Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Allium brevistylum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 1105

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
00073502K. R. Johnson   5611937-07-04
United States, Colorado, Grand, Grand Lake., 40.2521988 -105.8230716

Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Philecology Herbarium

BRIT623198James R. Simon   s.n.1973-08-07
United States, Wyoming, Johnson, Bull Run CG on Big Horn NF.

University of South Florida Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
48266N. H. Russell   106351959-07-23
United States, Colorado, Albany Co., University of WY Science Lodge ca. WY 130; 8 mi. NW of Centennial., 39.5792 -104.877, 2896m

Image Associated With the Occurence
53075F. W. Dewart   s.n.1889-08-01
United States, Wyoming, Grand Canyon; Mammoth Hot Springs., 44.9667 -110.7, 2195m

University of Northern Colorado Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
20095Harmon, William E.   9781968-07-12
United States, Wyoming, Albany County, Wood's Creek Campground; 6 mi. W of Wood's Landing, on Wyoming State Hwy. 230., 41.081279 -106.091095

Image Associated With the Occurence
22033Foley, Erin, Michael Foley   10382003-06-20
United States, Colorado, Grand County, Arapaho Natiional Forest, Rabbit Ears Range, Willow Creek, just S of Colo Hwy. 125, ca. 9 air mi. NE of Hot Sulphur Springs, ca. 9 mi. NW of Granby., 40.196 -106.0326

Bureau of Land Management, Uinta Herbarium

UI00210C. H. Refsdal   72631995-08-18
USA, Utah, Summit, north flank of Humpy Peak, ca 26.2 air mi SSW of Evanston, Wyoming, 5.2 mi NW of junction of Forest roads 032/071, 40.8798 -110.9916, 29566 - 3170m

UI00213Sherel Goodrich   150441980-08-26
United States, Utah, Duchesne, S Fork Rock Cr, near Blind Stream divide, 29.5 mi, 327 degrees from Duchesne., 40.540072 -110.7209, 2957m

UI00214E. Neese   63381978-07-29
USA, Utah, Uintah, 5.4 mi NW of Red Cloud Loop Road, on road to Peidy Peak., 40.770275 -109.757114, 3200m

Pennsylvania State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
PAC0086693Jean G. Witt   12951948-07-21
United States, Montana, Park, 3 miles E of Cooke City, near Cooke City, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
PAC0086692Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   3701921-08-15
United States, Montana, Gallatin, Big Muddy Creek, W of Wilsall

California Botanic Garden Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
RSA0141491Marcus E. Jones   s.n.1887-08-00
United States, Utah, Uintah? Mts.

RSA0056300N. Kiner   s.n.1959-07-00
United States, Wyoming, Unknown, Snowy Range., 2987m

University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

UWGB001182Diboll, Neil   NONE1979-06-20
United States, Colorado, Mesa, NONE

Brown University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
PBRU00008629F. H. Knowlton   1887-08-00
United States of America, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park

Weber State University Herbarium

Weber State University:WSCO
Image Associated With the Occurence
WSCO006439Lincoln Elison   45211945-08-14
United States, Utah, Sanpete, head of twelve mile canyon, 3200m

Weber State University:WSCO
Image Associated With the Occurence
WSCO006440Sherel Goodrich   12671973-07-30
United States, Utah, Daggett, Flaming Gorge Ranger District. Middle Fork Sheep Creek, 2835m

Weber State University:WSCO
Image Associated With the Occurence
WSCO006441David Hadley   471966-05-27
United States, Utah, Weber, Growing on the orth side of the road 2 miles east of North Ogden Canyon Summit

Weber State University:WSCO
Image Associated With the Occurence
WSCO006442K. Fowers   191966-05-18
United States, UTAH, Weber, Collected in first small canyon 1/4 mile north of Weber Canyon

Weber State University:WSCO
Image Associated With the Occurence
WSCO006443F.L. Salimeno   111965-05-23
United States, Utah, Weber, Located on the south east corner of Beus Pond about 25 feet up from water line. Ogden City, 41.183928 -111.938724

University of Kansas Ronald L. McGregor Herbarium

319068Caleb A Morse; Ingrid E Jordon   21111997-07-18
United States, Montana, Gallatin, West Yellowstone 29 mi N, 1 mi W; Gallatin National Forest, State Wildlife Management Area along Tepee Creek and tributary, 45.083491 -111.153793, 2050m

