferris townsite., 42.1807 -107.0849, 2195 - 2226m
Joshua J. Irwin 1177 2010-06-18
U.S.A., Idaho, Lemhi, Salmon National Forest: Lemhi Range: foothill slopes at the base of K Mountain, just S of Kadletz Creek, 13.4 air mi SE of Salmon., 45.01706 -113.74109, 1855m
Rick McNeill 4027 2009-06-03
U.S.A., Montana, Meagher, Little Belt Mountains: southwest corner of Newlan Creek Reservoir, southeast end of dam and about boat ramp., 46.6354 -110.9364, 1606m
296049 B. E. Nelson 583 1973-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: ca 1 1/4 mi NW of Wyo Hwy 130 on Brooklyn Lake Road; between Little Brooklyn Lake and Brooklyn Lake., 41.3722 -106.2367, 3171m
163293 George E. Osterhout 161 1893-05-25
U.S.A., Colorado, Larimer, Estes Park
608964 Ronald L. Hartman 45526 1994-05-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Southern Salt River Range and Vicinity: Tunp Range: top of Dempsey Ridge, ca 7 air mi E of Cokeville., 42.084722 -110.797222, 2561 - 2622m
656603 B. E. Nelson, Russ Nelson 26095 1993-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Wyoming/Salt River Ranges: Salt River Range: Packsaddle Ridge, S of Snider Basin, ca 22 air mi WSW of Big Piney., 42.4564 -110.5383, 2793 - 2841m
866017 Brian Elliott 13906 2008-07-04
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: Custer National Forest: E of U.S. Hwy 212 (Beartooth Highway) and just N of Wyoming, ca 14.5 air mi SW of Red Lodge., 45.0067 -109.4054, 3095m
380182 Hollis Marriott 6238 1984-05-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Weston, Black Hills: between U. S. Highway 16 and Clay Spur, ca 3.5 air mi NW of Osage., 44.00972 -104.4886, 1280m
328152 Keith H. Dueholm, Ronald L. Hartman 1538 1978-05-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Campbell, Powder River Basin: Pumpkin Buttes: South Middle Butte, north end, above east and west faces, and rolling plains to east., 43.7294 -105.8761, 1829m
Emma E. Freeland 840 2012-06-16
U.S.A., Montana, Beaverhead, Blacktail Valley: Blacktail Deer Creek, ca 18 air mi N of Lima Reservoir, ca 33 air mi SE of Dillon., 44.9038 -112.3527, 1957 - 2034m
562584 Ronald L. Hartman, Robert S. and Ruth E. B. Kirkpatrick 14723 1983-06-10
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: Boulder Basin Trail, Hunter Creek, and vicinity., 44.1581 -109.59639, 1951 - 2256m
587551 Walter Fertig 7394 1991-06-09
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: Toboggan Lakes, ca 12.5 air mi NE of Boulder. Also sec 9., 42.8436 -109.5339, 2866 - 2957m
870640 Emily Elliott, Ronald L. Hartman 1701a 2007-06-12
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: vicinity of Windy Pass, ca 28.5 air mi S of Bozeman., 45.2677 -111.0903, 2881m
388684 Ronald L. Hartman, June Haines 19974 1985-05-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, Wind River Basin: Rattlesnake Mountains: ca 6 air mi WNW of Garfield Peak., 42.8325 -107.3514, 2195 - 2378m
883969 B. E. Nelson 75753 2008-07-24
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Pryor Mountains: Custer National Forest: along the ridge between Big Pryor Mountain and Red Pryor Mountain summits, ca 25 air mi SE of Bridger., 45.1374 -108.4604, 2500 - 2627m
848014 Rob Massatti 350 2005-06-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: southeast side of Fairfield Hill, ca 6 air mi SW of Lander., 42.7346 -108.8653, 2418 - 2436m
48261 D. M. Andrews 28 1900-00-00
