Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Selaginella arizonica
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 7, records 601-657 of 657

General Research Observations

A. Baniaga   
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Picacho Peak State Park, along main trail to Picacho Peak., 32.637624 -111.404158, 762 - 770m

Image Associated With the Occurence
David Thornburg   14642015-01-22
USA, Arizona, Yavapai, 12 miles NE of Clarkdale, off Sycamore Pas Rd. East side of Robber's Roost Rock, near the top., 34.931332 -111.966914, 1520m

A. Baniaga   6042013-09-05
USA, Arizona, Pima, Tucson Mountains; Gates Pass; 30m S of W Gates Pass Rd., 32.222262 -111.100472, 978m

Image Associated With the Occurence
HPC00026548J.L.Blassingame   10611969-06-26
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis, 11 miles N of Brewster Ccounty line on Texas 118, 30.2122 -103.57086

Image Associated With the Occurence
HPC00026549Carol Walters   181973-01-08
USA, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock, 22 miles sw of Llano, TX, 30.51 -98.81

Image Associated With the Occurence
HPC00026550Susan Barber   5821973-01-08
USA, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock, 22 miles sw of Llano, 30.51 -98.81, 557m

Image Associated With the Occurence
HPC00026551Carolyne Gowdy   481973-09-06
USA, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock, 22 miles sw of Llano, 30.51 -98.81, 557m

Image Associated With the Occurence
HPC00026552J.L.Blassingame   10611969-06-26
USA, Texas, Jeff Davis, 11 miles N of Brewster Ccounty line on Texas 118; 30.2122 -103.57086, 30.2122 -103.57086

Image Associated With the Occurence
HPC00026553Susan Barber   3801973-06-08
USA, Texas, Llano, Enchanted Rock; 30.5 -98.82, 30.5 -98.82, 556m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baniaga, Anthony   2017-10-15
USA, Arizona, Gila, San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in vicinity of Coolidge Dam about 1/4 mile W of the dam along Indian Route 3., 33.17835 -110.529475, 780m

Walter Fertig   298092014-07-17
USA, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Mountains, Tortilla Flat Trailhead, S of Arizona Hwy 88, ca 4 air miles east of Tortilla Flat, ca 0.8 miles N of Tortilla Creek. T2N R10E S10 SW4SW4, 33.525077 -111.318828, 884m

Baniaga, Anthony   2018-05-20
USA, Arizona, Picacho Peak State Park. Along trail to summit within summit vicinity., 32.635447 -111.401339, 880m

Walter Fertig   290852013-12-25
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Superstition Range: Goldfield Mountains, ca 0.5 miles W of Canyon Lake on W side of AZ Hwy 88, ca 12 air miles NE of Apache Junction. T2N R9E S5 SE4 of SW4, 33.540182 -111.452873, 587m

Walter Fertig   290492013-11-27
USA, Arizona, Pinal, Superstition Mountains, Arnett Canyon, 0.6 miles E of confluence with Telegraph Canyon, 1.3 miles E of Picketpost Mountain, ca 2 miles SW of Superior, ca 2.1 miles E of Florence Junction. T2S R12E S16 SE4 of NW4NW4, 33.260962 -111.126552, 796m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baniaga, Anthony   2018-09-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, ca. 100m N of Gisela Road, 1.7 road mi E of Highway 87 intersection., 34.09713 -111.327444, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baniaga, Anthony   2018-09-19
USA, Arizona, Gila, Tonto National Forest, Globe. W facing rocky slope. Along Highway 188, 0.7 road miles W of N Wheatfields Rd., 33.52187 -110.890932, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baniaga, Anthony   2019-01-08
USA, Arizona, Pima, Saguaro National Park West. Tucson Mountains. Wassom Peak Summit Vicinity., 32.273402 -111.146608, 1421m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baniaga, Anthony   2019-01-19
USA, Arizona, Pima, Tucson Mountains vicinity, low outlier hill E of S Greasewood Rd and N of W Starr Pass Blvd. Summit vicinity., 32.21044 -111.028631, 886m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Baniaga, Anthony   2019-01-19
USA, Arizona, Pima, Tucson Mountains, Tucson Mountain Park, Richard Genser trailhead vicinity, ca. 100m S and uphill of parking lot., 32.20455 -111.04625, 860m