367943Caleb A Morse   213682010-07-02
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Glendo, ca 6 mi S, 30 mi W, 42.4073 -105.62402, 2134m

319476Caleb A Morse; Ingrid E Jordon   22081997-07-21
United States, Montana, Gallatin, West Yellowstone, 18.5 mi N, 0.5 mi E; Yellowstone National Park and E edge of Gallatin National Forest, Lee Metcalf Wilderness along Bacon Rind Creek, 44.9416656 -111.0833359, 2150m

429013Rick McNeill   31962008-08-10
United States, Montana, Lewis and Clark, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Little Belt Mountains, E of Dry Wolf Road-Forest Road 251, just N of jct with Forest Road 6574 along Dry Wolf Creek, 46.9635 -110.504, 1929m

428953Emily Elliott; Kenneth Elliott   22962007-07-04
United States, Montana, Park, Absaroka Range, Gallatin National Forest, along Forest Road 2532, ca 5.5 air mi SE of Livingston, 45.5994 -110.5044, 2097m

309623Caleb A Morse; Elizabeth F Smith   7761996-07-19
United States, Idaho, Blaine, Triumph, ca 4 air mi NE, 43.693117 -114.189033, 2100m

392473Mark Madsen   60102012-06-12
United States, Utah, Garfield, Along Oak Creek S of Park Ridge, E slope Boulder Mountain, Teasdale RD/Dixie National Forest, 38.0816 -111.3221, 2469m

Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants of North America

Image Associated With the Occurence
00029748S. Watson   11801869-07-00
United States of America, Utah, Provo River, alt. 8000 feet, 2438m

University of Calgary Herbarium

UAC:Vascular Plants
92286C.C. Chinnappa a. B.M. Smith, S. Hui, S. Rai   CC36741988-06-26
United States, Wyoming

UAC:Vascular Plants
92287C.C. Chinnappa a. B.M. Smith, S. Hui, S. Rai   CC36821988-06-27
United States, Wyoming

Angelo State University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
39518R. D. Worthington   306502001-07-22
United States, New Mexico, Otero, Sacramento Mountains (=White Mountains), at and about Lincoln County line, Apache Bowl Ski Area, 1 mi N Sierra Blanca Peak, trail down canyon, 33.388756 -105.809433

Texas A&M University, S.M. Tracy Herbarium

Carl Lahser   63-661963-07-08
United States, Wyoming, Teton

San Diego Natural History Museum

Ralph J. Phillips   s.n.1948-07-01
United States, Wyoming, Albany, 5 miles below University of Wyoming Science Camp, Centennial. Damp shaded areas., 2591m

Indiana University of Pennsylvania, A.G. Shields Herbarium

Jeanne E. Kassulke   s.n.1976-06-19
United States, Wyoming, Grey's River Valley

Shippensburg University Herbarium

G. L. Kirkland, Jr.   s.n.1973-07-04
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Barber Lake, west 1.5 mi, PLSS, T16N, R78W, Sec. 29, 2804m

Washington State University Marion Ownbey Herbarium

281747Marion Ownbey   24971941-09-08
United States, Wyoming, Albany, 1/2 mile below University of Wyoming Summer Camp, Medicine Bow Mts., 41.282959 -105.57583

281748Marion Ownbey   s.n.1945-06-09
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park: Lava Creek, 3 miles east of Mammoth., 44.95305 -110.662661

281749Hugh Iltis   s.n.1948-07-14
United States, Montana, Madison, Mill Creek Camp, Beaverhead National Forest, 7.5 miles east of Sheridan., 45.455455 -112.041289

281750Hugh Iltis   s.n.1948-07-14
United States, Montana, Madison, Mill Creek Camp, Beaverhead National Forest, 7.5 miles east of Sheridan., 45.455455 -112.041289

281751Marion Ownbey   s.n.1945-05-26
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Greenhouse or garden in Pullman, WA.