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, 1829 - 2134m
601061 Robert D. Dorn 6038 1995-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Uinta, Uinta Mountains; 14 mi WSW of Lonetree., 41.0193 -110.4198, 2744m
352190 Keith H. Dueholm, Ronald L. Hartman 9287 1980-05-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Washakie, Big Horn Mountains: ca 10 air mi E of Big Trails., 43.7525 -107.1225, 2317m
608965 Ronald L. Hartman, Tom Cramer and Charmaine Refsdal 45384 1994-05-26
U.S.A., Wyoming, Lincoln, Southern Salt River Range and Vicinity: Hams Fork Plateau: Dempsey Ridge Road, ca 5 air mi NW of Kemmerer., 41.8678 -109.4553, 2195 - 2256m
587541 Walter Fertig 8326 1991-06-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: West shore of Cross Lake, ca 14.5 air mi E of Pinedale, ca 3 mi N of Boulder Creek., 42.9017 -109.5722, 2896 - 2927m
566138 Ronald L. Hartman, Robert S. and Ruth E. B. Kirkpatrick 15312 1983-06-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: north end Carter Mountain, headwaters of Carter Creek and upper end of Marquette Creek, ca 16 air mi SW of Cody., 44.335 -109.20611, 2073 - 2652m
Hollis Marriott 6238 1984-05-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Weston, Black Hills: between U. S. Highway 16 and Clay Spur, ca 3.5 air mi NW of Osage., 44.00972 -104.4886, 1280m
31186 Francis Ramaley 651 1901-04-00
U.S.A., Colorado, Boulder
87618 Frank E. Hepner s.n. 1898-04-22
U.S.A., South Dakota, Brookings, Near Brookings.
589470 Ronald L. Hartman 25088 1990-06-08
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: ca 6 air mi NW of Green River Lakes campground., 43.37 -109.9547, 2378 - 2409m
Stuart Markow 12112 2001-05-22
U.S.A., Oregon, Umatilla, Blue Mountains: Umatilla National Forest: Fox Prairie on north side of FS Road 31, ca 4.5 air mi E of intersection with U. S. Hwy 84, 10 air mi SE of Meacham., 1220m
404007 Ralph K. Gierisch 1740 1954-06-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Bighorn National Forest: Bald Knob Flat., 2439m
410291 August Hettinger 236 1915-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Johnson, Bighorn National Forest: Hunter Ranger Station., 44.3208 -106.952, 2226m
Emma E. Freeland 343 2012-06-08
U.S.A., Montana, Beaverhead, Gravelly Range: Elk Lake, ca 12 air mi ENE of Lakeview; ca 48 air mi S of Ennis., 44.6736 -111.6351, 2049 - 2146m
352189 Ronald L. Hartman, Keith H. Dueholm 11298 1980-05-27
U.S.A., Wyoming, Washakie, Big Horn Mountains: Rome Hill Road: ca 13.5 air mi ESE of Ten Sleep., 43.97 -107.1958, 2195m
562592 Ronald L. Hartman 15464 1983-06-21
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Absaroka Mountains: northeast end of Carter Mountain, vicinity of Foster Reservoir and Devils Tooth., 44.2917 -109.1664, 2439 - 2652m
410290 August Hettinger 213 1915-05-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Johnson, Bighorn National Forest: Hunter Ranger Station., 2226m
614785 Ronald L. Hartman 37110 1993-05-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Upper Green River Basin: Cretaceous Mountain/Hogsback Ridge area: ridge N of Beaver Dam Creek, ca 12 air mi NW of La Barge., 42.3556 -110.3653, 2439 - 2470m
883970 B. E. Nelson 74366 2008-06-18
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Pryor Mountains: Custer National Forest: on Cave Ridge on Forest Road 2849 ca 1/4 mi N of Big Ice Cave, ca 27.5 air mi ESE of Bridger., 45.1668 -108.399, 2378 - 2415m