C.J.Rothfels   53962019-07-26
U.S.A., Arizona, Pima County, Santa Catalina Mountains. First portion of the Finger Rock Trail. Approx. 7 km SE of Oro Valley., 32.3486 -110.9036, 1080m

C.J.Rothfels   25392008-05-00
U.S.A., Arizona, Pinal County, Oracle, ~7km ES of. ~300m west of South Mount Lemmon Road, ~1km south of junction with Webb Road., 32.58397 -110.72174, 1362m

Madrean Archipelago Biodiversity Assessment Observations

son-yat-059T.R. Van-Devender y A.L. Reina G.   97-4301997-03-29
México, Sonora, Yécora, Arroyo La Soledad 8 km south of Maycoba on road to Moris (Chihuahua) level, rocky with Cupressus, Quercus chihuahuensis, woodland on hillside., 28.31667 -108.65556, 1500m

son-yat-354T. R. Van Devender   97-4301997-03-29
México, Sonora, Yécora, Arroyo La Soledad 8 km south of Maycoba on road to Moris (Chihuahua) level, rocky with Cupressus, Quercus chihuahuensis, woodland on hillside., 28.31667 -108.65556

son-yat-712Ana Lilia Reina G.   97-7491997-07-15
México, Sonora, Yécora, 3.4 km north of Yécora on road to Agua Blanca; oak woodland on bare volcanic hilltops., 28.48333 -108.91972

son-yat-783A.L. Reina G., T.R. Van Devender, P. Merlin, D. Larson, M.J. Martinez C.   97-7491997-07-15
México, Sonora, Yécora, 3.4 km north of Yecora on road to Agua Blanca; oak woodland on bare volcanic hilltops., 28.48333 -108.91972, 1520m

son-yat-825A.L. Reina G., T.R. Van Devender   2002-622002-02-11
México, Sonora, Tubutama, Western end of Sierra Santa Teresa on old road between Tubutama and Atil; Arizona-Upland Sonoran desertscrub., 30.86667 -111.51333, 730m

Madrean Discovery Expeditions

mde-17367T.R. Van Devender   1977-09-11
United States, Arizona, Pima, North slope of the Coyote Mountains, 21.4 km (by air) WSW of Three Points (= Robles Junction), T'ohono O'odham Indian Reservation., 32.01389 -111.52167, 1277m

mde-18078T.R. Van Devender   1988-03-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Near the Silver Hill Mine, Waterman Mountains, 5.3 km (by air) SE of Silver Bell (Mine), 26.3 km (by air) WSW of Marana., 32.34806 -111.47194, 1024m

mde-18227T.R. Van Devender   1992-02-22
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Box Canyon, Mineral Mountains, 18.9 km (by air) NE of Florence., 33.12667 -111.20944, 549m

mde-18402J.F. Wiens   1991-11-29
United States, Arizona, Pinal, W-facing canyon S of Newman Peak, 9.1 km (by air) E of Picacho, Picacho Mountains., 32.71528 -111.40222, 900m

mde-18478J.F. Wiens   1991-11-29
United States, Arizona, Pinal, SE side of Picacho Peak Peak, 12.9 km (by air) SE of Picacho, Picacho Mountains., 32.71528 -111.40222, 900m

mde-18575T.R. Van Devender   1992-02-29
United States, Arizona, Pinal, Desert Peak, 8.1 km ENE of Red Rock., 32.59222 -111.24611, 734m

mde-18629T.R. Van Devender   1988-09-13
United States, Arizona, Pima, North slope of Waterman Peak, Waterman Mountains, 5.1 km (by air) SE of Silver Bell (Mine), 25.3 km (by air) WSW of Marana., 32.35083 -111.47222, 1110m

mde-24159T.R. Van Devender   1993-01-02
United States, Arizona, Pima, Near Piety Hill S of Redington Pass Road, 29.3 km (by air) SSE of San Manuel, SE foothills of Santa Catalima Mountains, 32.3598 -110.5252, 1189m

mde-30003A.L. Reina-G.   1997-7491997-07-15
Mexico, Sonora, Yecora, Rancho El Codo, 9.1 km (by air) N of Yécora., 28.45333 -108.925, 1520m