281752Marion Ownbey   s.n.1945-06-09
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, 1/2 mile east of Brush Creek Ranger Station, Medicine Bow Mountains., 41.343462 -106.514244

281753Susann Fry   s.n.1942-07-10
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park. Near Norris., 44.729214 -110.693685

198525C.L. Hitchcock   151671946-08-02
United States, Montana, Madison, 1/4 mile north of Koch Peak, Taylor Mts., 45.094865 -111.45917

236303A.R. Kruckeberg   42211957-07-21
United States, Idaho, Custer, Just above Wildhorse Creek campground. Pioneer Mts, Challis National Forest., 43.90806 -114.09056

97433Ray J. Davis   6711938-07-25
United States, Idaho, Custer, Livingston Mine., 44.13528 -114.58556

6477Mrs. H.C. Cantelow   s.n.1942-07-14
United States, Wyoming, Teton, 11 miles NW of Togwotwee Lodge. Hwy 287 [US Hwy 26] Moran to Lander., 43.832322 -110.404325

60393Frank H. Smith   61928-07-25
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park. North of Wachtum Springs., 44.76667 -110.23333

269912T.S. Roeder   3911952-07-13
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park. Old road form Tower Falls to Mammoth, about 7 miles from Tower Falls., 44.76667 -110.23333

174123C.L. Hitchcock   150051946-07-27
United States, Montana, Beaverhead, 4 miles northwest of Torrey Peak, Pioneer Range.

354254Larry Hufford   14731996-07-05
United States, Colorado, Jackson, South of Walden off Hwy. 125 in Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge. In wetland near Illinois River., 40.726226 -106.290375

354413Larry Hufford   14681996-07-05
United States, Colorado, Jackson, South of Walden off Hwy. 125 in Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge. In wetland near Illinois River., 40.726226 -106.290375

299063Aven Nelson   14731911-07-31
United States, Idaho, Custer, Mackay (Bear Canyon)., 43.74444 -113.94111

110586Marion Ownbey   24971941-09-08
United States, Wyoming, Albany, 1/2 mile below University of Wyoming Summer Camp, Medicine Bow Mts., 41.282959 -105.57583

349Marion Ownbey   741934-06-24
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Near University of Wyoming Camp, Medicine Bow Mountains., 41.351455 -106.228269

19054unknown   23661899-07-30
United States, Colorado, Larimer, Near Chamber's Lake., 40.60556 -105.85278

114389Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   2201916-09-01
United States, Montana, Park, On Cottonwood Creek, northwest of Wilsall., 46.03444 -110.67889

114394Wilhelm N. Suksdorf   3701921-07-10
United States, Montana, Gallatin-Park, Big Muddy Creek, west of Wilsall., 48.14167 -104.61139

175628C.L. Hitchcock   158231947-06-27
United States, Montana, Madison, 2 miles up canyon from Virginia City., 45.29389 -111.94528

159335C.L. Hitchcock   120281945-07-06
United States, Montana, Fergus, Floor of Half Moon Canyon at mouth, Big Snowy Mts., 46.82667 -109.26722

159336C.L. Hitchcock   121051945-07-08
United States, Montana, Meagher, Along Checkerboard Creek, four miles SE of Four-Mile Ranger Station, Castle Mts., 46.57361 -110.54111

70029Reed C. Rollins   9201935-06-30
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Along the Little Laramie River, Centennial Valley., 41.47472 -105.73056

100120Ray J. Davis   11591939-07-07
United States, Idaho, Custer, Antelope Creek.

316290A.E. Grable   51491973-08-04
United States, Wyoming, Carbon, Highway 130 (Snowy Range Road), Medicine Bow National Forest, along north French Creek., 41.23028 -106.47583

156671E.E. Jensen   s.n.1942-06-24
United States, Utah, Burnt Fork Creek., 41.90333 -111.48111

316291Dennis Brown   2861956-06-28
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone Park, Mammoth., 44.976602 -110.701599

182338R.J. Davis   49281948-07-14
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park. Old Faithful., 44.76667 -110.23333

Image Associated With the Occurence
404198Ronald L. Hartman   309471991-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Sublette, West Slope Wind River Range: at trail split to Twin Lakes from Porcupine Creek, ca 1.5 air mi SW of south end of North Green River Lake., 43.264442 -109.844748, 2683m

70661Reed C. Rollins   10111935-07-14
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Above the University of Wyoming Summer Camp, Medicine Bow Mts., 41.31194 -105.57583

389068Emily Elliott   25092007-07-06
United States, Montana, Gallatin, Gallatin Range: Gallatin National Forest: along Grotto Falls Trail, from trailhead at end of Forest Road 62, ca 17 air mi SSE of Bozeman., 45.4479 -110.9622

175638C.L. Hitchcock   169571947-07-29
United States, Montana, Madison, Just below Brandon Lakes, Tobacco Root Mts., 45.46833 -112.13889