C. Lynn Kinter 153 1994-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: Brent Creek: ca 9.5 mi NW of Dubois; N of the main road and creek., 2561m
Joshua J. Irwin 5380 2011-06-22
U.S.A, Idaho, Custer, White Knob Mountains: deep narrows in Rough Canyon, 11.6 air mi S of Mackay., 43.747 -113.63414, 2120m
Rick McNeill 4048 2009-06-03
U.S.A., Montana, Meagher, Lewis and Clark National Forest: Little Belt Mountains: Forest Road 831, along Miller Gulch, ca 1 air mi N of junction with U.S. Hwy 89., 46.728 -110.8674, 1725m
738644 Erwin F. Evert 20753 1991-06-11
U.S.A., Montana, Gallatin, Madison Range: Gallatin National Forest: Gallatin Canyon along access road to Cascade Creek trailhead just W of U.S. Highway 191 and Gallatin River, ca 25 mi SW of Bozeman., 45.3996 -111.2182, 1706m
589466 Walter Fertig 2017 1990-06-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: Pine Creek Canyon Trail, ca 1 mi E of Fremont Lake and ca 12 air mi NE of Pinedale., 43.0181 -109.7508, 2463 - 2549m
284597 A. Lorin Ward 65 1968-06-12
U.S.A., Colorado, Jackson, Salt Creek., 2561m
C. Lynn Kinter 154 1994-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: Brent Creek: ca 9.5 mi NW of Dubois; N of the main road and creek., 2561m
562587 Ronald L. Hartman, Robert S. and Ruth E. B. Kirkpatrick 14986 1983-06-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Absaroka Mountains: along Horse Creek, ca 0.5 mi NE of Horse Creek Campground or ca 10 air mi N of Dubois., 43.6758 -109.6269, 2348 - 2439m
614781 Ronald L. Hartman 37813 1993-05-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Upper Green River Basin: Cretaceous Mountain/Hogsback Ridge area: Hogsback Ridge, ca 8 air mi NW of La Barge., 42.2969 -110.3328, 2543 - 2598m
738641 Erwin F. Evert 20756 1991-06-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, North Fork Shoshone River Drainage: Absaroka Mountains: Shoshone National Forest: ridge immediately E of Libby Creek, ca 2.5 mi N of U.S. Hwy 14, 16, & 20., 44.4908 -109.8456, 2744m
587554 Walter Fertig 10903 1991-08-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: west slope and summit of Mount Geikie, ca 28 air mi E of Pinedale., 42.8317 -109.3372, 3354 - 3771m
641025 B. E. Nelson, Tom Cramer 34682 1995-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Green River Basin: along U.S. Hwy 191 ca 2-3 air mi S of East Fork River, ca 17 air mi SE of Pinedale., 42.6733 -109.6855, 2189 - 2207m
316422 Robert W. Lichvar 167 1977-05-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Mountains: Little Granite Creek., 43.2995 -110.5085, 1951m
Robert D. Dorn 6038 1995-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Uinta, Uinta Mountains; 14 mi WSW of Lonetree., 41.0193 -110.4198, 2744m
37557 Peter L. Nelson s.n. 1901-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Tie City.
316421 Robert W. Lichvar 86 1977-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Gros Ventre Mountains: Gros Ventre Road., 2134m
316587 Robert D. Dorn 2303 1979-04-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Laramie, 2134m
589467 Walter Fertig 2023 1990-06-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, West Slope Wind River Range: Union Pass and Lake of the Woods area, ca 42 air mi N of Pinedale., 43.4864 -109.8783, 2805 - 2829m
29493 Aven Nelson s.n. 1900-05-30
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Chimney Rock.