mde-40581D. Drobka   2020-03-07
United States, Arizona, Pima, Arch Canyon, 20.4 km (by air) NNE of Lukeville. Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument., 32.03944 -112.70722, 928m

mde-43554C.D. Bertelsen   1991-12-10
United States, Arizona, Pima, Agua Caliente Canyon, NE edge of Tucson, Santa Catalina Mountains., 32.3025 -110.69444, 1029m

mde-43676C.D. Bertelsen   1989-02-26
United States, Arizona, Pima, Cat Mountain, W of Tucson, Tucson Mountains., 32.18556 -111.05222, 869m

mde-43922T.R. Van Devender   1989-05-21
United States, Arizona, Pima, King Canyon, W of Tucson, Tucson Mountains., 32.25556 -111.16583, 901m

mde-45597C.D. Bertelsen   1989-04-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, N of Panther Peak, 2.2 km WSW of Sanctuary Cove, W of Tucson, Tucson Mts, Saguaro National Park., 32.35028 -111.165, 729m

mde-45675C.D. Bertelsen   1989-04-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, N of Safford Peak, 0.9 km WSW of Sanctuary Cove, W of Tucson, Tucson Mts, Saguaro National Park., 32.34861 -111.14917, 826m

mde-45787T.R. Van Devender   1989-03-05
United States, Arizona, Pima, Near the radio towers on the crest of the Tucson Mountains, NW of Trails End Canyon., 32.2428 -111.1229, 1325m

mde-45879C.D. Bertelsen   1989-04-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, Panther Peak, 2.4 km WSW of Sanctuary Cove, W of Tucson, Tucson Mts, Saguaro National Park., 32.34611 -111.16528, 962m

mde-46114T.R. Van Devender   1989-04-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, Safford Canyon, S of Safford Peak, 1.6 km S of Sanctuary Cove, W of Tucson, Tucson Mts, Saguaro National Park., 32.34028 -111.14556, 749m

mde-46201T.R. Van Devender   1989-04-04
United States, Arizona, Pima, Sanctuary Cove, W of Tucson, Tucson Mountains., 32.35444 -111.14222, 680m

mde-46360J.F. Wiens   1990-04-02
United States, Arizona, Pima, Wolcott Peak, 7.0 km (by air) N of Silver Bell Mine Headquarters, 23.1 km (by air) W of Marana., 32.45361 -111.49194, 858m

mde-47754A.L. Reina-G.   2020-12-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Waterman Mts, 24.4 km (by air) WSW of Marana., 32.35889 -111.46583, 774m

mde-47755A.L. Reina-G.   2020-12-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Twin Peaks Rd, Tucson Mts., 32.37583 -111.14333, 670m

mde-49082A.L. Reina-G.   2020-12-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Waterman Mts, 24.4 km (by air) WSW of Marana., 32.35889 -111.46583, 774m

mde-49083A.L. Reina-G.   2020-12-27
United States, Arizona, Pima, Twin Peaks Rd, Tucson Mts., 32.37583 -111.14333, 670m

mde-51276T.R. Van Devender   2021-03-28
United States, Arizona, Pima, David Yetman Trail, W of Tucson, Tucson Mountains., 32.22278 -111.0625, 827m

Sonoran Desert Plants: An Ecological Atlas

Sonoran Atlas
Mary Butterwick   1980-04-00
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Within 10 km of GLADDEN, 33.8 -113.3, 762m

Sonoran Atlas
Mary Butterwick   1980-05-00
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Within 11 km of TONOPAH, 33.6 -112.9, 610m

Sonoran Atlas
Don Ducote   1980-04-00
United States, Arizona, La Paz, Within 13 km of SALOME, 33.7 -113.5, 885m

Sonoran Atlas
T.L. Burgess   57111979-11-00
United States, Arizona, Pima, Within 9 km of SILVER BELLS, 32.3 -111.5, 915m

Sonoran Atlas
Don Ducote   1980-05-00
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Within 11 km of TONOPAH, 33.6 -112.9, 915m

Sonoran Atlas
Don Ducote   1980-04-00
United States, Arizona, Maricopa, Within 26 km of TONOPAH, 33.7 -113.1, 640m

Page 7, records 601-657 of 657


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