130797H.L. Mason   34551926-06-29
United States, Wyoming, Park, Crescent Hill, Yellowstone National Park., 44.937511 -110.470468

175643C.L. Hitchcock   168331947-07-26
United States, Montana, Madison, Gravelly Range., 45.02694 -111.84389

Image Associated With the Occurence
406756Walter Fertig   188151999-07-17
United States, Wyoming, Johnson, Bighorn Range: Doyle Creek, on west side of Hazelton Road, ca 2 air mi S of the summit of Hazelton Peak; ca 6 air mi S of U.S. Hwy 16., 44.069612 -107.001459, 2512m

78990Louis O. Williams   32071936-07-02
United States, Wyoming, Sheridan, Near the mouth of Big Willow Creek., 44.78222 -107.53306

203193Arthur H. Holmgren   71381947-08-30
United States, Utah, Along drainage into lake, 1 1/2 miles south of Spirit Lake., 40.814346 -109.99833

374930Susann Fry   s.n.1942-07-10
United States, Wyoming, Park, Yellowstone National Park. Near Norris., 44.728219 -110.693047

272186John M. Wirsing   961972-06-21
United States, Wyoming, Albany, 4.1 miles from intersection of Road 61 & La Bonte Canyon Road on La Bonte Canyon Road. Laramie Peaks Area., 42.26778 -105.44139

108609Reed C. Rollins   10111935-07-14
United States, Wyoming, Albany, Near Nash's Fork, one-half mile west of the University of Wyoming Summer Camp Medicine Bow Mountains., 41.31194 -105.57583

154440C.L. Hitchcock   109811944-08-12
United States, Idaho, Custer, Open benches at head of Rock Creek, ca. 1/2 miles W of Borah, Lost River Mts, vicinity of Mt. Borah., 44.03306 -113.94194

154442C.L. Hitchcock   112121944-08-16
United States, Idaho, Custer, 3 miles below head of West Fork Pahsimeroi River, at edge of stream, Lost River Mts. Leatherman Pass., 44.15694 -113.70333

154443C.L. Hitchcock   111191944-08-14
United States, Idaho, Custer, Lost River Mts, East Fork Pahsimeroi River; basin at head., 44.15694 -113.70333

71616D.B. Swingle   s.n.1933-06-25
United States, Montana, Gallatin, Soc. Page Creek.

184669Jean G. Witt   12951948-07-21
United States, Montana, Park, Near Cooke Guard Station 3 miles east of Cooke City., 45.016654 -109.871874

184670Jean G. Witt   12471948-07-13
United States, Wyoming, Park, Beartooth Highway near Clay Butte Lookout., 44.94472 -109.62694

316262June Waskey   2851944-06-12
United States, Montana, Park, Glacier National Park west of Divide.

291424Ray J. Davis   6711938-07-25
United States, Idaho, Custer, Livingston Mine., 44.13528 -114.58556

254346J.M. Gillett   116471962-07-03
United States, Montana, Park, 7.3 miles east of Cooke City on Highway 312.

228596Jean G. Witt   17581949-07-15
United States, Montana, Park, Where the Crazy Lakes trail (trail 20-P) crosses the big Kersey Lake swamp, about 6 miles east of Cooke City., 45.016604 -109.810417

150776Lillian Winiecki   531942-06-21
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park. Hellroaring Creek., 44.76667 -110.23333

Southern Illinois University Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
SIU022240Robertson, P. A.   5411973-07-19
United States, Montana

Image Associated With the Occurence
SIU022242Ownbey, M.   1451945-05-26
United States, Wyoming

Image Associated With the Occurence
SIU022243Ownbey, M.   1471945-06-09
United States, Wyoming

Image Associated With the Occurence
SIU022241Taylor, W. C.   16811973-07-19
United States, Montana

North Dakota State University Herbarium

NDSU011304Wilhelm G. Solheim   1930-06-24
United States, Wyoming, Albany

NDSU011305Gerald B. Ownbey   1936-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Fremont

NDSU011306F.B. Cotner   1952-07-20
United States, Montana, Lincoln

NDSU011307Robert G. Stolze   1966-07-14
United States, Wyoming, Park

NDSU011308Gerald Seiler   1969-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Park

NDSU011309N. Zaczkowski   1969-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Park

NDSU011310Gary E. Larson   1977-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Sheridan, 2743m

Page 11, records 1001-1100 of 1105


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