883972 B. E. Nelson 74109 2008-06-11
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Pryor Mountains: Custer National Forest: along Forest Road 23085 above Crooked Creek Canyon and the east base of Big Pryor Mountain, ca 26 air mi SE of Bridger., 45.1396 -108.4317, 1902 - 1988m
Jean Wood 4122 1996-05-25
U.S.A., Washington, Stevens, Western Colville National Forest and Vicinity: Indian Creek on west side of Iron Mountains, ca 2 air mi NE of Addy., 48.3879 -117.833, 1037 - 1159m
338051 Max H. Schroeder, Gary L. Ranck s.n. 1973-06-06
U.S.A., Wyoming, Carbon, Stratton Hydrology Study Area: Sane Creek Upland., 41.4179 -107.1376, 2134 - 2439m
Ronald L. Hartman, Emma E. Stewart 91364 2011-06-11
U.S.A., Idaho, Clark, Targhee National Forest: Lemhi Range: Eightmile Canyon, ca 6 air mi N of southwest corner of county., 44.063717 -112.99065, 2104 - 2116m
288618 Robert D. Dorn 1210 1971-05-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Teton, Sheep Creeek near Teton National Forest-- National Elk Refuge boundary., 43.5152 -110.6703, 2012m
335798 Hollis Marriott 602 1981-03-29
U.S.A., Wyoming, Crook, Devils Tower National Monument: Dog town., 1174m
297775 Charles R. Clarke 5 1975-05-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, East side of Douthitt Mountain., 2287m
679148 B. E. Nelson 40559 1997-06-22
U.S.A., Wyoming, Natrona, Laramie Range: rim above the heads of Big Red and Clear Fork Muddy creeks S of Casper Mountain and W of Muddy Mountain, ca 11 air mi S of Casper., 42.686 -106.3149, 2256 - 2348m
Rick McNeill 4319 2009-06-08
U.S.A., Montana, Meagher, Lewis and Clark National Forest: Castle Mountains: Forest Road 581 S of Limestone Ridge, 1/4 mi N of the junction with Forest Road 211., 46.4999 -110.6487, 2173m
B. E. Nelson, James F. Fowler 64153 2005-04-27
U.S.A., Arizona, Coconino, Coconino National Forest: ca 2.5 air mi SE of Buck Mountain Lookout, ca 6.5 air mi SSE of Happy Jack; ca 44 air mi SE of Flagstaff., 34.6449 -111.3811, 2073 - 2091m
924365 Laura E. Lukas 433 2007-06-13
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: above North Fork Gramm Creek, near intersection of Forest roads 520 and 520H, ca 32 mi SW of Laramie; ca 19 mi S of Centennial., 41.0296 -106.0832, 2645m
56457 Irving T. Worthley 9 1906-04-00
U.S.A., Wyoming, Big Horn
296046 B. E. nelson 389 1973-05-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: west side of Sheep Mountain, 1.7 mi from Wyo Hwy 11., 2439m
562596 B. E. Nelson 10962 1984-06-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Southeastern Absarokas: along Bench Creek, ca 9 air mi NW of Dubois., 43.6181 -109.7642, 2439m
924364 Laura E. Lukas, Kyle E. Bolenbaugh. 1746 2007-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Medicine Bow Mountains: Savage Run Wilderness: just W of Forest Road 511 (Horse Creek Road), ca 3 mi WSW of Rob Roy Reservoir, ca 31.5 air mi SE of Saratoga., 41.1906 -106.3165, 2787m
404011 Silas W. Yarnall 195 1911-05-31
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Waskakie National Forest., 2500m
939955 Emily Elliott, Brian Elliott 4375 2008-06-07
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Range: Dome Mountain Wildlife Management Area: at the end of Forest Road 2596, ca 15 air mi NNW of Gardiner., 45.2516 -110.7992, 1796m
939964 Emily Elliott, Brian Elliott 240 2007-05-21
U.S.A., Montana, Carbon, Beartooth Mountains: E of Meteese Trail Road, ca 5 air mi SE of Red Lodge., 45.1181 -109.2195, 1707 - 1768m
Joshua J. Irwin 1596 2010-06-27
U.S.A., Idaho, Butte, Targhee National Forest: Lemhi Range: ridgetop at the head of Keg Gulch dividing Rocky and Meadow canyons, 17.8 air mi SSE of Gilmore., 44.23134 -113.10194, 2653m
404008 Richard M. Hurd 265 1952-05-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Bighorn National Forest: Tongue District: Bald Nob Flat., 2439m
398194 John Sauer 11 1979-05-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Great Divide Basin: Tenmile Draw area at Jim Bridger Mine, ca 10 air mi NE of Point of Rocks; ca 33 air mi ENE of Rock Springs., 41.7627 -108.6189, 2043m
729127 C. Lynn Kinter 1184 1995-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Upper Wind River Watershed: N of East Fork guard station, and E of the East Fork: ca 18 air miles NE of Dubois; ca 100 yds S of 2-track., 2568m
656602 B. E. Nelson, Russ Nelson 25895 1993-06-20
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, Wyoming/Salt River Ranges: Salt River Range: Long Hollow off La Barge Creek, ca 6 air mi NW of Viola; ca 24 air mi SW of Big Piney., 42.3228 -110.4714, 2287 - 2348m
Erwin F. Evert 25178 1993-06-20
U.S.A., Idaho, Teton, Targhee National Forest: Big Hole Mountains: along south side of Milk Creek Road, ca 4 mi S of Idaho Hwy 33., 43.8179 -111.3296, 2088m
562580 Robert S. Kirkpatrick 3379 1984-07-01
U.S.A., Wyoming, Hot Springs, Absaroka Mountains: ca 21 air mi SSW of Meeteetse, in the vicinity of the headwaters of West Grass Creek., 43.895 -109.0631, 2744 - 2927m
Emma E. Freeland 4732 2013-05-30
U.S.A., Montana, Madison, Greenhorn Range: Browns Gulch, ca 1.5 air mi W of Virginia City; ca 34 air mi ENE of Dillon., 45.2895 -111.9789, 1768 - 1890m
391640 Robert J. Hill 382 1973-06-25
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Great Divide Basin and Adjacent Regions: Red Desert, Steamboat Mountain., 42.75945 -109.0239, 2439m
409222 C. J. Bayer 131 1911-04-14
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, Washakie National Forest., 2043m
562591 Ronald L. Hartman, Robert S. Kirkpatrick 15232 1983-06-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Hot Springs, Absaroka Mountains: Grass Creek Road, ca 10 road mi W of junction with Little Grass Creek., 43.88306 -108.96194, 2226 - 2439m
302695 J. Francis Macbride 2349 1913-06-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Albany, Laramie Hills., 41.2679 -105.4696, 2226 - 2530m
580220 Walter Fertig, Jane Struttman 12494 1992-04-19
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sweetwater, Green River Basin: southeast corner of Iron Mountain, adjacent to Wyo Hwy 373, ca 3 3/4 air mi N of Utah., 41.0498 -109.359, 2195m
352188 Ronald L. Hartman, Ann Odasz 9278 1979-06-23
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Big Horn Mountains: Bighorn National Forest: Antelope Ridge, ca 10 air mi W of Burgess Junction., 44.7875 -107.73, 2927 - 2957m
457488 Felix E. Read R-297 1934-05-18
U.S.A., Colorado, Garfield, White River National Forest: upper Derby Mesa, near road., 2470m
594927 Robert D. Dorn 5490 1994-04-17
U.S.A., Wyoming, Platte, 18 mi NW of Wheatland., 42.2262 -105.2533, 1738m
346633 William C. Edwards 2 1979-05-16
U.S.A., Wyoming, Laramie, Laramie Mountains: ca 22.5 air mi W of Cheyenne; ca 3.5 air mi NE of Buford., 41.1535 -105.2396, 2302m
352185 Ronald L. Hartman, Bob Plouffe and Ann Odasz 9029 1979-06-18
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sheridan, Big Horn Mountains: ca 3.3 air mi NW of Burgess Junction., 44.8148 -107.559, 2378 - 2409m
279525 William B. Miller 33 1965-06-02
U.S.A., Wyoming, Sublette, 1 mi S of Boulder Lake.
939956 Emily Elliott, Brian Elliott 4382 2008-06-07
U.S.A., Montana, Park, Absaroka Range: Dome Mountain Wildlife Management Area: at the end of Forest Road 2596, ca 15 air mi NNW of Gardiner., 45.2516 -110.7992, 1796m
848006 B. E. Nelson 65295 2005-06-15
U.S.A., Wyoming, Fremont, East Slope Wind River Range and Vicinity: N of Little Beaver Creek and County Road 235, ca 1 mi W of Atlantic City; ca 23-24 air mi S of Lander., 42.4923 -108.7537, 2445 - 2500m
397070 Steve O'Kane 2741 1987-05-16
U.S.A., Colorado, Moffat, NE of Tank's Peak., 2293m
20393 Aven Nelson, Elias Nelson 5532 1899-06-28
U.S.A., Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park: Golden Gate., 44.9347 -110.7249, 2012 - 2195m